A&P Notes - Bone and bone tissue

A&P Notes Worksheet – Bone Tissue
Name: ___________________
1. List & give a brief description of the 5 major FUNCTIONS of bone
2. List the 4 CLASSIFICATIONS of bones, a brief description & the examples of each.
3. For each of the MAJOR PARTS OF A LONG BONE. list the major function/description of each
part. Color code & label the diagram provided on back page. Study figure 5.2 on page 118
a. Diaphysis b. Epiphyses c. Periostem d. Sharpey’s fibers e. Articular cartilage
f. epiphyseal line/plate (what is the difference?)
g. medullary cavity/canal
4. Red marrow is found primarily in ________________________ &
______________________ and it has a function of hematopoiesis which means
__________________________________. Yellow marrow is found in
__________________________ and it purpose is _____________________________.
A. Compact bone
B. Diaphysis
C. Endosteum
D. Epiphyseal line
E. Epiphysis
F. Medullary cavity
G. Periosteum
H. Spongy bone
I. Yellow marrow
J. Sharpey’s fibers
K. Articular cartilage
Some parts are shown in more
than one place.
REVIEW: Write the name of each type of tissue AND place its letter by its function.
A. __________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________________
Function: tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock
Function: protective structure - site of yellow bone marrow - levers for muscles
Function: supports, reinforces, stands up to wear & tear
Function: site of red marrow - hematopoiesis
Bone tissue (pages 181-187)
I. Composition of Bone Tissue
A. Organic - _________% of bone mass: Provides bone with ____________________
1. bone cells: review blast,clast, cyte
2. organic EC matrix - "osteoid"
a. produced by _____________________________
b. Review: Consists of ground substance and collagen fibers (function?)
c. function of EC matrix: ______________________________
B. Inorganic EC matrix- ________% of bone mass: Provides bone with ______________
1. consists of inorganic salts - mainly Ca and P
II. 2 kinds of bone tissue (Know your 2 slides, location & function)
A. Compact bone (CBT)(osseous)
B. Cancellous (spongy) bone (SBT)
III. Bone marrow (myeloid tissue)
A. yellow bone marrow - _____________ storage - medullary canal of CBT
B. red bone marrow - ______________ formation (hematopoiesis) - spongy bone
Types of Bone Growth
a. Longitudinal Growth
i. Bone growth in length at the ________________________________.
End when plates ________________________.
ii. Females tend to grow in height until about 18 years of age while males tend to
grow until about 21 years of age – although it varies from person to person
b. Appositional growth
i. Bone growth in ________________________
ii. Occurs throughout your life
iii. Also known as ________________________________ - Because bones
will adjust according to the stresses placed upon them.
c. These 2 types work together to make the bones long enough and strong enough.
Regulation of Bone Growth
a. Bone is a dynamic and constantly active tissue. Bones are constantly being remodeled
according to _______________________________________________.
b. The main factor that affects what our bone tissue does is our __________________
Bone growth - optimum blood calcium level = 9-11 mg Ca per 100 ml of blood
A. fig 6.11 - regulation by hormonal feedback - purpose : to maintain optimal ionic Ca
levels in blood – this is your body’s TOP priority
1. PTH (parathyroid gland) – activated when Ca levels in blood are
a. (hypocalcemia) - promotes calcium ____________________________
b. Calcium will go from _____________________ to
2. Calcitonin (thyroid gland) activated when Ca levels in blood are ______________
a. (hypercalcemia) - promotes calcium ____________________________
b. Calcium will go from _____________________ to
B. fig 6.12 - regulation by mechanical stress - purpose : keeps bones strong – this is
your body’s second priority
1. Wolff's law - bone remodels or grows according to stresses placed upon it
****PTH & calcitonin determine when remodeling will occur and
mechanical stress determines where*****
Fractures - Types of fractures - see table 6.2 page 192: know the types, descriptions
Disorders: other disorders on WS
1. osteoporosis
a. define:
b. who affected:
c. contributing factors d. treatments 2. Osteomalacia (rickets)
a. define:
b. who affected
c. contributing factors:
d. treatments: