Modeling Notations for Security Aspects

Modeling Notations for Security Aspects
Models provide an abstraction of the system. They capture an abstraction of certain
types of information and descriptions, communicate the information, make implicit
information explicit, and act as a repository for knowledge and rationale. Conceptual
modeling notations are a major area of study in software engineering toward facilitating
requirements extraction, management, analysis, and visualization. Models can be used
system and architecture design, analysis, verification, and visualization as well.
Modeling notations that are mainly used in software engineering express different
concepts since are designed for different purposes. For example, UML provides a set of
diagrams for modeling classes and objects, their properties, and relations for objectoriented development. UML provides the means to model the behavior of the system by
providing sequence and statechart diagrams. ER diagram is another example of widely
used notation for modeling static view of entities in the system and their relationships.
Agent and goal-oriented modeling notations capture the “why” aspects in additions to
“what” and “how”, to enable analyzing the goals of stakeholders and checking the goal
Security issues involve special aspects that traditional software engineering notations
do not consider. For example, a general behavior modeling notation expresses
interactions of entities in the system without considering the behavior of an external
adversary. Therefore, the impacts of the malicious behavior of the adversary on
requirements, design, and architecture are not circulated to the next phases of
development by the models.
To capture specific security aspects such as attackers and their malicious behavior
(attacks), vulnerabilities, assets, and countermeasures, various security modeling
notations are developed. This section overviews existing security-specific conceptual
modeling languages and categorizes them based on their target use and types of concepts
they express. We have identified two main categories of notations: One which focuses on
the attacks and vulnerabilities, and one that captures countermeasures and security
requirements. We call the former black aspects notations and the latter white aspects
modeling approaches.
1.1 Black Aspects: Vulnerabilities and Attack Modeling
The major effort in developing security-specific conceptual modeling languages is
dedicated to modeling attackers, malicious behavior, and attacks. Few of the existing
approaches explicitly express the vulnerabilities. To our knowledge, the currently used
modeling notations do not provide explicit modeling elements for expressing
vulnerabilities in the systems as backdoors used by the attackers to exploit the system.
1.1.1 Attack Tree
Schneier was first to associate the term “Attack Tree” with the use of tree style
models for expressing different ways in which a system can be attacked [6]. He proposes
attack tree as a formal and methodical way for describing the security of the system based
on varying attacks. Schneier argues that if designers understand all different ways in
which a system can be attacked, understand who the attackers are, and their abilities,
motivations, and goals, they can likely design countermeasures for those attacks.
The root node of an attack tree is the goal of the attack and different ways to achieve
that goal are leaf nodes. Node can be decomposed by AND and OR relations. Schneier
suggests assigning values or labels to the nodes, such as cost or probability of achieving a
goal or doing a task. Such values assigned to the attack tree, it would help to calculate the
probability of success of a given attack and determine where a system is vulnerable.
Attack trees can be used for making security decisions. The value of the root node reveals
if the system’s goals are vulnerable to the attacks. In addition, properties of attackers
need to be added to the attack trees such as level of skill, access, risk aversion, money,
etc. The characteristics of the attacker help determining which parts of the attack tree
need to be considered. However, this requires that attack trees contain knowledge about
Benefits. Attack tree provides a way for modeling goals of an attack and alternative
ways to achieve that goal. This helps us to study the system from the attackers’ point of
view, which may lead us to determine possible ways that the system can be
compromised. By assigning cost or probability measures to the nods of attack tree, one
can analyze if the attackers efforts worth the value that can be achieved or not, and as a
result, this helps analyzing if the system is at risk and vulnerable. Finally, Schneier
asserts that attack trees help analyzing the what-if by evaluating the impact of applying
Limitations and Drawbacks. Attack trees depend heavily on knowledge about
attackers’ characteristics such as skill level, risk aversion, resources, and access level.
However, attack trees do not provide a way to incorporate this information into the
model. Attack tree notation is simple, in which it cannot express resources, access level,
or skills required to perform a task or achieve a goal. Various the types of analysis can be
done on an attack tree with numerical values distributed among its node about cost or
probability of an attack. However, this depends on the availability and accuracy of such
measures in real practice. Finally, Schneier does not discuss how attack trees can be
linked to other development artifacts, such as design or architecture models, requirements
and business models. It is not investigated how attack trees can derive security
requirements, or influences the architecture design.
