USMARC Bibliographic Format Main Entry Fields (1XX) 100--MAIN ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME 110--MAIN ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME 111--MAIN ENTRY--MEETING NAME 130--MAIN ENTRY--UNIFORM TITLE 100 Main Entry Heading: Personal Name Not repeatable Optional First indicator: 0 Forename 1 Surname 3 Name of family Second indicator: b Undefined Subfield codes: M ‚a Name (surname and forenames) ‚b Numeration (roman numerals which may follow a forename) R ‚c Titles and other words associated with the name ‚d Dates (of birth or death) associated with a name ‚q Parenthetical expansion of initials ‚u Affiliation ‚6 Linkage Notes: 1. Forename. 1st indicator, value 0, indicates that the heading begins with a forename or is a name consisting of words, phrases, initials, separate letters, or numerals that are formatted in direct order. 2. Surname. 1st indicator, value 1, indicates that the heading is a name with a surname formatted in inverted order (surname, forename) or a name without forename(s) known to be a surname. If there is uncertainty that a name without forename(s) is a surname, the 1st indicator position is set to 0. 3. Family name. 1st indicator, value 3, indicates that the heading is the name of a family, clan, dynasty, house, or other such group. 4. Titles and other words associated with the name, i.e. subfield c, always follow the name subfield including titles like "Sir", "Lord", etc. e.g. ‚a Scott, Walter, ‚c Sir, ‚d 1771-1882. 100 Main Entry Heading: Personal Name Examples: 100 0b ‚a H. D. ‚q (Hilda Doolittle), ‚d 1886-1961. 100 0b ‚a Claude d'Abberville, ‚c père, ‚d d.1632. 100 1b ‚a Norton, John, ‚d b. ca.1760. 100 1b ‚a Ondaatje, Michael, ‚d 1943- 100 0b ‚a Grey Owl, ‚d 1888-1938. 100 0b ‚a Pitseolak. 100 0b ‚a Rembrandt Harmanszoon van Rijn, ‚d 1606-1669. 100 1b ‚a Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, ‚d 1809-1847. 100 0b ‚a Friedrich ‚b II, ‚c King of Prussia, ‚d 1712-1786. 100 1b ‚a Glick, Srul Irving, ‚d 1934- 100 1b ‚a Lawrence, D. H. ‚q (David Herbert), ‚d 1885-1930. 100 0b ‚a Le Corbusier, ‚d 1887-1965. 100 1b ‚a Chateaubriand, François-Réne, ‚c vicomte de, ‚d 1768-1848. 100 1b ‚a Jones, ‚c Mr. 100 3b ‚a Farquhar family. 100 1b ‚a Le Conte, John Eatton, ‚d 1784-1860. 100 1b ‚a El-Abiad, Ahmed H., ‚d 1926- 100 0b ‚a Thomas ‚c (Anglo-Norman poet) p. 2 100 Main Entry Heading: Personal Name p. 3 Spacing conventions and examples: (applies to all X00 fields) Adjacent personal name initials/letters or an abbreviation for a name and an adjacent name or initial/letter are separated by one space. 100 1b ‚a Hyde, A. S. 100 1b ‚a Flamant, J. C. ‚q (Jean Claude) 700 1b ‚a Enschedé, Ch. J. 100 1b ‚a Gorbanev, R. V. ‚q (Rostislav Vasil΄vich) No spaces are used in initials/letters that do not represent personal names. An abbreviation consisting of more than a single letter is separated from preceding and succeeding words or initials/letters by one space. 100 0b ‚a Cuthbert, ‚c Father, O.S.F.C., ‚d 1866-1939. 100 1b ‚a Sharma, S. K., ‚c M.P.H. 100 1b ‚a Glass, Robert E., ‚c Ph. D. 100 0b ‚a R. M. C. Jan. 22, 2003 Top of Document 110 Main Entry Heading: Corporate Name Not repeatable Optional First indicator: 1 Place or place and name 2 Name (direct order) Second indicator: b Undefined Subfield codes: M ‚a Name of corporate body; the name of a place at the beginning of a corporate name is considered the highest hierarchical unit, therefore, is the name data element R ‚b Subheading; each subordinate unit in hierarchy (corporate sub-units after name) ‚c Place of conference or meeting R ‚d Date of conference, meeting or treaty ‚g Miscellaneous information R ‚k Form subheading (standardized phrases added to a heading in order to gather together in a file the records for certain kinds of materials) R ‚n Number of part/section ‚u Affiliation ‚6 Linkage Examples: 110 2b ‚a Eskimo Point Residents’ Association. 110 1b ‚a British Columbia. ‚b Commission on Conditions of Indians of the North-West Coast. 110 2b ‚a Opportunities for Youth (Federal aid programme) 110 2b ‚a R.T. Wilson & Co. 110 2b ‚a Women's Institute (Canada). ‚b Wheatsheaf Women's Institute, Kirriemuir, Alta. ‚b History Committee. 1b ‚a Canada. ‚b Information Highway Advisory Council. ‚b Learning and Training Working Group 110 110 1b ‚a Toronto (Ont.). ‚b City Council. 110 2b ‚a F.A. Brockhaus (Firm) 110 2b ‚a Labour Party (Great Britain). ‚b Conference ‚n (1st : ‚d 1960 : ‚c Blackpool, England) 110 2b ‚a University of Toronto. ‚b Faculty of Law. ‚b Law and Economics Programme. 110 2b ‚a Liberal Party (Great Britain). ‚b Meeting. 110 Main Entry Heading: Corporate Name p. 2 110 2b ‚a CCEN (University center : Universidade Federal da Para΄iba) 110 2b ‚a International Labour Organization. ‚b Asian Regional Conference ‚n (11th : ‚d 1991 : ‚c Bangkok, Thailand) 110 2b ‚a Catholic Church. ‚b Province of Baltimore (Md.). ‚b Provincial Council ‚n (1st : ‚d 1829) 110 1b ‚a United States. ‚b Forest Service. ‚b Pacific Northwest Region. 