THEME IDEAS: HAVING GRADE LEVEL CHOOSE THEME AND REST OF SCHOOL JOINS FUN… Facilitator: Marilyn Merlo People Attending Session: April Ernst; Eric Arbetter; Faye Boyd; Pat Brown; Marilyn Merlo; Cindy Cardwell; Cheryl Meyer Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Could be tied to any grade level curriculum Advertise by daily memo, TV broadcast, decorate building, staff lounge, white board Purpose: Generate school spirit; connectedness Schoolwide Days: Beach, tropical rainforest, etc. Librarian could have books in library based on theme Possibly music and art could coordinate with these themes Next Steps: Idea box in teacher’s lounge with forms to fill out to suggest themes Volunteer Committee formed (April, Cindy & Cheryl will spearhead efforts) to coordinate efforts & notify staff. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / RECOGNITION Facilitator: Joan Grantham People Attending Session: Joan Grantham, Tammy Rayburn, Kimi Eye, Kerri Treadway, Theresa Reuther Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Character Trait Awards; Bull Dog; Honors Class Cash Staff – Teacher of the Year Teacher of the Week – Spotlight; lunch break (Teaching & Personal Sharing) Students interview teachers & put interview on T.V. (Random drawing by students) Interview People on T.V. Next Steps: Student will interview staff members for T.V. program (This includes all staff: Kitchen help, custodians, and resource people who work part-time with students, as well as teachers). ACCEPTING OF DIFFERENCES Facilitator: James Smitt People Attending Session: James Smitt; David Hicks, Tennie Bramlett, Vanessa Reese, Jenny Derleth; Abby Smith; Dave Carafiol; Angie Brittingham; Kathy Schlueter, Debbie Taylor, Dawn Wise, Terra Yeargain Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Greater recognition of different teaching styles Recognition of individual differences among staff members Greater interaction of staff members Elimination of “clicks” among staff members Next Steps: Fair treatment of all staff members and elimination of privileges for certain staff members. BUILDING BARRINGTON’S SCHOOL IMAGE Facilitator: Tracy Hoesli People Attending Session: Tracy Hoesli, Meg Sutton, Nicole Burnett, Sarah Williams, Jordan Portell, David Best, Jan Leander Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Student Council helping with different events around school PR – Letting the community know what Barrington is doing Be role models Permanent artwork throughout building Revisit Rocks Keep up outside appearance Develop Courtyard – make an outdoor classroom. Living things unit where everyone plays a part. Next Steps: Talk with Student Council and PTA Explore grades 1,3,5 working in garden Talk with Bridget about permanent artwork and 6th grade handprints BARRINGTON – CELEBRATE WHAT’S RIGHT Facilitator: Joan Wagner People Attending Session: Joan Wagner, Melody Faser, Kendra Minor, Laurianne Zink, Sabrina Kneebone, Becky Bockhorst, Carrie Luedde, Lauren Murphy, Jason Cox, Bridgett Niedringhaus, Leslie Thompson, Sue Hausmann Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Give PTA thank you notes Honor Roll Award – not just for grades Consistency for Bull Dog award Spot Light on “Bull Dog Dirt” - more student interviews for “Bull Dog Dirt” in the morning. Bull Dog Club – Tracks from teachers to students AND then students. Bull Dog Club is received when they receive enough “tracks.” Classroom Rewards – weekly drawings More class projects (example – decorate classroom door) Teacher Lounge Talk Board Board Outside – List student recognition Lighted repeated message board – list students achievements BUG Award (Bring Up Grade Award) Let kids come up with their own rewards & standards to get their awards Next Steps: Get people to work on Bull Dog Awards (Delegate) Talk to other schools about their reward systems Delegate people to work on these topics AFTER OR BEFORE SCHOOL OPEN GYM FOR WORKOUTS, AEROBICS, BASKETBALL & VOLLEYBALL Facilitators: Joe DeLuca (AM), Cindy Cardwell (PM) People Attending Session: Joe DeLuca, Cinday Cardwell,Cheryl Meyer, Marily Merlo, Tennie Bramlett, Pat Brown, April Ernst, Meg Sutton, Nicole Burnett, Sabrina Kneebone, Carrie Luedde, Becky Bockhorst, Jan Leander, Theresa Reuther, Joan Wagner Generated Thoughts & Ideas: 3:30 – 4:30 Faculty Open Gym Walk, Bring CD’s Yoga Volleyball Tape Lanes Shoot Basketball DIGIWALK (Pedometer) Gym Games Mon, Tuesday & Thursday (P.M.) Next Steps: Talk to