1. Which type of volcano is best represented in this photo?
a) shield volcano
b) cinder cone volcano
c) strato volcano
d) Icelandic volcano
2. What type of eruption does this represent?
a) Icelandic b) Effusive c) Hawaiian d) Plinian
3. At what kind of plate boundary is this eruption probably taking place at?
a) continental-continental convergence b) oceanic-continental convergence
c) hot spot d) divergent
4. This volcano has a VEI in what range?
a) 0-1 b) 1-3
c) 3-8
d) 9-20
5. What answer best describes this figure?
a) slump
b) creep
c) translation
d) fall
6. What would NOT best describe the feature labeled as “slideplane”?
a) water saturated b) high friction c) ancient slide surface d) clay-rich
7. What probably reduced the resistant force for this scenario?
a) over load the top of the slide
b) river bank undercut
c) planting trees
d) building a structure near the top
8. Where is there convergence aloft?
a) d
b) f c) e
d) a
9. Where is a low barometric pressure system located?
a) d
b) f c) e
d) a
10. Which way is the WIND at the surface moving?
a) f to c
b) f to d
c) e to a
d) a to e
11. Does this situation best represent…
a) winter b) summer
c) spring
d) fall
12. This mass wasting event is best described as…
a) subsidence b) earth flow c) debris flow d) rock slide
13. At Lake Nyos there exists a volcano related problem. In this slide scientists are trying to mitigate this
problem. What are they attempting to do?
a) remove CO2 from underlying rocks
b) remove CO2 from mid depth of the lake
c) remove CO2 from the top of the lake d) remove CO2 from bottom of the lake
14. What process contributed to the problem that killed many people at Lake Nyos?
a) hot gasses burned people to death
b) pyroclastic flows
c) lake overturning
d) cool weather winds
15. Letter A is a …
a) cold front
c) occluded front
b) warm front
d) jet stream
16. Letter B will produce what kind of weather?
a) thin band of strong thunder storms
b) wide band of thunderstorms
c) fairly sunny and mild weather
d) thin band of weak thunderstorms
17. What is the plate setting for Iceland?
a) oceanic-continental convergence b) oceanic-oceanic convergence c) transform
d) divergent
18. What property does clay have that makes it more susceptible to water induced slope failure?
a) has a positive charge
b) has a negative charge c) dissolves in water
d) has a round unstable
19. An extensiometer measures…
a) amount of land movement from magma flow
b) amount of land movement due to mass wasting
c) amount of land movement due to water content
d) amount of land movement from sector collapse
20. What process best describes creep?
a) low viscosity and fast mass movement
b) high viscosity and slow mass movement
c) direct fall off of cliff face
d) freeze-thaw process and gravity
21. Which best describes water role in mass wasting?
a) a little is good and more is better
b) none is good and a lot is worse
c) some is good a lot is worse
d) lots is good some is worse
22. What contributed to the Point Fermin mass wasting?
a) bedding dipped away from the sea
b) bedding dipped toward the sea
c) earthquake trigger
d) fire
23. Which of the following barometric pressure change is characteristic of a cyclone moving in the northern
a) remains constant b) decreases c) increases d) fluctuates dramatically
24. What are 3 conditions necessary to create a tornado?
a) Humid air meeting cold air moving at less than 50 mph and a jet stream moving at less than 150 mph
b) Warm (greater than 75 degrees) humid air meeting cold air that moves at more than 50 mph and a jet
stream moving at more than 150 mph
c) Cold and warm air colliding with no jet stream
25. Cyclones are air masses that:
a) flow counterclockwise and produce low pressure
c) create clear sunny days
b) produce high pressure and flow clockwise
d) descend toward the earth
26. Which of the following best describes how a tornado destroys buildings.
a) high pressure outside, low pressure inside (in structure), building implodes
b) low pressure outside, high pressure inside (in structure), building implodes
c) high pressure outside, low pressure inside (in structure), building explodes
d) low pressure outside, high pressure inside (in structure), building explodes
27. Which best describes how a thunderstorm dies out?
a) downdraft pulls in cool air which overwhelms the updraft of warm air
b) updraft loses energy and dies out
c) lateral incoming winds overwhelm the storm cell
d) low pressure updrafts overwhelm the storm cell
28. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Jet Stream?
