Progression Chart- Year 3 to Year 7 FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTAGES, RATIO & PROPORTION Year 3 Recognising & naming fractions Recognise and name unit fractions Year 4 Year 6 Recognise the relationship between fractions eg 1/10 is ten times 1/100 & 1/16 is half of 1/8 fractions of shapes and numbers Find fractions such as ⅔ ¾ of shapes Use fraction notation including mixed numbers and vocabulary of numerator and denominator Begin to recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole eg ¾, Recognise simple fractions that are Change an improper fraction to a mixed number eg ⅓ , ⅛ , ¼, ½ and use to find ⅔ Use fraction notation Year 5 Year 7 several parts of a whole eg ⅔ and ⅝ and mixed numbers such as 5¾ Estimate a simple fraction Equivalence of fractions Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions eg. 5/10, and ½ , 5/5 and 1 whole. Recognise equivalence of simple fractions eg fractions equivalent to ¼, ½ ¾ Recognise when 2 simple fractions are equivalent, including relating hundredths to tenths ( eg 60/100 = 6/10) Change a fraction such as 13/8 to the equivalent mixed number and vice versa Order a set of fractions and position on a number line Order fractions by converting using a common denominator & position on a number line Relate fractions to division & use division to find simple fractions including 10ths & 100ths, of numbers and quantities Reduce fractions to simplest form by cancelling common factors in the numerator/denomi Identify two simple fractions with a total of 1 Comparing and ordering fractions Compare familiar fractions eg know that on a number line ½ lies between¼ and ¾ Operations with fractions Order simple fractions eg decide if fractions eg ⅝ and ⅜ are greater than or less than ½ Begin to relate fractions to division and find simple fractions eg ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅛… of numbers or quantities Use a fraction as operator to find fractions including 10ths & 100ths of numbers or quantities Downloaded from Wigan Numeracy Centre- Autumn Term 2004 Use the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages in describing proportions and convert between them ( eg to order fractions) Progression Chart- Year 3 to Year 7 FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTAGES, RATIO & PROPORTION Year 3 Decimal Notation Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Understand decimal notation and place value for 10ths, 100ths and use in context eg order amounts of money, convert a sum of money such as £13.25 to pence, or a length such as 125cm to metres Use decimal notation for 10ths & 100ths, know what each digit represents in a number with up to 2 decimal places Rounding of decimals Round a sum of money to the nearest pound Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest integer Round a number with 2 decimal places to the nearest tenth or nearest whole number Equivalence between fractions and decimals Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half and one quarter, and tenths such as 0.3 Relate fractions to their decimal representation ie recognise equivalence between decimal and fraction forms and tenths and hundredths Recognise equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of ½, ¼ ¾ … and tenths, hundredths and thousandths Begin to convert a fraction to a decimal using division Use the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages in describing proportions and convert between them Begin to understand % as the number of parts in every 100, find simple % of small whole numbers, quantities eg 25% of £12; express ½ ¼ ¾… 10ths & 100ths as % Understand % as the number of parts in every 100, Express simple fractions, 10ths & 100ths as percentages Find simple % of small whole numbers or quantities Eg 10% of £500 Find fractions and percentages of quantities Solve simple problems using ideas of ratio & proportion eg ‘one for every…’ ‘ one in every..’ Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Understand the relationship between ratio and proportion Use ratio and proportion to solve simple problems Percent-ages Ratio and Proportion Begin to use ideas of simple proportion eg ‘one for every…’ ‘ one in every..’ Order a set of numbers or measures all with the same number of decimal places Downloaded from Wigan Numeracy Centre- Autumn Term 2004 Use decimal notation for 10ths & 100ths in calculations and 10ths, 100ths and 1000ths when recording measurements Order a set of numbers or measures with up to 3 decimal places Give a decimal fraction lying between 2 others Know what each digit represents in a number with up to 3 decimal places