Appendix 1: Soil nutrient measurements


Appendix S1. Measurement of abiotic factors and effects of warming on nutrients and litter

Measurement of abiotic factors


Soil temperature was measured from end of August 2004 to beginning of August 2005 at

Latnjajaure using one temperature button (MiniTemp Logger, Photologic Ltd., Cobourg,

Ontario, Canada) at each site along the gradient. The buttons were protected from moisture damage by putting them into film canisters, sealed with silicone wax. They were then buried into the soil until the top of the canister was at about the same level as the soil surface, and subsequently covered with a heavy stone. At Latnjajaure, these precautions were necessary since alternating freeze-thaw cycles in winter exert strong forces on equipment, removing loggers from their original position. From end of May 2006 to beginning September 2006 we used data loggers with an external probe in 1 cm depth (Tinytag Plus TGP-0020, PB-5002-

1M5 probe, Gemini Data Loggers, Chichester, UK) since we were interested in the effects of temperature on the surface-dwelling cryptogams. Per experimental treatment two and three loggers were used at Latnjaure and Abisko, respectively. At each gradient site two loggers were used. In Alaska, temperature was measured from mid July 2005 through mid August

2005 with one Tinytag data logger per plot. From mid August 2005 through end of July 2006, one logger per site/treatment was used. Additionally, in the period of beginning of July 2006 through end of July 2006, at all sites/treatments, one more logger was in place (except at

Chandalar shelf). Temperature for plots without loggers was calculated by taking the average of the measurements in nearby plots (if more than one present). As a measure of temperature, we calculated both mean annual temperature (MAT) and degree days, the cumulative number of degrees. The temperature threshold at which both bryophytes and lichens might start to be photosynthetically active was estimated at 0 °C (Rastorfer 1970; Kappen

et al.


Consequently, all days of the measurement period with a mean daily temperature exceeding 0

°C were summed resulting in a degree day temperature sum. MAT and degree days were based on the measurement period from end of August 2004 to beginning of August 2005 in

Sweden, and mid August 2005 to end July 2006 in Alaska for MAT. Both MAT and degree days were significantly related to organic layer depth (see Appendix 3 in Supporting

Information). Since no logger was present in the Abisko plots and the logger in the control plots at Latnjajaure went missing, we calculated MAT and degree days in these plots from the known depth of the organic layer by using the regression in Appendix 3. The additional measurements from the summers 2005 and 2006 in Alaska, and summer 2006 in Sweden, were not included in the calculation of MAT and degree days, but confirmed that within-site differences were indeed small, justifying the overall relationship between sites.

Nutrient availability

Soil nutrient availability (ammonium NH



, nitrate NO



, phosphate PO



, magnesium Mg

2+ and calcium Ca 2+ ; and potassium K + in Alaska only) was measured according to Weih (1998) using ion exchange resins, during the summer 2004 and 2005 in Sweden and 2005 and 2006 in Alaska. Soil cores for measurement of extractable NO



and NH



were taken during the period of mid July (Alaska) to late August (Latnjajaure)/early September (Abisko) 2006.

Ion resins

The anion exchange membrane (AEM) and cation exchange membrane (CEM) used (product no. 55164 and 55165, respectively, B.D.H., Poole, U.K.) are polystyrene sheets with quarternary ammonium (AEM) or sulphonic acid (CEM) groups attached. The sheets were cut in 1 x 6 cm strips, onto which a fishing line was attached for easy recovery in the field once the resins were buried. CEM and AEM resins were saturated with H + using 0.1 M H




and with Cl

using 2 M NaCl, respectively (Giblin et al.

1994), by shaking for 2 h. In Sweden, resins were put out end July (Latnjajaure)/mid August (Sheffield) and retrieved end of August

(Latnjajaure)/end of September (Sheffield) in 2004. In Alaska, resins were brought out mid

July to mid August. Since blanks of NH



were too high, AEM were brought out again in

2006; in Sweden from end of May/beginning of June until end of August/beginning of

September, in Alaska from beginning to end of July. After the incubation period the resins were returned to the laboratory and extracted with 20 mL of 2 M NaCl in 0.1 M HCl (Giblin et al.

