CURRICULUM VITAE Giuseppe Scapigliati Place and birthdate

Giuseppe Scapigliati
Place and birthdate:
Piancastagnaio, SI, August 22 1957
Marital status:
Married, 1 child.
Permanent address:
Loc. Casa Perazza, 16 I- 05013 Castel Giorgio (TR) Italy
Tel. +39-0763-627240 or 339-2204730
Office address:
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università della Tuscia, Largo
dell’Università, I-01100 Viterbo, Italy.
Tel: +39-0761-357137
Fax 0761-357030
High School in Chemistry.
M.Sc. in Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Siena, Italy.
Title of the experimental thesis “Ciliary and flagellar dyneins in a bovine
Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, UK. Title of the experimental thesis ”Cellular
and molecular studies of the immune system of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax
1983- 1990
Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Immunopharmacology of a
pharmaceutical company (SCLAVO SpA), Siena Italy.
Researcher in Zoology (Three years position), University of Tuscia, Viterbo
Full-time researcher in Applied Zoology at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo.
1998- present
Associate Professor in Animal Biotechnology and Applied Zoology, University
of Tuscia, Viterbo.
Italian (mother tongue), English (excellent), French (from school).
Good experience in: word processing and graphic software (on both McIntosh
and PC), searches in bibliographic data banks, Internet.
"visiting fellow" at cell biology laboratory of the European Molecular Biology
Laboratories (EMBL) of Heidelberg (Germany). Research argument:
Biochemical characterisation of human Interleukin-1.
Fellowship of the "Programma Vigoni" at the laboratory of Microbiology of the
University of Wuerzburg (Germany). Research argument: Effect of bacterial
toxins on vertebrate macrophges.
Invitation as speaker:
Invited Speaker at "Fourth International Congress of in vitro toxicology",
Crieff, Scotland.
Invited Speaker at 1989 meeting of "Federation of the American Societies for
Experimental Biology" New Orleans, LO, USA.
Invited Speaker at the eight annual meeting of the European Cytoskeletal
Forum, Assisi, Italy.
Invited Speaker at VIth International Society of Developmental and
Comparative Immunology Congress, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Invited speaker at "The Nordic Symposium on Fish Immunology", Reykjavik,
Invited speaker at the "Third International Congress on Marine Biotechnology",
Sorrento, Italy.
Invited Speaker at VIIth International Society of Developmental and
Comparative Immunology Congress, Williamsburg, VA, USA.
Invited speaker at "The Nordic Symposium on Fish Immunology", Hirtshals,
Invited Speaker at VIIIth International Society of Developmental and
Comparative Immunology Congress, Cairns, Australia.
Granted Research programmes:
Italian National Research Council, title of the project "Development of an
innovative immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) for the characterisation of serum
immunoglobulin in farmed fish species”.
British-Italian collaboration in research and higher education, title of the
project “Isolation and analysis of cytochines in the sea bass”
European Union, 5° Framework Program, project QLK2-CT-2000-01076
”Stimulation of fish larval defence mechanisms against infectious diseases”.
Italian Council for Biotechnology, title of the project “Marine animal
biotechnolog: production of Interleukin-1 and its use as immuno-adjuvant
during fish vaccinations”.
Italian Ministry of Agriculture Policies, 6° Piano Triennale, project 6-C-59,
title of the project “Use of novel mucosal adjuvants in the post-larval
vaccination of sea bass”.
European Union, 6° Framework Program, project IMAQUANIM, title of the
project: Improved Immunity of Aquacultured Animals”
Since 1984
Since 1991
Since 1996
Since 1997
Since 1999
Italian Society of Immunology
Italian Zoological Society.
Universitary Council for Marine Sciences.
Italian Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology.
International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology
Refereeing activity for scientific journals (main journals cited only):
Developmental and Comparative Immunology
Fish & Shellfish Immunology
Cell and Tissue Research
Journal of Fish Diseases
Journal of Fish Biology
Polar Biology
European Journal of Biochemistry
Professional profile:
My professional profile is that of a senior scientist with relevant experience in
Industry and University in both basic and applied interdisciplinary research in
the field of immunolgy, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology,
biotechnology. The experience in these fields is confirmed by the publication of
66 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 17 book chapters.
