GETTING STARTED LEVEL (450) (Contributed by Mary Ruth Spencer) Estimated Time: 3 – 3 1/2 hours Lesson Objectives: Write at least 1 paragraph about your hometown using a variety of regular and irregular verb tenses Language Skills Focus: Speaking, listening, reading, writing EFF Non-language Skills: Interpersonal: Cooperate with others Decision-Making: Plan Lifelong Learning: Take responsibility for learning Reflect and Evaluate Resources and Materials Needed: Chart paper, markers, index cards, overhead projector, Overhead markers, overhead film, sentence strips, tape, Irregular Verbs sheet Lesson Plan and Teacher Notes: Using a grouping strategy, get students in pairs. The paragraph below should be cut up into individual sentences. Place the paragraph in a baggie. Each team should have their own baggie. Each team should take the sentences and create the paragraph. Growing up in Virginia was a wonderful experience. I lived in a large home with 2 parents and 2 siblings. We lived on a 1/2 acre lot of land with many nice neighbors and lots of kids to play with. My best friend happened to be a neighbor and we spent all of our free time together. My best friend and I also attended the same school. We were blessed to have good teachers who cared about us as people as well as our learning. I was lucky to have all of this while growing up in Virginia. When groups have finished, have them share with the class. Teacher then shares the paragraph shown above. Teacher asks students comprehension questions about the paragraph and answer any questions about vocabulary, etc. Introduction and Presentation: Introduce objectives. Write past, present, future on chart paper. Discuss the paragraph from the warm up activity. Was it written in past, present, or future? Choose 1 of the sentences and write it in the past column. As a group, change the sentence to present, then future. Presentation and Practice: Begin to focus on simple past tense. Use the paragraph from the warm up and have students pick out the verbs. The teacher then writes them on the overhead projector. Discuss patterns with regular verbs ( - ed) Give each student an index card with a regular verb on each card. (See list below) Students work with partners to create sentences using the verb given to them. These sentences should be written in past tense. Students write the sentences on sentence strip paper. Answer hope purchase Dance desire watch Act design talk Laugh clean explain Design continue cook Own follow wish Students share with the class. Next, the teacher introduces (reviews) irregular verbs. The teacher gives examples and passes out Common Irregular Verbs chart. Review components of chart. Distinguish between past tense and past participle. Pass out index cards with base form of irregular verbs (see list below). Students create past tense sentences using sentence strip paper. Groups share with class. Awake come feel give meet sing Become dig fly hear pay spend Build drive forgive hurt rise swim Buy eat get leave sleep teach Catch drink grow make speak write Place following chart on overhead or butcher paper or overhead. Home and Family Neighborhood Friends School Teacher models writing about the above topics. The teacher writes in past tense. Students complete chart for themselves and share with partner. The teacher then takes this chart as a guide to write a paragraph titled, My Hometown. Remember to teach topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. Review the following: Indent the first word of a new paragraph Begin each sentence with a capital letter End every sentence with a period or other punctuation mark Do NOT begin each new sentence on a new line! Students write their paragraphs. When students have finished writing, have students edit their partner’s writing. Depending on the level of students’ writing ability, students can revise and edit. Write final drafts. Share with class. Application: Students write about a specific incident from their childhood. Evaluation: Teacher collects students’ writing. Edit for paragraph formation, and correct verb tenses. My Hometown Home and Family Neighborhood Friends School Some Common Irregular Verbs Base Form Simple Past Past Participle Am, be Break Drink Eat Drive Fly Give Go Know Rise See Sing Speak Take Write Grow Was, were broke drank ate drove flew gave went knew rose saw sang spoke took wrote grew been broken drunk eaten driven flown given gone Known Risen Seen sung Spoken Taken written grown