1. Greetings
2. Numbers 1-12
3. European Day of Languages
4. Age
5. How you feel
6. Saying & asking name
7. Numbers 13-31 (focus -20)
8. Any appropriate crosscurricular pack
9. Christmas
1. IU - 6th Jan – Fête des rois
2. Numbers 30-60
3. Colours
4. Shape
5. Body
6. Alphabet
7. Numbers 60-80
1. Numbers 81-100
2. Pets & animals
3. (Pack) Habitats
4. Pack: Handa’s Surprise
1. Greetings
2. Numbers 1-12
3. How you feel
4. Saying & asking name
5. Le melon énorme
6. Numbers 13-20
7. Months
8. Numbers 21-31 & date
9. Birthdays
10. Fête days
11. Christmas
1. Numbers 30-60
2. Prepositions & text -
(Une histoire sombre)
3. Pack : Château hanté
4. Higher numbers 61-80
5. Easter – making a card
1. Numbers 81-100
2. Ice-creams & likes & dislikes
3. (Pack) eg: Hungry caterpillar
4. Transport
1. Greetings
2. Numbers 1-12
3. European Day of Languages
4. How you feel
5. Saying & asking name
6. Numbers 13-31
7. Zoo animals & Cher Zoo pack
8. Alphabet
9. Christmas
1.Numbers 30-60
2. Days
3. Months
4. Seasons
5. Weather
6. (Pack) Eg:
Le voyage de Plume / Storms &
Shipwrecks or other
7. Higher numbers 61-80
1. Numbers 81-100
2. Sport; opinions & adjectives; parts of body & J’ai mal …
3. Topic on France/Frenchspeaking countries – collaborative task
4. Food, products, people
5. Cars, Geography, school day
6. Paris
1. Greetings
2. Numbers 1-12
3. How you feel
4. Saying & asking name
5. Traditional rhyme (le fermier dans son pré)
6. Numbers 13-31
7. Clothes, colours & adjectives
8. Christmas
1. Numbers 30-60
2. Where you live town /country
3. Places in town
4. Directions
5. (pack) Eg: Bear Hunt or:
Storms & Shipwrecks or other
6. Higher numbers 61-80
7. Easter
1. Numbers 81-100
2. Pack: eg: Healthy eating
3. Time & mealtimes in France
4. Café, food & money https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/learning/west_sussex_grid_for_learning/curriculum/modern_foreign_languages_mfl/key_stage_2/french_sc hemes_of_work/ks2_-_4y_sofw_y3-6.aspx