Managerial skills have been achieved by the handling of research projects
funded by Italian and International bodies, and the obtained grants derived from
research project that passed peer-revieved selections. At present, four
internationally-funded research projects are under evaluation for their granting.
Managerial skills have been also achieved by the participation as elected full
member in academic decision-making entities such as the Administrative
Council of the University of Tuscia (from 1993 to 1996).
In addition, I evaluated and scored the scientific merit of grant proposals from
Italian and European applicant bodies.
Leadership skills have been achieved by leading a research group composed at
present of one full-time PhD research associate, two PhD researchers, three
PhD students, nine MSc students.
Patent n° 01288109 released from the Italian Ministery of Industry the
10/9/1998, title: “Innovative procedure for the deterimantion and monitoring of
immunoglobulins from farmed sea bass”.
Academic Activity:
My Academic Activity has been held at the Faculty of Sciences, University of
Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.
I was appointed as Junior Researcher in the 1991 with a three-years contract,
until became full-time Senior Researcher in 1993 after passing an evaluation on
the scientific work performed.
In 1998 I was the winner of a public national selection for a Chair in Animal
Biotechnology as Associate Professor with a three-years contract, until became
full-time Associate Professor in animal biotechnology and applied zoology in
2001 after passing an evaluation on both academic and scientific work
Held Courses:
Since 1998
Since 2000
Since 1996
Animal Biotechnology for Biological Sciences, 8 credits/course
Animal Biotechnology for Industrial Biotechnologies, 8 credits/course
Applied Zoology for Environmental Sciences, 10 credits/course
PhD Student Tutorship:
Student n° 1, PhD thesis on “Monoclonal antibodies as probes against cellular
defence molecules of insect models”
(to be completed): Student n° 2, PhD thesis on “ The innate immune system of
sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax studied with specific probes”
(to be completed): Student n° 3, PhD thesis on “Purification and biological
activities of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax IL-1”
(to be completed): Student n° 4, PhD thesis on “Biological activities of teleost
recombinant cytokines”
MSc Student Tutorship:
Since 1993
N° 17 students graduated in Biological Sciences
Foreign Student Tutorship:
Since 1995
N° 5 Erasmus/Socrates students from France and Spain
Academic Responsabilities:
Since 1995
Since 2000
Full Member of the Administrative Council of the University of Tuscia.
Responsible of the Faculty of Sciences for Foreign Students Exchange.
"Programme Director" in Viterbo of the Erasmus/Socrates program "Fish
Immunology and Disease" CEE ICP-95-NL-1140/13.
Erasmus/Socrates Departmental Coordinator
Official Academic International Relationships for European Education:
Since 1996
Since 2000
Since 2000
collaboration with the University of Wageningen, The Neteherlands
collaboration with the University of Murcia, Spain
collaboration with the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Main Research field 1983-1992:
In this period I was employed as a postdoctoral researcher in a pharmaceutical company (SCLAVO
SpA, Siena, Italy), and my work consisted in the biochemical isolation of cytokines and growth
factors and, mainly, in studies regarding human IL-1, and IL-1 receptors. These research led to the
purification of biologically-active IL-1 produced by a cell line, in the discovery of the different
binding capabilities of IL-1 and IL-1 on the cell surface of human cells, in the purification of the
IL-1 receptor type II, in the preparation of monoclonal antibodies for IL-1 and for the IL-1 receptor
type II, and in the discovery of the biologivally-active 163-171 nonapeptide derived from the human
IL-1 sequence.
Methodologies employed: Cell culture, monoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparation, antibody
handling and labelling, biochemical purification of proteins, immunocytochemistry,
Publications in the field:
Boraschi D., Censini S., Bartalini M., Scapigliati G., Barbarulli G., Vicenzi E., Tagliabue A.