1.1.2 Fault Tree
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) [10] is one of the most commonly-used techniques in
reliability engineering. It determines various combinations of hardware and software
failures, and human errors that could lead to the occurrence of undesired events/failures
(called top events) in the system level. This model starts from identifying system failures.
Each failure is analyzed on its own fault tree and by refined it into more detail events and
end up with un-develop/external events (called leaf events). FTA visually models logical
relationships among infrastructure failures, human errors, and external events that could
lead to the system failure. The logical relationship is represented by several types of
logical gates such as AND, OR, XOR, PRIORITY, etc.
Benefits. Through fault tree models, the analyst can obtain minimal leaf events that
could lead to the occurrence of system failure which is called as minimal cut-set. The
model can show how to prevent the failures for being occurred by negating the model and
minimal cut-set (called minimal path-set). Minimum path-set can be seen as the ways to
prevent the occurrence of failures as means to attain the reliable system. The main goal of
FTA is to assess likelihood of the system failures/top events based on likelihood of leaf
Limitations and Drawbacks. Although this method enables modeling faults and
tracing them to leaf events or errors, it does not provide means to express vulnerabilities
of the system. For modeling security attacks, one may use events, but Fault Tree
approach cannot link attacks to vulnerabilities and the system elements that have the
vulnerabilities or cause them. Although minimum path-set are proposed for modeling
ways to prevent occurrence of a failure, the impact of the countermeasures on other
events, vulnerabilities, attacks, and countermeasures cannot be expressed explicitly.
1.1.3 Attack Nets
McDermott [9] proposes modeling Attack Nets as a Petri net with a set of places
representing interesting states or modes of the security relevant entities of the system.
Places are represented by circles and can be compared to nodes in a graph. The Attack
Net also has a set of transitions that represent input events, commands, or data that cause
one or more security relevant entities to change state. Transitions are represented by
rectangles and connected to places by arcs. The attack net has a set of tokens. Tokens
move from place to place along the directed arcs to indicate the progress of the attack.
The Attack Net model presented by McDermott is a straightforward approach to attack
modeling with Petri nets. In this modeling approach, attack steps are represented by
places similar to nodes in attack trees. Transitions are used for the explicit modeling of
attacker actions which significantly extends the expressiveness of this model compared to
attack trees.
Benefits. Attack Net approach enables modeling concurrency and attack progress
with tokens, intermediate and final objectives as places, and commands or inputs as
transitions. Labeled tokens can be used to indicate which attacker is responsible for
moving a particular component of the system of interest into a particular state.
Limitations and Drawbacks. However, the Attack Nets approach does not support
countermeasure modeling and analysis. Similar to attack tree, the attack model is not
linked to other development artifacts, such as design or architecture models, requirements
and business models. It is not investigated how attack nets can derive security
requirements, or influences the architecture design. Although it is possible to express who
the attacker is, goals, skills, and capabilities of the attacker cannot be expressed in the
attack net models. Finally, this approach does not consider modeling and analyzing the
concept of vulnerability, and attacks that exploit vulnerabilities.
1.1.4 Attack Graph
Phillips et al. [8] introduced attack graphs to analyze vulnerabilities in computer
networks. Attack graphs provide a method for modeling attacks and relating them to the
machines in a network and to attackers. The proposal is based on attack templates, attack
profiles, and network configurations.
Attack templates describe generic steps in known attacks and conditions which must
be hold. They are represented as a directed graph in which nodes are user levels,
machines, vulnerabilities and capabilities. Edges represents the actions performed by
attackers. Network configurations contains information relevant to operating system,
network type, router configuration, and a graph of the topology of the network. The
attack profile contains information about attackers' capabilities, such as the possession of
an automated toolkit or a sniffer, and an assumption about the skill level of the attacker.
