This document is copyright © of Exis Technologies Limited.
“Away from” - competent authority approval required ........................................... 14
............................................................ 37
Hazcheck Gateway User Manual Version 4
is an Internet based dangerous goods booking system for sea transport. Its main features are:
The Enquiry option is used to display information about any substance listed in the Substance and
Articles database of the IMDG Code.
Search by UN Number or by English, French or Spanish proper shipping name.
Substance variations.
Substance details, provisions, packing, IBC and tank instructions, stowage and segregation, properties and observations from the Dangerous Goods List in the IMDG Code.
Links to the text of the packing instructions and special provisions.
General stowage instructions for the applicable class and packing group.
Hazard Labels.
Check the validity of one or more substances against the IMDG Code stowage and segregation requirements.
Produce a Dangerous Goods Note (DGN) for a consignment of one or more items.
Select the ports of loading and destination from the operator's sailing schedule.
Make a booking request.
Check the validity of the substance(s) in the booking against the IMDG Code stowage and segregation requirements, and against any additional port, vessel and shipping line restrictions as entered and maintained by the operator.
Produce the DGN.
Send the provisional booking request with IFTMBF EDI attachment to the host shipping line and a copy to yourself.
Cancel and amend booking requests.
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This chapter describes how to log on to Gateway and how to navigate the system.
Display the GATEWAY home page.
Fig. 1 Login to Gateway
Enter your assigned Username and Password and then click Continue or the enter key. An incorrect combination of Username and Password will be rejected and you will be returned back to this page where you may try again. If you have forgotten your Username/Password combination you must contact your system administrator. When your logon details are correct the main menu page is displayed, see Fig 2. Please note that examples in this manual refer to Exis test data and email addresses. Your own user names, passwords, email addresses, etc will be configured for your site.
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The main menu page is the starting point of the system. When you complete an Enquiry, Validation or
Booking, or by clicking Main Menu in the menu bar, you will always be returned back to this page.
Fig. 2 GATEWAY Menu Page
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Menu Item
Main Menu
Log Out
Connect to the Yang Ming web site
Return to this Menu Page from any page in the system.
Display the details of any substance in the IMDG Code
Create a load of one or more items and validate against the IMDG
Code. For a valid load you can create and print a DGN form.
Create a load of one or more items, validate the load and submit details of the booking to the operator.
Online help.
Connect to the Hazworld web site.
Log out from GATEWAY.
This table lists the main Gateway features:
Menu Option Description
Display the details of any substance in the IMDG Code
Create a load of one or more items ( a mixed load ) and validate against the IMDG Code. For a valid load you can create and print a DGN form.
Create a load of one or more items, validate the load and submit details of the booking to the operator.
Cancel a booking that has already been sent.
Amend details of a booking that has already been sent.
2.2.3 Links
This table lists the links to ancillary features.
Menu Link
Hazard Class Definitions
Hazcheck Gateway User Manual
Comprehensive description of the IMDG Code hazard classes.
This link pops up a dialogue box offering you the choice of viewing the manual online or downloading a
PDF for viewing later on your own computer.
The viewer is Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this viewer, click on the Adobe
Acrobat icon and download a free copy.
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You can log out of the system at any time by clicking Log out in the menu bar. If you are in the middle of a Validation or a Booking, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to abandon the Validation or
Booking. Having logged out you can choose to log back in again or return to the Gateway home page.
You may abandon any procedure at any time, and return back to the Gateway Menu page, or go directly to the start of a new procedure. Do this by clicking on any option in the menu bar (except the
Help option) or click which is located at the bottom of the first page of each procedure. Firstly, a pop up dialogue box will be displayed.
Fig. 3 Abandoning a procedure
If you do want to abandon the current procedure, click OK . If not, then click Cancel . Please note that abandoning a procedure operates in a different way to the back button of your browser. The back button of your browser will take you back to the previous page, whereas abandoning a procedure returns you immediately to the Main Menu page bypassing all intervening visited pages.
Examples of links About links
Links are blue underlined text and, usually, go to the next or previous step in the process. In this example the forward arrow indicates a forward direction in the process.
Likewise, this link goes forwards to the next step in the process, but it contains some instructive text rather than an arrow.
This link appears on the Validation page and returns to the previous step, i.e. Add Items where you would want to correct some validation problem.
All data entered is preserved when you return back to previous steps.
You must use these links and NOT your browser Back/Forward buttons in order to preserve your current data.
Validation and Booking require you to follow a sequence of pre-programmed steps, like an install wizard. Each step in the process is indicated by an icon displayed at the top of the working part of the page.. The icons are arranged left-to-right and show your progress as you move through the sequence
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ of steps. The one advantage is that you can go back directly to any previous step just by clicking on the icon.
Fig. 4 Icons representing steps of a process
The following table describes the various types of icon.
Example icon Description of the type of icon
The current step is indicated by a large icon and step name.
Clicking on the icon will display the STEP-BY-STEP help instructions.
A completed step is indicated by a small icon and will be to the left of the current icon. You can return to a completed step by clicking that icon. Your data in the intervening steps is saved so that you may make any change and, very quickly, return to the current step.
Remaining steps are the inactive (feint or greyed-out) small icons to the right of the current icon and cannot be accessed other than hovering over them pops up a short tool tip.
On some pages the context help symbol is displayed. Placing the mouse pointer over it will display some useful text.
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Enquiry displays information about any hazardous substance listed in the Substance and Articles database of the IMDG Code.
When you click this link or click Enquiry in the menu bar you will be invited to identify the substance by its UN Number or some part of its name in English, French or Spanish. All substance details are displayed in English.
Fig. 5 Substance Enquiry Entry
You must enter all four digits of the UN Number and then click Search to display the substance details,
see Fig. 9 following. If the UN Number cannot be found you will get an error message and then you
can try again.
Leading characters of the name
You can identify a substance by entering the leading characters of its name; a minimum of three characters is required. Select the language of your choice. Click Search to produce a table of all substance names beginning with the search string. To select a substance from the table and display its details, click on its UN Number. Prefixes such as beta, para, meta- are ignored by the search. Hint: the longer the search string, the shorter the list of names returned.
Text within the name
You can search by a part or combination of parts of substance name. Spaces and other punctuation characters are ignored. The * and % characters are wild card characters and are interchangeable.
Experimentation is recommended. Here are some examples of search strings and the substances found:
*LIQ*TOX*FLAM*NOS w ill find the following substances
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Fig. 6 Find by substance name (1)
*ALU*POW w ill find the following substances
Fig. 7 Find by substance name (2)
The order of the string components is significant. For instance, the search string *POW*ALU returns no substances. Click the UN Number or, when applicable, the name to select the substance.
When you select a substance that has a number of variations, a table showing UN Number, Class, PSN and variation description will be displayed.
Fig. 8 Substance variations
Choose the variation by clicking on the UN Number. For internal identification purposes, variations of a substance are assigned a suffix letter starting from ( a) . This suffix is not displayed. If you know the variation suffix, you may affix it to the end of the UN Number, e.g. 1993b, 2995c, 1263f, 1950h. This will cut out this intermediate step of having to select the variation.
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Fig. 9 Example of Substance Enquiry
Back to Substance Enquiry will clear the current substance details and return you to the Substance
Enquiry Entry page where you may select/find another substance, see Fig. 5 above.
Links within the substance details page will display additional information. If there is no relevant additional information the link will not be shown.
Special Provisions
Displays special provisions.
Displays packing instructions
Displays IBC instructions.
Displays tank instructions.
There are two return links on the additional information screens:-
Back to Substance Details Redisplay the substance details page
Return to Substance Enquiry Go back to the substance enquiry entry page to select/find another substance.
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Very briefly, Validation involves :
Define the type of container and sailing
Enter the items
Check the items are compatible
Enter packing details and weights
Final check that weights are within the limits for the packaging
Complete the DGN details and produce a printed DGN report.
To start the Validation Process click the Validation icon in the Main Menu page or click Validation in the menu bar whilst on any page displaying the menu bar (confirmation is required to abandon your current process).
Before adding the items, you must set the consignment options. Please note that the type of consignment and sailing will affect the validation.
Consignment type
Sailing type
Fig. 10 Consignment options
The consignment defaults to PACKAGED/ in an IBC . Select the TANK option if the consignment is a portable tank (including a tank-container), road tank vehicle, rail tank wagon or a receptacle with a capacity of not less than 450 litres. This is the definition of “TANK” in this manual.
You will be informed during the Validation stage if any item is not permitted in the selected type of transport unit.
The sailing type defaults to Cargo . If the vessel transporting the consignment is classed as a Passenger Sailing, then select Passenger . You will be informed during the Validation stage if any item is not permitted on a passenger sailing.
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4.2.1 Add items to the consignment
Fig. 11 Adding an item to a consignment
Enter the UN number or name and click Add Substance . See Chapter 3 above to see how to select a substance by UN number or a part of its name. Click Empty Selection to remove all items from the consignment and start again with an empty list.
If you want to check the details of the substance before you actually add it to the list, just enter the UN
Number and click Substance Details
. The substance details will be displayed, see Fig. 9 above. To
return from the Substance Details page, click . Each item is added to the list in UN Number order. Once added to the list you may display any substance details by clicking the UN
If the Include button is set (the default setting), the item will be included in the consignment and be subjected to the validation checks.
If the LQ? button (Limited Quantities) is set, the item is being transported under the provisions for limited quantities, and will not be subjected to normal segregation requirements. However, checks will be carried out during the second stage validation to ensure inner and out packaging limits are not exceeded. If the item is not allowed in limited quantities, the validation routine will highlight this item by informing you that it cannot be transported under limited quantity provisions and the consignment is invalid. Consignments in tanks are not permitted in Limited Quantities. Note that in the above example Limited Quantities for UN 1950 has been selected.
Click the Exclude button to exclude an item from a consignment. The item is not deleted from the consignment but it is ignored by the Validation. Should you return back to this step it can be re-included by clicking the Include button.
All items included in the consignment are subjected to the validation routine. The validation routine checks the following:
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The requirements specified in the Segregation Table shown in Section of the IMDG Code are met.
Sub risks are taken into account.
Individual substance requirements implied by comments such as “Away from” class 3 and lead and its compounds are taken into account. Segregation groups can be found in Section 3.1.4 of the
IMDG Code.
Segregation requirements between explosives are taken into account.
Items being transported under Limited Quantity provisions are allowed in limited quantities.
Whether or not an item is allowed on passenger sailings
Whether or not an item may be carried in a tank.
If the consignment satisfies the above checks you will see something like the following example.
Fig. 12 Valid load
The valid consignment message ‘ Load complies -
. . .
’ will be displayed in green. The appended stowage comment will reflect the most severe requirement of any item in the consignment. All required hazard labels for the transport unit will be displayed. If you wish to add more items to the consignment, click and add another item. However, every time you return to add another item to the consignment it will need to be re-validated.