(1984). Interferon inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis in macrophages: effects on
arachidonic acid methabolism. J. Immunol., 132, 1987-1992.
Tagliabue A., Villa L., Scapigliati G., Boraschi D. (1983). Peyer's patch lymphocytes express
natural cytotoxicity but not natural killer activity. Nat. Immun. Cell Growth Regul. 3, 95101.
Ghiara P., Boraschi D., Villa L., Scapigliati G., Taddei C., Tagliabue A. (1985). In vitro generated
mast cells express natural cytotoxicity against tumour cells. Immunology, 55, 317-324.
Scapigliati G., Pallini V., Rappuoli R., Silvestri S. (1988). The cytoskeleton as a target for toxicity
assessment. Xenobiotica, 18, 715-724.
Tagliabue A., Bossu' P., Ghiara P., Peppoloni S., Scapigliati G., Antoni G., Boraschi D. (1988)
Synthetic peptides of interleukin-1: towards a dissociation of functions. Italian J. Med., 4 ,
Scapigliati G., Boraschi D., Tagliabue A. and Ghiara P. (1989). The interleukin-1 receptor on B
and T cells: different binding properties for IL-1alpha and IL-1beta. FEBS letters, 234,
Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Tagliabue A. and Boraschi D. Characterization of receptors for IL1alpha and IL-1beta on lymphoid and non lymphoid cells. J. Immunol. Res., 1, 13-19,
Perretti M., Becherucci C., Scapigliati G. and Parente L. The effect of adrenalectomy on
Interleukin-1 release in vitro and in vivo. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 98, 1137-1142, 1989.
Boraschi D., Volpini G., Villa L., Nencioni L., Scapigliati G., Nucci D., Antoni G., Matteucci G.,
Cioli F. and Tagliabue A. A monoclonal antibody to the IL-1beta peptide 163-171 blocks
adjuvanticity but not pirogenicity of IL-1beta in vivo. J. Immunol., 143, 131-134, 1989.
Boraschi D., Villa L., Volpini G., P. Bossu', S. Censini, P. Ghiara, G. Scapigliati, L. Nencioni, M.
Bartalini, G. Matteucci, F. Cioli, M. Carnasciali, E. Olmastroni, M. Mingozzi, P. Ghezzi
and A. Tagliabue. Differential activity of IL-1alpha and IL-1beta in the stimulation of the
immune response in vivo. Eur. J. Immunol., 20, 317-321, 1990.
Boraschi D., Antoni G., Ghiara P., Scapigliati G. and Tagliabue A. Interleukin-1: agonist peptides
and interaction with the receptor. Farmaci e Terapia, 4 (suppl.4), 62-65, 1989.
Bossu' P., Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Nuti S., Tagliabue A. and Boraschi D. Expression of
Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) and surface activation antigens on human B lymphoma cells:
correlation between IL-1R and CD69. Allergy & Immunology (life Science Adv.), 9, 41-48,
Scapigliati G., Bossu' P., Censini S., Tagliabue A. Boraschi D.and Ghiara P. Quantitation of
biologically active IL-1 by a sensitive assay based on immobilized IL-1 receptor type II (IL1RII). J. Immunol. Meth., 138 (1), 31-38,147, 1991.
Boraschi D., Rambaldi A., Sica A., Ghiara P., Colotta F., Wang J. M., DeRossi M., Zoia C.,
Remussi G., Bussolino F., Scapigliati G., Stoppacciaro A., Ruco L., Tagliabue A. and
Mantovani A. Endothelial cells express the IL-1 receptor type I. Blood, 78, 1262-1267,
Stoppacciaro A., Bossu' P., Ghiara P., Ruco L., Censini S., Scapigliati G., Nuti S., Tagliabue A.,
Baroni C. and Boraschi D. Binding of IL-1ß to the IL-1R type II at the single cell level. J.
Immunol., 147, 1561-1566, 1991.
Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Censini S., Bossu' P. Tagliabue A. and Boraschi D. The Interleukin-1
system: physiopathology and new insighits for its therapeutical potential. Int. J.
Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 5, 115-122, 1992.
Boraschi D., Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Villa L., Sette A. and Tagliabue A.. Binding and
internalization of the 163-171 fragment of human IL-1ß. Cytokine, 4:3, 201-204, 1992.
Ghiara P., Armellini D., Villa L., Nuti S., Bugnoli M., Scapigliati G., Tagliabue A. and Boraschi D.
Functional characterization of the IL-1 receptor type II using a specific monoclonal
antibody. Eur. Biotechnol. Today, 177-181, 1992.
Book chapters:
Pallini V., Bugnoli M., Mencarelli C. and Scapigliati G. Biochemical properties of ciliary, flagellar
and cytoplasmic dyneins. In: Prokariotic and Eucariotic Flagella, 339-352, Cambridge
University press, 1982.
Ghiara P., Boraschi D., Scapigliati G., Tagliabue A.. Natural cytotoxixity of bone-marrow derived
mast cells grown in Interleukin-3. In: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Lymphokines, C.
Sorg and A. Schimpl editors, Academic press, N.Y., 1985.
Armellini D., Massone A., Tiezzi A., Leoncini P., Ruggiero P., Bugnoli M., Scapigliati G. and V.
Monoclonal antibodies: developments in immunocytochemistry. In: New
Technologies in Clinical Laboratory Science. MTP press limited, 97-105, 1985.
Boraschi D., Volpini G., Censini S., Bossù P., Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Massone A., Baldari C.,
Telford J. L. and Tagliabue A.. Monoclonal antibodies to human interleukin -1ß for the
analysis of the structure-function relationships. In: Monokines and Other non-Lymphocytic
Cytokines, Powanda, M., Oppenheim, J.J. and Dinarello, C.A. eds, A.R. Liss Inc. 197-202,
Musso T., Giovarelli M., Jemma C., Forni G., Antoni G., Boraschi D., Bossu' P., Censini S., Ghiara
P., Nencioni L., Scapigliati G., Tagliabue A., Volpini G.. Effect of a synthetic nonapeptide
of human IL-1ß on the cellular immunoreactivity and in vivo growht of a fibrosarcoma of
BALB/C mice. In: Monokines and Other non-Lymphocytic Cytokines Powanda, M.,
Opphenheim, J. J. and Dinarello, C.A. eds. A.R. Liss Inc. 365-370, 1988.
Tagliabue A., Bossù P., Ghiara P., Peppoloni S., Scapigliati G., Antoni G. and Boraschi D..
Synthetic peptides of interleukin-1: towards a dissociation of function. In: Topics In
Immunology, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 80-87, 1989
Ghiara P., Scapigliati G., Censini S., Bartalini M., Bossù P., Armellini D., Nuti S., Volpini G.,
Dallai R., Boraschi D. and Tagliabue A.. IL-1 receptor subtypes possess distinct binding
properties for IL-1alpha and IL-1beta. In "Cytokines and Lipocortins in Inflammation and
Differentiation" Parente L. and Melli, L. eds. A.R. Liss Inc. Progress in clinical and
biological research, 349, 271-284, 1990.
A. Tagliabue, P. Ghiara, G. Scapigliati, P. Bossù, S. Nuti, S. Censini, G. Antoni, D. Armellini and
D. Boraschi. Interleukin-1: inside the molecule and its receptors. In "Cytokines: Basic
Principles and Clinical Applications" Abbas, A.K. and Romagnani S. eds. pp. 3-11, 1990.
P. Ghiara, D. Armellini, A. Tagliabue, S. Nuti, G. Scapigliati, M. Bugnoli, D. Boraschi. Biological
significance of the IL-1 receptor type II. In: "Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of
Cytokines" A. Mantovani and P. Ghezzi Eds., 97-104, 1992.
