CONSTITUTION FOR the BUSINESS AND SOCIETY STUDENT CLUB Drafted by Iman Masud. Amended by Professor J.J. McMurty and Professor Richard Wellen. Last Amended: March 2006 by Iman Masud ARTICLE I. NAME & PURPOSE Section A: The name of the organization shall hereby be Business and Society Student Club, abbreviated as BUSOSC. Section B: The objectives of BUSOSC shall be the following: 1. to promote the welfare and interests of the students in Business and Society (BUSO) program of study at York University, and to provide services, activities, and facilities which address student needs or objectives; 2. to enrich the lives and educational experience of the students in the BUSO program through academic, cultural, recreational and social programming; 3. to encourage the continuous interchange of ideas and mutual participation among faculty, staff, and students; 4. to provide opportunities for individual and group initiatives in organizing and implementing productions, performances, projects, displays, and academic ventures such as study groups, lectures, and other activities in keeping with the objects and purposes of the University. 5. to assist new students in the BUSO program in getting familiar with the program and the University. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP Every student in the BUSO program in entitled to membership in BUSOSC without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, age, marital status, family status, or mental and/or physical ability. Membership is also open to all members of the York community, including all students, staff, faculty and alumni. ARTICLE III. QUORUM A quorum of membership for voting purposes shall be reached when 2/3 of the current membership of BUSOSC is present. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS, QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES Section A: The officers of the organization shall be the following: President, Vice-President of Finance and Secretary Section B: The duties of the officers shall be as follows: 1. The duties of the President are: 1.1. To coordinate activities with the Social Science department and the Business and Society coordinator. 1.2. To oversee and manage the operation of BUSOSC, and resolve any issues or complaints fairly and constitutionally 1.3. To act as an official spokesperson for BUSOSC in all matters pertaining to BUSOSC 1.4. To schedule meetings of The BUSOSC, and to provide a verbal or written report for every regular meeting. Meeting dates and times should be advertised to the BUSO community. 1.5. To chair any Committee of BUSOSC unless otherwise stated by the Constitution or subsidiary regulation, and oversee the process of finding interested applicants 1.6. To be a liaison between BUSOSC and other clubs, student governments and faculty student governments at York University 1.7. To learn and be familiar with the financial procedures of BUSOSC, and to have coincidental authority with the Vice-President of Financial Affairs to sign cheques on behalf of BUSOSC. 1.8. To ensure that there is a proper transfer of authority to sign cheques for BUSOSC funds from the previous and future Members of BUSOSC who held or will hold such authority 2. The duties of the Executive Director are: 2.1 To Delegate tasks and to form committees for specific tasks such as the planning and implementation of performances, lectures, and any other activities being arranged by BUSOSC. 2.2 To assist the President to act as an official spokesperson for BUSOSC in all matters pertaining to BUSOSC. 2.3 To maintain an accurate list of all Members and Associates of BUSOSC. 2.4 To initiate the planning of election dates and times and to schedule meetings of BUSOSC, and to provide a verbal or written report for every regular meeting. Meeting dates and times should be advertised to the BUSO community. 2.5 To oversee the proper handling and storage of the recorded minutes of all meetings. 2.6 In case the President is unable to fulfill any of the aforementioned duties the Executive Director will be responsible for caring out the designated task. 3. The duties of the Vice President Finance are: 3.1. To oversee the disbursements of funds under the direction of BUSOSC, and therefore hold coincidental signing authority with the President, over any funds. 3.1.1. To maintain accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the monies of BUSOSC, and to maintain all financial records. 3.1.2. To monitor and report any inconsistencies in BUSOSC’s banking accounts 3.1.3. To oversee the management of every business owned and/or operated by BUSOSC in such a manner as BUSOSC may, from time to time direct. 3.2. To be responsible for preparing BUSOSC’s budget for the upcoming year 3.3. To generally oversee financial procedures, and to ensure that they are carried out in accordance with the Constitution or other subsidiary regulation concerning such financial procedures. 3.4. To approach appropriate parties (including the Social Science Department, YFS and College Councils) in order to gain access to funds required for the operation of the club and the execution of successful events. 