Grading & Makeup policy - Mr. Clough’s classes 2012-2013 Class grades will be calculated as follows: Homework(25%) will be assigned almost every class, and will be vital to your learning. All assignments are to be completed in your workbook, notebook, or on paper that is distributed by teacher. I will check homework on the day it is due. All homework must show work done out unless otherwise specified. Writing answers only is usually not acceptable for full credit. All homework must be done in pencil. Late homework will be accepted 2nd day(-25%), 3rd day & beyond(-50%). Class Participation(10%) is based on the following You are expected to be actively involved in the discussion and activities in class each day, the material will make much more sense to you if you participate. 1.) Be prepared for class is also part of your participation grade; coming to class without books, notebook, pencil and calculator will count against you. 2.) Talking in class while class is being conducted will negatively affect your grade. 3.) Any use of cell phones, i-pods, or any electronic equipment in class other than calculators will negatively impact your quarterly grades. 4.) Habitual tardiness to class without good reason is not acceptable. If you are late 3 times to class without appropriate reason will equal 1 unexcused absence and will result in a 2% point reduction in your grade for the quarter. Quizzes(30%) will usually be given at the completion of each section. There will about five to six quizzes each quarter. These are short assessments that let me know if you understand the topic. A poor quiz grade tells you that you need more study and/or extra help on the topic. All quizzes must be done in pencil. Quizzes will be announced and unannounced. Tests(35%) will be given after each chapter that is covered. All tests must be done in pencil. Tests will always be announced. No cross outs allowed on tests or quizzes. 1% off for each small cross out and 2 or more % for larger cross outs (use eraser). Test & Quiz Makeups: 1.) If a test or quiz is missed because of absence then you must take the test or quiz upon the next day you return to school. The test or quiz will be located in my file folder in the library. 2.) If you are unable to comply with #1 above then see me immediately upon your return to school or e-mail me to let me know when you will be able to take the test and/or quiz. Test & Quiz Retakes: 1.) If you do poorly on a test or quiz then you will be given the opportunity to retake the test or quiz. You will be given 3 school days from the time you receive the previous test or quiz back to retake the test or quiz in the library. YOU MUST REDO ALL INCORRECT PROBLEMS ON THE TEST OR QUIZ ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER, STAPLE TO ORIGINAL TEST OR QUIZ AND SUBMIT IT TO ME BEFORE I PLACE THE RETAKE TEST/QUIZ IN THE LIBRARY FOLDER. 2.) The maximum score that you will be able to receive on your retake will be 70%.