Comparison of Avian Diversity Between Man-Made Wetland and Meadow In Lacey, Washington Blayse Chun Bio 402 Final Draft May 07, 2007 1 Table of Contents Abstract Introduction 1 1 Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgments 11 15 17 23 Literature Cited 24 2 Abstract This study was undertaken to determine if there was a change in the avian diversity whose meadow habitat had been artificially altered into a man-made wetland. Two sites were observed in Lacey, Washington. A Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) model was incorporated when observing both habitats in order to see how a species would react to a major disturbance within its habitat. Anas platyrhynochos, Anas crecca, Branta canadenis, Turdus migratorius, Actitis macularia, Corvus corax, and other unidentifiable bird species were observed during a 6-week period in order to compare population trends between the avian communities in both habitats. Other biodiversity trends were taken into account such as the introduction of various species into the wetland habitat, as well as any other short or long term trends. The data that were observed suggested that there was not a change in avian population (p>0.05). However, further research is needed to fully support this outcome. 3 Introduction Wetlands are a source of many valuable ecological resources, providing a number of ecosystem services such as water supply and quality, functioning traps for raw materials and nutrients, increased landscape biodiversity, food, flood control, and recreation (Hansson et al., 2005). Wetland ecosystems historically were not conserved because they were considered less desirable than industrialization, modern agriculture, and more dry land for development (Hansson et al., 2005). Yet, wetlands often undergo important human-induced changes that tend to alter or modify their ecological function (Schmid et al., 2004). However, this “development” has often led to the destruction or reduction of wetlands which yields both positive and negative results. Thus, humans have taken an interest in restoring and even constructing wetlands in agricultural areas due to their multiple functions (Hansson et al., 2005). There have been many studies examining the functionality of wetlands (Andrewartha and Birch, 1954; Mitsch et al., 1998; Ratti et al., 2001; Snell-Rood and Cristol, 2003; Stapanian et al., 2004; Hansson et al., 2005; Koellner and Schmitz, 2006). Many of these studies compare multiple wetlands and take into account the differences and similarities in biodiversity. For example, Houlahan and Findlay (2004) conducted a study on invasive plant species affecting the diversity of native plants across 58 wetlands in Ontario, Canada. They concluded that in order to maintain wetland biodiversity between invasive and noninvasive plants was to discourage the spread of community dominants. Other studies even compare newly constructed wetlands to natural wetlands and restored wetlands to natural wetlands, but they have seldom considered studying newly constructed wetlands in comparison to the previous, non-wetland, land use or 4 using previously gathered research of a specific habitat in comparison with an unaltered habitat (Ratti et al., 2001; Snell-Rood and Cristol, 2003). In doing so, wetland biodiversity could be viewed in a “before and after” comparison. The before and after comparison would be beneficial because it allows one to see any prominent differences or similarities in regards to differing habitats such as wetlands to meadows. Wetlands are areas that are saturated by ground or surface water and can sustain organisms that flourish under these conditions (Harding Lawson Associates, 1998). Many organisms such as Caster Canadensis, or goldfish, (Cunningham et al., 2006) and amphibians (Blaustein and Bancroft, 2007) occupy and are specialized to these ecosystems. A wetland must have one or more of the following attributes: land that predominantly supports plants that grow in water (hydrophytes), a substrate with predominantly undrained soil that contains hydrogen in it and can adapt to the moist environment (hydric soil), and a substrate (College Ditch sedimentation ponds) that is saturated or covered with water during the growing season of the year (City of Lacey, 1992 as cited by Harding Lawson Associates, 1998). Feest (2006) suggests that since diversity can occur within species, between species, or ecosystems, the diversity in wetland communities can vary, particularly with respect to wetland bird species. Often, avian communities and small mammals are studied when dealing with wetland ecosystems (Ratti et al., 2001; Snell-Rood and Cristol, 2003; Stapanian et al., 2004). Nally et al. (2004) explain that birds have been widely regarded as key elements in monitoring biodiversity. Given their responses to changes in agricultural landscapes, their mobility, and their ability to occupy 3-D space, birds are regionally more species- 5 rich than most vertebrates. Thus, they are extensively monitored in relation to the biodiversity of different habitats (Nally et al., 2004). Koellner and Schmitz (2006) define biodiversity as the number of species contained in a system and also as the magnitude of disturbance that can be absorbed or accommodated by an ecosystem before its structure is fundamentally changed to a different state. Hence, “development” has often led to the destruction or reduction of wetlands. Andrewartha and Birch (1954) suggest that the introduction of new elements; whether biotic or abiotic, into an ecosystem, tend to have a disruptive effect. They suggest this because if a new element(s) is introduced, it could potentially dominant or overthrow a less dominant species. Based on this assumption, biodiversity can be a predominant factor in the success or failure of an ecosystem. However, if the ecosystem itself was altered, one could assume that the success or failure of a species biodiversity also relied on the stability of its ecosystem. Hansson et al. (2005) studied and addressed the demands of 32 recently constructed wetland ecosystems in southern Sweden. Their main objective was to identify the features that define a “suitable” wetland. In doing so, Hansson et al. provided useable data for future wetland construction projects. They measured the chemical and biological features of each wetland using the “helicopter perspective” which screens general patterns in a large set of variables. This can potentially be an important determinant for the wetland’s ecosystem because the data collected could be used to benefit future wetland restoration projects (Hansson et al., 2005). Their results suggest that certain features like shallow depth, large surface area, and high shoreline complexity are likely to provide high levels of biodiversity. They suggest that there are features such as depth, 6 surface area, and shoreline complexities that may direct the ecosystem function of a wetland in the desired direction (Hansson et al, 2005). The desired direction being a rich and diverse wetland. Hansson et al. further indicate that if certain aspects (depth, surface area, shoreline complexity, etc.) of a wetland are monitored, wetland functions (i.e. nutrient retention) could possibly be governed in a more controllable/monitored environment. This possibility could provide additional information for future wetland construction projects. This study also suggests that the amount of biodiversity is dependent on the amount of physical and chemical functions in a wetland. This study relates to my proposed research by introducing me to the possible variables that could affect my study and hypothesis. Stapanian et al. (2004) evaluated the usefulness of the Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) for Wetlands Version 5.0 when dealing with ecological integrity that is beyond its purpose (not avian biodiversity). Wetlands Version 5.0 is a wetland monitoring system that distinguishes wetland quality by comparing quantitative data. ORAM was developed to categorize natural wetlands for regulatory purposes and to contribute to the development of indicators of biotic integrity in wetlands across Ohio. However, the total scores of ORAM also served as an adequate predictor of avian diversity. Avian diversity was monitored by data programs that used three different levels of assessment. Level one used any source of remote information available, level two required onsite surveying of specific predetermined characteristics, and finally level three, which required gathering detailed biological data. The study was conducted at 14 wetland sites using certain criteria to factor in habitat heterogeneity affecting species richness (Stapanian et al., 2004). The criteria that had to be met consisted of each site being a 7 small natural wetland, with shallow-water and shrub-scrub vegetation, open water, and partial or complete forest border. Stapanian et al. (2004) then evaluated whether the avian species richness in wetlands could be reliably predicted from each of the following variables: total ORAM score, total score minus the score of one metric (size of wetland in km2) which did not apply to all wetlands because not all of the wetlands fell into studies suitable wetland criteria, and the sum of four ORAM component scores. The four components used were aquatic vegetation communities, microtopography, modifications to natural hydrolic regime, and any sources of water. They found that all three variables (total ORAM score, total score minus metric, and sum of ORAM component scores) were significant predictors of both total species richness and mean species richness of birds of conservation concern. Variable three (sum of ORAM scores) was a significant predictor of mean species richness of wetland-dependent birds whereas variable two (total score minus one metric) was a weak predictor of species richness for all birds. Based on these results, Stapanian et al. (2004) suggested that ORAM is a reliable indicator of ecological integrity of wetlands and can unexpectedly serve as an adequate predictor of avian diversity. This study showed that different variables in a wetland can affect the diversity of avian communities. However, since different variables were measured at the same time and avian species were not specified, it is difficult to have a clear picture if the biodiversity will be similar or different in adjacent wetlands. This study is related to my study because it emphasizes that if avian species is not specified, comparing biodiversity will be difficult. 