The skill level is used to determine the probability of success for particular attack
methods. The attacker profile represents the initial capabilities of the attacker in the same
way that the configuration file represents the initial state of the network.
The underlying idea is to match the network configuration, attacker profile, and
attack templates to generate the attack graph. The description of attack are added to the
nodes of the attack graph based on matching the attack template with the network
configuration and attacker profile. An attack graphs is thus an attack template instantiated
with particular attackers/users and machines. The edges can be labeled with probability
of success or cost. Thereby, one can analyze the attack graph by identifying the attack
paths that are most likely to succeed.
Benefits. Attack graph provides a method for modeling attacks and relating the
attacks to the machines in a network and users which could be the attackers. Using this
approach, temporal stages and steps of an attack can be expressed. In addition, it supports
expressing multiple ways to achieve malicious goals or attack the system by branches in
the attack graph. An interesting suggestion of this work is using a database of common
attacks, which contain various information about attacks; such as level of user who
imposes the threat, machines which are involved, vulnerabilities which are imposed to the
configuration by an attack, capabilities which express the malicious behavior needed to
be delivered, and states which are atomic steps of an attack.
Limitations and Drawbacks. Although attack graphs are able to model the steps of
an attack, its post and pre conditions, required configurations, and capabilities, they do
not provide a way to express the impact of the attacks on system functionalities. Finally,
the approach mentions the possibility of countermeasure analysis, but it does not provide
means to link possible countermeasures to attacks.
The description of attack, i.e. user level, machine, vulnerability, capabilities, and
state, are added to the nodes of the attack graph based on matching the configuration,
attack template, and attacker profile. However, it is not described how the matching is
performed. This matching may require defining a taxonomy of attacks, vulnerabilities,
and capabilities, and a detailed description of the configuration. In addition, all the
information about steps of an attack (user level, machine, vulnerability, capabilities, and
state) are presented to the reader or user of the model in the same view. This reduces the
use of such models for understanding the behavior of one single user or group of users, or
security impact of an action or atomic steps.
Although the proposed approach to modeling attacks is able to express the steps of
occurring an attack, its post and pre conditions, required configurations, and capabilities,
it does not provide a way to express the impact of the attacks on the normal functions of
the system. It is not argued why the proposed method is limited to network vulnerability
analysis, and why it cannot be generalized to apply to other computer systems such as
Internet attacks, applications’ vulnerability, domain specific attacks, wireless
communication, etc. The proposed quantitative analysis method which assigns
probability or cost to the edges for computing the shortest path, and as a result the most
likely attack works well in theory. However, in real-world practices such quantitative
values and even approximate measures may not be available. Finally, the approach
mentions the possibility of countermeasure analysis, but it does not provide means to link
possible countermeasures to the attacks.
1.1.5 Misuse Case
Sindre and Opdahl [15] develop an extended notion of use cases to express negative
use cases, which are called misuse cases. The major difference is that a use case achieves
something of value for the system owner, whereas the misuse cases are harmful. This
approach provides the analysts with modeling constructs for modeling and analyzing
malicious behavior which is modeled by misuse cases that threaten use cases; and
countermeasures for mitigating the threats which are expressed as security use cases that
mitigate misuse cases. Therefore, include and extend relationships are extended, and
prevent relationship is added to the misuse case models to relate security use cases to
misuse cases. The basic concepts of the framework and their relation to the UML metal
model are provided in a meta model.
The process of eliciting security requirements by misuse cases consists of 5 steps: it
starts with identifying critical assets. Then security requirements for each asset are
defined. In the third step, threats to each security requirements are defined and expressed
as misuse cases. In the fourth step, risks of threats are identified and analyzed, and
finally, security requirements for the threats are defined as either security use cases or in
the mitigation field of misuse case description. Security requirements are either defined
as security use cases or as mitigation in misuse case description.
Benefits. Looking at system from a misuser perspective increases the chance of
discovering threats that would otherwise have been ignored. The authors assert that the
visualization of links between use cases and misuse cases help organize the requirements
specification and tracing requirements to threats that motivated them.
