Seattle University Executive Master of Not-for-Profit Leadership Program SYLLABUS – ARTL 544 PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION FOR ARTS LEADERS Ultimately, a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. Martin Luther King, Jr. Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are the kings of this world. Thomas Carlyle British Historian I would rather try to persuade a person to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared and then he is gone. Dwight D. Eisenhower Fall 2010 Wednesdays, September 22, 29, October 6, 13, November 17; 6-8:30 PM Saturdays, October 16, November 13, 20; 10-2:30 PM PIGT 205 Instructor: Voice: Cell: Fax: Email: Vivian Phillips (206) 328-7181 (206) 227-7747 (206) 860-5965 Course text: Harvard Business Review on The Persuasive Leader Product #: 2499-PBK-ENG Additional Materials: Any additional materials required for this course will be provided by the instructor. Other media – we will explore the use of narrative film, theatre and poetry as vehicles of indirect and overt persuasion. Guest speakers – invited guests from local arts organizations who have used the art of persuasive communications have been invited to share their experiences and lessons learned with the class. Persuasive Communications Fall Quarter 2010 V. Phillips -1- Graded elements: 1. In-class discussion participation: 15% 2. Individual presentations: 30% 3. Group participation: 25% 4. Final Paper: 30% Summary: Arts leadership requires a command of oral and written communication skill. From articulating a creative vision of an arts organization effectively to the board, staff and patrons, to making a strong case for support; arts leaders are faced with choreographing multiple degrees of effective and persuasive communication styles to command and display leadership. Arts leaders must articulate the significance of the art for which they are charged to steward, and maintain a commitment to creating meaningful relationships with artists and arts supporters. This course will focus on techniques for developing strong relationships through oral and written communication that is precise, persuasive, authentic, and develops a foundation for greater personal and professional influence. There will be three individually graded presentation assignments, one group assignment and a final graded paper. Competencies: This course is designed to help you develop and strengthen your skills in each of the program’s four core competencies: Principles and practices of speaking effectively to persuade an audience; Methods of assessing audience communication preferences; Preparing for formal and informal speaking opportunities expected of arts leaders; Assessing your communication strengths and opportunities for improvement. The course will also focus on exploration of the following to increase your communication confidence: Basic elements of preparing and delivering Persuasive speeches: Learning the appropriate use of pace, tone, repetition and imagery to create persuasive presentations, Meaningful and skilled interactions: using communication as a means of sharing experiences, Effective influence: inspiration and motivation as a communications goal, Turning crisis into opportunities: using persuasive communication to engender support through crisis, Credible communications: using the truth to tell your story. Persuasive Communications Fall Quarter 2010 V. Phillips -2- DATE 09/22 TOPIC Orientation to course Exploring our communication strengths, fears and weaknesses Team Building Exercise – a scenario will be provided and the class will be divided to reflect the following segments of an arts organization: Board of Directors Executive Staff Patron/Subscriber representatives, Volunteers This exercise will provide an opportunity to work in a group and explore methods for building internal and external relationships and employing those relationships to plan for and address an issue that has significant public impact. Choosing your organization Assignment: Create a one-page overview/description for the organization you have created. Include mission, vision, values, budget size, staff outline, unique accomplishments; information that at-a-glance, describes your organization. All of your future assignments will be relevant for this organization. Assignment will be turned in and be the start of your personal organization profile. DUE September 29th 09/29 Elements of Persuasive Speeches Exploring great communicators and their use of Pace, Tone, Repetition, and Imagery Basics of Dynamic Communication Meaningful Conversation Skilled interaction Communication styles – finding your strengths Assignment: 1) Read The Necessary Art of Persuasion Jay A. Conger; and Harnessing the Science of Persuasion 2) Prepare a 1 minute presentation to be delivered to an audience of newcomers exploring arts opportunities. Your presentation should be geared toward persuading these newcomers to become subscribers/members of your organization. This will also serve as the first public introduction of your organization. 10/6 Public Organization Introductions and in-class Critiques Discussion – Review of The Necessary Art of Persuasion and Harnessing the Science of Persuasion articles Review/Discussion Persuasive Communications Fall Quarter 2010 V. Phillips -3- Organizing and Delivering Persuasive messages Persuasion vs. Information – knowing when to sell and when to inform Understanding and communicating with your audience Assignment: 1) 2) 10/13 Read Why People Follow the Leader – The Power of Transference, Michael Maccoby; Prepare to deliver a 2-minute presentation based on the following scenario: Your organization is now 3 years old and eligible for funding from larger granting institutions. You must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to be invited to submit a full grant proposal for a major multi-year funding opportunity. The decision to invite organizations to submit full applications is completely contingent on how well they persuade the review panel in a 2-minute presentation. Presentations in-class on October 13th Guest Speaker – Lisa Fitzhugh founded Arts Corps and led the organization for 8 years. Topic - Developing a new arts organization and persuading people to support your idea. Letter of Intent presentations and in-class Critiques New media, technology and the arts – persuasion and online communications Assignment: 1) 2) 3) 10/16 Read – Change the Way You Persuade, Cary A. Williams and Robert B. Miller Prepare a 3 minute speech/press statement to present based on the following scenario: After 5 years of leading the organization you founded, the Board of Directors has decided that a shift in leadership is in the best interest for the organization’s future. A new leader (could be Executive Director, Managing Director – you choose) has been selected and a press conference called to introduce the new leader. You must make the new introduction to the media.(Further details regarding the leadership change decision will be provided in class) Write a brief press release that announces the change to be distributed at the press conference – prepare to turn in both your speech and your press release. Presentations and assignment due on October 16th Organizational leadership press speech presentations (videotape and in-class critiques) Persuasive Communications Fall Quarter 2010 V. Phillips -4- What You Don’t Know About Making Decisions, David A. Garvin and Michael Roberto – In-class review and discussion (advance reading is optional – we will go through this together) Assignment: 1) Read – August Wilson speech – The Ground On Which I Stand (will be provided) In-class discussion 11/13 2) Group Assignment Overview– DUE 11/17 3) Final Assignment Overview– DUE 11/20 11/13 The Ground on Which I Stand – class discussion Exploring Persuasive Arts - theater, poetry, visual arts Narrative films – the use of persuasion in the narrative films of Spike Lee and Stanley Kubrick (as examples) Assignment: 1) Read Change Through Persuasion – David Garvin & Michael Roberto 2) Read Why People Follow the Leader – The Power of Transference, Michael Maccoby; 11/17 Group Presentations and in-class Critique Discuss articles – explore persuasive change and leadership Crisis Communication – Persuasive communication through crisis conditions 11/20 Final Assignment Pitches, Evaluation, Course Wrap Persuasive Communications Fall Quarter 2010 V. Phillips -5-