LABORATORY INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ENG 3731: MATERIALS (AND METHODS) OF CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES Text compiled by Mr. Md. Rabiul Alam (Laboratory Assistant) Laboratory # 1 “Tests on Aggregates” (a) Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate” (b) Fineness Modulus of Coarse Aggregates” 1 Laboratory I: Tests on Coarse and Fine Aggregates Purpose: To obtain the fineness modulus, density, and voids ratio of fine and coarse aggregate samples Materials and Apparatus: - sample of fine aggregate - sample of coarse aggregates - digital weighing scale - sieve sifter for fine aggregates - sieve sifter for coarse aggregates - various cleaning brushes (point and wire) Procedure: Part 1: Sieve Analysis of fine aggregate Step 1: Take 500g sample of fine aggregate (as per CSA code provisions, the aggregates must be completely dry). This is determined by weighing the material on a digital scale. Also weigh each sieve of the mechanical sifter, and the pan, and record the weights. Step 2: Place the aggregate in the top sieve of the well-cleaned mechanical sifter (sieves used are # 4, # 8, # 16, # 30, # 50 & # 100). This apparatus is used for shaking the aggregates (similar to the principle used in a paint-mixing machine) and sieving them. The mechanical sifter has a bottom pan (to receive the material passing # 100 sieve) and a lid to close the sifter during the test. After placing the lid on the sifter, agitate the sifter for about 10 minutes. Step 3: Determine the weight of aggregates that are retained in each of the sieves, by weighing each of the sieves (along with the retained aggregates), and subtracting the weight of each sieve. Also record all the weights of aggregates retained in each of the sieves. To ensure that all materials are collected, clean each sieve carefully using the proper type of brush. Use the paint brush for the finer sieves, the copper brush for intermediate sieves and the steel wire brush for the coarse sieves. Also verify whether the sum of weights of aggregates, retained in all the sieves, and the bottom pan is equal to the initial weight of the aggregates taken. Step 4: Tabulate the data and determine the percent retained in each sieve. From these values calculate the (cumulative) percentage of material that would have been retained in the sieve if the whole volume of material was to be sifted in that sieve alone. Then add the percentage of material retained in all the sieves and divide by 100 to get the fineness modulus. Also prepare 2 a column to determine the cumulative percentage passing through the sieve to plot the fineness modulus curve (as specified in CSA 23.1). Step 5: Plot a graph of percent passing by weight vs sieve size, with the limits specified in CSA standard A23.1 for fine and coarse aggregate sizes superimposed. Note: (1) All sieves have to be cleaned prior to experiment. (2) See the sample calculations given at the end of this section. PART 2: Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Procedure: Step 1: Take 5000 grams of coarse aggregates by weighing the material in a digital scale. Weigh each of the clean sieve, along with the bottom pan, and record their weights. Step 2: Place the aggregates in the mechanical sifter (sieve sizes used are 1 ½”, 1”, ¾”, ½”, 3/8”, & #4). This apparatus is used for shaking the material (similar to the principle of a paint-mixing machine) and sieving it. Step 3: Determine the aggregates that are retained in each individual sieve, as mentioned earlier in Part I, and record the data. To ensure that all materials are collected, use the steel brush to clean each sieve. Step 4: Tabulate the data and determine the percent retained, and the percentage that would have been retained in each sieve, if that sieve alone was used to sieve the whole volume. The fineness modulus is obtained by adding the percentage of material retained in all the sieves and dividing it by 100. Step 5: Plot a graph of percent passing by weight vs. sieve sizes. Note: All sieves have to be cleaned prior to experiment. Part 3: Bulk Density and Voids Ratio of Fine Aggregates Step 1: Take a bucket (of volume, say, 2.5 litres) and weigh it. Place the aggregates in the bucket (whose volume is already determined by dividing the weight of the volume of water that is contained in the completely filled bucket by the weight density of water. In addition, the bucket must be properly dried before placing fine aggregate in it) to fill 1/3rd its capacity each time. Rod each portion 25 times. The steps are 3 repeated till the bucket in is filled with fine aggregates. Remove excess aggregate using the tamping rod as a straight edge. Step 2: Determine the weight of fine aggregates by weighing the bucket full of aggregates, and subtracting the weight of empty bucket. Step 3: Determine the bulk weight density of fine aggregates by dividing the weight of the aggregates by the volume of the bucket. Step 4: Also determine the volume of voids in the fine aggregate, using the following equation. % voids in fine aggregates = {[(Sp. Gr. of fine aggregates)*w - bulk density]/[w*(Sp. Gr. of fine aggr.)]