Hominid Worksheet - Falconer Central School

Web Quest Partners: ______________ and ____________________.
The Hominid Web Quest
During this web quest you and your partner will be responsible for
gathering information on the hominid named
Hominid fossils over the last seven million years have been linked together
to create the human family tree. Each of the hominid species being
investigated had anatomical features, tool making capabilities, and social
behaviors that made it unique. Your assignment as a group will be to
investigate the background of different hominids that makeup the human
family tree.
Eight outstanding websites have been chosen as resources for you to
glean information from.
Use the general guideline questions given below to collect information
about your hominid. Once the information is gathered, you and your
partner will create a power point presentation to introduce the hominid
during “Walking With Caveman” week. Your presentation should consist
of no fewer than 5 slides and no more than 12. You may use graphics in
the presentation with proper citation.
General Guideline Questions
Where and when was the hominid found?
What was the time period the hominid lived in?
What type of environment did the hominid live in?
What was the hominids diet?
What was the size of the hominid?
How big was the hominids brain?
Was the hominid a hunter, scavenger, or gatherer?
What did the hominid hunt, scavenge, or gather?
Did the hominid use tools? If so, what type?
What were the tools used for?
Was the hominid part of the human family tree or a primate branch?
What ancestor did this hominid proceed from?
Is there any debate regarding the hominids location in the family tree?
If so, what is the debate?
How does the anatomy of this hominid vary from that of the previous ancestor?
Did the hominid develop any technology such as use of fire, housing, clothing?
Did the hominid conduct any rituals such as burial? If so, what is the proof?
Did the hominid show any social behaviors such as caring for the elderly? If so, what is the
What caused the demise of the hominid?