D. Armellini, G. Scapigliati, M. Bugnoli, S. Nuti, L. Villa and P. Ghiara. Characterization of the
IL-1 receptor type II using a specific monoclonal antibody. In: “New Advances on
Cytokines”, S. Romagnani, T.R. Mossmann A.K. Abbas eds., 355-359, 1992.
Main Research field 1993-2003:
Studies of the characterisation and development of the immune systems of Teleost fish.
When I moved to the University of Tuscia in 1992, everything was new there and I was asked to set
up from zero a laboratory in the field of experimental animal biology. Considering the location of
Viterbo, the scientific aims of the Department of Environmental Sciences, my professional profile,
and the collaborations with my new colleagues, I decided to address my new lab in the field of
characterisation and development of the immune systems of Teleost fish. Main reasons for this
were: i) the growing importance of these vertebrates as animal models for genomic research, ii) for
their phylogenetic position, since being among the oldest vertebrates Teleosts represent the
evolutive platform for all other following vertebrates, iii) for their importance in biotechnology,
since studies on the immune system of farmed species can have a rapid application in aquaculture.
Since 1993, when the laboratory of Animal Biotechnolgy and Applied Zoology was settled starting
from zero, to the present, the lab had a dramatic growth demonstered by the published papers and
for my invitation to the most important meetings in this field as invited speaker. Main scientific
achievements have been: a) the preparation of a panel of monoclonal antibodies for lymphocytes of
sea bass, that is at the present the only fish species for which true markers for these cells are
available, b) the use of these markers to define the leucocyte content in a piscine species, c) the use
of these markers to study the development of the immune system in a Teleost, d) the use of these
markers as tools for immunodiagnostics of sea bass during vaccinations, e) the molecular cloning of
immunomodulatory molecules such as Interleukin-1, T-cell receptor, Cyclooxygenase-2, f) the
determination of the entire gene structure of sea bass Interleukin-1, g) expression in E.coli,
purification and biological activity testing of recombinant sea bass Interleukin-1, h) the comparative
analysis of these genes with respect to their homologs in vertebrates.
The achievement of these results soon allowed international collaborations with scientists from
other Universities such as the University of Wuerzburg (D), the University of Aberdeen (UK), and
the University of Wageningen (NL).
Methodologies employed: Cell culture, monoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparation, antibody
handling and labelling, immunological cellular assays, quantitative immunocytochemistry,
immunofluorescence, flow-cytometry, animal handling, gene cloning and related molecular
techniques, expression and purification of recombinant molecules from both bacteria and animal
cells, cell transfection
Publications in the field:
Cooper E. L., Zhang Z., Raftos D. A., Habicht G. S., Beck G., Connors V., Cossarizza A.,
Franceschi C., Ottaviani E., Scapigliati G. When did communications in the immune
system begin ? J. Immunol. Immunopathol., 7, 203-217, 1994.
Scapigliati G., Mazzini M., Mastrolia L., Romano N. and Abelli L. Production and characterisation
of a monoclonal antibody against the thymocytes of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L.
(Teleostea, Percicthydae). Fish Shellfish Immunol., 5, 393-405, 1995.
Abelli L., Picchietti S., Romano N., Mastrolia L. and Scapigliati G. Ontogeny of thymocytes in sea
bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.): studies with monoclonal antibodies. Ital. J. Zool., 63, 329332, 1996.
Scapigliati G., Romano N., Picchietti S., Mazzini M., Mastrolia L., Scalia D. and Abelli L.
Monoclonal antibodies against sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) immunoglobulins:
immunolocalization of immunoglobulin-bearing cells and applicability in immunoassays.
Fish Shellfish Immunol., 6, 383-401, 1996.
Abelli L., Picchietti S., Romano N., Mastrolia L. and Scapigliati G. Immunocytochemical detection
of a thymocyte antigenic determinant in developing lymphoid organs of sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). Fish Shellfish Immunol., 6, 493-505, 1996.
Abelli L., Picchietti S., Romano N., Mastrolia L. and Scapigliati G. Immunohistochemistry of gutassociated lymphoid tissue of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). Fish Shellfish
Immunol., 7, 235-246, 1997.