}*100 Part 4: Bulk Density and Voids Ratio in Coarse Aggregates Repeat the procedures given in Part 3 for fine aggregates, and obtain the bulk density and voids ratio for coarse aggregates. Part 5: Sample Calculations for Fineness Modulus, Bulk Density and Voids Ratio 1. Sieve analysis of a 1000-g sample of fine aggregates resulted in the following data. Find the fineness modulus. Sieve size Weight retained (g) #4 26 #8 130 # 16 240 # 30 252 # 50 210 # 100 138 Calculations: Sieve # 4 8 16 30 50 100 Weight retained Percent retained (g) 26 2.6 130 13.0 240 24.0 252 25.2 210 21.0 138 13.8 Fineness modulus = 308/100 = 3.08 4 Percent coarser 2.6 15.6 39.6 64.8 85.8 99.6 Cumulative = 308 Percent finer 2. Find the volume of voids in a 3 cubic yards of coarse aggregates, of bulk density equal to 102 lbs/(cubic feet). The specific gravity of particles is 2.65. % of Voids = [(SG*W - B)*100]/(SG*W) Specific gravity, SG = 2.65 Density of water, W = 62.4 lbs/(cu. ft.) Bulk density, B = 102 lbs/(cu. ft.) % of voids = [(2.65*62.4 - 102)*100]/(2.65*62.4) = 38.3% Volume of voids = (38.3/100)*3 = 1.143 cu. yards = 1.143*27 = 31 cu.ft. 5 Materials and Apparatus (Laboratory # 1): Figure # 1 Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Figure # 2 -----kg Digital weighing scale Figure # 3 Sieve for fine aggregates Sieve for coarse aggregates 6 Labroratory # 2 “Tests on Cement Mortar” (a) Normal Consistency of Cement Mortar (b) Setting Time of Cement Mortar (c) Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar Cubes (Casting it earlier to test it later) 7 Laboratory II: Normal Consistency & Setting Time and the Determination of Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar. Purpose: To prepare samples of cement mortar specimens for: (1) Determination of normal consistency and setting time tests; and (2) compressive strength of mortar cement test. Materials: - Sand - Portland Cement - Water Apparatus: - Vicat Apparatus Digital weighing scale Moulding tray for cubes Beaker (for taking water) Universal Testing Machine Tamping rod Mixing bowl Trowel A stop-watch Procedure: PART I: Normal Consistency and Setting Time Step 1: Obtain 500g sample of Portland cement by weighing on the digital scale. Step 2: Obtain 145ml of water in a beaker, which gives a water/cement ratio of 0.290:1 (this ratio may vary between 0.25 to 0.31). Step 3: Combine both the Portland cement and water in the mixing bowl. Wait approximately 30 seconds for water absorption. Step 4: Start mixing using the mixing machine at a slow speed for 30 seconds. Step 5: Turn off the machine for 15 seconds and scrape down the mortar from the sides of the bowl using a scraping stick. Step 6: Turn on the mixing machine again, for approximately 60 seconds at medium speed. Step 7: Within a minute, remove the mortar from bowl, press the mortar into the conical ring and put it on the Vicat Apparatus, using a rectangular glass (on bottom), and smooth the top with a trowel. 8 Step 8: In the Vicat Apparatus release the large-sized plunger (10 mm) to penetrate the sample. Find the depth of penetration. If the penetration of the plunger is 10 ± 1.0 mm, then the consistency is called the normal consistency. Otherwise, decrease or increase the percentage of water and mix the cement and water once again to carry out the above steps till the normal consistency is obtained. Step 9: Once the normal consistency is determined, then use the same paste to determine the initial and final setting times. In this case, the 1-mmdiameter Vicat needle is allowed to penetrate the setting cement paste. Start the timer when this cement paste was made. Step 10: When the 1-mm-diameter Vicat needle penetrates to a distance of 25 mm, then the time taken by the cement paste (from its mixing to the present time) is said to be its initial setting time. Step 11: When the 1-mm-diameter Vicat needle just penetrates the surface of the setting cement paste and stops, then the time taken from the time of mixing of the paste to this time is called the final setting time. PART II: Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar Step 1: Obtain 1375 g sample of sand, 500 g sample of Portland Cement by weighing material on a digital scale (in this the ratio of cement to sand is 1:2.75. This ratio can also be 1:1.5, 1:2, or 1:2.5, which can be tried by other groups at the instructor’s discretion. Step 2: Obtain 240 ml sample of water in a graduated cylindrical beaker, which is equivalent to the specified water/cement ratio of 0.48:1 (the ratio can vary from 0.45 to 0.60 and this ratio can be changed at the instructor’s discretion). Step 3: Combine the two dry samples (Portland cement and sand) in the mixing bowl and mix for approximately 5 minutes. Step 4: Slowly add water to the mixing bowl and mix the contents until the desired consistency is achieved. Step 5: Remove mixed contents from bowl and place it in even portions in five cubes in the moulding tray, which has already been wiped on the inside with the given oil. Step 6: Tamp all five cubes to ensure uniform filling of the moulds. Smooth the top with trowel. 9 Step 7: Cure the specimens for fourteen days in water so that it may attain the desired design compressive strength. Step 8: The cubes are removed from water, area of loading face of cubes determined, and then placed in between plates of Universal Testing Machine. Step 9: Apply load to the specimen faces that are in contact with the machine. Step 10: Apply load until failure, and note the load. Step 11: Compute and record compressive strength of cement mortar. 10 Laboratory II: Normal Consistency and Setting Time and the Determination of Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar. Apparatus: -------kg Digital Weighing Scale Vicat Apparatus Mold tray for cubes 240 ml Beaker Cement Mortar cubes Universal Testing Machine 11 Laboratory # 3 “Tests on Concrete” (a) Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders (Casting now and Testing later) (b) Slump of Concrete 12 Laboratory III: Slump Test and Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Purpose: To make and test concrete specimens for: 1) Slump test on concrete; and 2) Compressive strength tests on cylinders at 7 and 28 days. Materials and Apparatus: - cylindrical moulds for concrete cylinders (3) conical hollow cylinder for slump test sampling and mixing pans scales concrete scoops tamping rod Concrete Mixer Procedure: Part I: Making and Curing of Concrete Compression Cylinder Test Specimens. Step 1: Get the weight of material needed for making one concrete cylinder (150 mm diameter, and 300 mm high), knowing that the average weight density of concrete is 2300 kgf/m3 (varies between 2,200 – for small sized aggregates - to 2,500 kgf/m3 – for very large-sized aggregates). Step 2: From the ratio of 4:2:1 (by weight) for coarse aggregate: sand: cement calculate the material required knowing that we need enough concrete for 3 cylinders plus an extra 20% for wastage (the ratio of 4:2:1 can be varied between 3:1 ½ :1 to 6:3:1, at the instructor’s discretion). Verify your calculations with the instructor before proceeding with the experiment. Step 3: Determine the amount of water, given that the ratio for cement to water was specified as 1:0.55 (this ratio can vary between 0.45 to 0.60, and can be varied at the instructor’s discretion). Step 4: Weigh amount of coarse aggregate, sand, cement and water needed. Step 5: All dry materials are added to the mixer, one after the other, and mixed dry. First the coarse aggregate is added to the mixer and then the sand; both are mixed dry for one minute, before cement is added to the mixer. Then the cement is added and mixed thoroughly. Step 6: Slowly add water to mixer and mix until the desired consistency is obtained. 13 Step 7: Coat the inside of the cylinders with the specified mineral oil. Place the concrete mixture in the cylinder to one-third of its volume, and tamp the layer 25 times. Then fill to next one-third and once again tamp the layer 25 times. Finally fill the remaining portion of the cylinder with concrete and tamp it once again 25 times. Step 8: Level the top of mould with a trowel, and tap the sides to eliminate air pockets Step 9: Set moulds aside, and cure them in water, before testing them for 7 and 28 days strengths. Step 10: Before testing the cylinders in the universal testing machine for their compressive strengths, the cylinders must be capped with the proper capping material (to load the concrete cylinders with a uniformly distributed load, over its surface). Part II: Slump Test Step 1: Make concrete for the test, as given in Part I, sufficient for filling the slump cone (approximately 40 to 50 lbs concrete). Step 2: Carry out step 1 to step 6 as stated above, and fill the hollow conical metal cone with concrete mixture in 1/3 portions making sure to rod 25 times for each portion and to tap sides. Step 3: Lift metal cone slowly straight up, and measure the vertical distance by which the top surface of concrete settles (or slumps) down, to the nearest 10 mm with respect to the height of the slump cone. 14 Laboratory III: Slump Test and Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Apparatus: Hollow cylindrical mould Hollow conical mould for slump test Scoop Concrete Mixer Sampling and Mixing Pans 15 Laboratory # 4 “Tests on Masonry” (a) Modulus of Rupture of Brick (only demonstration) (b) Compressive Strength of Brick (only demonstration) (c) Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry Block (only demonstration) 16 Laboratory IV: Modulus of Rupture and Compressive Strength of a Brick and Compressive Strength of a Concrete Masonry Block Purpose: To determine: i) the modulus of rupture: (ii) compressive strength of a brick; and ii) compressive strength of a concrete masonry block Materials: - red clay bricks (2) - masonry block (1) Apparatus: Universal Testing Machine Procedure: Part I: Modulus of rupture of brick Step 1: Measure and record the dimensions and weight of the red clay brick. Step 2: Place the brick in the Universal Testing Machine in the three-point Bending mode.. Step 3: Place a steel plate on the top of brick and apply load to the upper surface until rupture (bending fracture). Step 4: Observe and record maximum load. Also explain the reason for the characteristic failure, observed during testing. Part II: Compressive Strength of Masonry Block and Clay Brick Step 1: Measure and record the dimensions of masonry block (for both brick and Masonry block). Step 2: Place masonry block in the University Testing Machine between sheets of wafer board. Step 3: Apply load until failure occurs. Step 4: Observe and record maximum load. Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for the strength test on the clay brick. 17 Apparatus: Brick placed in Universal Testing Machine, in the three-point bending mode Masonry block placed in Universal Testing Machine Note: The arrows represent the force applied by testing machine 18 Laboratory # 5 “Tests on Wood and Wood Fasteners” (a) Flexural Stress in Wood at Proportional Loads (b) Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rupture (c) Compression Strength of Wood Parallel to Grain (d) Pullout Strengths of Steel Fasteners for Wood 19 Laboratory V: Flexural and Compressive Strength Tests on Wood and Wood Fasteners. Purpose: To determine (i) Flexural strength of wood at proportional limit; (ii) Modulus of rupture (at failure of beam in flexure test); (iii) Modulus of elasticity of wood (within the proportional limit range); (vi) Compressive strength of wood at failure; and (v) Pullout strengths of metal fasteners for wood (various types of nails). Materials and Apparatus: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Test samples of wood and metal fasteners Universal testing machine Deflecto-meter Dial gauge Measuring tape Procedure: I. For parts (I), (ii) and (iii): Flexural Strength Tests on wood Step 1: Measure dimensions of wood samples. Step 2: Position the wood sample on the bending supports of the Universal testing machine, over a span length of 28 inches, and place the deflectometer, below the center of the beam specimen. Step 3: Apply the load at the center of the specimen at equal intervals and at a uniform rate (75 lbs per minute). Step 4: The load and deflection values are recorded at the above intervals (remove the deflectometer after the elastic limit of wood has been exceeded). Step 5: Continue to apply the load at equal intervals till the specimen fails in flexure and record the maximum load and the type of failure in wood. Step 6: Plot the load vs. deflection curve and determine the slope of the diagram (P/), where P is any load within elastic limit and is the corresponding deflection (this gives the stiffness of the beam). Step 7: Calculate the flexure strength at the end of the elastic limit of P vs. plot. Step 8: Calculate the modulus of elasticity of the wooden beam [y = PL3/(48 EI)]. 20 Step 9: Calculate the modulus of rupture of wood= ( Pmax L) /( 2bh 2 ) . Step 10: Tabulate the results and present in a report form. II. For part (iv) - Compressive Strength of Wood Step 1: Measure the dimensions of the wood sample. Step 2: Position the wood specimen under the cross-head of testing machine (at the center). Step 3: Apply the load till the specimen fails in compression. Step 4: Determine the compressive strength of wood as [Applied Load/(crosssectional area)]. Step 5: Present the results. III. For part (v): Pullout Strengths of Wood Fasteners Step 1: Insert the steel fasteners (nails) into wood. Step 2: Fix the wood onto the test machine. Step 3: Fasten the nail to the top cross-head of the testing machine and apply tensile load (to pull out the nail fastener). Step 4: Note the maximum load required for pulling out the nail specimen. Step 5: Present the results. 21 Laboratory V: Flexural and Compressive Strength Tests on Wood and Wood Fasteners. 22