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4.3.2 Display the full stowage requirements
Stowage requirements will display only the most severe stowage requirements for all items. For instance, if one item may be stowed ‘On or under deck’and another item must be stowed ‘On deck only’, then you will see “On deck only”.
Fig. 13 Stowage requirements for the consignment
Click to go back to the Valid Load page where you may proceed to the next step, i.e. entry of the Details and Weights.
4.3.3 Secondary hazard with same primary class
Substances of the same class may be stowed together without regard to segregation required by secondary hazards (subsidiary risk label(s)), provided the substances do not react dangerously with each other - see IMDG Code In this situation the consignment is valid but you will see a message informing you of the potential problem.
"This load contains substances of the same class with additional secondary hazards. Hazcheck
Gateway does not display a conflict between them. They may be stowed together without regard to segregation required by secondary hazards (subsidiary risk label(s)), provided the substances do not react dangerously with each other - see IMDG Code and
The original shipper and/or the national competent authority should be consulted for more information. If sufficient information is not available, the substances concerned should be stowed in separate containers/vehicles."
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4.3.4 “Away from” - competent authority approval required
If two substances should be “ Away from ” each other you will see message displayed in orange, as shown below.
Fig. 14 “Away from” - competent authority approval required
Your choices are:
Click Add Items or Back to Add Items to change the items in the list and then re-validate.
Click Details and Weights to proceed to the next step. This assumes you have competent authority approval.
Click Conflicts with
to pop up the following message, see Fig. 15 below. It informs you that you
may proceed with this consignment with competent authority approval. In such cases an equivalent standard of safety shall be maintained (see IMDG, and the approval certificate must be obtained and sent to the carrier prior to the loading your consignment. Click Back to Validation to return to the Validation page.
Fig. 15 “Away from” conflicts message.
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4.3.5 Invalid consignment due to segregation conflict
When two items must at least be separated from each other, the consignment is invalid and you will not be able to proceed with this Validation. Either return to the previous step (Add Items) and change the consignment or abandon the consignment.
Fig. 16 Invalid load at 1 st
Possible segregation conflicts making the consignment invalid
"Separated from"
"Separated by a complete compartment or hold from"
"Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from"
If UNDER DECK – “Separated from”.
If ON DECK - not less than 6 metres apart
"Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from”, and also as remote as possible from each other
"Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from”, and also as remote as possible from each other, and not more than 50 kg total net explosive mass per ship
"Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from”, and also as remote as possible from each other, and not more than 10 kg total net explosive mass per ship
Not on same ship
If UNDER DECK – “Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from”.
If ON DECK - not less than 6 metres apart
For more details, please refer generally to Chapter 7.2 Segregation and specifically to paragraphs 7.2.2,, and in the IMDG Code.
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4.3.6 Substances incompatible with type of consignment
If a particular item is in conflict with the consignment options you have chosen, then an appropriate message, in red, is appended to its name.
Fig. 17 Incompatible consignment type
The error messages are:
NOT allowed in limited quantities - substance not allowed in limited quantities.
Prohibited in passenger ships - substance prohibited on Passenger Sailings.
Not listed in IMDG Tank Table - substance not allowed in tanks.
Only allowed in tanks - substance only allowed in tanks.
You cannot proceed to the next step if the consignment type is incompatible with the items.
4.3.7 Correcting an invalid consignment
Return back to the first step of the Validation process by clicking Back to Add Items . There are a number of options available to you, depending on the substance(s) causing the problems:
Set Passenger Sailing to No.
Change the unit to or from a Tank.
Set or unset an item to or from limited quantities.
Exclude an item.
In most cases your only option is to exclude an item from the consignment. It is still retained in the list should you wish to re-include it, but it is ignored from the rest of the Validation process.
This step specifies the transport unit and packaging or tank details. The sub processes in this step are:
1) describe the transport unit
2) enter additional substance information such as technical name, flashpoint, etc
3) select the style and type of packaging
4) enter quantities, capacities and other data
4.4.1 Transport unit information
The transport unit information may be entered now or after the second stage validation when you are completing the DGN.
Container/Vehicle Number
Fig. 18 Transport unit information
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If known, enter the identity of the transport unit, i.e. container number or the vehicle registration number.
No of Containers/Vehicles
By default this is set to 1. If the consignment consists of more than one identical container then enter the number of identical containers. Effectively, this number is used as a multiplier. Therefore, the quantities you will enter below are the quantities for one container, not those of the total consignment.
When imported into Enterprise the item's Haz Ref. and container ref have an incremental number appended, thereby indicating the container number.
Gross Weight(kg)
If known, enter the gross weight of the transport unit. This value is for your information only.
Tare mass(kg) as marked on CSC plate
If known, enter the unloaded mass of the transport unit. This value is added to the total gross mass of the items to produce the total gross mass of the transport unit.
For non tank transport units, select the type and size of transport unit from the Container
Type/Size list box.
Fig. 19 Container types
For consignments in tanks, select the tank size from the Tank Style/Size list box and the Tank Type from the Tank Type list box. The list of tank types in the list box is built up from the tank types applicable for all substances in the consignment.
Fig. 20 Tank type and size
Cube of Container/Vehicle(m3)
Enter the total volume of the transport unit.
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4.4.2 Additional substance information
The information required will depend on the item and the type of transport unit. Mandatory fields must be completed.