Romano N., Abelli L., Mastrolia L. and Scapigliati G. Immunocytochemical detection and
cytomorphology of lymphocyte subpopulations in a teleost fish Dicentrarchus labrax (L).
Cell Tissue Res., 289, 163-171, 1997.
Scapigliati G., Chausson F., Cooper E. L., Scalia D. and Mazzini M. Qualitative and quantitative
analysis of serum immunoglobulins of four antarctic fish species. Polar Biol., 18, 209-213,
Picchietti S., Terribili F. R., Mastrolia L., Scapigliati G. and Abelli L. Expression of lymphocyte
antigenic determinants in developing GALT of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.).
Anat. Embriol., 196, 457-463, 1997.
Vallesi A., Giuli G., Ghiara P., Scapigliati G. and P. Luporini. Structure-Function Relationships of
Pheromones of the Ciliate Euplotes raikovi with Mammalian Growth Factors: CrossReactivity between Er-1 and Interleukin-2 Systems. Exp. Cell Res., 241, 253-259, 1998.
Scapigliati G., Romano N., Abelli L. Monoclonal antibodies in teleost fish immunology:
identification, ontogeny and activity of T- and B- lymphocytes. Aquaculture, 172, 3-28,
Abelli L., Baldassini, M. R., Mastrolia, L. and Scapigliati G. Immunodetection of lymphocyte
subpopulations involved in allograft rejection in a teleost, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). Cell.
Immunol., 191, 152-160, 1999.
Scapigliati G., Scalia D., Marras A., Meloni S. and Mazzini M. Immunoglobulin levels in the
teleost sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) In relation to age, season, and water
oxygenation. Aquaculture, 174, 207-212, 1999.
Romano N., Fanelli M., Maria Del Papa G., Scapigliati G., Mastrolia L. Histological and
cytological studies on the developing thymus of sharpsnout seabream, Diplodus puntazzo.
J. Anat., 194, 39-50, 1999.
Meloni S. and Scapigliati G. Evaluation of immunoglobulins produced in vitro by head kidney
leucocytes of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax by immunoenzymatic assay. Fish Shellfish
Immunol., 10, 95-99, 2000.
Scapigliati G., Romano N., Abelli L., Meloni S., Ficca A. G., Buonocore F., Bird S. and
Secombes C. J. Immunopurification of T-cells from sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.).
Fish Shellfish Immunol., 10, 329-341, 2000.
Meloni S., Mazzini M., Buonocore F., Scapigliati G. Humoral immunity in antarctic fish: serum
immunoglobulin analysis in seven species and antigen-induced response in Trematomus
bernacchii (Teleostea, Notothenioidea). Ital. J. Zool., 67, 79-84, 2000.
Scapigliati G., Bird S., Secombes C. J. Invertebrate and fish cytokines. Eur. Cytokine Network, 11,
354-361, 2000.
Hong. S., Zou J., Crampe M., Peddie S., Scapigliati G., Bols N., Cunningham C. and Secombes C.
J. The production and bioactivity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) recombinant IL1. Vet. Immunol Immunopathol., 81: 1-14, 2001
Scapigliati G., Buonocore F., Bird S., Zou J., Pelegrin P., Falasca C., Prugnoli D. and Secombes
C. J. Phylogeny of cytokines: molecular cloning and expression analysis of sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax interleukin-1 beta. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 11, 711-726, 2001.
Scapigliati G., Romano N., Buonocore F., Picchietti S., Baldassini M. R., Prugnoli D., Galice A.,
Meloni S., Secombes C. J., Mazzini M. and Abelli L.. The immune system of sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax reared in aquaculture. Dev. Comp. Immunol., 26:151-160. 2002.
Picchietti S., Scapigliati G., Fanelli M., Barbato F., Canese S., Mastrolia L., Mazzini M. and Abelli
L. Sex-related variation in serum immunoglobulins during reproduction in gilthead
seabream and evidence for a transfer from the female to the eggs. J. Fish Biol., 59, 15031511, 2002.