latchkey Talk with Bridgett Check with Cathy for after school activities Start 3/10 March: (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays) April (Monday through Thursdays, maybe off Wednesdays) May SHARING GREAT IDEAS Facilitators: Heidi Wilson, James Smitt People Attending Session: Jim Smitt, Heidi Wilson, Melody Faser, Mary Whitmore Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Teachers need more time to visit other classrooms. Maybe bring a TA in for an hour or so. Build resource center in teachers lounge. Maybe put in binder divided by subjects in which people could contribute their unique ideas. Or create file system. Bulletin board to post websites Discuss good ideas in faculty meeting – what worked well? Monthly newsletter (generated by students) Character Traits need to be more emphasized Have more faculty activities (bowling, poker night etc) Improve School Beautification (PTA group) Next Steps: Get approval from Principal to set up committees for: o Teacher Resource Center in lounge o Staff Social Activities o Newsletter (monthly school wide newsletter) GETTING PARENTS MORE INVOLVED Facilitator: Chris Burgess People Attending Session: Chris Burgess, Mary Whitmore, Heidi Wilson Generated Thoughts & Ideas: What? How? - School Volunteers Parent Committees Newsletter to parents from students Get more parental involvement in PTA Parent Resource Area – Worksheets, website, etc. Teachers rotate to do bus A.M. & P.M. Duty Next Steps: Enforce rules already set Start class newsletters Have schedule set for morning duty Find information for Parent Resource Area WORKING ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF DIFFERENCES. BRINGING TOGETHER REGULAR CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS TO DISCUSS DIFFERENT TOPICS INVOLVING STUDENTS DIVERSITIES AND HOW TO BEST HELP THEM Facilitator: Tracy Hoesli People Attending Session: Tracy, Dawn Wise, Terra Yeargain, Jenny Derleth, Abby Smith, Faye Boyd, Kathy Schlueter, Debbie Taylor, Angie Brittingham, Vanessa Reese, Tammy Rayburn, Dave Best,, David Hicks, K. Treadway Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Create a practical folder to travel with students to help the teacher – Can be used with all students (Excel cards) Have team meetings with Regular Ed and Special Ed. Have parents sit in on meetings PDC day dedicated to training regular ed teachers about working with Special Ed. After school meetings to discuss topics of concern Go to workshops General Education teachers have time to observe the Special Education room Next Steps: Begin with an awareness training. Form small committee to work on ideas BARRINGTON BUDDIES Facilitator: Laurianne Zink People Attending Session: Laurianne Zink, David Best, Kendra Minor, Sarah Williams, Lauren Murphy, Leslie Thompson Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Older & younger students pairing up with buddies (by class) Doing monthly projects together, writing letters back and forth, etc. Presenting topics to younger students that they are studying at the same time Social Skills – Leadership role for older grades, pairing students for tutoring needs, etc. (individualized attention) Read to – Creating lesson for younger grades Mini plays provided to younger students (utilize in special areas) – Older kids could serve as an audience for younger in special area classes. Buddy systems for students with special needs? Next Steps: Approval of administration Plan pairing needs (who should be with whom) Plan activities to share according to curriculum Brainstorm with kids – what are the possibilities – Let the older kids help with the direction of the program as much as possible. DEVELOPING VERTICAL TEAMS Facilitator: Sue Hausmann People Attending Session: Sue Hausmann, Jason Cox, Eric Arbetter, Jordan Portell, Bridgett Niedringhaus, Joan Grantham, Chris Burgess Generated Thoughts & Ideas: Curriculum overlaps – What is expected outcome? Expectations from grade level to grade level Vertical Team to serve as curriculum committee (fine tune current plan) 4 Vertical Teams – Draw on expertise Older students teach younger students with curriculum overlaps Time – Collaborative Scheduling Early release days may provide perfect opportunity Guidelines Prioritize curriculum (Expand by gaining information from middle school) Next Steps: Information to staff Get information from other schools (visit and see how it works + and -) Designate a staff meeting to disseminate information