Fig. 21 Additional substance information
Links take you to packaging text: -
Packing instructions
Packing provisions
Packing instructions and packing provisions (if any)
Packing provisions only
IBC Instructions
IBC provisions
Tank instructions
Tank provisions
IBC instructions and IBC provisions (if any)
IBC provisions only
Tank instructions and tank provisions (if any)
Tank provisions only
The links will depend on the substance and on the type of consignment. For instance, the tank links are suppressed for a non-tank consignment. Clicking on a link will display that information. The following example shows packing instructions and provisions for UN1674. This substance belongs to Packing
Group II, therefore this packing group is highlighted and the other two groups are greyed-out as not being relevant.
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Fig. 22 Packing instructions
Technical Name
A technical name applies to generic substances such as UN 3101 ORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPE B,
LIQUID, pesticides and for N.O.S entries such as UN 1993 FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. The technical name is requirement of the DGN. The technical name should be a recognized chemical name currently used in readily available scientific and technical handbooks, journals and texts. Trade names should not be used. In the case of pesticides the technical name should be the ISO common name, other name(s) listed in the WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification or the name of the active substance. For pesticides, the concentration of the active substance(s) should be entered in the % Concentration field.
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For substances such as Organic Peroxides (see in the IMDG Code) and Self-Reactives (see in the IMDG Code) you will have already selected the technical name when adding the item. In this case Technical Name becomes a pick list instead of an entry field. You may pick an alternative technical name but not enter or edit an entry.
Fig. 23 Technical name pick list
Segregation Group(s)
Generic and NOS substances may be assigned to one or more segregation groups for the purposes of segregation. The default value is None. If you have knowledge that the chemical entered for Technical
Name falls under one or more of the chemical groups listed, select the appropriate groups from the list.
The Segregation link displays more information. Multiple entries are selected by holding the control key down at the same time as clicking an option. Simply clicking an option will deselect all currently selected options and just select the one you have chosen.
Fig. 24 Segregation group for Generic / NOS entries
Your selection may result in an invalid consignment which otherwise would be valid. For instance, assigning an item to the Acids chemical group will result in an invalid consignment if any one of the other items in the consignment must be away from or separated from Acids.
Marine Pollutant
If this field is shown, you must select Severe (severe marine pollutant), Yes (marine pollutant), or No
(not a marine pollutant). The initial setting will be obtained from the substance database.
Fig. 25 Marine pollutant setting
If this field is shown, enter or edit the actual flash point of the substance in degrees centigrade closed cup. The value entered should be in the range allowed for the item. Values outside this range will generate a warning message as soon as you move off this field. Correct this value.
The default Contents setting is Ordinary. Change this setting if the item contents are one of the other types, i.e. not Ordinary.
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The following table shows the effects of the Contents options :
Option Effect
The phrase “SALVAGE PACKAGING” is included in the shipping marks
Empty uncleaned The phrase “EMPTY UNCLEANED” is included in the shipping marks
Waste The word “WASTE” is included in the shipping marks
Fig. 26 Table of content types
4.4.3 Select the style and type of packaging
You now need to enter the packaging details for each item in the list. There are two entry methods and the method available depends on the packing instruction. You may display the text of the instructions
and provisions by clicking on the appropriate links, see Fig. 21 above.
Manually entered packaging details
Some packing instructions, such as P200 and P400, are basically descriptive text and can be presented only as text. For these items you must manually enter the packaging details into the mandatory fields, i.e. those marked by a red asterisk. Please note: the text and quantities are not validated.
Selected packaging details (wizard)
Other packing instructions, such as P001 and P002, are tabular and are presented as a series of selection lists. The selection wizard guides you through these lists. The flashing red arrow highlights the next action.
i) Select style of packaging
The first action is to select the packaging style.
Fig. 27 Packaging styles
1) You cannot edit the text of the selected packaging type(s).
2) When packing data is not required you will see the text “Not applicable” and “n/a”. For instance, Single packaging types do not require Inner packing data, requiring only the
Outer packing data.
3) Click Reset to clear out current selections and quantities and start again.
4) Clicking a different style will clear out current selections but will retain the values of the current quantities.
ii) Select packaging
Having selected a packing style, the Select Packaging field is activated so that you may select the type of packaging. Examples are used to illustrate the packaging type selection sequence.
a) Example - “Outer, then inner...” for UN1993 PG III.
The first packaging types displayed are the outer packaging types applicable to the substance.
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Fig. 28 Outer packaging options
Scrolling down the list, 3A2 Steel jerricans, removable head (120kg) was selected. Two actions now occur. Firstly, the text 3A2 Steel jerricans, removable head is inserted into the Outer Packaging/IBC
Type field. Secondly, the inner types of packaging permitted for the selected outer are displayed.
Fig. 29 Inner packaging options
Now select the inner packaging. The text less the weight/capacity will be inserted into the Inner
Packaging field, i.e. Glass, Metal or Plastics.
You now enter the quantities for the selected packagings, see section 4.4.4 below.
b) Example - “Single packaging” for UN 1493 PG II.
In this example, Single packaging was selected.
Fig. 30 Single packaging options
Scrolling down the Packaging options, 5M2 Paper bags, multiwall water-resistant (50kg) was selected
The text was automatically inserted into the Outer Packaging/IBC type field, less the weight limit.
Inner packaging is not required, therefore text indicating that inner packaging is not applicable is automatically inserted into Inner packaging and No. of inner packs.
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Occasionally you will find footnotes are displayed which specifically apply to the packaging type you have selected. The following packaging footnotes are popped up automatically when " 5M2 Paper bags,
" are selected.