Limitations and Drawbacks. However, the security requirements elicitation process
does not consider why and how security goals are defined without analyzing what may
threaten the assets. In addition, the targets of threats are not only security goals, and
threats may target an asset or service rather than a security goal. The notion of misuse
case cannot express due to what kind of vulnerability a misuse threatens a use case, why
a misuser attacks the system, and what is the impact of a security use case on other use
Rostad [11] suggests extending misuse case notation for modeling vulnerabilities as
weaknesses in the system and insider attackers. The extended notation introduces a new
type of actor called insider that has the capabilities and permissions of an authorized actor
who misuses the given permissions. The concept of vulnerability is defined as a weakness
that may be exploited by the misuse. In the extended modeling notation the concept of
vulnerability is expressed a type of use case, with an exploit relationship from the threat
to the vulnerability.
In the example cases presented in [11], “enter password” or “enter username” use
cases are highlighted as the vulnerability that the injection attack or overflow attach can
The author asserts that the threat toward a system may only be realized in an attack if
the system contains vulnerabilities that can be exploited, and it is important to consider
the vulnerabilities to identify all possible threats and attacks. However, it is not justified
why and how vulnerability, as a weakness in the system that can be exploited, is
expressed as a type of use case. The examples of vulnerabilities in [11] are ordinary use
cases of a system, that bring a vulnerability to the system. In sum, the semantics of the
proposed modeling element as vulnerability is not compatible with the definition and
concept of vulnerability as a weakness. For example, buffer overflow or password loss
are example of vulnerabilities, while in the examples provided in [11] vulnerable use
cases were modeled instead of weaknesses.
1.1.6 Abuse Case
The other similar notion based on the conventional UML use case modeling is the
notion of abuse cases [3]. While use cases are abstract episodes of useful and desired
interaction between a system and its environment, abuse cases are specification of types
of interactions that their results are harm to system. An abuse case describes the abuse of
privilege used to complete the abuse case. If a human that is represented by an actor from
a use case might also act maliciously in the corresponding role, then a new actor should
be defined in the abuse case. The abuse cases are not distinguished by use cases, although
the authors assert they can be labeled. The use case model and abuse case model are
basically two separated models.
Use case models are accompanied with use case description, mostly written in
natural language. Actor description is useful in abuse case model, since the actor’s
resources, skills, and objectives for an abuse case can be captured. The authors state that
objectives of an actor are not captured in abstract use cases; therefore, objectives are
expressed as the long-term goals of the actor that they seek over more than one abuse
Benefits. The notation is simple and is based on well known and widely-used UML
“use case” model, and can be used for communicating the flaws and family of abuse
cases of desired use cases to end users and customers.
Limitations and Drawbacks. However, the use case model and abuse case model
are not semantically related; therefore, the model does not provide means to analyze the
impact of a abuse case on other use cases. Actors and malicious actors could be the same
entities or different, but the abuse case approach does not differentiate it. It is not clear
how abuse cases are used in the requirements elicitation and analysis.
1.2 White Aspects: Security Requirements and Countermeasures Modeling
Another major group of contributions to conceptual modeling notations for securityspecific aspects are toward modeling the protection mechanisms against the malicious
behavior. Although attacks are considered in many of these conceptual modeling
languages, these types of contributions focus on modeling security relevant information,
security countermeasures, and security requirements. Since, security requirements
modeling and analysis frameworks are extensively researched, we separately describe
security requirements frameworks in next section, and this part is limited to related
conceptual modeling notations that capture security specific concepts.
1.1.7 UMLsec: Extending UML for Secure System Development
UMLsec [12] is an extension to UML that allows expressing security relevant
information within UML diagrams. The main uses of such approach are first, to
encapsulate knowledge and make it available to developers in form of a widely-used
design notation, and secondly, to provide formal evaluation to check if the constraints
associated with the UMLsec stereotypes of fulfilled in a given specification.
The extensions are suggested in form of UML stereotypes, tags, and constraints that
can be used in various UML diagrams such as activity diagrams, statecharts, and
sequence diagrams. For a security analysis of the UMLsec subsystem specification,
potential adversary behavior needs to be modeled. For this purpose, a function of Threat
is defines which takes an adversary type and a stereotype and returns a subset of {delete,
read, insert} which changes a state of the subsystem.