Scapigliati G., Meloni S., Buonocore F., Bossù P., Prugnoli D. and Secombes C. J.
Immunopurification of B lymphocytes from sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). Mar.
Biotecnol., 5: 214-221, 2003.
Buonocore F, Prugnoli D, Falasca C, Secombes C J and Scapigliati G. Peculiar gene organisation
and incomplete splicing of sea bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax L.) Interleukin-1. Cytokine,
21, 257-264, 2003.
Verri T., Ingrosso L., Chiloiro R., Danieli A., Zonno V., Alifano P., Romano N., Scapigliati G.,
Vilella S., Storelli C. Assessment of DNA vaccine potential for gilthead sea bream
(Sparus aurata) by intramuscular injection of a reporter gene. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 15
:283-295, 2003.
Buonocore F., Forlenza M., Secombes C.J., Zou J., Mazzini M. and Scapigliati G. Expression in E.
coli and purification of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) interleukin-1, a possible immunoadjuvant in aquaculture. Mar. Biotecnol., 5, 214-221, 2003.
Zou J., Peddie S., Scapigliati G., Zhang Y., Bols N.C., Ellis A. E. and Secombes, C. J. Functional
characterisation of the recombinant tumor necrosis factors in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus
mykiss. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 27, 813-822, 2003.
Scapigliati G., Costantini S., Colonna G., Facchiano A., Buonocore F., Bossù P., Cunnungham C.,
Holland J.W., Secombes C.J. Modelling of fish interleukin-1 and its receptor. Dev. Comp.
Immunol. 28, 429-441, 2004.
Buonocore F., Randelli E., Casani D., Mazzini M., Cappuccio I., Secombes C.J. and Scapigliati G.
cDNA cloning and expression analysis of a cyclooxygenase-2 from sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax L.) after vaccination. Aquaculture, In Press, 2005.
Rombout JHWM, Huttenhuis HBT, Picchietti S. and Scapigliati G. Phylogeny and ontogeny of fish
leucocytes. Fish & Shellfish Immunol., In press, 2005.
Book Chapters:
G. Scapigliati, L. Abelli, N. Romano, L. Mastrolia and M. Mazzini. Studies on the sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax L. immune system for its control in aquaculture. In: “Recent
Developments in Marine Biotechnology”. Eds. Y. Le Gal and Halvorson H., Plenum Press,
New York and London, pp 93-95, 1998.
L. abelli, G. Scapigliati, N. Romano, D. Scalia, F. R. Terribili, S. Meloni, M. Mazzini. Age- and
season-related variations of serum Ig and number of - and - cells in Dicentrarchus labrax
(L.), and preliminary data on effect of hyperoxygenation. In: “Proceedings of the 33rd
International Congress on New species for Mediterranean Aquaculture”, 1998, pp141144.
G. Scapigliati. Adaptive strategies in the antarctic environment: studies on the immune system of
teleost fish. Antarctic Newletters. Newsletters of the Italian Biological Research in
Antarctica 3:111-121, 1999.
Buonocore F., Forlenza M., Secombes C.J., Zou J., Mazzini M. and Scapigliati G. 2002.
Expression in E. coli and purification of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Interleukin-
1, a possible immuno-adjuvant in aquaculture. In: Marine Biotechnology: an overview of
leading fields. Ifremer Editor, Plouzane (F), pp 79-89.
Studies on the reproductive system of Teleost fish.
Research on the molecular structure of the female gamete of farmed fish have been the subject of
funded projects shared between different research groups of the Dept. of Environmental sciences.
My group participated in this research by characterising the molecular composition of the chorion of
some farmed species, and to prepare monoclonal antibodies specific for chorion polypeptides. Main
results of this research were: a) the identification of the principal molecular component responsible
for the outer chorion structure, b) the anatomical site of its synthesis (liver) and the way of
trafficking towards the ovary, c) the setup of an immunoenzymatic assay for sex discrimination.