8 Ratti et al. (2001) compared avian use of 39 restored and 39 natural wetlands in North and South Dakota during spring and summer of 1997 and 1998. Their study defined natural wetlands as existing wetlands with no prior physical manipulations to the basin or water levels whereas restored wetlands resemble natural wetlands in form and function. Every ten days they conducted paired comparisons between restored and natural wetlands for wetland bird density, waterfowl-breeding pairs, and wetland-avian abundance, species richness, and diversity. They did this by physically counting the number of birds present at specific vantage points from sunrise to 10 o’clock at night and excluded birds flying away or into the specific wetland. They calculated density by using an ordered-pair distance method which estimated the overall population of each bird species. Ratti et al. (2001) also compared abundance, species richness, and diversity of birds on upland areas adjacent to wetlands. They observed that Canada goose, mallard, redhead, and ruddy duck had higher densities on restored wetlands. They failed to detect differences in overall avian abundance, species richness, or diversity between restored and natural wetlands. They concluded that restored wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region supported similar avian communities with equal or higher abundances than those of natural wetlands. Their results suggest that there is no real difference in bird populations when comparing a natural wetland to a restored wetland. This study is essential to my study and hypothesis because it supports my hypothesis and proposed goals. Snell-Rood and Cristol (2003) compared the avian communities of constructed forested wetlands to those on natural forested wetlands regenerating from logging. In the 9 summer of 2000, they tested whether forested wetlands that were created eight years earlier had developed avian communities similar to natural wetlands of the same age in southeastern Virginia. They compared six created wetlands to five natural wetlands that had undergone ecological succession after clear-cutting. Snell-Rood and Cristol (2003) tested this by creating a trajectory of expected avian community development by comparing 20 previously referenced wetlands, which were logged 1-25 years prior, to mature forested wetlands that had not been logged for 50 years or more. They observed that the created wetlands had significantly lower avian richness and diversity, and a different community composition compared to the referenced wetlands. They suggested that these differences were due to the fact that created wetlands supported low numbers of the expected passerine or bird species. This study related to my study by introducing the fact that certain constructed wetlands may only attract certain avian species. In addition, Snell-Rood and Cristol (2003) suggested that the natural wetlands supported species of higher conservation concern, migratory status, trophic level, habitat specificity, and wetland dependency. Their trajectory of avian community development indicated that the created wetlands were developmentally behind referenced wetlands or were following a different developmental trajectory altogether. Snell-Rood and Cristol (2003) hypothesized that the differences between created and reference forested wetlands were due to unnatural patterns of hydrology or retarded vegetation development on created wetlands. This study suggests that natural wetlands will have a larger avian population then a created wetland which contradicts the study done by Ratti et al. (2001). This contradiction only further supports that ecosystems are complex and that certain variables can contradict others. 10 Forcey et al. (2007) suggest that bird populations are influenced by a variety of factors that consist of both small and large scales ranging from suitable nesting habitats, predators, food supplies, climate conditions, and land-use patterns. They evaluated the influences of regional climate and land-use variables on Canadian wetland breeding birds in the Prairie Potholes region. Forcey et al. used bird abundance data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, land-use data from the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, weather data from the National Climatic Data, and the Information Archive to model specific effects of regional/environmental variables that can affect bird abundance. The models that were constructed consisted of a priori which used information from published habitat associations in the literature, and the fitting was performed with WinBUGS using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques which are specific types of statistical tests that allows one to draw simulations from a wide range of distributions that can arrive in statistical work (Forcey et al., 2007). They found that while both land-use and climate variables contributed to predicting bird abundance in Prairie Pothole region, climate predictors contributed the most to improving model fit. Forcey et al. also looked at the examination of regional effects of climate and land use on wetland birds. This revealed relationships with environmental covariates that are often overlooked by small-scale habitat studies. Based on their results, they suggested these studies can be used to improve conservation and management planning for regional populations of avifauna. This study also presents data pertaining to specific variables that can affect avian populations and the methods used to study them under certain conditions. This study relates to my study by setting a specific guideline pertaining to studying birds. 11 The methods that I have utilized in this study have been used in similar studies. One of the most commonly used techniques of monitoring bird diversity and abundance is known as point counting. Thompson (2002) describes point counting as counting birds that are seen, heard, or captured in order to assess avian-habitat relationships with response to disturbances and population trends. The point counting method involves one or more observers that record all birds detected within a fixed or unlimited distance from a point during a specified time period (Thompson, 2002). Many researchers have collected their data through bird surveying because this method proved much more practical due to financial and time constraints (Ratti et al., 2001). Ratti et al. (2001) physically completed a count of all birds directly on the wetland which included all inundated zones with open water or signs of vegetation. They set up specific vantage points while walking around the wetland. At each vantage point, Ratti et al. (2001) physically counted each bird that was observed and counted. They also visited each wetland 4 times from mid-May through July from sunrise to 1000 hours. They did not do counts during inclement weather and at certain wind speeds in order to reduce random errors. Each observer rotated observing times in order to limit biased data. Ratti et al. (2001) also used variable circular plot (VCP) methods to estimate densities of breeding birds within a specific area. Variable circular plot or variable area surveys methods are widely used to estimate the size and trend of forest bird populations when vegetation and terrain around study deem impractical or impossible to use other methods (Fancy, 1997). To do this they established a 75-meter radius circle and measured the number of birds observed within the radius. 12 Stapanian et al. (2004) used similar methods of surveying bird populations. The only difference between methods was that they input the data that were collected into a wetland monitoring program (i.e. Wetlands Version 5.0) which utilized three levels of assessment that inadvertently monitored the biodiversity of birds. These assessments require in-depth data collection and onsite surveying. Nally et al. (2004) on the other hand, offers an array of monitoring programs in order to estimate the ecological effects of known, well-specified impacts pertaining to bird populations. Thompson (2002) also overviewed general sampling framework methods for conducting population studies. The models that I am mimicking in the present study are the Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design which utilizes comparisons between a point of reference or control and the actual study in order to assess an impact (i.e. change or disturbance) that could have affected the study (Underwood, 1993 as cited by Nally et al., 2004), point count procedures (Thompson, 2002; Alldredge et al., 2006; Thogmartin et al., 2007), and VCP techniques (Fancy, 1997; Ratti et al., 2001). The methods and results from these previous studies have been taken into account because each model is seen as an appropriate representation for the present study. I surveyed the bird population in the newly developed storm water treatment facility on 6th avenue in Lacey, Washington. This man-made ecosystem was an open meadow before wetland construction began. The City of Lacey is advancing this College Ditch Project with hopes of improving water quality functions (i.e. water purity) which in turn should augment the existing habitat that is present at the site (Harding et al., 1998). This means that since the existing habitat was formerly a meadow, the habitat will be altered to a certain extent because it is now a constructed wetland. College Ditch is a 13 series of water purifying sedimentation ponds that drains water from Woodland Creek. The recommended design will have a sedimentation pond and two storage ponds that can hold a maximum storage handling capacity of 42 acre-feet on Saint Martin’s University campus (Harding et al., 1998). In doing so, the proposed construction should alter the biodiversity of the organisms surrounding the site. Generally, the construction of wetlands should increase biological richness through the increase of habitat complexity; however, this may not prove to be the case (Feest, 2006). This may be due to the fact, that a more dominant species may be introduced into a habitat. Although, this introduction