The stereotypes and tags encapsulate the knowledge of recurring security
requirements of distributed object-oriented systems, such as secrecy, fair exchange, and
secure communication link. By assigning a stereotype and tag to part of a model, and
retrieving the threats, the behavior of the subsystem can be analyzed to check the impact
of the threat.
Discussion. The general high level idea of adding security stereotypes, tags, and
constraints to the UML models is useful for expressing security related information. The
formal definition of semantics of the UMLsec extensions is useful for doing security
evaluations. The defined security requirements are high level and general. On the one
hand, this increases the reusability of the extensions in various contexts. On the other
hand, the security requirements and other stereotypes such as Internet and LAN are too
high level, and the default threats (and semantics of the requirements or stereotype) may
not be valid in every context.
It is true that the impact of any security threat is finally deleting, reading, or inserting
data in an authorized way. However, security attacks in existing taxonomies, guidelines,
and standards are not categorized in this way, and a designer may know more about
attacks expressed as SQL injection, viruses, man in the middle, etc. In addition, the
notion of {Delete, Read, Insert} is not useful for expressing the impacts of attacks such as
Denial of Service.
In an example, the author discusses how UMLsec can be used to evaluate a security
protocol specified in a statechart diagram. However, it is not clear how the cryptographic
operation and message exchanges are related to the <<data security>> stereotype.
The author argues that UML is a widely used notation in analysis and design of
software systems and developers already know UML modeling notation, and the notation
is well defined. However, this does not provide sufficient justification for modeling and
analyzing security requirements using extensions to UML. One may argue that security
concerns involve aspects that UML diagrams are not able to grasp.
Finally, even if we agree with the author that UMLsec is useful for modeling and
analyzing security requirements, UML is not a requirements engineering notation. The
only diagram that focuses on the system functionalities and expectations from the system
from the users’ point of view is the use case diagram, while the formal semantic defined
for the use cases is limited.
1.1.8 SecureUML for Model-Driven Security
The contribution in [5] presents a methodology for modeling access control policies
and their integration into a model-driven software development process. The proposed
method uses the SecureUML modeling language for the model-driven development of
secure systems, based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML). SecureUML is based
on an extended model for role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC is a model for access
control where users and their privileges are decoupled by roles.
The SecureUML meta model defines authorization constraints as a special kind of
UML constraint and uses OCL as the expression language. It defines a vocabulary for
annotating UML-based models with information relevant to access control. It is based on
the model for RBAC with additional support for specifying authorization constraints. Its
meta model is defined as an extension of the UML meta model. The concepts of RBAC
are represented directly as meta model types. We introduce the new meta model types
User, Role and Permission as well as relations between these types.
SecureUML can be used in the context of a model-driven software development
process to generate access control infrastructures. However, the meta-model of the
SecureUML notation is limited to the access control concepts. The meta model is
developed in a way that is not easily expandable to capture other security mechanisms in
addition to access control. The usage scope of SecureUML is limited to incorporate the
access control roles and conditions in the UML class diagrams to automatically generate
required code for access control policy.
1.1.9 Security Extensions to Tropos
Mouratidis et al. [1] introduce extensions to Tropos methodology for incorporating
security concerns into the agent-oriented development process. For this aim, the concepts
of security diagram, security constraint, secure dependency, and security goal, task, and
resource is introduced.
The security diagrams contain security features of the system-to-be, the protection
objectives of the system, the security mechanisms, and also the threats to the system’s
security features. To model these concepts Tropos modeling notation is used and
extended. The concept of softgoal is used to capture security features. Security feature
receives positive contributions from different protection objectives and negative
contributions from the threats. Security mechanisms contribute positively or negatively to
the protection objectives. Security objectives are expressed by the goal modeling
construct, and security mechanisms are modeling using the i* tasks. Threats represent
circumstances that have the potential to cause loss or problems that put the security
features in danger. To model threats a new modeling constructs is added to the i*
modeling notation.
