SPIRIT OF THE ANDES - Plymouth Congregational Church

January 5 to 22, 2007
January 22-26, 2007
Co-hosts Melanie Ebertz and Jim Conaway
January 5
January 6
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You will meet at the Minneapolis St/Paul International Airport for a
mid-morning Continental Airlines flight to Houston. Arrive Houston and
proceed to connecting flight to Lima, Peru. Arrive Lima at 23.00 and meet
your tour escort Mr. Humberto Valdivia who will be traveling with you for the
entire tour and will take care of your travel related problems. Clear customs
and proceed by private motor coach to your garden Hotel Senorial
www.senorial.com located in Miraflores near the ocean. All driving
transportation will be by private and air-conditioned motor coach. All meals
are served en-route from Minneapolis/St Paul and Lima, Peru.
Lima touring Overnight Lima (BLD)
After a late breakfast at your hotel, you will drive to the ruins of Pachacamac
for a guided tour. Pachacamac is a major ceremonial center built on the
coast by the indigenous people of the central Andes and was in use from AD
200 to 450. After the tour you will have a short drive to the weaving
workshop of Wilbur Quispe, a master weaver with whom ArtAndes
(www.artandes.com) has been working over ten years. We will have a home
made lunch at Wilbur’s house as a team of gregarious weavers give us a
demonstration on the complicated weft faced weaving technique and the art
of natural dyeing. After lunch you will tour the historic central city of Lima
known as the City of Kings and the catacombs at the San Francisco Church.
This evening we will have a welcoming dinner at a local restaurant.
January 7
January 8
January 9
January 10
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Lima to Arequipa and touring Overnight in Arequipa (BLD)
After breakfast proceed to Lima Airport for your mid-morning
flight to Arequipa, Peru’s second largest city, situated in the mountains at
8,000 feet above sea level. During your two-day stay in Arequipa you will
slowly acclimate to the higher altitudes you will later experience on this tour.
Arequipa is a designated UNESCO world heritage site which dates from the
mid 16th to 19th century. The architecture of colonial Arequipa is mostly
constructed from white sillar (volcanic) rock. Upon arrival you will proceed to
Hotel La Posada Del Monasterio for check-in
(www.posadelmonasterio.com.pe). After lunch at a nearby Turkish
restaurant, you will meet your local guide for a tour of the 400 year old Santa
Catalina convent, a complete miniature walled town of over six acres in the
center of the city. About 450 nuns live here in complete isolation. Part of the
convent was recently opened after four centuries of total seclusion. The
whole area is a photographer’s dream. After a group dinner in a local
restaurant you are free to explore the historic center of Arequipa
where you are certain to hear some traditional pan pipe music.
Arequipa touring Overnight in Arequipa (BLD)
You will take it easy today. After breakfast, meet your local guide in the lobby
for a walking tour of Arequipa. This provincial city is the alpaca fiber capital of
South America and the best place to buy top quality sweaters is in the many
boutiques around the town center. After lunch you are free to explore
Arequipa on your own. Don’t miss the inviting Plaza de Armas. You will have
a group dinner tonight in a local restaurant.
Drive to Colca Canyon Overnight Colca Canyon (BLD)
After an early breakfast you will drive through some of the wildest and most
diverse areas of Peru to reach the majestic Colca Canyon. This is the land of
active volcanoes, thermal springs, high altitude deserts and the world’s
deepest canyons. The Colca Canyon area is very traditional with the Cabana
and the Collagua people, two colorful indigenous groups who lived isolated
from the outside world until the mid-seventies. The canyon is covered with
pre-Incan terraces that have been used continuously for over 1,500 years.
We have three glorious days to hike the canyon rim, explore the small
villages, experience the breathtaking views and soak in the private hot
springs located in our hotel, the secluded Colca Lodge www.colca.lodge.com
Colca Canyon touring Overnight in Colca Canyon (BLD)
After a hearty and healthy breakfast with great views of the valley, you have
an optional beautiful but easy hour walk past some ruins to Yanque, the
nearest village. Your motor coach is also available for a round trip. In Yanque
we will visit Sister Antonia, a MaryKnoll nun who has lived in the Colca
Valley for 35 years and single-handedly started a soup kitchen that now
serves 850 portions of food a day. The town is charming and offers a small
and interesting museum. We will return to the lodge for lunch. The afternoon
is free to relax in the private hot springs. Tonight an optional before dinner
hour nature walk along the river is offered. Dinner tonight is in the lodge.
