Hellenic Accreditation System Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate No. 142-3 SCOPE of ACCREDITATION of the A’ Chemical Division of the General Chemical State Laboratory Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used Biological tests 1. Soya: foodstuffs (beans, flour), feedstuffs (flour) Screening method for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), by the detection of CaMV 35S promoter. 2. Maize: foodstuffs (grains, flour), feedstuffs (grains, flour) In house method (ΜΕΘ 0302 ΓΤΟ1) based on the Official German Method [LMBG § 35 of the German Federal Foodstuffs Act, L 00.00.31 (1998)] and by using the Eurofins GeneScan kit (GMOScreen 35S/NOS), with PCR and electrophoresis. DNA extraction with the DNAExtractor kit, Eurofins GeneScan. Chemical testing 1. Soya sauce 1. Determination of Chloropropanols in Foodstuffs 2. Fats and oils, Meat and 1. Determination of polycyclic aromatic meat products, Cheese, hydrocarbons in foodstuffs Fishes, Milk powder, Dried fruits, Spices, Infant formulas, Food supplements, Cocoa beans and its products Page 1 of 6 In house method: ΜΕΘ 03 02 CPGCMS GC-MS, based on ΕΛΟΤ EN 14573:2005 In house method: ΜΕΘ 03 02 PAHHPLC HPLC_UV-VIS-Fluorecence based on ISO-WD 15753:2006 Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015 Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used 1. Detection of allergenic peanut protein In house method: ΜΕΘ 03 02 ΑΛΛ 01 based on the Biokits Peanut Assay Kit (NEOGEN) and according to EN 15633-1:2009 Foodstuffs-Detection of food allergens by immunological methods Part1: General considerations 2. Determination of Cd, Pb In house method 04 01 AASF1 based on ELOT EN 14084:2003, ELOT EN 13604:2002 and AOAC 999.10:2000 with AAS with graphite furnaceZeeman 4. Coffee raisins and cereals Determination of ochratoxin A. Method 04 01 OTA: In–house method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after immunoaffinity column cleanup. 5. Milk Determination of aflatoxin M1. Method 04 01 M1M: In–house method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after immunoaffinity column cleanup. 6. Edible plant fats and oils 1. Determination of free fatty acids 3. Foodstuffs 2. Determination of peroxide value 3. Determination of fatty acid methyl esters 4. Determination of sterols and erythrodiol-uvaol 7. Olive oils and pomace oils 1. Spectrophotometric analysis in the ultraviolet ISO 660:2009 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex II / Titration, as in force Method Code : 15 01 Λ1 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex III / Titration, as in force Method Code : 15 01 Λ3 ISO 5508:1990. Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex X / Gas Chromatography, as in force Method Code : 15 01 Λ6 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex V and VI / TLC, Gas Chromatography, as in force Method Code : 15 01 Λ8 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex IX / Spectrophotometry, as in force Method Code : 15 01 Λ2 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, 2. Determination of triacylglyceroles with Annex XVIII, HPLC, as in force ECN42 (ΔECN42) Method Code : 15 01 Λ7 3. Determination of waxes Page 2 of 6 Method of Regulation EEC 2568/91, Annex IV, column chromatography, GC, as in force. Method Code : 15 01 Λ11 Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015 Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured 8. Alcohol, spirit drinks, wine 1. Determination of alcoholic strength 9. Alcohol, spirit drinks 1. Determination of congeners 2. Determination of phthalates esters 3. Determination of the 14C content 10. Wine 11. Spirit drinks 1. Determination of total sulfur dioxide 1. Determination of sugars in spirit drinks Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used E.E.C. Reg. 625/2003, 2870/2000, Electronic densimeters, Compendium of International Methods of Wine and Must Analysis OIV Edition 2012 Volume I (method OIV-MA-AS31201A), Method Code : 1503 AΠ 4 E.E.C. Reg. 2870/2000, Gas Chromatography Method Code: 1503 AΠ 5 In house Method, based on J. AOAC Int., 1995, 78(3), 730 by HPLC, Method