Outline for TRB Presentation

Erin Gallay
Atum Environmental Services
Hydroxide precipitation has been the traditional technology for heavy metals removal
from waste effluent streams. Atum Environmental Services has a new approach to heavy
metals remediation in water purification technology combining tried & tested
components into an integrated system that can remove up to 99.9% of most heavy metals,
such as zinc, cadmium, lead and chromium, from industrial effluent. This technology not
only reduces the amount of heavy metals in treated water, but also reduces the amount of
toxic waste left from the purification process and waste water discharge through potential
re-use of effluent streams.
During the American Galvanizers Association Technical Forum, Atum proposes to
present case study data and a demonstration of a TRUE BLUE™ system in use to
showcase how this technology can benefit the metal protection industry. Through
technological information, cost/benefit data and scientific analysis of waste effluent
before and after the TRUE BLUE™ system process, the AGA audience will gain an
understanding of this new technology and how it can improve their businesses.