Fig. 31 Packaging footnotes
When you have read the footnotes close the Packaging Notes pop up window by clicking the Close button in the top right corner of the page.
c) Example of packing instruction P132(a)
In this example packing instruction P132(a) applies to UN042 Boosters. Note that inner and intermediate packagings are not necessary .
Fig. 32 Packing instruction P132(a) text
Click on the option Not necessary when entering the inner and intermediate packagings.
Fig. 33 Selecting packing instruction P132(a)
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Consignments in portable tanks
For tank consignments you will have already entered the tank size and tank type in the Transport Unit
Information, see Fig. 20 Tank type and size above. The
Tank instructions and Tank provisions links will pop up a window displaying relevant tank instructions and special provisions. However, you must enter the quantity fields as indicated by the red star, see next section.
4.4.4 Quantities and other remaining information
Having selected or entered the packaging type(s) you must enter the quantities, as indicated by a red star.
Fig. 34 Packaging quantities
Number of inner packs
If you have selected an inner packaging type you must enter the number of inner packs, (unless it states it is not necessary). If a quantity is not required the field will already contain n/a meaning not applicable. For instance, if you had selected the Single packing style the inner packaging fields will already contain text referring to "not applicable".
Number of outer packs
Enter the number of outer packs.
Total Net Weight (kg)
Enter the total weight of the substance, excluding the weight of any packaging.
Total Gross Weight (kg).
Enter the total gross weight of the substance and all its packaging.
Total Capacity(L)
If the substance is a liquid, you must enter the total volume of the substance in litres.
Total N.E.C.(kg)
This field is only shown for class 1 substances (explosives). If present, you must enter the total net explosive contents in kg.
Control temperature (C) and Emergency Temperature (C)
These two fields are only shown when the substance (organic peroxides and self-reactive substances) is transported under controlled temperature conditions for safety reasons.
Category, Transport Index and Activity
Class 7 Radioactive substances and materials require this information.
Emergency Response Contact Name
You must enter the "24 hour emergency response "contact name in case there is an emergency with the substance. For single item loads, simply enter the contact name in the field provided. Otherwise, for multi item loads a Use Prompt dialogue box is displayed at the top of the page whenever you click in the Emergency Response Contact Name field.
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Fig. 35 User prompt dialogue box
If the same contact applies to all items, enter the contact name and click OK. This name will be applied to all items in the load.
If you need to enter individual contact names click the Cancel button and type in the contact name. Use this method to enter a different contact name for each item, or to edit existing names.
Emergency Response Number
You must enter the "24 hour contact telephone number" to contact in case there is an emergency with the substance. It should be possible to contact this number from any point on the journey. Therefore, include the international dialing code for the country and/or area. Do not use 0800 numbers. You can force all items to have the same contact telephone number, or each item may have a different contact telephone number.
The method of entry is the same as for the Emergency Response Contact Name, see above.
When all data for all items has been entered click Validate to re-validate the entire load.
Re-validation will inform you of missing or invalid data. Press OK to clear the message and correct the data. Use GO TO Item 1 2 3 ...
to jump directly to the incomplete items, or simply scroll back up the page.
Fig. 36 Details & Weights data errors
4.5.1 Weight and capacity checks
Number of inner packs * Maximum weight per inner pack <= Total net weight
Number of outer packs * Maximum weight per outer pack <= Total net weight.
Total net weight > Total gross weight
Number of inner packs * Maximum capacity per inner pack <= Total capacity
Number of outer packs * Maximum capacity per outer pack <= Total capacity.
For 20 foot container or portable tank, the maximum gross weight is 29000Kg.
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For 40 foot container the maximum gross weight is 29900kg.
You cannot proceed if any of the above limits are exceeded. When all data entry errors have been removed the consignment may still be invalid for the following reasons:
4.5.2 Incompatible chemical group
When adding a generic or NOS item you may have assigned it to a segregation group based upon its chemical properties. For example, in the following load UN 2079 has a stowage requirement “Away from” acids and UN1993 has been assigned to the Acid chemical family.
Fig. 37 "Away from" segregation because of incompatible chemical group
Substances requiring “Away from” segregation are subject to competent authority approval. You will be able to proceed with competent authority approval.
Adding UN1935 to the same load invalidates the load because UN1935 stowage requirements state that it must be "Separated from" acids. You cannot continue with this consignment.
Fig. 38 "Separated from" segregation because of incompatible chemical group
4.5.3 Exceeding limited quantities
Using the same load as above, UN1935 is transported under limited quantity provisions, but the quantities permitted have been exceeded.
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Fig. 39 Limited quantities exceeded
When an item is being transported under Limited Quantity provisions the following checks are performed (the maximum varies according to the substance) :
Number of inner packs * Max weight per inner pack <= Total net weight
Number of outer packs * 30kg <= Total Gross Weight
Number of inner packs * Max capacity per inner pack <= Total capacity
You cannot continue with this consignment unless you reduce the quantities according to the limited quantity provisions for that substance.
When the consignment complies, click Your Details to proceed to the next step.
Your registered user details are read only and cannot be changed here.
Fig. 40 Enter Your Details
You must enter your reference number. Comments may be added as required. Click Continue to proceed to the next step, i.e. the Dangerous Goods Note.
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Complete the DGN Information
Having entered your details, the next step is the Dangerous Goods Note (DGN). Some fields contain information from preceding steps, and may be edited as required. The remaining fields can be filled in now. The exception is field 14, Shipping Marks, which contains the substance information and their weights. If you want to change information in the Shipping Marks, you must go back to preceding steps, make the change, re-validate and return back to this step.
