3.2.1 Section 2 - Rational Numbers • Recall the definition of a Rational Number: A real number r is rational provided there exist integers a and b such that r = a/b and b ≠ 0. • Theorem: Every integer is a rational number. Proof: Let a be an integer, then a = a/1. Moreover, 1 is an integer and 1 ≠ 0. Therefore a is a rational number. QED 3.2.2 Proving Properties of Rationals • We will now look at some theorems and corollaries (theorems that follow essentially trivially from another theorem) about rational numbers. • We will rely on the Closure Properties of the Integers under +, −, and ⋅: If a,b are integers, then (a+b), (a−b), (b−a), and a⋅b are also integers. • We will also use their Zero-Product Property: If a,b ∈ Z, with a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0, then a⋅b ≠ 0. 3.2.3 Closure of the Rationals Under + • Theorem: If r, s ∈ Q, then (r + s) ∈ Q. • Proof: Let r, s ∈ Q. Thus ∃ a, b, c, d ∈ Z such that r = a/b with b ≠ 0 and s = c/d with d ≠ 0. Now, (r + s) = a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd. Since a, b, c, d ∈ Z, we have that (ad + bc) ∈ Z and that bd ∈ Z. Moreover, since b ≠ 0 and d ≠ 0, we conclude that bd ≠ 0. Consequently, (r + s) is the quotient of integers with non-zero denominator. Therefore (r + s) ∈ Q. QED 3.2.4 A Corollary • Corollary: Double a rational is rational. • Proof: Let r = s in the previous theorem.