Expected Outcomes of INTEGER

Expected Outcomes of INTEGER
These include:
Increased awareness and cultural change: all
key staff (e.g. HR and scientific decision-makers) will
be informed of the causes of women’s underrepresentation in STEM and offered solutions, in the
form of actions to remedy the situation.
For more information about INTEGER
Project Coordinator:
Increased number of women:
 Applying for research positions in CNRS, TCD, SU
and eventually being recruited
 Applying and being considered for promotion (at
each grade level)
 Applying for top level funding and being nominated to
decision-making positions
Enhanced work-life balance (e.g. improved
childcare options for parents in order to attend
conferences, external meetings, and participate in
scientific collaborations)
Anne Pépin
Director of the Mission for the Place of Women at CNRS
Visit: www.cnrs.fr/mission-femmes/integer
Raised profile of the INTEGER institutions in
the academic stakeholder community as role models
for peer European institutions
Orientation and assistance provided to peer
institutions through the creation of Guidelines that
contain, amongst others, practical How-To Guides on
implementing activities as well as a tested Evaluation
"This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme for research, technological development and
demonstration under grant agreement no 266638".
What is INTEGER?
INTEGER Achievements to Date
INTEGER (which stands for INstitutional Transformation
for Effecting Gender Equality in Research) is an EU
FP7-funded project (Science in Society Work
Programme) within which higher education and research
institutions are implementing gender action plans to
improve the career progression of women researchers.
These tailored Transformational Gender Action Plans
(T-GAPs) allow institutions to better use their resources
through partnerships to harness their scientific
excellence and bring about transformational change.
The devised T-GAPs, based on detailed baseline data
assessments, carried-out in each implementing
organisation, address both the institutional and local
levels (e.g. selected Faculties, Schools, Institutes) and
span across four themes and various areas of analysis:
The INTEGER Project began in March 2011 and will
last until June 2015.
Among actions that are being implemented:
▪ Capacity building training on gender equality and
T-GAP Themes
unconscious bias — CNRS, TCD
▪ Election of senior women to decision-making
council — SU
▪ Extension of Athena Swan Charter to Irish Higher
Education Institutions — TCD
The INTEGER project brings together three
implementing institutions :
▪ Creation of a high-level Committee (STRIDE) to
review researcher’s recruitment, promotion and
reward procedures — CNRS
▪ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
▪ Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland
▪ Šiauliai University (SU), Lithuania
▪ Visiting eminent speaker programme — TCD, SU,
They receive research-based feedback from an external
▪ GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
They receive the support of Experts & Ambassadors
▪ e.g. NSF-ADVANCE (US) & Athena SWAN (UK) Awardees
▪ Establishment of University based crèche — SU
Areas of Activity
▪ Gender data and targets for improvement
▪ Recruitment, promotion and retention policies,
processes and procedures
▪ Development of ‘future leaders’ pipeline
▪ Review of management approaches, appraisals and
policy development
▪ Research development planning
▪ Workplace culture
▪ Parental supports, including extended paternity leave
▪ Gender monitoring of recruitment and promotion
data — CNRS, TCD
▪ Career and Exit interviews of research and
academic staff — CNRS, TCD
▪ Media training — GESIS, CNRS, TCD, SU
▪ Action Plan for the prevention and fight against
sexual harassment — CNRS
▪ Professional development trainings for women
researchers — CNRS, TCD, SU
▪ Tailored evaluation concept — GESIS