Mrs. Wrona 8/13 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND RULES USING GOOGLE APPS T. WRONA, INSTRUCTOR BUSINESS, COMPUTERS, INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT COURSE CONTENT INTRODUCTION Setting Up a Google Account UNIT 1 – GOOGLE MAIL Sending & Receiving Messages Organizing the Inbox Contacts Tasks UNIT 2 – GOOGLE HANGOUTS, CALENDARS, AND GROUPS Google Hangouts Google Calendars Google Groups UNIT 3 – GOOGLE DRIVE APPS Google Drive List Google Docs Google Sheets Google Slides Google Forms UNIT 4 – USING GOOGLE SITES Creating and Managing a Site Embedding Google App Files & Gadgets Site Composition UNIT 5 – OTHER GOOGLE TOOLS Google Photos Google Maps Google Chrome & Google Search Google Alerts Google News Google Earth SketchUp Blogger (Syllabus is subject to change.) Mrs. Wrona 8/13 COURSE MATERIALS BOOK – eBook—you will be given a code to access GRADING POLICY All assignments and tests are given a point value. The points for each quarter are then converted to a percentage grade. All assignments/activities will be given a due date. You will be given 5 school days after the due date to turn in assignments. After those 5 days, points will be deducted for lateness. CLASSROOM RULES 1. Please be in your seat and ready to begin class when the bell rings. 2. Please respect school property. No writing on desks, chairs, tables, or mouse pads. Also, do not tamper with any of the computer equipment at your workstation. You are responsible for the equipment at the assigned seat you are sitting in. Please notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY if anything at your workstation is damaged or has been tampered with. Appropriate action will be taken if you are caught destroying or damaging any school property. 3. You can be excused from class for the restroom and nurse when necessary. Please do not abuse this privilege. You must have your handbook to be excused. 4. No food or drinks are permitted in class. 5. Please obtain make-up assignments after being absent on the day that you return. If possible, please check Edline for class plans. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain any assignments that were missed. 6. Assignments missed on a day of absence become make-up work. 7. If you are absent when a test or quiz is given, you will have the following time frame to take the make up quiz or test (different than the original): two (2) weeks for any missed tests; one (1) week for any missed quizzes. After that time, if the test/quiz is not taken, you will receive a zero. (This follows the student handbook). 8. Late assignments will receive only partial credit. Points will be deducted starting on the 6th school day after the due date. 9. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating on an assignment or test/quiz, or submitting someone else’s work as your own, YOU AND THE PERSON YOU ARE CHEATING FROM WILL BE GIVEN A “0” FOR THE ASSIGNMENT(S) AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATOR DISCIPLINE. Cheating in this class is defined as: sharing passwords; submitting someone else’s work as your own; logging in to someone else’s files; copying work; and using cheat sheets. Don’t jeopardize your own grade to help out another classmate!!!! Mrs. Wrona 8/13 10. Keep your password to yourself. DO NOT give it out to anyone! If you suspect someone knows your password, please alert the teacher immediately so that your password can be changed. Your password can be changed at any time during the year. 11. The INTERNET may be used for school-related assigned work only. Use of the Internet during class time without teacher permission is unacceptable. 12. PARENT/GUARDIAN AND STUDENT: With all our cooperation, I believe we will benefit from a great educational experience in this class this year. Please sign and return the Acknowledgement Form. The Acknowledgement Form is due on the next scheduled class day. Do NOT return this sheet. Place it in a safe place so that it can be easily accessed if you or the student needs to review these procedures and rules. Mrs. Wrona 8/13 ACKNOWLEGEMENT FORM FOR CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND RULES FOR USING GOOGLE APPS T. WRONA, INSTRUCTOR BUSINESS, COMPUTER, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT I acknowledge that I received a copy of the Classroom Procedures and Rules. Having read them, I agree that I understand them. I also understand that there will be consequences and appropriate disciplinary actions if the student does not follow these procedures and rules. Student Signature _____________________________________ Date _______________ Student Email _______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________Date ______________ Relationship to Student _______________________ Contact Information (email) ____________________________________ (phone) ____________________________________