3.5. To delegate duties to other Members where expedient, and where the delegation of such duties is allowed in the Constitution and any other subsidiary regulation. 3.6. To provide BUSOSC with a verbal or written report for every regular meeting or when requested to. 4. The duties of the Vice President social are: 4.1. To respond to requests for, and promote any activities and events that are deemed to be socially enriching to the Business and Society program. 4.2. To oversee, investigate, and report to BUSOSC on all aspects of events; including finances, ticket prices, and additional responsibilities of Members for such events. 4.3. To work with the VP Finance in order to create budgets for proposed events and to engage in the timely planning of these events. 4.4. To coordinate activities with the Social Science department and the Business and Society coordinator. 4.5. To initiate and aid in the planning of events for Orientation and the involvement of first year students, and to be responsible for the successful implementation of the same. 4.6. To delegate duties, to other Members, where expedient, and where the delegation of such duties is allowed in the Constitution, and any other subsidiary regulation. 4.7. To provide the BUSOSC with a verbal or written report for every regular meeting or when requested to. 4.8. To carry out the duties assigned to all Members, as prescribed in this article, and as required in the Constitution, or any subsidiary regulation. 5. The duties of the Vice President of Communications are: 5.1. To coordinate advertising for all BUSOSC operations and events. 5.2. To be responsible for the coordination of all Members in the printing of posters and tickets for all operations and events. 5.3. To be responsible for the maintenance and appearance of the BUSOSC Web Site and other official notice sites. 5.4. To be responsible for the distribution of information on the executive listserv, the BUSOSC listserv, the central clubs listserv, and the greater BUSO listserv. 5.5. To coordinate with other Members to ensure that relevant information is included in any other relevant student publications. 5.6. To be responsible for the BUSOSC e-mail account and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that any questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion. 5.7. To delegate duties, to other Members, where expedient, and where the delegation of such duties is allowed by the Constitution, and any other subsidiary regulation. 5.8. To provide the BUSOSC with a verbal or written report for every regular meeting or when requested to. 5.9. To carry out the duties assigned to all Members, as prescribed in this article, and as required in the Constitution, or any other subsidiary regulation. 6. The duties of the Newsletter Editor in Chief are: 6.1. To ensure the timely planning and publication of BUSO Notes- the Business and Society Newsletter. 6.2. To maintain copies of past and current issues and to ensure in the appropriate handling and transfer of these to successors. 6.3. To educate successors on the appropriate techniques and technology involved in the creation and publication of the newsletter. 6.4. To coordinate with the VP Finance, the Social Science department and the Business and Society coordinator to form a budget for the publication of the newsletter. 6.5. To maintain alliances with printers to ensure the timely publication of the Business and Society Newsletter. 6.6. To chair the Business and Society Newsletter editorial committee. 6.7. To delegate duties, to other Members, where expedient, and where the delegation of such duties is allowed by the Constitution, and any other subsidiary regulation. 6.8. To provide the BUSOSC with a verbal or written report for every regular meeting or when requested to. 6.9. To carry out the duties assigned to all Members, as prescribed in this article, and as required in the Constitution, or any other subsidiary regulation. 7. The duties of the Junior Representative are: 7.1. To promote the involvement of first and second year students in BUSOSC events, activities, and facilities. 7.2. To represent the best interests of first and second year students on the BUSOSC, and ensure that any events and activities of BUSOSC are sensitive to these interests. 7.3. To ensure that first and second year Business and Society classes are well informed of the club’s activities and upcoming events. Where possible this should include a visit to each core Course within the first 3 weeks of the each term. 7.4. To put on an event which is intended to increase the participation of first and second year students in BUSOSC events. 7.5. To carry out the duties assigned to all Members, as prescribed in this article, and as required in the Constitution, or any subsidiary regulation. 8. The duties of the Senior Representative are: 8.1. To promote the involvement of third and fourth year students in BUSOSC events, activities, and facilities. 8.2. To represent the best interests of third and fourth year students on the BUSOSC, and ensure that any events and activities of BUSOSC are sensitive to these interests. 