Food Business Operator Application for Registration of a Milk Production Holding Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 and Regulation (EC) No’s 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004 PROTECT COMMERCIAL WHEN COMPLETED Please complete this form in black ink using BLOCK CAPITALS or complete on screen. The completed form should be submitted as detailed at the end of this form. If you need help or advice about how to complete this form or about the circumstances in which registration under the Regulations is required, please contact the Approvals Team on 01904 232060 or email PART 1 – Holding for which registration is sought under Article 6, Regulation (EC) 852/2004 New registration Please indicate whether application is a new registration or change of name or operations: Change to name * Change to operations * * For change to name or operations, please also complete part 1a below PART 1a – Details of change of name or operations (if applicable) Please give the date on which this change has or will become effective: Please give details of the change of name or operations: From: To: PART 1b – Details of holding Registered name (Registered name is the name of the sole trader, partner/s or legal entity of the business) Trading name / Farm name (if different from registered name) (Trading name is any chosen name under which the business is carried out) Holding Number / Herd Number ** / / / ** If you have been issued with a Herd Number (the final 2 digits shown above), please enter it above. Production holding address Telephone number (inc. Postcode) Mobile number Email MPHR (V5 01/14) 1 PART 2 – Type of milk production holding for which registration is sought Activities for which registration is sought - please complete all boxes that are applicable: Cows Buffalo Goats Sheep Enter number of animals by species: Estimated average weekly production (litres): Wholesale milk by species - see note (1) below: (Insert X where applicable) Raw drinking milk by species – see note (2) below: (Insert X where applicable) Retail sales B & B catering If producing raw drinking milk – see note (2): State type of use: whether to be used for retail sales or for catering (insert X where applicable) (1) Wholesale milk refers to milk that is sold directly to first purchasers for further processing. (2) Raw drinking milk refers to the supply of raw drinking milk directly to the final consumer. Raw drinking milk from cows cannot be supplied directly to the final consumer until raw milk samples have been taken by the FSA and satisfactory results received. If operating on a seasonal basis, please state months of operation: To month: From month: Is the holding under a farm assurance scheme? YES Buffalo If yes please provide details: Goats First milk purchaser: (e.g. Arla, Dairy Crest, retained on farm etc) NO PART 3 – Food Business Operator (FBO) details and Business structure Please indicate the type of business (Please place a cross in only one box) Incorporation Partnership Sole trader Other business type now complete 3a now complete 3b now complete 3b provide details in Part 6* (* Other business types will be treated on a case by case basis to identify the natural person or legal person required to be compliant with food law within the food business under their control) 3a – Incorporation details (as registered with Companies House or equivalent) Full Limited Company name Registered office address (inc. Postcode) Company registration number Company Director(s) Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname Forename(s) Surname Ms, Miss, Dr) Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr) (Provide full details for all Company Directors - If required, continue in Part 6) MPHR (V5 01/14) 2 3b – Food Business Operator(s) (FBO) (complete only if Partnership / Sole trader) Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname Ms, Miss, Dr) Telephone number Mobile number Home address (inc. Postcode) Email Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname Ms, Miss, Dr) Telephone number Mobile number Home address (inc. Postcode) Email Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname MS, Miss, Dr) Telephone number Mobile number Home address (inc. Postcode) Email Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname MS, Miss, Dr) Telephone number Mobile number Home address (inc. Postcode) Email (Provide full details for all Partners - If required, continue in Part 6) PART 4 – Holding manager and contact details Duly authorised representative of the Food Business Operator (FBO) Title (Mr, Mrs, Forename(s) Surname Ms, Miss, Dr) Telephone number Mobile number Email MPHR (V5 01/14) 3 PART 5 – Operation/production hours Please indicate all milking time periods by completing the appropriate sections below: 1) From: Hours To: hours 2) From: Hours To: hours 3) From: Hours To: hours (eg from 06:00 hours to 08:00 hours) 4) Continuous milking (eg robotic milking): PART 6 – Additional details Please provide any further details that you feel may be pertinent to your application PART 7 – Application N.B. If you fail to complete all parts of this form your application for registration will be returned to you. I hereby apply, on behalf of the business, for registration to use the holding at the address specified in Part 1b for the purpose of milk production as detailed in part 2, to which The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006, (Regulation (EC) No’s 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004 (as amended) apply. The Food Standards Agency must be informed of any changes to the name or operations by re-submitting a Food Business Operator Application for Registration of a Milk Production Holding application form Name in BLOCK LETTERS Date Signature IMPORTANT It is an offence to sell milk for human consumption, or for manufacture into products for sale for human consumption, unless the business and holding are registered in accordance with the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 and Regulation (EC) No’s 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004 (as amended). The application form must be signed by the applicant and submitted by one of the following methods: 1. Post to: Food Standards Agency (Approvals Team) Kings Pool Peasholme Green York YO1 7PR 2. Email to: 3. Fax to: 01904 232 229 MPHR (V5 01/14) 4