Fig. 41 DGN Shipping marks
Text entered into Box 9 "Additional handling information" is imported into the booking Notes field up to a maximum of 250 characters.
The Tare Mass (field 18) will contain the value entered during the Packages and Weights. The Gross
Mass (field 19) will be equal to the Tare Mass (field 18) plus the sum of the Gross Mass of the substances. You may edit fields 18 and 19, but if you return back to Package & Weights, these values will be recalculated based upon whatever values were current when leaving the Packages & Weights page.
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Printing the DGN
When the DGN details are correct, you may produce a hard copy printout of the DGN. To do this, click Print to display the DGN in a printable format.
Fig. 42 Printable form of the DGN
To print the DGN, click your Browser PRINT button. When you have finished printing, click the
BACK button on your Browser to return to the main DGN page.
Finally, click Continue to return back to the Main Menu Page.
This is the end of the Validation Procedure.
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Briefly, the Booking stages are:
Select the route from your operator's sailing schedule
Enter the booking request, exactly as in Validation above
Produce the DGN
Email the booking request to your operator and copy to yourself
To start the Booking procedure, click the Booking icon in the main menu page. Otherwise, if you are in the middle of a process, click Booking in the menu bar at the top of the page; confirmation to abandon the current process is required.
The first step in making a booking request is to select a route from the operator's sailing schedule. You will find that the operator's schedules are built into Gateway and are kept up to date by the operator.
The ports are organised by Region and then Ports within the Region.
Fig. 43 Routes
Port of loading
Select a region from the FROM : list.
The Ports of Loading in that region will be displayed
Select a PORT OF LOADING from those offered in the list
Port of discharge
Select a region from the TO : list.
The Ports of Loading in that region will be displayed
Select a PORT OF DISCHARGE from those offered in the list
Departure date
The approximate date of departure from the port of loading defaults to tomorrows date but it and may be changed as required. Sailings before the date entered are not shown.
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Final destination
The final destination is optional but if entered will be imported into Enterprise as the booking's final destination.
Click Continue and proceed to the next step, which is where you select a voyage from the sailing schedule.
Sailing Schedule
Having selected the route you will now be shown the scheduled sailings for that route.
Fig. 44 Sailing schedule
Sailings commencing before your specified departure date are not displayed. For later sailings not shown in the list click See more voyages . By default the first sailing in the list is pre-selected, and it is highlighted in red. To select this voyage, click Continue or click its Voyage number. To select a different voyage click on the blue voyage number. Whenever you return back to this page the selected sailing is displayed in red. To change to a different sailing you just click on the Voyage number. The next batch of sailings, sorted by departure date, can be displayed by clicking See more voyages .
If you select a sailing where the Hazardous Application Deadline has passed, i.e. the Hazardous
Application Deadline date for the first sailing in the above list is before today's date, you will see the following message.
Fig. 45 Hazardous Application Deadline passed
You will not be allowed to select this sailing and you must choose another sailing where the Hazardous
Application Deadline has not yet passed.
Voyage Details
Click the information symbol to display details of that voyage, see below. Your Port of Loading and Port of Departure are displayed in red. Pertinent details of the shipping line and vessel are displayed above the route details.
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Fig. 46 Voyage details
Click Back to Select a Sailing to return back to the Sailing Schedule screen where you will click
Continue to proceed with that sailing or select another sailing.
No sailings available
When no sailing can be found to service your selected route you will see a message telling you that you will be contacted by the operator, see example below. Nevertheless, you may make the booking and email it to the operator who will get in touch with you regarding its final arrangements.
Fig. 47 No scheduled sailing for selected ports
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Having selected the route you now add the items to the load. Please refer to section 4.2 Add Items
above for full instructions on adding items.
Fig. 48 Adding Items to a Load
When all items have been added click Validate to validate the load.
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Local restrictions
Click View Sailing Restrictions to display the local restrictions that may affect to this voyage. Click
Back to Booking to return back to the booking process.
Fig. 49 Local restrictions
Local restrictions are maintained by the Operator and can apply to : i) Class and/or substance carried by the operator ii) Class and/or substance on board a vessel iii) Class and/or substance loading, unloading or calling at a port
A restriction is applied to a substance or an entire class (subrisks included) and, within the substance or class, a packing group may be specified. The restriction dictates the stowage requirement and/or maximum quantity (net weight or capacity).
Regardless of the local restriction, even if it is prohibited, you can still proceed with your booking .
However if you do proceed, all paperwork will indicate that a restriction applies to your booking and that there may be an unresolved problem.
5.5.1 Validation against the IMDG Code
Click Validate
to validate the load. Validation against the IMDG Code is described fully in section 4.3
above. Briefly, all items that have not been excluded from the load are subjected to the validation routines. This ensures that the items in the load comply with the stowage and segregation requirements of the IMDG Code. These checks are :
The general provisions for segregation between the various classes of dangerous goods are met as specified in the Segregation Table shown in Section of the IMDG Code.
Single subsidiary risks are taken into account.
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Individual substance requirements implied by comments such as “ Away from ” and “Separated from ” specified hazard classes and segregation groups are taken into account. Segregation groups are found in Section of the IMDG Code.
Segregation requirements between different divisions of explosives are taken into account.
Items being transported under Limited Quantity provisions are allowed in limited quantities.
Whether or not an item is allowed on passenger sailings.
Whether or not an item may be carried in a tank.
After the normal validation checks have been performed and been satisfied, the local restrictions are checked and in the following order of precedence. Please note that local restrictions do not prevent you from making and sending your booking though attention is drawn to any potential problem.
