In "1000 Cures for 200 Ailments," naturopathy expert Dr. Geovanni Espinosa explains that diet
can be surprisingly important for relieving chest congestion. He advises avoiding foods that
stimulate mucus production, such as dairy. He advises eating foods that thin mucus, such as
chicken soup made with ginger and garlic. Garlic not only thins mucus, but also acts as an antiinflammatory, allowing for easier breathing, and is one of the most powerful herbal immune
system boosters. Dr. Espinosa also advises getting omega-3 fatty acids for its anti-inflammatory
properties from flaxseed or fish. In "Bottom Line's Prescription for Natural Cures," Dr. James
Balch and Dr. Mark Stengler add chocolate and dairy to the list of foods that should be avoided,
as they increase mucus production and congestion. They suggest adding some barley to chicken
soup, as it reduces phlegm production.
Foods that Relieve or Cause Throat Mucus
Unfortunately, some foods can cause throat mucus, and if you are already dealing with throat
mucus, the last thing you want to do is add to the problem. Milk and milk products like yogurt,
cottage cheese and butter, cause excess mucus in the throat. These items carry protein
molecules called casein which increases secretions of mucus and is difficult to digest. Along with
milk products, caffeine, sugar, salt, non- herbal teas, (especially black tea), all create excess
mucus. Soy is one of the most mucus making plant foods there is. Those who give up meats
and dairy and switch to soy products, have a greater risk of creating an unhealthy mucus build up
in the body.
Although there are many foods and food groups that can cause mucus in the throat, there are
also a multitude of foods that can help to relieve it. A spoonful of honey and ginger can help
the body to get rid of excess mucus; this is a popular remedy for many sufferers. Spicy foods like
cayenne pepper, wasabi, and chili peppers will all help the body release mucus build up in the
nose and throat. It is important to make sure you are drinking an adequate intake of fluids a
day to help mucus to pass through the throat. Water is the number one help for throat mucus; pair
it with vitamins C, E and Zinc for a natural remedy for throat mucus!
Help for Throat Mucus
When the mucus in the back of the throat becomes thick, it is natural to feel a need to clear the
throat with coughing. Clearing your throat will help the phlegm loosen or break up in the back of
the throat, giving way to the uncomfortable feeling . Mucus problems can be a nuisance, but there
are some simple ways to remedy it. Make sure that you drink plenty of liquids such as water, juice
or tea with honey, and gargle daily with warm salt water to thin out mucus. Another easy fix to
get rid of excess mucus, is to add eucalyptus oil to a tub of boiling water and inhale the vapors
which will help to drain the mucus from the throat and chest.
Various over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, antiseptic gargles or
saline nasal sprays may also offer pain relief. For more severe throat infections prescription
medication such as antibiotics may be required to suppress the infection.
Tips to prevent and soothe throat mucus
There are a number of ways to prevent and soothe throat mucus and includes:
1. Inhale steam from a tub of boiling water or hot shower to loosen mucus in the throat and
sinus congestion
2. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to loosen phlegm and thin mucus – it is also good for
your overall health!
3. Blow your nose frequently to prevent mucus from draining into your throat
4. Gargle regularly with warm water and salt
5. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a vaporizer to loosen phlegm and relieve congestion
6. Avoid eating foods such as dairy products, meat or fried foods that increase mucus production
7. Drink hot liquids such as herbal tea or chicken broth to moisten the airways and break up the mucus
8. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to half a glass of milk – turmeric contains antiseptic properties that
fights infection
9. Use a humidifier or cool mist vaporizer in your bedroom at night to thin the mucus – this helps to
moisten the air and is particularly helpful during winter
10. Limit exposure to irritants such as household cleaners, paint fumes, chemicals or cigarette smoke
11. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a vaporizer to loosen mucus and phlegm and relieve
12. Eat spicy foods, horseradish or hot chili peppers to loosen mucus
Note: Animal foods cannot build good blood; in fact, do not build human blood at all,
because of the biological fact that man is by nature a fruit eater.