adds to the complexity of the habitat it may reduce the populations of less dominant species. Therefore, I hypothesized that the population of birds will remain the same even though their habitat has been changed. I also surveyed the bird population on the meadow adjacent from the storm drains which will act as my control in order to test my hypothesis. Materials and Methods Two sites were chosen within Lacey, Washington to conduct a 6-week study of avian population trends. These two sites were located adjacent to 6th Avenue, across from Saint Martin’s University. The first site, College Ditch, was recently developed into a storm water treatment facility which consists of one sedimentation pond and two storage ponds that drain and purify water from Woodland Creek (Harding Lawson Association, 1998). The second site was the adjacent meadow that is located northeast of the storm water treatment facility. I surveyed the avian population (number of birds seen) surrounding both sites in order to compare population trends. Bird counts were conducted in late winter and spring (January-March) in 2008 at both sites, 3-4 times a week from 7AM-10AM, 12PM-2PM, and 4PM-sunset. I visited the sites during these times because 14 other studies (Ratti et al., 2001) had conducted their studies at these time intervals. I also noticed after the first few visits that these times had the most bird activity. Each visit represented a sampling event that has been replicated continuously (at least 3 or more times a week) during a 6-week period. I survey both the wetland and its adjacent meadow individually or both sites during each sampling event. College Ditch acted as the main habitat and the adjacent meadow acted as my control. College Ditch remained unaltered during my entire study in order to aid in the comparisons between avian population and diversity trends and also establish a BeforeAfter-Control-Impact (BACI) model. Each vantage point was measured with a rangefinder which allowed me to also establish specific controls and variables that will aid in analyzing my data statistically in order to test if my hypothesis was supported or rejected. For each habitat I mimicked the point counting and Variable Circular Plot methods in order to estimate population densities in each quadrant. I did this by first measuring a radius of 75-100 meter at habitat which was chosen because this radius was used in previous studies (Ratti et al., 2001). After I established each radius at each site, I split each circle into 4 quadrants and measured 25 meters from the outer boundaries of the circle to the center of the circle. I proceeded to mark these 25 meter spots as my vantage points, which I used as a 360 degree spatial area to reduce any bias data and to identify any bird(s) flying in the air. In each quadrant, I made observations by watching, using binoculars (Bushnell PermaFocus 17-3507 7X35), and listening, for 8 minute intervals. Each quadrant enabled me to keep on moving so I would not be observing birds in just one area. After 8 minutes I would proceed to the next quadrant in a clockwise motion. I chose to observe for 8 minute 15 intervals because previous studies used a 5-8 minute range (Alldredge et al., 2006). I observed birds flying over the study area, landing in the study area, and already in study the area (Table 1). The table that I used incorporated listing the following: bird name, scientific name, which site the bird was identified in, the total number of times I saw each bird, the time that it was identified, the direction it was flying if applicable, and any other information that could be used in my results section (i.e. eating, perched, following another bird, etc.). For each bird that I saw or heard, I recorded the number and, if possible, the species and the direction that it flew in order to reduce double counting. I used a compass to keep track of what direction the bird was flying. If I could, I took a snapshot of the bird that I saw. I tried to listen to any auditory bird calls and mark it as an indication that a bird was present. If I could not see any birds, but could hear them, I counted the approximate number of birds that were heard and list those in my table (Table 1). Table 1. Sample bird count and observations gathered during sampling event. Bird Scientific Site Number Time Direction Other Mallard Anas Wetland 10 6-10AM Fly in Eating from and north. bathing. platyrhynchos Once my two vantage points and radii were established, I factored in environmental variables such as seasons, climate, observer errors, detection errors, and any disturbances present at the sampling event in order to set positive and negative controls. I was able to control some of these variables by researching what types of birds 16 were prevalent during specific climates and seasons and doing a mock trial run to see what part of the day or week when bird sightings were most prevalent. The one control that I could not possibly control was disturbances like weather and people. Previous studies discourage going out in inclement weather due to the increased amount of variables that can arise (Alldredge et al., 2006).The positive controls in this study were the buffer zones which separate wetland from meadow, the types of birds to be expected, and previously researched data. Since my study took place during the seasonal transition of winter to early spring, I had assumed that certain avian species could be counted because of seasonal and migration changes. This notion aided me in identifying certain species (mallard, Anas platyrhynchos) that would usually not inhabit my study sites during winter. Factoring in these variables allowed me to take into account anything that could produce errors in my data/observations. The potential types of errors that occurred during my study were: counting the same bird more than once, too many disturbances, being biased when bird counting (remaining in one area for too long, etc.), and not observing enough birds to compare. I addressed this issue by focusing on other potential methods that factor in this variable, such as listening for bird calls as well as watching them. My null hypothesis was that the avian population will remain the same, even though their habitat has been changed. I compared the number of birds observed between College Ditch and its adjacent to see if my hypothesis was supported using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) testing. Tukey tests were conducted if appropriate after the ANOVA testing to analyze my data. I set my level of significance to 95% and compared theoretical data to observed data. These tests told whether or not there were any significant differences 17 between bird populations inhabiting a wetland and its previous non-wetland meadow. If I observed no difference in bird population, my data supported my null hypothesis. If I saw a significant difference (i.e. greater or lesser populations between wetland and adjacent meadow) at the p<0.05 level, I rejected my null hypothesis, and assumed that there was a change in the avian population inhabiting College Ditch. Results The intention of this study was to observe the avian population trends between a wetland and its previous non-wetland meadow. Two habitats were surveyed in the data collection process. Each sampling event displayed the number of birds detected and spotted in each habitat. As a result of using spot counts and VCP methods, the maximum number of birds counted in the wetland at one sampling event was 39, whereas the meadow was 24. The minimum was 0 for the wetland and 4 for the meadow. The entire bird count observed during the 6-week study was 378 (Figure 1). The first statistical test conducted was the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) between the bird population trends between College Ditch and its adjacent meadow. The ANOVA showed no significant difference between the bird populations (F=1.02; d.f. =1; p-value=0.319). Since p>0.05, the null hypothesis can be supported which suggested that there was no difference in bird population trends between habitats. The mallard, Anas platyrhynochos, inhabited the wetland while the spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularia, inhabited the meadow. These two species were primarily spotted during field observations. The listed birds that do not have a scientific name are marked as n/a because they could not be specifically identified (Table 2). Table 2. List of birds that were identified during 6-week field study. 18 Wetland Both Areas Meadow Mallard, Anas Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis platyrhynochos macularia Green-winged Teal, Anas American Robin, Turdus Common Raven, Corvus crecca migratorius corax Swallow, n/a Sparrow, n/a Canada Goose, Branta Gull, n/a canadenis Table 2 depicts the birds that were identified during the 6-week study. There were other birds that were present at the both sites but they are not listed in Table 2 because I could not identify what type of bird was counted. The values in Figure 1 were gathered from the 6-week field observation of the bird populations between the College Ditch wetland and its neighboring meadow. These values do not accurately represent the true bird population of both habitats because not all birds were accounted for. During each sampling event, only birds that could be visually accounted for were counted. This did not include birds that were not visually present. When my field study first began (Jan 13-Jan26), there were sampling events that had zero bird counts due to poor visibility and disturbances such as inclement weather. However, there were often audio cues that suggested birds were in the area. If no birds were seen, this did not mean that there were no birds present. 