Dear President, - ERA-EDTA

Name of the Institution: _IIS-FUNDACION JIMENEZ DIAZ____
Web site of the Institution:
Contact person: __ALBERTO ORTIZ________________________
Postal code: _28040____ City: ___MADRID__________
Country: ___SPAIN__________________________
Phone: ___915504800 EXT 3518______ Fax:
Synopsis on research programme in Nephrology/ Dialysis/ Transplantation
(the synopsis must not exceed 3500 character –font 12, word format only-).
The renal unit at Fundacion Jimenez Diaz (Chief and Full Professor Jesus Egido) was
designed to accommodate Clinical care, research and teaching activities. From a clinical
point of view there are clinical nephrology, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and
transplantation programs. From a research point of view, more than 30 basic researchers
collaborate with clinical staff and researcher in a lab with up-to-date research facilities.
This results a constant stream of high level publications, including the top journals in
nephrology such as JASN, Kidney Int and NDT. The h index for the two main principal
investigators in the unit is 56 and 29, respectively.
The Fundacion Jimenez Diaz renal unit is integrated in several European Union projects,
ERA-EDTA working groups (it has representatives in both the Immunonephrology and
EURECA-m working groups core members) and is integrated in other European
initiatives such as the EUROKUP COST action and in the Spanish renal research network
The research centre of the Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, the IIS-Fundacion Jimenez Diaz is a
joint venture with the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
For over 30 years clinical and research fellows from Spain, other European countries
(Rumania, Bulgaria), South America (Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay,
Paraguay) and Asia (China, Japan) have been trained at our Unit.
Current lines of research.
A) clinical research: EURECA-m Registry and biobanking of a dialysis cohort:
involves characterizing vascular and bone disease, managing samples, echography,
data analysis and paper writing
B) Clinically oriented research of either if the following topics:
* diabetic nephropathy: in search of novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It
involves clinical phenotyping, clinical sample management, cell and animal models
of diabetes, cell and molecular biology
* pathogenesis of proteinuria: in search of novel therapeutic targets and
biomarkers. It involves clinical sample management, cell and animal models of
podocyte injury, cell and molecular biology
* Molecular mechanisms of kidney injury in Fabry disease: in search of novel
therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It involves cell and (probably soon) animal
models of Fabry disease, cell and molecular biology
* Novel mediators of kidney fibrosis and inflammation: It involves cell and animal
models of kidney fibrosis and inflammation, cell and molecular biology
* Pathogenesis and early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI): in search of novel
therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It involves clinical phenotyping, clinical sample
management, cell and animal models of AKI and nephrotoxicity, cell and molecular
+ urine and tissue proteomics
Research/es in which the Fellow will be involved.
The fellow may choose from the following possibilities
A) clinical research: EURECA-m Registry and biobanking of a dialysis cohort:
involves characterizing vascular and bone disease, managing samples, echography,
data analysis and paper writing
B) Clinically oriented research of either if the following topics:
* diabetic nephropathy: in search of novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It
involves clinical phenotyping, clinical sample management, cell and animal models
of diabetes, cell and molecular biology
* pathogenesis of proteinuria: in search of novel therapeutic targets and
biomarkers. It involves clinical sample management, cell and animal models of
podocyte injury, cell and molecular biology
* Molecular mechanisms of kidney injury in Fabry disease: in search of novel
therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It involves cell and (probably soon) animal
models of Fabry disease, cell and molecular biology
* Novel mediators of kidney fibrosis and inflammation: It involves cell and animal
models of kidney fibrosis and inflammation, cell and molecular biology
* Pathogenesis and early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI): in search of novel
therapeutic targets and biomarkers. It involves clinical phenotyping, clinical sample
management, cell and animal models of AKI and nephrotoxicity, cell and molecular
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