JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 41, 225-230 An Inequality (1992) for Multiplicative Functions K. SOUNDARARAJAN 28, First Main Road, Department qf Mathematics, Newa Colony, Chromepet. University of Michigan, Communicated Received by Hans Zassenhaus July 3, 1990; revised February Let k be a positive integer and f a multiplicative all primes p. Then, for squarefree n, we have This improves some recent results Madras 600 044, India Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 of Alladi, 22, 1991 function ErdBs, with 0 and Vaaler. <f(p) < l/k for !? 1992 Academic Press, Inc. 1. INTRODUCTION In [l], Alladi, Erdiis, and Vaaler proved the following theorem, which generalises the well known ; 1 =F+o(l). dCJ;; Namely, they proved THEOREM with 0 <f(p) where o(l)+0 1. Let k be a positive integer and f a multiplicative function < l/k for all primes p. Then, for squarefree n, we have as o(n)=&, 1 -+ co. The object of this paper is to improve and extend Theorem 1. The proof that we present is also simpler than that of [l]. 225 0022-314X/92 $5.00 Copyright Q 1992 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 226 K.SOUNDARARAJAN 2. NOTATION Here, we explain the notation used. Let t B 0 and F, be the set of multiplicative functions F: { 1,2, 3, ...) --t [0, oo), which satisfy F(p) > t for all primes p. Also, we denote by G, the set of all multiplicative functions G: ( 1, 2, 3, . 3 -+ [0, cc) which satisfy t 3 G(p) > 0 for all primes p. For squarefree integers n, we write b( t, n) = sup {( z7 Gld))j~G(d))~‘:GEC,J. Also we write, A(t) = inf (a( t, m) : m squarefree) B( t ) = sup (6( t, m) : m squarefree). 3. STATEMENT OF RESULTS Clearly, for all FE F,, we have ;n F(434t) d> &lra 11 1 F(d), din where n is squarefree. It is obvious that Theorem 1 is equivalent to saying A(k)22k+2+o(l) l for integers k > 1. Improving this, we prove THEOREM 2. For all t 2 0, we have A(t+ A(t) l)>-----A(t)+ In particular 1 k+l A(k) 2 for non-negative integers k. Regarding B(t), we prove 1’ MULTIPLICATIVE THEOREM FUNCTIONS 227 3. For all t 3 0, we have 1 B(t+ l)<--2-B(t)’ In particular, we have for positive integers k. We, use Theorem 3 to extend Theorem 1 for rational numbers k 2 0. WP prove THEOREM 4. For all t > 0, we have A( l/t) + B(t) = 1. Further, $ k >O is rational and [a,, a,, .... a,] is the continued fraction expansion of k, then we have A(k) >, 1 l+a,+a,+ ... +a, and B(k) < a, + a, + . . . + a, 1 +a,+a, + ... +a,’ 4. PROOF OF THEOREM 2 Let F be any element of Fz+, (t > 0). We write F(n) = Cdln g(d) where g is a multiplicative function. Clearly g E F,. Now 1 f’(d)= dinc c g(b) ub = d d>,,(‘+I)/(f+2) =c aln g(b) c blnla bg(,+‘+i)/(l+2)/,, c 641141/Z-8 g(b) 228 and so A(t+ l)aA(t)/(A(t)+ 1). Now clearly, A(O)= 1 and hence it follows that A(k) B l/(k + 1) for all non-negative integers k. This proves Theorem 2. 5. PROOF OF THEOREM 3 Let G be any element of G,, 1 (t > 0). As before, we write G(n) = Cdln h(d) where h is multiplicative and clearly belongs to G,. Now 1 =c4n bin c h(b)+uln c h(b) blnla o<,,1/11+2) b,(,,i+!)/fl+~lja) u~nliti+2) b>(,,it+i)/(I++) <B(t) 1 GWl+ u/n o<nv(l+21 1 W/a) alla .>“vlt+2l (by the definition of B(t)) <I 1 G(a)+ c G(u)oln a>nIr+llilf+zl Qln 1 G(a) a/n a>“lr+~M~r+21 and hence B( t + 1) < l/(2 - B(t)). Clearly B( 1) = l/2, and so B(k) < k/(k + 1) for all positive integers k. For a fixed positive integer k, consider a squarefree number n having a prime factor, p, greater than n kl(k + ‘), Consider the function G’(d) = kocd) which belongs to Gk. Clearly c din d 2 &lx km(d)= c k+)+l =k pdln + 11 = k(k C dlnlp + 1 )“‘(“I - ’ kw(d) MULTIPLICATIVE 229 FUNCTIONS and whence 1 kwcd)= (k + 1 )w(d), din B(k) 2 h(k, n) 3 k/(k + 1). From this and our earlier statement B(k) d k/(k + 1) it follows B(k) = k/(k + l), which completes the proof of Theorem 3. that 6. PROOF OF THEOREM 4 Let G be an element of G, and let H(I) = l/(G(l)) Then HE F(,,,, (t > 0). Consider, for all squarefree I. From this, it easily follows that A( l/t) + B(t) = 1 for t>O. To prove the second part of the theorem, it sufhces to consider k in (0, 11, by Theorems 2 and 3. We use induction on the denominator of k. The theorem is easily seen to be true for all rational numbers with denominator 1. Suppose the theorem is true for all rational numbers with denominator less than the denominator of k. Let [0, ur, .... a,] be the continued fraction expansion of k E (0, l] and [a,, .... a,] that of l/k. Now l/k has a lower denominator than k, and the result follows from the induction hypothesis and the fact A(k)+B(l/k)=B(k)+A(l/k)=l. This proves the theorem. 230 K. SOUNDARARAJAN 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS If t is an irrational number, then by considering a rational approximawe tion a/q to t from above, with q’6 m o n and O<a/q-td2/(o(n)), can see (using Theorem 4) that 1 10&i? a(& n) B and b( t, n) d 1 - 1 10&j’ This improves Theorem 2 of [ 1 ] which gives a(t, n) > t/((t + 1) w(n)). However, in view of Theorem 4, we would expect bounds for a(?, n) and b(t, n) which are independent of w(n). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted to Professor R. Balasubramanian for suggesting the topic in the first place and for encouragement. The author is also extremely grateful to the referee for his valuable suggestions. REFERENCE 1. K. ALLADI, J. Number P. ERD~S, Theory AND J. D. VAALER, 31 (1989). 183-190. Multiplicative functions and small divisors, II,