Upperclassmen will be responsible for their leadership training & communicate to the players the rules for the season. Henry Hudson Extra-Curricular Conduct Contract Admiral softball team rules & regulations Purpose of our rules: 1. To develop an outstanding team. 2. To develop team discipline & cooperation. 3. To help our athletes become better student athletes. 4. To improve the physical and mental capabilities of our players. 5. To develop outstanding individuals & citizens. By playing on the team you are promising to do your best. Other committed players are depending on YOU. Rules The following is a team contract that all players must sign as well as a parent / guardian (of the specified player signing). All players will be at practice on time with proper equipment. Students may receive extra help after school. (You must bring a signed note as to where you were) Practices after school will start between 2:15 & 2:30 – plenty of time to receive any extra help as well as attend mandatory meetings. Saturday practices must be attended as well (Same for school days off). If you must leave practice early, you must have a note signed. If a player misses a practice (unexcused) he/she will not be permitted to start or play in the first half of the next game.* If a player misses a practice the day before a game(unexcused), he/she will not be permitted to play in the (entire) next game* If a player goes on vacation, he/she will not be permitted to play in the (entire) next game as well as the number of games missed. If a player attends practice, but sits out for any reason, playing in the next game is at the discretion of the coaches. If a player visits a college, playing time in the next game is at the discretion of the coach (s). You will give 100% at games and practices. Dedication as a Student Athlete You understand that you will give 100% to your school work. You will do all of your assignments and keep passing grades in your classes. You will display appropriate behavior in all of your classes. You will do nothing that will cause you to receive a detention. (teacher or central) Making the team All players are given equal opportunity to earn a position on a Henry Hudson Athletic Team. The level / team (Varsity, JV, or 7th / 8th grade) that a player is on: School year does not determine starting position and or team one makes. Seniors are not guaranteed a spot on Varsity. Freshman may earn a spot on Varsity. Grade level is not a factor. Previous years’ playing time is not a factor. Each practice / game is a new day. Each player must EARN their playing time. Changes to playing positions and teams may change throughout the season. Players may be moved to varsity as players may be moved to junior varsity. Coaches view each practice / game as a new day therefore, all players must give it their all at practice and during each game. Game Day: All players must be ready to go at the specified time by the coach(s). All players must be on the bus with all team/individual equipment ready to go at the specified time by the coach(s). You are responsible for YOUR OWN equipment / uniform each and every practice and game. If you are missing any item you may not play. All players will display appropriate behavior at both home and away games. All players will respect all opposing team members, coaches, and the referees. During playing time you, as a player will not talk back to other players on your team, the other coaches, the other team, and or referees. If you choose to do so you will be removed immediately from the game. Keep ALL comments to yourself. You MAY NOT leave an away game with anyone except with your PARENT / guardian. Before you leave you must have your parent / guardian sign the check out log provided by the head coach. All players must help clean-up at the end of the games / practice, no one is to leave before everthing is picked up. Team You will be spending many hours with a group of individuals who love athletic participation. By joining this team you are making a commitment to do your best and be a team player. We all know that not everyone gets along in life; however, whether you are on or off the field, you will respect fellow team members and do their best to get along with them. Leave differences and disagreements off the field! You will not talk negatively to or about your fellow team members / coaches, you are to be positive and express positive criticism to fellow team members during game and or practice. COACHES: The coaches put a lot of time and hard work into coaching you. They do it because they love the game and want to share their knowledge with you. They enjoy coaching you. You must respect the direction and coaching that they display. They will show respect for you and ask for you to respect them. Expectations of our parents 1. Our parents display positive support for the student athletes and coaches of Henry Hudson Regional School. (Nothing can erode teamwork faster than athletes doubting the capabilities of their coaches. It can be a cancer that affects performance, confidence, and the needed edge to compete in an athletic contest). 2. Our parents notify the coaching staff of any schedule conflict in advance. They also notify the coaches of an illness or injury that our staff may not be aware of. 3. Our parents are good role models and demonstrate positive behavior and sportsmanship as fans. 4. Our parents are partners with school officials in promoting, understanding, and monitoring the Athletic code. 5. Our parents work with the coaching staff to maintain open lines of communication. 6. Our parents have realistic expectations of their student athletes in the classroom as well as on the field and encourage their daughter to give her best effort- physically, mentally, and emotionally. 7. Our parents make every effort to support their child through attendance at athletic contests and award nights. Issues that are appropriate to discuss with coaches Concerns about academic eligibility Concerns about behavior, training rules or the Athletic Code Ways to help your athlete improve Issues that are not appropriate to discuss with coaches Other athletes Philosophy – play calling Team or individual strategy Playing time Do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a practice or contest. These surprise meetings rarely accomplish anything and do not promote resolution. Call or ask the coach for a time to meet in private. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player’s signature: I (please print) _______________________________ have read the above contract. By signing this contract I agree to abide by the rules set forth. Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________________________________ Parent / Guardian signature: I (please print) _______________________________ have the read the above contract set forth for my son / daughter. I agree to abide by the rules for my son / daughter. Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________________________________