a) position changes due to seasons
b) winds move fast - up to 370 mph
c) moves from east to west in the United States
d) is located between 5 and 8 miles high
29. If you were terrified of severe weather and wanted to avoid the possibility at all costs, which of the
following would be the best place to live?
a) Oklahoma b) Texas c) Florida d) Oregon e) Kansas
30. Tornadoes are not common in Utah but we have had some. Have there been any fatalities?
a) No b) Yes
31. Two major controls on a magma's viscosity are:
a) temperature and size of magma body
b) temperature and silica content (composition)
c) silica content (composition) and depth of the magma body
d) mineral solids and depth of magma body
32. What type of volcano makes up the Hawaiian Islands?
a) shield volcano b) composite volcano c) flood basalts
33. What is the plate tectonic setting of Hawaii?
a) continent-continent b) ocean-continent c) divergent
d) stratovolcano
d) transform
e) hot spot
34. What was the evidence geologists used to determine that Yellowstone had big eruptions in the past?
a) lots of gas coming out of the crater
b) extensive ash deposits are observed
c) they saw a magma dome
d) the number of earthquakes
35. Are you looking forward to spring break (read all possible answers and choose one correct answer)?
a) Absolutely! b) YES! c) Of Course! d) All of the above
36. Which of the following conditions results in widespread, low intensity thunderstorms:
a) a warm front
b) an occluded front
c) a tornado
d) a cold front
37. The MAIN components that create weather on earth are:
a) water and heat from the sun
b) earth's rotation on axis
c) earth’s rotation around the sun
d) life on earth and ocean currents
38. What is true about the silica tetrahedron and effects on viscosity?
a) has a negative charge and most other things have a positive charge=higher viscosity
b) has a negative charge and most other things have a positive charge=lower viscosity
c) has a positive charge and most other things have a negative charge=higher viscosity
d) has a positive charge and most other things have a positive charge=lower viscosity
39. What evidence did the geologists observe that told them Mt. Pinatubo was about to go SOON?
a) earthquake swarms
b) lava dome
c) sulfur dioxide emissions
d) steam outgassing
40. What type of boundary is Mt. Pinatubo probably located on?
a.) oceanic-continental convergence b.) oceanic-oceanic convergence c.) transform d.) divergent
41. Mt. Pinatubo is probably composed of what kind of material?
a) mafic
b) intermediate
c) felsic
42. The illustration below is showing which type of mass movement?
a) translational slide b) slump c) fall d) flow
43. The principal triggering mechanisms that may initiate the more rapid types of mass
wasting are all of the following except:
a) weight added to the lower part of a slope
b) undercutting of slopes by natural processes or by man
c) earthquakes
d) rock being broken up by frost action
e) sudden, extremely heavy rains (or rapid melting of snow cover)
44. Which of the following factors contributed to the massive Turtle Mountain or, what is sometimes called,
the Frank rockslide?
a) the rocks contained fractures that were dipping parallel to the slope and the toe of the slope was
weakened by mining
b) clay under sandstone
c) there were heavy rains and melting snow and the river undercut the toe of the hillside
d) glacial ice broke away and hurled down the mountain
45. The Portuguese Bend earthflow involved which of the following except…
a) bentonite clay and water
b) rocks dipping seaward
c) ocean undercuts toe
d) ancient slide surface
e) mining activity at the toe
46. A Sturzstrom is best described as …
a) long runout/distance debris flow
b) slow
c) high viscosity
d) traveling only to the base of the slope
47. What is the danger associated with shield volcano activity in Iceland ?
a) lahars race down the mountain
b) pyroclastic flows
c) carbon dioxide is released and moved down the mountain causing animals to suffocate
d) they can release jokulhlaups
48. Lightning results from:
a) negative charge in the ground moving toward the cloud to connect
b) positive and negative charges repelling each other
c) negative charge heading from the cloud to the ground and positive charges moving upward from the
ground to connect
d) thunder
49 . A fundamental principle and relationship for weather is…
a) warm air sinks, cold air rises, wind blows from high to low pressure
b) warm air rises, cold air sinks, wind blows from high to low pressure
c) warm air sinks, cold air rises, wind blows from low to high pressure
d) warm air rises, cold air sinks, wind blows from low to high pressure
50. In the northern hemisphere the Coriolis Effect causes moving masses to…
a) move in a straight line
b) curve to the left
c) curve to the right
d) reverse direction