8.3. To ensure that third and fourth year Business and Society classes are well informed of the club’s activities and upcoming events. Where possible this should include a visit to each core Course within the first 3 weeks of the each term. 8.4. To put on an event which is intended to increase the participation of third and fourth year students in BUSOSC events. 8.5. To carry out the duties assigned to all Members, as prescribed in this article, and as required in the Constitution, or any subsidiary regulation. 9. Secretary 9.1. To attend all meetings of BUSOSC and take complete and accurate minutes of the same. 9.2. To present a typed copy of the minutes of each meeting and the members of BUSOSC at large within two weeks of the meeting 9.3. To perform administrative duties for BUSOSC 9.4. To assume such other duties as BUSOSC may, from time to time, assign. 9.5. To prepare an agenda for upcoming meetings ARTICLE V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section A: The term of office shall be one year beginning on the 1st day of May and ending on the 30th day of April. The month of April shall act as a transition period Section B: Nominations shall take place at least four weeks before the end of the Executive term (March 31st) Section C: Votes shall be counted by a Chief Recording Officer appointed by the BUSOSC. Section D: Installation of new officers shall take place by May 1st. Section E: Special elections shall be held if a vacancy occurs. The elections should occur within 2 weeks of the vacancy. Members shall be notified by email if this occurs. ARTICLE VI. IMPEACHMENT AND VACANCIES Section A: Impeachment of Officers 1. Charges may be brought against an officer by any member of the organization. It will take a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, excluding the accused officer, to impeach. 2. The impeached officer shall then be provided with due opportunities for defense. 3. A 2/3 vote of the voting body is then required to effect the resignation of the officer. Section B: Filling Vacancies All vacancies in elected positions shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. If one or more officers are unable to assume or continue with their duties, the remaining officers shall hold a special election to fill those vacancies under the guidelines for elections in this document. ARTICLE VII. DUES Section A: Dues are not to exceed $10 per year and shall be set at the beginning of each academic year by recommendation of the officers and a vote by the voting body. Section B: If the organization becomes inactive or folds, the remaining funds in the account will be used to pay off any debts that BUSOSC had incurred. ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS Section A: Meetings shall be held regularly at a time to be specified by the organization at the beginning of each Semester. There should be at least 3 meetings per semester. Section B: Special meetings may be called by the (President, the VP Finance, or the faculty advisor) for emergency situations. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES Section A: Committees shall be created by BUSOSC in order to deal with specific events that The BUSOSC organizes. These committees shall be delegated tasks and shall divide tasks within the members. Section B: Volunteers shall form the committees. If there is more than one volunteer for the position of committee chairperson, a vote shall be held and the individual that gains the vote of the majority of those present and voting shall chair the committee. ARTICLE X. RULES OF ORDER Robert's Rules of Order shall be used as a guide by the presiding officer in all situations not covered by provisions of the constitution. ARTICLE XI. BY-LAWS AND AMENDMENTS Section A: By-laws 1. By-laws may be created by the President, the VP Finance, or any general members of BUSOSC. 2. By-laws must be in accordance with this constitution as amended. 3. By-laws must be sponsored by at least two persons, one being an officer, committee chair, etc. 4. By-laws shall be adopted by a majority vote at a general meeting with quorum.. ARTICLE XII. INTERPRETATION BUSOSC and the Centre for Student Community and Leadership Development at York shall be the authority for the interpretation of the Constitution and all subsidiary regulations. BUSOSC shall, however, make all determination of construction and interpretation with due regard to the following, whichever are directly applicable given the circumstances: a) interpretations, if any, set out in the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order (Newly Revised); b) interpretive precedents set by the Canadian House of Commons, including Speakers’ rulings; c) Black’s Law Dictionary; d) accepted rules of grammatical and lexical construction in Canadian English. [Adapted from the C.A.S.A. Constitution, Article Four, s. 4.11] ARTICLE XIII. RATIFICATION This constitution shall be enforced upon ratification by a 2/3 of those members of the voting body that are present and voting, and upon approval of this constitution by the Clubs Registration Committee.