1994) by shaking for 2 h. The CEM in Alaska, however, were extracted with 2M HCl since extraction with NaCl in 2005 showed that an overflow of Na superimposes the K spectrum when measuring K


by atomic absorption. The extracts were subsequently analysed for NO


, NH


+ and PO


3. NH


+ was measured photometrically with an indicator (Tecator

Application note AN 134/91) using a flow injection autoanalyzer (Tecator, FIAstar 5020

Analyzer, 5032 Detector Controller, Foss, Rellingen, Germany). PO



was analysed photometrically with the molybdenum-blue method (Tecator Application note AN 146/90) using a flow injection autoanalyser (Tecator, Aquatec 5400 Analyser, Foss, Rellingen,

Germany). Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and K + were measured by atomic absorption (Varian AAS SpectrAA

220FS, Palo Alto, CA) in an air-acetylene flame under addition of LaCl


and CsCl. The difference in exposure time to the soil due to temporal differences in burial and excavation time at each site was not taken into account since the resins were buried and excavated within a few days along all the gradients and at the experiments. Due to logistics, the resins at the

Abisko site were excavated from the ground c. two weeks later than the ones at Latnjajaure and its nearby gradient plots. We did not correct for differences in exposure time since the growing season ends much earlier in Latnjajaure compared to Abisko and, because of the colder climate, soil processes are expected to cease as well. The resins are representative for both sites and the gradient for the second half of the growing season.

Soil cores

Soil cores with a cross-sectional area of 7.55 cm


and 18.86 cm


for Sweden and Alaska, respectively, and 5 cm depth per plot were taken during the period of mid July (Alaska) to late

August (Latnjajaure)/early September (Sheffield) 2006 for measurement of extractable NO


and NH


+ . Live roots were removed from the samples before taking an aliquot of soil to be extracted with 1 M KCl solution. The samples were shaken for 1 h and subsequently filtered using a Whatman GF/C glass fiber filter. NH



and NO



were measured photometrically by means of the indophenolblue method and the sulfanylamide/naphtyl–ethylene–diamine method, respectively (Skalar SA-40 continuous flow analyzer, Skalar, Breda, The

Netherlands). PO


3 was measured photometrically (Shimadzu, UV-1601PC, Shimadzu Corp.,

Kyoto, Japan) by means of the molybdenum-blue method. Values for NH



but not for PO


3needed to be blank-corrected before further use in analysis. Data were checked for outliers.




(resin) at one control plot at Toolik Lake showed ten times higher values compared to other control plots and was therefore replaced by the mean of the remaining plots. Missing values (resins and soil cores) were replaced by the mean of the remaining plots at one site or treatment.

Soil pH

Soil pH was measured in the 1 M KCl soil core extracts received for the nutrient analysis using a pH meter (WTW Inolab Level 2 pH meter, Sentix 41 membrane glass electrode,

WTW Weilheim, Germany).

Soil moisture

Soil moisture was measured manually on several days throughout the season by inserting a handheld Time Domain Reflectometry soil moisture meter (TDR Trime FM-2, P2G probe

(16cm length) and P2D probe (5cm length), IMKO GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany) into the soil.

In Sweden, the P2D probe was inserted vertically into the ground down to 5 cm depth. In

Alaska, the P2G probe was used and inserted at an angle of c. 30° into the ground, down to a depth of c. 8 cm. On each of the four sides of the Swedish plots, and in four places around the two subplots in Alaska, one measurement was taken and all four measurements were averaged. The resulting soil moisture values were averaged for the summers of 2004 through

2005, and 2005 through 2006, for Sweden and Alaska, respectively, to account for seasonal variability in tundra soils. Soil moisture values were separately calibrated for the different types of tundra soils occurring in Sweden and Alaska. To calibrate the TDR soil moisture meter in Alaska, four tundra soil cores, colonized with different mosses ( Dicranum ,

Hylocomium , Aulacomnium , Sphagnum ), all of which are dominant, were collected around

Toolik Lake in 2006 and transferred into water-tight canisters. No mineral soil was included in these cores. The cores were saturated with water, where-after soil moisture and weight were measured weekly during the entire field season. The soil was dried at 105 ºC and the mass-based % was calculated for each point of the calibration (Fig 1).



