quick reads a good idea in a small package The Different Representations of Rational Numbers Matthew L. Beyranevand i It is well documented that it is essential for mathematics teachers to instruct for conceptual understanding, as opposed to rote memorization (NCTM 2000; Ainsworth, Bibby, and Wood 2002). However, it is exceedingly more difficult for students to know and understand the connections among the many different modes of representation, especially for rational numbers, because each representation is exceedingly different from the next. Interpreting, translating, and switching among representations contribute to building conceptual understanding (Panasuk and Beyranevand 2010). The 1982 NCTM Yearbook declared, “Rational number concepts are among the most important concepts children will experience during their presecondary years” (Post, Behr, and Edited by Trena Wilkerson, trena_ wilkerson@baylor.edu, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts through http://mtms.msubmit.net. 382 Lesh 1982, p. 59). Over thirty years later, that belief has not changed. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) calls for significant conceptual understanding of rational numbers in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade with its emphasis on Ratios and Proportional Relationships and the Number System (CCSSI 2010). This article will help teachers better support their students’ understanding of rational numbers by examining different forms and modes of rational number representations. FORMS OF RATIONAL NUMBERS Rational numbers appear in a variety of forms (fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and rates) and have a variety of modes of representation (pictures, diagrams, tiles, number lines, and symbols). Although the forms and modes of representation appear to be clearly delineated, their use is often a cloudy issue for both teachers and students. Concepts related to rational numbers are often misunderstood and MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL ● Vol. 19, No. 6, February 2014 Copyright © 2014 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. www.nctm.org. All rights reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM. have been the subject of case studies developed for teachers to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge (Walters 2011; Barnett, Goldenstein, and Jackson 1994). Within the different forms of rational numbers, there is a lack of consistency in both defining and understanding the most common rational number representation: fractions. Fractions have “multiple meanings and interpretations. Five main interpretations are: fractions as parts of wholes or parts of sets; fractions as the result of dividing two numbers; fractions as the ratio of two quantities; fractions as operators; and fractions as measures” (Chapin and Johnson 2006, pp. 99–100). There are also different interpretations of rates and ratios. Are they both different ways to compare two quantities or are rates a type of ratio? This confusing concept for both teachers and students has caused the departments of education, in at least two states, to create a model curriculum unit on Rates and Ratios for sixthgrade mathematics classes (CCGPS 2012; Massachusetts DESE 2012). One example of a clear and appropriate representation of ratios and rates is shown in figure 1 (Massachusetts DESE 2012). A few important misconceptions can be cleared up from this diagram. • A rate is a type of ratio. Too often, these two terms are differentiated. A rate is really a specific type of ratio in which the units are different. • It is incorrect to state that a ratio can always be written as a fraction. It can only be written as a fraction if it is a part-to-whole ratio. For example, if there is 1 girl and 2 boys and one is writing the ratio of boys to girls, it would erroneously read 1/2 as a fraction. If it is a fraction, it must represent a part-to-whole relationship; partto-part ratios cannot be written in fraction format (Post, Behr, and Lesh, 1982). • Although the example of a rate in figure 1 is a unit rate, it is possible and common to represent a rate in a nonunit rate form, such as 5 hotdogs to 2 people being written as 5 : 2. MODES OF REPRESENTATION Rational numbers can be expressed in various ways, including visual, concrete representations (i.e., diagrams, pictures, or graphs), verbal representations (written and spoken language), and symbolic, abstract representations (numbers, letters). There are unlimited ways to represent rational numbers. Students’ understanding of any concept is enhanced when exposed to multiple representations (BoultonLewis and Tait 1993; Outhred and Sardelich 1997; Swafford and Langrall 2000). However, students often have a definitive preference for using particular representations over others (Özgün-Koca 1998, 2001; Fig. 1 This diagram is meant to clarify ratios and rates to avoid misconceptions. Fig. 2 This student proclaims an unequivocal opinion of this form of representation. Keller and Hirsch 1998). Figure 2 illustrates the passion of a middle school student who dislikes solving problems represented as a picture. The student wrote this note on an exam, unprompted, in response to a question on linear equations with one unknown. Although the Vol. 19, No. 6, February 2014 ● mathematical focus of the example is not specific to rational numbers, it illustrates quite well the point related to students’ dispositions toward use of specific types of representations. Previous research (Dreyfus and Eisenberg 1982; Panasuk and Beyranevand 2011) has shown that MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL 383 Fig. 3 A number line can help students visualize probability through fractions, decimals, and percentages. 0/1 0.0 0% impossible unlikely 1/2 0.5 50% equal likelihood student preference for particular modes of representation is due in large part to their achievement level. Students who are lower achieving on mathematics standardized tests are more likely to prefer to use concrete representations when working with rational numbers. These students want to see rational numbers shown through manipulatives such as counters, rods, pictures, and egg cartons. Higher-achieving mathematics students prefer the abstract representations for rational numbers. These students want to be given the numerical values to manipulate and process. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CLASSROOM Despite students’ preference to often work with a singular representation of rational numbers, it is important for teachers to continue to use multiple modes of representation. Moseley (2005) suggested that “an early exposure to more diverse perspectives (representations) of rational numbers assists students in developing more interconnected and viable representation knowledge for rational numbers” (p. 37). These diverse representations should not necessarily be presented in random order, but rather students should be introduced to the concrete representations first and allowed to slowly transition to the more abstract modes of representation. Bruner (1966) proposed to distinguish three different modes of mental 384 likely 1/1 1.0 100% certain representation: the sensory-motor (physical action upon objects), the iconic (creating mental images), and the symbolic (mathematical language and symbols). Although there is some disagreement as to this potential linear transition from one mode to the next, it is generally beneficial to start with the concrete. One way to review the rational number forms of fractions, decimals, and percentages is through a probability lesson. Using a number line, as shown in figure 3, equivalent values of the different modes of representation can be illustrated, thus helping students understand the fundamental properties of probability. In addition, students are able to make connections among the many different representations of rational numbers. The use of multiple means of representation encourages presenting the “same information through different sensory modalities” (Bruner 1966, p. 4) and in a format that allows the student to make adjustments. Teachers should take the information in the various representations and teach students how to “transform the accessible information into useable knowledge” (Bruner 1966, p. 5). For rational numbers, this scenario entails not only understanding each representation but also being able to translate from one format to another (fractions to decimals, percentages to fractions, and so on). Probability examples can connect the perceived independent MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL ● Vol. 19, No. 6, February 2014 representations of fractions, decimals, percentages, and likelihood to different representations of rational numbers. When applying multiple means of engagement, teachers are encouraged to examine their lessons and present multiple entry points to create interest in the lesson and concept (Rose and Gravel 2010). When students are interested and motivated, learning is more likely to happen. Therefore, it is critical for teachers to engage students and support them in making connections among different modes of rational numbers. Students should understand the various representations, but also know how the concepts relate to the world in which they live. For rational numbers, examples of text messaging, data usage, sports statistics, and space travel have proven successful for this educator. VARYING REPRESENTATIONS It is considered best practice in mathematics to instruct using multiple representations to meet the representational preference of each student and also to teach for understanding. Both practices will help support students’ ability to understand rational numbers and the connections among the different modes of representation. However, despite the need for instructing using multiple representations, if individual students struggle to acquire conceptual understanding of the mathematical topic, it is worth noting what their preferred mode of representation might be. Teachers should start with students’ preferred mode of representation and then slowly move toward the other modes. Lower-achieving students often prefer to learn with manipulatives or other concrete representations, whereas higher-achieving students prefer more abstract representations such as numbers and symbols. Regardless of the mode of representation, always teach for understanding. 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