1) Prohibited local restrictions
The item or its class is checked to see if it is: -
Prohibited by the operator
Prohibited by the vessel
Prohibited from loading at the port of loading.
Prohibited from discharge at the port of discharge.
Prohibited from calling at any port on the route between the ports of loading and discharge.
If the load fails any of the prohibition checks, the prohibited restrictions are shown in red. Other less severe restrictions are not shown at this stage.
Fig. 50 Prohibited restriction
You can decide if you want to proceed with the booking or to change the booking by returning to a prior step and change the sailing or the items in the load.
Click Stowage Requirements to see the stowage requirements, where you will see a message (in red) informing you that the load is Restricted by Local requirements . The other stowage requirements will follow on.
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Fig. 51 Stowage requirements showing local restriction
2) Approval required or possible weight overload
If nothing is actually prohibited, the UN Numbers or classes are checked to see if approval by the operator and/or by the vessel is required. It also checks to see if the UN Numbers or classes require approval at the port of loading, discharge or at any port on the route between the ports of loading and discharge. Approval is linked to a maximum quantity of net weight, capacity or net explosive content.
This means the item requires approval up to the maximum quantity. Above the maximum, the load will be prohibited. At this stage you have not yet entered the quantity. Therefore, you are allowed to proceed to the next step, i.e. Details & Weights , where you may enter the quantities. The 2 nd
stage validation will check against the maximum allowed and warn you when you exceed these limits.
Warning messages inform you of these potential problems due to local restrictions. If the message is displayed in orange, it indicates that, whilst satisfying the IMDG Code, the load may need approval, or it must be ‘On deck only’. Remember that weight/capacity conflicts are resolved during the 2 nd
stage validation. The prohibited item (UN No 2852) was excluded from the load and re-validated. The following example now shows warning messages in orange advising you that you may have approval problems and warning messages in green advising you of potential weight overload problems.
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Fig. 52 Warning of possible restrictions
Regardless of the local restrictions you can always proceed to the next stage by clicking
Details & Weights .
Briefly, for each item in the load you will need to select the packaging details, enter the quantities and other required information. Finally, when all details are entered, click Validate to perform the 2 nd
2 nd
Stage Validation is described fully in 4.5 Re-validation checks above.
Briefly 2 nd
stage validation checks that:
Net weight is not greater than gross weight
All required information is present
There are no incompatible segregation groups
Items being transported in limited quantities do not exceed the maximum weight for solids or maximum capacity for liquids and gases.
Local restrictions, see next section for details.
Click Your Details to proceed to the next step, Your Details.
Having the details and weight available for analysis, the 2 nd
stage validation in the Booking procedure is now able to check for any local restriction referring to maximum quantities and/or required
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ approval. Click Local restrictions to see all restrictions that apply to this load should you wish to switch this load to another sailing.
Maximum Quantity validation checks
Maximum quantity restrictions can now be checked because weights and capacities are present: -
Maximum quantity carried by the Operator.
Maximum quantity carried by the Vessel.
Maximum quantity that may be loaded at the port of loading.
Maximum quantity that may be discharged at the port of discharge.
Maximum quantity that may pass through ports of call along the route.
The 2 nd
stage validation sums the total net weight and capacity for all items of the same UN Number and also for all items in the same class. These totals are compared to the maximum quantities specified by the local restrictions. If any maximum restriction is exceeded the load will be invalid, as indicated by the ‘Load prohibited’ message, displayed in red. Messages in orange indicate less severe restrictions.
Fig. 53 Load exceeding weight restriction at a port
In the above example UN 3048 is below the weight limit imposed by the local restriction but UN 3134 exceeds its local restriction weight limit. Regardless of the messages you may click Your Details to proceed to the next step.
This step is described fully in section 4.6 Your Details above.
Briefly, your details are loaded automatically from the passwords file. You must enter a reference number and optionally enter additional comments. Warning; by default, a copy of the booking details will be sent to the email address entered in this form. This copy is for your own records. Therefore, ensure this email address is correct.
Click Continue to proceed to the next step – Dangerous Goods Note.
Producing the Dangerous Goods Note is described fully in 4.7 Dangerous Goods Note (DGN)above.
You must fill in all required information. Remember that you can print a local hard copy of the DGN.
Click Continue to proceed to Confirmation of Booking.
This is the final step in the booking procedure. Details of your booking are displayed for you to make a final check. You may click on the step icons at the top of the screen to return back to any step, should
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ you need to make corrections. Data entered up to this point is saved so that you need only enter the changes.
Fig. 54 Example of Booking Details
When all details are correct, click the continue button to submit the booking documentation to the operator. Appendix A contains examples of the email text. The booking documentation comprises:
1) An E-mail listing all details of the booking. Attached to the email will be the MBF file containing the IFTMBF EDI.
2) Your copy of the email, including the attachment, will be emailed to the address entered into the field labeled Your E-mail: in Your Details form. Ensure this address is correct.
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The final step of the booking process is a message displaying some important information about the booking request you have just sent to the operator.
Fig. 55 Booking confirmation
Click the continue button to return back to the Main Menu page
Hint. The information shown above is required should you need to cancel or amend the booking. Use your browser’s Print command to produce a hard copy of this page. The same information can be obtained from the copy email, assuming you are using the copy email facility.