Code : 1503 AΠ 10 In house method based on Method of Regulation (EC) 625/2003, Liquid Scintillation Counter Method Code: 1503 AΠ 9 Compendium of International Methods of Wine and Must Analysis OIV Edition 2012 Volume II (method OIV-MAAS323-04A), Method Code : 1503 ΟΙ 1 RECUEIL DES METHODES D’ ANALYSE DES BOISSONS SPIRITUEUSES, DES ALCOOLS, DE LA FRACTION AROMATIQUE DES BOISSONS, Alain Bertrand, 1ere edition, 2011, OIV. HPLC, Method Code: 1503 AΠ 11 13 12 12. Alcohol and spirit drinks, 1. Determination of C / C ratio by isotope mass spectrometry (IRMS) honey, sugar. In-house Method, based on J. AOAC Official Methods 978.17 και 991.41, Reg. (EC) 440/2003, by EA- IRMS Method Code: 1503 TΠ 1 13. Chilli peppers and chilli products, mixes of spices, sauces and snacks 1. Determination of Sudan Red dyes (I, II, III, IV) content In-house method based on Method of European Commission Notification 03/92 by HPLC, Method Code: 1502 SUDAN 14. Foods soluble in water (including drinks, jams, syrups, confectionery) 1. Determination of water soluble food colors content In-house method by HPLC Method Code: 1502 COLOURS 15. Bakery products, beverages, non-alcoholic drinks, juices and other fruit drinks, marmalades, jams, tomato products, vegetable and fruit products, salad dressings and sauces 1. Determination of Benzoates and Sorbates content Page 3 of 6 In-house method based on Method § 35,00.00-9 of LMGB (Lebensmittel BundesGesetz) by HPLC Method Code: 1502 SaBa-1 Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015 Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured 16. Bakery wares (bread, 1. Determination of Propionates content bread type products, cakes, pies, mixes for bakery wares) Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used In-house method based on Method 35, L-17.00 LMBG (Lebensmittel Bundes Gesetz) by Gas Chromatography Method Code: 1502 PROP-1 In-house method based on Method D3 17. Food of plant origin 1. Determination of Sulphur dioxide and of Greek Food Code Part B’ by (Vegetable and fruit products, Sulphites content titrimetry syrups, food stimulants) Method Code: 1502 S-1 18. Cereals and cereal products 1. Determination of Moisture content 2. Determination of Ash content 19. Honey 1. Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural In-house method based on Method of Regulation EC 824/2000 (L100, 20.04.2000), Annex IV and Greek Food Code, Part B', Method IB2 and ISO 712- 2009 by Gravimetry Method Code: 1502 Y-1 In-house method based on Method of Regulation EU 234/2010 (L72/320.03.2010), Annex II and Greek Food Code, Part B', Method IB1 and ISO 2171- 2007 by Gravimetry Method Code: 1502 T-900 In house Method, based on Harmonised Methods of the International Honey Commission (2002), Method 5.2, by Spectrometry, Method Code: 1503 M 9 In house Method, based on Harmonised 2. Determination of diastase activity with Methods of the International Honey Phadebas Commission (2002), Method 6.2, by Spectrometry, Method Code: 1503 M 7 3. Determination of sugars 4. Determination of thyme pollen grains in honey In house Method, based on Harmonised Methods of the International Honey Commission (2002), Method 7.2, by HPLC, Method Code: 1503 M5 In house Method, based on Methods of the International Honey Commission [Apidologie 35 (Suppl.1) (2004)], by Microscope Method Code: 1503 M 16 Documented in-house multi-residue Pesticide residues determination using methods based on the Document flexible scope protocol of the analytes of SANCO 12571/2013 of the European the categories: Matrix categories Commission organochlorines,organophosphates, (as defined in ESYD using the following Analytical Guideline for flexible scope - triazines, pyrethroids, carbamates, Techniques: ESYD ΟΕ1-KOneonicotinoids, triazoles, dinitroanilines, ΕΥΕΛ/01/00/29.11.2011 amides, strobilourines, benzimidazoles, (a) LC-MS-MS and EU Regulations 396/2005 aryloxy-alkanoxy acids and (b) GC-FPD-NPD and 178/2006) (c) GC-MS-MS miscellaneous, given in the scope of (d) GC-ECD 20. FOOD and WATER matrices Page 4 of 6 Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015 Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured 20.1. Fruit and vegetables with high water content (fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, citrus fruits et al.) accreditation (List of Accredited Activities within flexible scope of accreditation: STANDARD FORM : 15 05 5.04 01)** 20.2. Cereals, pulses 20.3. Vegetable oils and fats http://www.esyd.gr/pweb/s/20/fil es/kanonismoi/diadikasies/list_15 05 5.04 01.doc 20.4. High fat products of animal origin: milk and milk products, meat and meat products, eggs, fisheries products et al. 20.5. High sugar and low water content Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used and Flexible Scope SOP : SOP 15 05 5.04 04/FLEX 20.6. Water (potable, surface and groundwater intended or not for human consumption) 20.7. Wines 21. Water and ‘soda-like’ non-alcoholic beverages Determination of dissolved hexavalent chromium 22. Drinking and surface waters Determination of Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, and Ni. Method 04 01 AAS W-1: In house method with atomic absorption spectrometry / graphite furnace. 23. Drinking water Determination of bromates 24. Drinking water, surface water and ground water of low pollution Page 5 of 6 Method 04 01 IC-BRO: In house method with ion chromatography / post column derivatisation / UV/Vis spectrophotometry 1. Determination of dissolved anions (F, In house, Ion Chromatographic Method Cl, Br, NO3, PO4, SO4, NO2) and cations (14-IC-W) (Na, K, Ca, Mg) 2. Determination of dissolved Pb, As 25. Drinking water, surface water and ground water Method 04 01 IC CHRO: In house method with ion chromatography / post column derivatisation / UV/Vis spectrophotometry based on method EPA 218.6 In house, Atomic Absorption Spectometry – Graphite Furnace Method Method AAS-As,Pb-W 1. Determination of Total Organic Carbon (T.O.C.) In house, Catalytic Oxidation – IR Spectrometric Method (TOC-W) 2. Determination of dissolved Cu In house, Atomic Absorption Spectometry – Graphite Furnace Method (AAS-Cu) Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015 Tested materials/ products Types of test/ Properties to be measured Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used In house, Inductively coupled plasma 3. Determination of dissolved Cr, Mn, Ni, atomic emission spectroscopy Method Fe and Al (ICP-OES-W) Microbiological tests 1. Drinking water, surface water, ground water and swimming pool water 1.Enumeration of culturable microorganisms at 22 and 37 oC ISO 6222: 1999 2. Detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ISO 16266:2006 2. Drinking water, surface 1. Detection and enumeration of water, ground water, intestinal enterococci swimming pool water and sea water 2. Detection and enumeration of Coliforms and Escherichia coli 3. Drinking water, surface water, ground water ISO 7899-2: 2000 ISO 9308-1:2014 1. Detection and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens Annex ΙΙΙ of the J.M.D. Y2/2006/2001 as modified, completed and valid until now 2. Detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) ISO 6461-2:1986 Site of assessment: Laboratory permanent premises: 16 A. Tsoxa str. , 11521 Athens, Greece. Approved signatories: D.Tsipi, T.Klada, V. Tzamtzis, I. Gardikis, N.Zoulis, C. Rizou, D. Chrysafidis, S.Kyriakidis, T.Markidis, N.Nikolis, E.Papavasileiou, E.Billa, S.Iossifidou, O.Robokou, G.Karygiannis, A.Arvanitaki, Chr.Sakellariou, Κ. Βergele, Z.Plyta, T.Kourouli, E.Botitsi, S.Antoniou, A. Constantinou, E. Moschona, G. Spiliopoulos, C.Vakka, G.Karanikolopoulos. This Scope of Accreditation replaces the previous of the annex F1/X3 dated 26.08.2013, F1/IX2 dated 2.09.2014, F1/H2 dated 8.01.2014 except for 15. “Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food” and F1/X17 dated 11.02.2014. The validation of the Accreditation Certificate No 142-3, to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, has been extended up to 06.05.2016 by decision of E.SY.D’s National Accreditation Council. Athens, November 19th, 2015 Ioannis Sitaras Director of the Laboratories Accreditation Division Page 6 of 6 Annex F1/H3 to the Certificate ESYD No. 142-3 19.11.2015