Grade-1st Topic: WEATHER-WEATHER Enduring Understanding: Science process skills of inquiry are used to learn about the world around us. Weather around us affects what we do and what we wear. DATE: March 30-April 3 Essential Questions: What does the weather look like when it is sunny, windy, partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy, hail, foggy, or snowy? What are the seasons? Arkansas Frameworks: ESS.8.1.3 Chart weather conditions every day TLW analyze the weather conditions by comparing and contrasting them to pictures of vary weather conditions, then charting them. ESS.8.1.4 Identify the sequence of seasons. TLW comprehend the weather of the season discussing the seasons. TLW apply their knowledge by choosing appropriate clothing for the seasons. Examine Previous Learning: Discuss water cycle to relate to weather conditions. Reading Assignment: Book, Materials: Large weather cards Small weather cards Weather folder Weather chart Seasons chart Pictures of clothes to place in the correct season. Vocabulary Words: Weather foggy summer Cloudy windy spring Sunny snowy winter Rainy fall Resources/ Technology: Streaming video on weather Higher Level Thinking Skills: Knowledge* analysis* comprehension * synthesis application* evaluation LESSON: PROCEDURE 1. Begin by asking the students to describe the day's weather. They may need to go outside or look out the window. Have them discuss what the weather was like yesterday. What was it like when school started? Discuss that weather changes. (Optional: Show them a weather graph from their classroom or another, where students have recorded what kind of weather we've had during the month.) 2. Give each child a card with a picture of a weather event on it Have students get in groups and sit criss-cross, knee to knee (so they can use quiet voices). Tell them you are going to give each of them a minute (or less) to talk to their group about the weather card they have (what the weather is like, a story about his/her experience with that type of weather, safety rules, clothes to wear for that type of weather, etc.) You'll tell them when it's the next person's turn. (Show them the timer or clock and explain how it is going to tell you when it's the next person's turn.) 3. Have students gather around you. . a. Hold up the first large card. (You can use the large cards that match student's cards exactly or use the pictures from the , Weather Watch bulletin board set.) b. Ask students who have a card that matches yours to stand up. c. Have the students read the word on the cards to the group. d. Collect the small cards from the students before they sit down, e. Discuss the four seasons and weather conditions that are common during them. 5. Read the book, “ 6. Activities: Tell students that today (if it is not raining) we are going outside to see what the weather is like. Take weather instruments outside so that students can see how they work. Sit on the bleachers. Students will come back to the room to large group area and teacher will explain how to fill in their weather graph. Students will go to their tables and fill in complete their weather graph. Teacher will take this up for the next day’s class and will continue to take up and give out for next 2 weeks. Students will write temperature and draw weather condition for today’s weather. Seasons/Clothing- Students will choose from pictures of clothing and place in season’s chart the appropriate clothing to wear.