Duplicate Booking
Click Duplicate Booking to send a duplicated booking. This will take you to the Details and Weights
page as described in section 4.4 Step 3 – Details and Weights above. The container details will have
been cleared but ALL the item details will be present. Enter the new container details, edit items as required, and then continue on to send another booking. You may cycle round this loop as many times as required.
This is the end of the Booking Procedure.
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To cancel a booking already sent, click Cancel Booking on the Main Menu page and fill in all details in the Booking Cancellation form. You can find out these details from your copy email or from your own notes which you made when you first sent the booking.
Fig. 56 Cancel booking
Click Continue to send an email to operator canceling the booking. You will see a message telling you the cancellation has been sent to the operator. Click the continue button to return back to the Main
Menu page. The operator will then send you confirmation, by fax or email, that the booking has been cancelled.
Clicking on Back to Main Menu terminates the booking cancellation and returns you to the main menu page without sending a cancellation.
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To amend a booking already sent to the operator, click Amend Booking on the Main Menu page.
Firstly, enter the booking details identifying the booking. You can find out these details from your copy email or from your own notes when you made and sent the booking. Then describe the changes to the booking. The operator will modify the actual booking accordingly.
Fig. 57 Amend booking
Click Continue to send an email to the operator informing them that this booking has been amended.
Fig. 58 Amendment confirmation
Clicking on Back to Main Menu terminates the amendment process and returns you to the main menu page without amending the booking.
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Fig. 59 Booking amendment email
A message will be displayed informing you the amendment details have been sent. Click the continue button to return back to the Main Menu page.
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Email example of a valid booking sent to the operator
Following is an example of a valid booking sent by Email to the operator and to yourself. Each field in the DGN is identified by its name and number, and is followed by its data contents.
Final Destination:-->
Voyage:-->MERCURY BRIDGE / AES414E, 01/05/04 19:30
Name:-->William Pearson
Tel:-->01325 466672
Fax:-->01325 466643
Shipper Ref:-->BP-000123
Comments:-->Sample comments
Hazcheck Gateway validation status: Load complies with IMDG Code segregation requirements unless comments or stowage requirements state otherwise - Stow on or under deck.
---------- MULTIMODAL DANGEROUS GOODS NOTE - IMDG Code Amdt. 31-02 ----------
1. Shipper:-->ETL-A
2. Transport Document Number:-->TDN 1234567
3. Number of DG Items:-->2
4. Shipper's Reference:-->BP-000123
5. Freight Forwarder's Reference:-->FFR 1234567
6. Consignee:-->Consignee Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
7. Carrier:-->YML
8. This shipment is within the limitation prescribed for CARGO ONLY
9. Additional Handling Information:-->UN 1993 falls within segregation group(s): Acids
Sample comments
These comments added to the Additional Handling (box 9) in the DGN.
10. Vessel and Date:-->MERCURY BRIDGE 01/05/04 19:30
11. Port of Loading:-->DEHAM
12. Port of Discharge:-->TWKHH
13. Destination:-->
14. Description of Goods:
Item 1:
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Details:-->UN 1993, FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. (1-METHOXY-2-PROPYL ACETATE), Class 3, P.G. III, (25 deg C),
Inner Packaging:-->Inner:500 x Plastics.
Outer Packaging / IBC Type:-->Outer:30 x 4H2 Solid plastics boxes
Gross weight(kg):-->13250
Net weight(kg):-->12000
Emergency Contact:-->DG officer in charge
Emergency Response No.:-->020 7407 5924
Item 2:
Details:-->UN 2527, ISOBUTYL ACRYLATE, STABILIZED, Class 3, P.G. III, (29°C o.c.), EmS F-E,S-D
Outer Packaging / IBC Type:-->20 x 6HA1 Plastics receptacle with outer steel drum
Gross weight(kg):-->6910
Net weight(kg):-->5890
Emergency Contact:-->DG officer in charge
Emergency Response No.:-->020 7407 5924
These comments added to the Other Details box in the DGN just below the shipping marks.
15. Container/Vehicle No.:-->CNTR765432
16. Seal Number(s):-->
17. Container/Vehicle Size & Type:-->20 GP
18. Tare Mass (kg):-->2340
19. Total Gross (incl. tare)(kg):-->22500
I hereby declare that the goods described above have been packed/loaded into the container/vehicle identified above in accordance with the applicable provisions (for the purposes of the IMDG Code see 5.4.2). MUST BE COMPLETED AND
Name of Company:-->
Name/Status of declarant:-->
Place and date:-->
Signature of declarant:-->
Received the above number of packages/containers/trailers in apparent good order and condition, unless stated hereon:
Haulier's name:-->
Vehicle reg. No:-->
Signature and date:-->
I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/placarded and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to the applicable international and national government regulations.
Name/status of declarant:-->William Pearson
Place and date:-->
Signature of declarant:-->
The following text is appended to your copy, but is omitted from the email sent to the operator
If you wish to amend or cancel your booking request. You will require the following information:
Your Hazcheck Gateway Booking Reference:BILL123433
Your Reference:BP-000123
Voyage number:AES414E
Port of Loading:DEHAM
Port of Destination:TWKHH
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Example of IFTMBF EDI message sent as an Email attachment
FTX+AAI+++Departure date?: 01/05/04 19?:30'
FTX+AAI+++These comments added to the Additional Handling (box 9) in the DGN.'
TDT+20+AES414E+1+8+YML:172:20+++ELXZ2:103::MERCURY BRIDGE:'
FTX+AAC+++These comments added to the Additional Handling (box 9) in the DGN.'
DGS+IMD+3:/:31+2527+29°C o.c.:CEL+3+F-E,S-D'
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