Methodologies employed: Immunofluorescence and laser confocal microscopy, immuno-electron
microscopy, biochemical purification of glycoproteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibody
preparation, antibody handling and labelling
Publications in the field:
Scapigliati G., Carcupino M. and Mazzini M. Effect of freshwater on unfertilized eggs of
Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (Pisces, Teleostea): a preliminary electrophoretic and
scanning electron microscopy study of the eggshell. Animal Biol., 2, 45-49, 1992.
Scapigliati G., Carcupino M., Taddei A. R. and Mazzini M. Characterization of the main egg
envelope proteins of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L. (Teleostea, Serranidae). Mol.
Reprod. Develop., 38, 48-53, 1994.
Scapigliati G., Fausto A. M., Zega S., Mazzini M. Characterization of the main egg chorion
proteins of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (Osteichthyes, Salmonidae). Comp.
Biochem. Physiol., 112B, 169-175. 1995.
Scapigliati G., Meloni S. and Mazzini M. A monoclonal antibody against chorion proteins of the
sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.): studies of chorion precursors and applicability in
immunoassays. Biol. Reprod., 60, 783-789, 1999.
Baldacci A., Taddei A. R., Mazzini M., Fausto A. M., Buonocore F. and Scapigliati G.
Ultrastructure and proteins of the egg chorion of the antarctic fish Chionodraco hamatus
(Teleostei, Notothenioidei). Polar Biology, 24, 417-421, 2001.
Picchietti S., Scapigliati G., Fanelli M., Barbato F., Canese S., Mastrolia L., Mazzini M. and Abelli
L. Sex-related variation in serum immunoglobulins during reproduction in gilthead
seabream and evidence for a transfer from the female to the eggs. J. Fish Biol., 59, 15031511, 2002.
Meloni S., Mazzini M., Fausto A. M., Macchioni R., Taddei A. R., Buonocore F., Fiani M.,
Baldacci A. and Scapigliati G. Egg envelope organization in the icefish Chionodraco
hamatus. Polar Biology, In press, 2004.
Fausto A.M., Picchietti S., Taddei A.R., Zeni C., Scapigliati G., Mazzini M., Abelli L. Formation
of the egg envelope of a teleost, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.): immunochemical and
cytochemical detection of multiple components. Anat. Embryol., 208, 43-53, 2004.
Papers resulting from the collaboration with other scientists:
Scapigliati G., Pecci M., Piermattei A. and Mazzini M. Characterization of a monoclonal antibody
against a 180 kDa hemocyte polypeptide involved in cellular defence reactions of the stick
insect Bacillus rossius. J. Insect Physiol., 43, 345-354, 1997.
Scapigliati G., Piermattei A., Mazzini M. Monitoring of Insect Hemocytes Cellular Response "in
vivo" by a Specific Monoclonal Antibody. In: Techniques in insect Immunology, SOS
publication, Fair Haven, USA. pp. 33-39, 1998.
Meloni S., Mazzini M. and Scapigliati G. Ontogenesis of hemocytes in the stick insect Bacillus
rossius (Rossi) (Phasmatodea, Bacillidae) studied with an anti-hemocyte monoclonal
antibody. Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 28, 245-250, 1999.
Romano N., Fanelli M., Maria Del Papa G., Scapigliati G., Mastrolia L. Histological and
cytological studies on the developing thymus of sharpsnout seabream, Diplodus puntazzo.
J. Anat., 194, 39-50, 1999.
Tierno de Figueroa M., Buonocore F., Mazzini M. and Scapigliati G. Cytofluorimetric analysis of
Bacillus rossius hemocytes (Phasmatodea, Bacillidae). Ital. J. Zool., 68, 9-14, 2001.
Tierno de Figueroa J. M., Fausto A. M., Fochetti R., Scapigliati G., Sezzi E. and Mazzini M.
S.E.M. and cytofluorimetric characterization of Dinocras cephalotes and Perla grandis
haemocytes (Plecoptera, Perlodidae). Belgian J. Zool., 132, 65-69, 2002.