All secure entities are tagged with “s” to indicate these tasks, goals, and softgoals are
security related. In this work, security requirements are dealt as constraints. Concept of
constraint is different from the concept of a goal. By imposing security constraints to
different parts of the system, possible conflicts between security and other requirements
are identified. The assignment of a security constraint to a goal is indicated using a
constraint link that has the “restricts” tag. In this way, the context of the constraint is
defined. Using security constraints, a secure dependency introduces security constraint(s)
to successfully satisfy the dependency. The proposed diagrams and the modeling
notations are fitted into the Tropos methodology. The proposed modeling approach
targets early and late requirements engineering phases of development.
In another similar work, Mouratidis et al. [2] add secure capabilities of actors to the
contribution in [1]. In this work, the Secure Tropos is fitted into all phases of
development: early and late requirements, and architecture and detailed design. However,
the capabilities or lack of capabilities do not affect the architecture and detailed design.
Using constraint on the goals by a contribution from the goal to the constraint, and
the “restrict” relation from the constraint is intuitive. By expressing restrictions and
introducing security objectives and mechanisms that satisfy the constraints, the rationale
for having security objectives and mechanisms are expressed. In this work, all security
related entities are tagged with a “s”, while distinguishing the security entities from other
systems entities does not affect the result of analysis on the models. The notion of threat
introduced in the secure Tropos is limited to a visual representation. The threats are not
assigned an attacker and goals and refinements of the attacks are expressed.
I still can’t agree or disagree that security constraints are necessary. Are there cases
that we need to express the negative goals? Yes, I have seen it in student assignments.
They are not anti-goals (malicious), but they are goals with a negative or restricting
statement in it, like the constraints that was introduced in this contribution.
Other Quality
Vulnerability and
Attack Modeling
1.3 Conclusions
Modeling notations are divided into two main groups: one captures malicious
behavior and one focuses on the protection mechanisms. Studying existing notations for
modeling attacks and security mechanisms shows that attacks are modeled in a similar
way that security mechanisms are modeled, while the goals and means of the attacker and
defender are different. Contributions such as [12] express the need to joint execution of
the system with presence of attacks and countermeasures to check if the security
mechanisms are successful in protecting the system against the attacks.
Attack Tree [6]
Fault Tree [10]
Attack Nets [9]
Attack Graph [8]
Misuse case [15]
Abuse Case [3]
Modeling and understanding attacks, identifying
vulnerable points
Assess likelihood of the system failures
Modeling steps, concurrency and attack progress
Vulnerability and attack modeling and analysis
in computer network
Modeling attacks in conjunction with functional
requirements for security requirements
Communicating the flaws and family of abuse
cases of desired use cases to end users and
Other Quality
Other Quality
Requirements and
Vulnerability and
Attack Modeling
Extended misuse
case [11]
UMLsec [12]
SecureUML [5]
Security Extensions
to Tropos [1]
Modeling vulnerabilities to identify all possible
threats and attacks
Expressing security relevant information within
UML diagrams
Model-driven development of secure systems,
based on the UML
Incorporating security concerns into the agentoriented development process for security
requirements engineering
1. Although in fault trees a failure is refined into a tree, in a same an attack and exploit of the system can be
refined to its causes.
2. The model can show how to prevent the failures for being occurred by negating the fault tree, called
minimal path-set.
3. Vulnerabilities are expresses in nodes of the attack graph
4. Assets are limited to the network machines.
5. Vulnerabilities, as weaknesses in the system are not expressed. Instead vulnerable use cases are related to
the misuse cases by an exploit link.
6. Although Jurjens assert that UMLsec can be used to model threats, UMLsec does not provide a notation
to model attacks from the point of view of an attacker.
7. Assets in UMLsec are the components and elements of the system expressed in the UML models, such
as classes or messages in sequence diagram.
8. Security mechanisms in SecureUML are limited to the access control mechanisms only.
* Generally, the UML-based notation are not intended for eliciting and modeling requirements. However,
they express the functionalities at the design phase.
9. The proposed notation can be used for modeling other quality attributes. However, in [1] the focus is on
eliciting security requirements as constraints on functional requirements.
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