60 y = 22.303x + 3.8474



= 0.59




0,0 1,0 2,0

Ln vol-% TDR

3,0 4,0

Fig. 1 Mass-based versus ln-transformed TDR-based measurements of soil moisture in Alaska

( N = 44).

In Sweden, three tundra soil cores, typical for the gradient, were taken from around Abisko, either colonized with mosses ( Hylocomium , Pleurozium , Dicranum ) or Empetrum .

Measurements and calculations equalled those at Toolik Lake (calibration see Fig 2).




1,00 y = 0.5144x + 0.151



= 0.69


0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00

Ln(TDR+1) vol-%

4,00 5,00

Fig. 2 Mass-based (lnX) versus TDR-based (ln(X+1)) measurements of soil moisture in

Sweden ( N = 39).

Other soil measurements

Organic layer depth

The depth of the organic layer was defined as the humus-rich material on top of the mineral soil. In Alaska, due to patchiness in vegetation caused by Eriophorum tussocks, one soil profile of c. 70 cm width was analysed per site (except for the greenhouse; profiles for control plots were dug outside the experiment to minimize damage). The organic layer depth was measured in several places along the profile wall and the mean taken. In Sweden, vegetation was less patchy and the depth of the organic layer was inferred from soil cores taken for nutrient extractions.

Active layer depth and ground penetrability

Active layer depth was measured in Alaska towards the end of July in 2006. Since Sphagnum was the only surviving bryophyte in the greenhouses, measurements at all sites were conducted below Sphagnum to be comparable to each other. A metal pin was inserted into the ground until the frozen ground was reached and depth readings taken starting at the top of the bryophyte layer. Ten measurements per plot were taken and averaged. In Sweden, no permafrost could be measured, being either absent or located too deep in the ground. Instead, end of August until beginning of September 2006, we measured ground penetrability which might be important for plant roots trying to penetrate the soil. A large metal pin was inserted into the ground until a stone was hit or the ground got too dense for further penetration. Four measurements per plot were taken and averaged.

Amount of bare ground and stones

Amount of bare ground was measured beginning of August 2005 in Alaska at all sites using a frame of 1 x 1 m which was subdivided into 10 x 10 cm


subquadrats. With the aid of the subquadrats, the percentage of bare ground was recorded close to each vegetation plot in four adjacent quadrats and averaged. In Sweden, 1 m


was recorded per experimental plot in late

August 2006, this being the maximum area available per plot, while 4 m


were covered along the gradient, and subsequently averaged. The amount of stones per plot was measured during the vegetation survey as point intercept hits.

Effects of experimental warming on nutrients and litter

Table 1 Effect of warming treatment and experimental site on NH


+ resin

, NH


+ soil core

and amount of litter (two-way ANOVAs, N = 4-6). Significant P -values are marked with bold letters



+ resin



+ soil core


Source F P F P F P



Warming x site













7.51 0.012

18.98 < 0.001

0.41 0.670

Relation of litter amount to increasing temperatures along natural climatic gradients

In Alaska, litter amount of all vascular plants except Eriophorum vaginatum increased towards the South ( R 2 = 0.30, P = 0.029); litter amount of E. vaginatum itself not showing a pattern along the gradient ( R


= 0.12, P = 0.18). Along the Swedish gradient, litter amount of all vascular plants increased with increasing MAT ( R


= 0.76, P < 0.001).


Giblin, A.E., Laundre, J.A., Nadelhoffer, K.J.

et al.

(1994) Measuring nutrient availability in arctic soils using ion-exchange resins - a field test. Soil Science Society of America

Journal , 58 , 1154-1162.

Kappen, L., Schroeter, B., Scheidegger, C.

et al.

(1996) Cold resistance and metabolic activity of lichens below 0°C.

Advances in Space Research , 18 , 119-128.

Rastorfer, J.R. (1970) Effects of light intensity and temperature on photosynthesis and respiration of two east antarctic mosses, Bryum argenteum and Bryum antarcticum . The

Bryologist , 73 , 544-556.

Weih, M. (1998) Seasonality of nutrient availability in soils of subarctic mountain birch woodlands, Swedish Lapland. Arctic and Alpine Research , 30 , 19-25.