110 2b ‚a Automobile Buyer's Network (U.S.) Spacing conventions and examples: (applies to all X10 fields) No spaces are used in initialisms or personal name initials/letters. 110 2b ‚a Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen (U.S.). ‚b Minnesota State Legislative Board. 110 2b ‚a Metallurgical Society of AIME. ‚b New Jersey Chapter. 110 2b ‚a Guru Ram Dass P.G. School of Planning. One space is used between preceding and succeeding initials if an abbreviation consists of more than a single letter. An open-ended date ends with a space when it is followed by other data. 110 2b ‚a Bethany College (Bethany, W. Va.) 110 1b ‚a United States. ‚b President (2001- : Bush) Jan.22, 2003 Top of Document 111 Main Entry Heading: Conference or Meeting Name Not repeatable Optional First indicator: 2 Name (direct order) Second indicator: b Undefined Subfield codes: M ‚a Name of meeting ‚c Place of conference or meeting ‚d Date of conference or meeting R ‚e Subordinate unit in name (sometimes the name of the conference or meeting also has the name of a subunit, e.g. "Delegation from Haiti") ‚g Miscellaneous information R ‚k Form subheading R ‚n Number of part/section ‚u Affiliation ‚6 Linkage Note: *1. The place of conference or meeting in subfield c is always entered in the authoritative form of the geographic or corporate entity. 2. A place name added parenthetically to a meeting name to distinguish between otherwise identical names is not separately subfield coded. e.g. 111 2b ‚a Stratford Festival (Ont.) Examples: 111 2b ‚a Nobel Conference ‚n (3rd : ‚d 1967 : ‚c Gustavus Adolphus College) 111 2b ‚a White House Conference on Library and Information Services ‚d (1979 : ‚c Washington, D.C.). ‚e Ohio Conference Delegation. 111 2b ‚a Paris Peace Conference ‚d (1919-1920) 111 2b ‚a CAiSE '93 ‚d (1993 : ‚c Paris, France) 111 2b ‚a National Conference on Physical Measurement of the Disabled ‚n ( 2nd : ‚d 1981 : ‚c Mayo Clinic) ‚g Projected, not held. 111 2b ‚a Olympic Games ‚n (15th : ‚d 1952 : ‚c Helsinki, Finland) 111 2b ‚a White House Conference on Child Health and Protection. ‚e Committee on the Infant and Preschool Child.. Spacing conventions and examples: (applies to all X11 fields) No spaces are used in single initialisms or personal name initials/letters. One space is used between preceding and succeeding initials if an abbreviation consists of more than a single letter. 111 2b ‚a J.J. Sylvester Symposium on Algebraic Geometry ‚d (1976 : ‚c Johns Hopkins University) 711 2b ‚a International SEG Meeting. 111 Main Entry Heading: Conference or Meeting Name p. 2 An open-ended date ends with a space when it is followed by other data. 111 2b ‚a International Symposium on Quality Control (1974- ) ‚n (3rd : ‚d 1978 : ‚c Tokyo, Japan) Jan. 22, 2003 Top of Document 130 Main Entry Heading: Uniform Title Not repeatable Optional First indicator: 0-9 Number of characters ignored in filing Second indicator: b Undefined Subfield codes M ‚a Uniform title heading R ‚d Date of treaty ‚f Date of a work ‚g Miscellaneous information R ‚k Form subheading ‚l Language R ‚m Medium of performance for music R ‚n Number of part/section ‚o Arranged statement for music R ‚p Name of part/section ‚r Key for music ‚s Version ‚6 Linkage Note: A uniform title heading is a standardized title chosen to gather together in a file records for a work, the various editions of which may have appeared under varying titles and which have not been entered under a personal name. Such headings may also include names of radio programs, motion pictures, anonymous works, composite manuscripts or manuscript groups, and some treaties and intergovernmental agreements. Examples: 130 3b ‚a Le Rouge et le noir. ‚l English. 130 0b ‚a Barlaam and Joasaph. ‚l Italian. 130 0b ‚a Anthologia graeca. ‚l English. ‚k Selections. 130 0b ‚a Bible. ‚l English. ‚s Authorized. ‚k Selections. ‚f 1930. 130 0b ‚a Dead Sea scrolls. 130 0b ‚a Siège de Cythère (Choreographic work) 130 0b ‚a Bible. ‚p N.T.‚ p John. ‚l Greek. ‚f 1972. 130 0b ‚a Carmina Burana. 130 0b ‚a Treaty of Paris ‚d (1763) 130 0b ‚a Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data ‚d (1981). ‚k Protocols, etc. ‚d 2001 Nov. 8. 130 Main Entry Heading: Uniform Title p. 2 Spacing conventions and examples: (applies to all X30 and X40 fields) No spaces are used in initialisms. 830 b0 ‚a Special publication of the IEEE Power Engineering Society ; ‚v no.19. 130 0b ‚a Bible. ‚p N.T. ‚p Matthew. One space is used between preceding and succeeding initials if an abbreviation consists of more than a single letter. 830 b0 ‚a Mineral resources series (Morgantown, W. Va.) ; ‚v no. 1. Jan. 22, 2003 Top of Document