19 133; 35.85% Wetland Meadow 238; 64.15% Figure 1. This is a summary of the number of birds counted in both habitats during a 6-week field study. Figure 1 represents both identified and unidentified birds that were visually accounted for using point counting and VCP methods. There were 238 birds counted in the wetland habitat and 133 birds in the meadow habitat. However, these values do not include the birds that were not visually present during each sampling event. The percentiles do not represent the actual percentages of birds in each habitat but the percentage each value represents in the pie graph in Figure 1. Discussion This study failed to support the hypothesis that the avian population between a wetland and its previous non-wetland meadow would not result in any change in population trends even though their habitat has been altered. The hypothesis was tested because the functionality of wetlands has produced both positive and negative results (broaden diversity but at the same time could lessen diversity) in correlation to biodiversity because Andrewartha and Birch (1954) suggested that the introduction of a new element whether biotic or abiotic could have a disruptive affect. Based on this assumption, a major disturbance such as a modification to a habitat could change the functionality of that habitat. Moreover, wetlands often undergo important human-induced changes that tend to alter or modify their ecological function (Schmid et al., 2004). 20 However, this development has often led to the destruction or reduction of wetlands. Thus, humans have taken an interest in restoring and even constructing wetlands in agricultural areas due to their multiple functions (Hansson et al., 2005). It was my intention to set up a before and after comparison in avian population trends between a wetland and its previous non-wetland habitat. In doing so, I hoped to observe how a major disturbance (i.e. construction of manmade habitat) could potentially alter animal populations. I also wanted to take into account any other short or long term trends such as changes in populations, introduction or reduction of a specific species, and so forth that could have been witnessed during a 6-week period. I collected field data using point counting, one of the most commonly used techniques of monitoring bird diversity and abundance (Thompson, 2002). The resulting analysis of variance (ANOVA) testing of my field data suggested that there was no significant difference (p-value>0.05). Based on my p-value, I can assume that there was a change in the avian population. Alternatively, this does not mean that there was not a difference in population or that my null hypothesis was incorrect. There could be an inadequate amount of data (i.e. sample size, time, etc.) which may have skewed my results. However, based on the resulting ANOVA testing, my data suggests (p-value >0.05) that my alternative hypothesis of there being a change in avian population can be supported and whether this change indicates an increase or decrease in population depends on further and future testing. I speculate that there may be an increase of marine-type bird species due to the data that I observed over a 6-week period because certain organisms often flourish in habitat specific ecosystems. This assumption is based on the study conducted by Kushlan (1986) which implied that wetlands of all sorts are a 21 valuable commodity and act as a crucial factor for the stability and maintenance of regional aquatic bird populations. Yet, I feel that the overall bird population may have decreased because Snell-Rood and Cristol (2003) found that created wetlands had significantly lower bird populations because created wetlands supported lower numbers of bird species. Quantitative The hypothesis could not be supported in a quantitative perspective because results from the ANOVA suggested no significant difference between avian population trends in each habitat (p-value=0.319). Although my hypothesis states that the avian population will remain the same; results from ANOVA testing (p>0.05) suggest that this can not be supported at this time and that further studies need to be conducted in order to see what type of population change occurred. My p-value suggests that the alternative hypothesis can be supported, but does not necessarily mean that it can be completely supported. The variability of sample sizes and sampling events may have influenced my results in such a way that when trying to plug in my data, the data was either too inconsistent or too small to show any significant differences. I speculate that this is due to a small sample size and short period of time which did not allow me to observe an accurate population trend. I also feel that the first few sampling events that resulted in a zero bird count could have drastically thrown off my results. Qualitative Other observations suggest that certain birds inhabit specific habitats (Table 2). Many of the birds observed flew into the sedimentation ponds to bathe and 22 feed on a daily basis while other birds were observed singing or perched in trees. Davidson and Evans (1986) emphasized the importance of wetlands in correlation to the winter survival of shorebirds who found refuge and food in man-made wetlands during severe winter weather. Peterson and Low (1977) found that the waterfowls, mallard (Anas platyrhynochos), green-winged teal (Anas crecca), pintail (Anas acuta), and ringnecked duck (Aythya collaris) were most abundant in wetlands during migratory seasons and lowest during breeding seasons. They concluded that wetlands of lower elevations yielded better aquatic plants which acted as a source of food for the waterfowls. I also noticed that in the mornings (6AM-10AM), there was the greatest presence and activity of birds. I speculate that this is the time of least disturbances (i.e. people, traffic noises, etc.) or could possibly be an instinctual time to come out of hiding. This speculation correlates with Oswald et al. (2008) study of seabirds and their reactions towards heat and food supply. One of the major problems encountered during field observations was hearing and not necessarily seeing birds in the surrounding habitat. This made identifying and counting more difficult. Although, the Washington Audubon Society suggests that directional hearing or carefully listening for the direction of birds is beneficial to bird watching; it did not prove useful in my study because trying to distinguish the number of birds making noises could misrepresent the number of birds actually present and skew data. Overall, the initial intent of avian identification was to gain some understanding of which bird species were present at each habitat and to set up a foundation for future studies. The qualitative data collected did not fully support the hypothesis because there was simply not enough data collected to suggest any significant differences in population. 23 Conclusion Although the results did not support my hypothesis, it is understandable how other variables such as disturbances, inclement weather, sample sizes, and audio versus visual detection of birds may have influenced the outcome of my study. Also a wide array of wildlife can occupy and utilize wetlands depending on the seasonal and annual water level fluctuations which mean that a single wetland may have a drastically different wildlife composition from year to year (Kirby et al., 2002). Identifying which birds inhabiting each habitat was not conclusive with the utilization of just point counting and field observations alone because the methodology of identifying birds had many flaws in it. However, speculation of birds that were not seen but present can be inferred. If this study were modified and retested, conditions and the methodology of the experiment would be drastically changed. First and foremost, the idea of comparing an organism inhabiting a before and after habitat change would remain the same. The problems with sample size variability would need to be solved for future studies. I feel that this problem could be solved by starting the study at the beginning of the first semester versus after winter break. Although this study’s primary methodology involved field observations and each observation acted as a sampling event, I would suggest deciding on an adequate sample size or sampling event quota. I felt that counting at least 50 birds or more would be adequate enough for data comparisons. Since two habitats were being compared, having more than one observer conducting field observations would make life a little easier. Although, only one person is needed for point counting, having another person would aid in the precision of not missing a bird count. The addition of another person 24 would also allow for comparing two habitats simultaneously at similar time periods versus having one person going back and forth between habitats or just observing one habitat in any single sampling event. This may reduce the variability of sample sizes and any bias data because on some days I would only go and conduct a sampling event at one habitat at a certain time which made data comparisons very difficult. Also this allows the observers to have more time to try to identify each bird. A problem that occurred while bird watching was trying to successfully focus the binoculars while trying to look at the bird, bird picture, and description all at the same time. This is why a lot of prior research such as reading books and deciding on identification schemes (patterns and pigmentations) is needed to successfully identify birds because the birds that I observed were very skittish. Another suggestion that will benefit future studies is to be flexible and patient because field observations tend to have uncontrollable disturbances (i.e. inclement weather) that can skew data. Logical arguments or modifications to this study would be related to the study and generalization of a “before and after” habitat comparison. Could a single disturbance affect or influence the biodiversity of a habitat to the point of great change? Can one organism sufficiently illustrate this change over time? Or would each organism adapt to the change and no difference would be seen? Acknowledgements I would like to thank the 2007-2008 senior seminar class for their constant input with peer reviews, presentations, and group meetings. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Margaret Olney, Dr. Aaron Coby, and Dr. Mary Jo Hartman for their 25 nonstop support and helpful insight with my project. Finally, I would like to thank Amber Noval and my family for their moral support throughout the year. 26 Literature Cited Alldredge, M. W., Pollock, K. H., Simons, T. R. 2006. Estimating detection probabilities from multi-observer point counts. The Auk. 123: 1172-1182. Andrewartha, H. 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