量 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY,OADCHIROLI (Establishcd by the Govenlmcnt of Maharashtra vide Notiflcation No MISC-20110/(252/10)UNl-4 Act,1994) Dated 27th Scpt 2011 as Statc University and governcd by Maharashtra Universiサ (Academic Section) outward N". li79 fzors oate 6Jfo6fzoy{ NO丁 IFICA丁 10N (TO be read with Direction no.177 of2015 of GONDヽ VANA UN:VERS:TY′ GADCH:ROLi} NVERSi0 University has already This is to notify in general and particularly for all concerned that this based on issued a Direction prescribing award oT UnO"rgraduate Level Degree Courses part of newly implemented cumulative Grade Point Average (GGPA), vide No. 177 of 2O\5, as a Credit Grade System. class/ Division is The calculations pertaining to cGpA secured by the student & subsequent However, as and mentioned in Tables'A'and'B'of paragraph '9' of the aforesaid Direction' using percentage into when required, the marks secured by the student shall be converted formulas as mentioned below : FOR TABLE`A′ OFTHE D:RECT10N For the courses included under this ttable′ to A′ ′the CGPA is computed in the scale of O to 10(zerO Terr) and the formula for converting CGPA into percentage(%)Shall be as g"en below : Percentage(%)=(CGPA-0.75)X100/10 be=(6.8‐ For Example′ ifthe CGPA is 6.8′ the percentage sha‖ FOR TABLE 0.75)X100/10=60.5% ,B, OF THE DIRECTION is computed in the scale of 0 For the courses included under this Table '8" the cGPA (%) shall be as given to Six) and the formula for converting CGPA into percentage to 6 (zero below Percentage (%) = (CGPA - 0'75) X 100/6 be = (4.8- 0.75) For Example, if the cGpA is 4.8, the percentage shall x tool6 =67 '5Y" pヽ 詰 All concerned should take note of it' Registrar, Gondwana UniversitY, Gadchiroli' :