Work placement application Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you in connection to continue my professional career with a practical work placement within your company. Such placement would take place under the Leonardo da Vinci Program, sponsored and funded by the European Commission. The main objective of this program is to allow graduates and last-year students to undertake a practical training period within a European Company. I am currently studying/I have just finished _______________at ____________University. I am looking to find a work placement for the academic year_____________ . I am extremely interested in spending my placement abroad and find the idea of learning a new language during this time to be a very exciting prospect. I hope that the knowledge and experience that a placement would offer will enable me to improve on_______________ . I am thoroughly looking forward to the further challenges that a work placement would bring. I am a person who likes to make hard challenges and I have strong motivation to use all my advantages during the practice and examine my skills while working in a foreign company I have good communication and organisational skills and am confident in the use of ______________. I have experience of working in ___________________and also experience of working to tight deadlines in________________. I would appreciate being given the opportunity to take part in stage during this 6 month period under the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Program. Please find enclosed my CV. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully,