Chapter 4 The Prime Number Theorem

Chapter 4 The Prime Number Theorem
[7 lectures]
The main reference for this material is The Prime Number Theorem, G. J. O.
Jameson, LMS Student Texts, 53, 2003, though the actual choice of function
F (s) and the manner of moving the line of integration in Step 5 are seen in
Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, G. Tenenbaum,
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 46, 1995.
Introduction. Plan of the proof of the Prime Number Theorem
Step 1. Analytic Properties of the Riemann zeta function
The function ζ (s) has been defined by a series valid only for Re s > 1. In
the proof we will need to define the zeta function for s = 1 + it, t 6= 0. So
in this section we find a function holomorphic for Re s > 0 except for a pole
at s = 1, that agrees with ζ (s) for Re s > 1. That is, we find an analytic
continuation of ζ (s) for Re s > 0.
[1 lectures]
Step 2. Relate ψ (x) to ζ ′ (s) /ζ (s) .
We will show that
Z x
Z c+i∞
(ψ (t) − [t]) dt = −
F (s) xs+1
2πi c−i∞
s (s + 1)
where c > 1 and
ζ ′ (s)
+ ζ (s) .
F (s) =
ζ (s)
[1 lectures]
Step 3. ζ (1 + it) 6= 0.
We need that the F (s) in (1) is well-defined for Re s ≥ 1. Because of the zeta
function on the denominator we need to know that ζ (s) 6= 0 for Re s ≥ 1.
We already know that this is the case for Re s > 1, so all that needs to be
done is to show that ζ (s) 6= 0 for Re s = 1. Thus the results of Step 1 are
used here.
[2 lectures]
Step 4. Bounds on the Riemann zeta function.
The integral we study will be
Z c+i∞
F (s)
s (s + 1)
and we need show that it converges absolutely for c ≥ 1. For this reason
we need bounds on F (s) on vertical lines in the complex plane of the form
|F (c + it)| ≤ |t|1−δ for some δ > 0, and any c ≥ 1, though we will do far
better than this. From (1) we see that
ζ (s) + |ζ (s)| .
|F (s)| ≤ ζ (s) This means we need upper bounds on |ζ (s)|, |ζ ′ (s)| and ζ −1 (s) or, equivalently, a lower bound on |ζ (s)|.
It is the necessity of absolute convergence of the integral (2) that requires
both s and s + 1 in the denominator, (so the integral (2) is
Z c+i∞
Z ∞
|F (c + it)|
ds ≤ x
F (s)
s (s + 1)
(1 + |t|)2
which converges). But it transpires
that having both s and s + 1 means that
Rx 2
back in Step 2 we related 1 ψ (y) dy, and not ψ (x), to the integral (2).
In fact, the integral (2) is the error in approximating 1 ψ 2 (y) dy by x2 /2.
[2 lectures]
Step 5 Moving the line of integration.
For any c > 1 we show that
Z c+i∞
Z 1+i∞
F (s) x
F (s) xs+1
2πi c−i∞
s (s + 1)
2πi 1−i∞
s (s + 1)
We could say that we have “moved the line of integration” from Re s =
c to Re = 1, and this is a very common technique in Analytic Number
Theory. The method of moving the line of integration is based on Cauchy’s
Theorem and the bounds on F (s) from Step 4 that show that the integrals
here converge very quickly.
Step 6 The Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma
In the integral on the Right Hand side of (3) in an integral along the line
Re s = 1, so we can write s = 1 + it when the xs+1 factor can be written as
x2+it = x2 eit log x . The Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma will tell us that
Z ∞
eit log x
F (1 + it)
dt → 0
(1 + it) (2 + it)
as x (and thus log x) →R ∞. Therefore the integral in (3) is o (x2 ), i.e. the
x 2
error in approximating
ψ (y) dy by x2 /2 is o (x2 ) .
[1 lecture]
Step 7 Final deduction.
the Prime Number Theorem in the form ψ (x) ∼ x from
R x 2 we deduce
ψ (y) dy ∼ x2 /2.
[1 lecture]
Why does the proof work?
The first reason is that we have a weight function of the primes, namely
Λ (n), whose generating function ζ ′ (s) /ζ (s) has reasonable properties as a
complex-valued function.
In Step 5 we can talk about having “moved the line of integration” from
Re s = c to Re s = 1, but why is 1 important?
If we could have only moved the line to c0 > 1 the integrand in (3) would
then contain a factor x1+c0 in place of the x2 seen above, and the application
of the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma in Step 6 would lead to the integral (2)
being o (x1+c0 ), which need not be smaller that the main term x2 /2.
What could go wrong on the line Re s = 1?
What could cause a problem is the pole of ζ (s) at s = 1 of residue 1, for this
becomes a pole of ζ ′ (s) /ζ (s) of residue −1. But if we add ζ ′ (s) /ζ (s) and
ζ (s) the poles cancel and this is the reason why we see F (s) in Step 2.
Another problem would be if ζ (s) were to have a zero on Re s = 1 (we already
know it doesn’t have a zero for Re s > 1), because a zero of ζ (s) becomes a
pole of ζ ′ (s) /ζ (s). So, as described before, an important part of the proof
is showing that ζ (s) has no zeros on the Re s = 1 line. This is where the
famous result, due to Mertens, 1898,
|ζ (σ)|3 |ζ (σ + it)|4 |ζ (σ + 2it)| ≥ 1,
t 6= 0, is used.
In fact it is generally asserted that the Prime Number Theorem is equivalent
to the fact that the Riemann zeta function has no zeros on the Re s = 1
line. Such an equivalence cannot be seen from the proof presented here, for
the proof we describe we need more than just the non-existence of zeros,
we also need bounds on F (s), as described in Step 4 above. To get upper
bounds on F (s) we require, because of the ζ (s) in the denominator of F (x) ,
lower bounds on ζ (s). Thus not only do we require that ζ (s) is non-zero on
Re s = 1 but we also have to prove that ζ is bounded away from 0.
Does this proof give insight into the Prime Number Theorem?
Probably not. And this may due to the use of the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma,
for what does this lemma mean? You can see a statement of it in background
Notes 0.10:
4.1 Let φ be a differentiable, complex-valued function on R such
that −∞ |φ (t)| dt is convergent. For such a function define
b (λ) =
e−iλt φ (t) dt,
the Fourier Transform of φ.
Theorem 4.2 The Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma Let φ beR a complex∞
valued function on R with continuous derivative and such that −∞ |φ (t)| dt
b (λ) → 0 as λ → ∞.
is convergent. Then φ
This could be compared to the theory of Fourier Series. So if f is periodic,
period 1, and satisfies certain conditions then
f (x) =
an e2πinx ,
and for the sum to be convergent you would expect an → 0 as n → ∞
or n → −∞ (though this has to be proved and requires conditions on f ,
especially if you want to know just how fast the an tend to 0).
Level 4
For level 4 students we will extend the results of Step 4 and prove bounds on
the Riemann zeta-function that are valid to the left of Re s = 1. In particular
we show that F (s) has no singularities just to the left of this vertical line so
in Step 6 we can move the line of integration further to the left. We will then
have no need to use the Riemann-Lebesgue, but we will, instead, be able to
show that the integral in (2) is ≪ x2 f (x) for some function that we can give
explicitly and for which f (x) → 0 as x → ∞. This eventually leads to the
Prime Number Theorem with an error term: there exists c > 0 such that
ψ (x) = x + O x exp −c log1/10 x .