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
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Colca Canyon touring Overnight in Colca Canyon BLD)
After another hearty breakfast, you will drive further into the deepest part of
the canyon for amazing and unforgettable views of the thousands of steep
pre-Incan terraces. This is the growing season so it will be a good time to
walk in the area to watch the terraces being worked by the locals. There is
also a chance to see condors along the way. You will then cross the Colca
River and stop in the town of Lari to tour its majestic and restored church
from the mid-1700s. Lunch will be back at the lodge and the afternoon will be
free for your own exploration or more soaking in the hot springs.
Drive from Colca Canyon to Puno Overnight in Puno (BLD)
After breakfast at the Colca Lodge, you will drive for a very scenic six hour
drive to the lively city of Puno located on Lake Titicaca. You will stop for a
picnic lunch at a scenic lake along the way and upon arrival in Puno you will
check into the Hotel Qelqatani (www.qelqantani.com). Tonight you will have a
group dinner in a nearby restaurant.
Sightseeing in Puno and environs Overnight in Puno (BLD)
Today will be another very rich day of Andean culture. After breakfast
you will visit the women’s knitting co-operative that works in hand-spun
alpaca and wild cotton from the north. There are 40 communities in the co-op
and visiting their headquarters is a cultural experience that will give you a
glimpse into the way of life in the highlands of the Andes. This is a rare and
unique opportunity made possible only by the close relationship developed
over the years of ArtAndes and Minka Artisans Co-op working together. You
cannot leave untouched by these humble people. After lunch with the
women’s co-op you will stop at the Chullpas, or burial towers of Sullistani,
that are over 40 feet high and considered more complicated than the Incan
masonry that came later. Group dinner tonight in a nearby restaurant.
Touring on Lake Titicaca, Puno Overnight in Puno (BLD)
After breakfast you will have a full day on Lake Titicaca. You will visit the
floating Uros reed islands and Taquile Island from which you will find
fantastic views of the lake. You will be greeted by groups of friendly locals
with whom ArtAndes has built a close relationship over the years. These
serene agricultural islands have no motorized vehicles and are a great place
to explore on foot, take in the peaceful setting at your leisure or visit with the
island’s friendly artists. This is another opportunity to be in a typical small
town setting, on a part of the island rarely visited by outsiders. The humble
Taquile people will show us how they use their ancient farming tools, their
planting techniques and the dance and costumes of this unique region. This
area is also known for its knitting, almost exclusively done by boys and men.
We will have lunch on the island and a group dinner in a nearby restaurant.
Drive from Puno to Cuzco Overnight in Cuzco (BLD)
Today you will get an early start on your drive to Cuzco which will prove to be
another excellent cultural experience and a vivid glimpse into the way of life
in the Andes. The drive will take a little longer than the six hours when you
drive straight through without stopping. You will stop for a picnic lunch, visit
local towns and tour the beautiful early 17th century church in the small town
of Andahuaylillas. The drive will be through a broad scenic valley outlined
with snow peaks and dotted with alpaca and llamas. The bus is spacious and
comfortable which will allow you to take advantage of the many photo ops
you will have. Upon arrival in Cuzco which is at 12,000 feet, we will check
into Hotel Arequeologo (www.hotelarqueologo.com) and have a delicious
group dinner at our hotel.
January 16
January 17
January 18
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Cuzco touring Overnight in Cuzco (B)
This morning after breakfast you have an optional horseback ride from the
nearby ruins of Sacsayhuaman to the Inca baths of Tambo Machay that will
give you an excellent introduction to the Sacred Valley. For those equestrian
shy folks a bus is available. After the ride, you will be free to explore Cuzco
on your own. We are certain you will understand why Cuzco is considered
the archaeological capital of the Americas and has to be the most charming
as well! There is no shortage of cobblestone alleys to explore in addition to
the ruins of Sacsayhuaman, the lovely churches and the ancient walls that
support this historically significant city. Qoricancha-The Temple of the Sun
and the finely displayed art collection at the Pre-Colombian Museo de Arte
are must do’s! Lunch and dinner will be on your own today.
Cuzco to Ollantaytambo Overnight in Ollantaytambo (BLD)
This morning you will drive through the Sacred Valley and explore this lush
green landscape on red soil which is quite different from what we have seen
so far. Our first stop will be the village of Chincheros where you will have
another unique opportunity to visit a successful indigenous weaving cooperative affiliated with ArtAndes. This very traditional group will share their
revived designs, spinning and weaving techniques that equal those of preColumbian cultures. They have received international acclaim for their work
and this is another great opportunity to purchase one of a kind pieces from
the artists. You will be treated to a great lunch of the local grains and produce.
After lunch we will continue our journey to the salt flats, a walk along the
Urubamba River valley and a visit to the extraordinary ruins of Ollantaytambo.
Upon your arrival you will check into Hotel Pakaritampu
(www.pakaritampu.com) and have our group dinner in the hotel. Tonight after
dinner you can explore the narrow cobblestone streets in this pre-Incan town.
Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu Overnight in Aguas Caliente (BLD)
This morning after breakfast you will board the train for a 1 ½ hour ride along
the mighty Urubamba River to Aguas Caliente at the foot of Machu Picchu.
Upon arrival you will be met by the staff of the Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel
who will greet you and take your bags to the hotel so you can proceed up to
the ruins of Machu Picchu. You will have a guided tour followed by a picnic
lunch. Catching the early train allows you to beat the crowds and experience
the marvel of this sacred site at a quiet pace. The afternoon is free to explore
on your own. You can walk to the sun gate, hike up Wayna Picchu, meditate
on a giant stone or return to your hotel.
The Machu Picchu Pubelo Hotel (www.inkaterra.com) is an ecological hotel
surrounded by lush vegetation amid a private 12 acre cloud forest that
features several nature walks. The walk through the orchid gardens in midJanuary, the height of the blooming season, is spectacular with 327 species
of native orchids all in bloom. On the bird walk you could possibly see all the
157 species that have been registered. The water falls trek takes you past
the tumbling falls of the Alccamayo River and the spectacled bear rescue and
conservation project. Tonight you will have a gourmet dinner at the hotel.
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
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Aguas Caliente to Urubamba Overnight in Urubamba (BLD)
This morning after breakfast you are free to experience the tropical grounds
of the Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel. Take the nature walks or have a relaxing
morning in your room. We will have a late check-out at 1:00. Bags can be
checked at the reception desk. At 4:45 we will take the train back through the
Sacred Valley to the town of Urubamba. We will arrive early evening and
check into the Willka T’ika Guesthouse for two nights www.willkatika.com
This lovely guesthouse with an ambience conducive for relaxation is a perfect
place to stay after two weeks on the Andean road. The very helpful staff is
knowledgeable about the area and can help you plan your day. Mr. Valdivia
is also available to assist you. Free time options include the beautiful yoga
center at the guest house, a staff guided tour through the medicinal garden, a
visit to the nearby seven gardens which will be in full bloom this time of the
year, take in the interesting nature walks or explore the active town of
Urubamba which reflects the typical Andean valley life. You can also take
advantage of the sun salutions to Pachamama to which by now you will feel
quite connected. Local transportation will include either walking or the
quintessential motorcycle taxi.
Urubamba Overnight in Urubamba (BLD)
Today is free for relaxation or self exploration.
Urubamba to Cuzco Overnight in Cuzco (BL)
After the famous and wholesome organic breakfast at the guesthouse, you
head out energized to see the majestic Incan architectural ruins of Pisaq.
In many respects, the stonemasonary here is more awesome than that of the
more famous ruins at Machu Picchu. The expansive view of the river valley
from the ruins is breathtaking and unforgettable. You will hike down to Pisaq
below the ruins to visit the colorful and active Sunday Market and partake in
a tasty lunch. Mid-afternoon you will drive back to Cuzco and check into the
Hotel Arequeologo. Dinner tonight is on your own.
Flight from Cuzco to Lima. Lima touring and Peru departure (BLD)
You will take the morning flight back to Lima. From the airport you visit the
world renown tapestry weavers workshop of Maximo Laura. Maximo starts
his design process as a painting and transforms these contemporary
symbolic shapes to the loom. His pieces are collected by the Smithsonian
Native American Museum and he is considered one of South Americas most
accomplished artists. He will have just come back from a UNESCO world
natural dye conference held in India, where he was invited to speak on the
use of walnut dye in Peru. This is a great opportunity to learn about
Maximo’s sophisticated weaving technique, get a personal tour of the
workshop and perhaps purchase a unique tapestry.
Tonight you will have a farewell dinner in unique and vibrant Miraflores
restaurant that promises to spoil everyone (by this time you might be sick of
potatoes). Departure will be early Tuesday morning on a Continental flight
back to Houston with connections on to Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Tour Costs
TOUR COSTS: $4,295 per person sharing a twin/double room. Cost based
on 20 travelers plus 2 co-hosts. Single room supplement is $595.
Tour includions:
All touring as stated in the enclosed itinerary including English speaking local
guide, English speaking tour escort throughout the tour, all entrance fees, airconditioned private motor coach and driver plus two tour co-hosts.
Conveniently located hotels
All ground transportation including air conditioned private motor coach, train to
Machu Picchu and boat cruise on Lake Titicaca to island villages.
Scheduled inter-Peru flights from Lima to Arequipa and Cuzco to Lima
All breakfasts, sixteen lunches and fifteen dinners
Purified water at all times.
Optional horseback touring of Sacred Valley
Guided optional nature and bird walks at the Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel
Demonstrations of ancient weaving, spinning and dyeing techniques by a local
Visit a local co-ops, artisans homes and workshops
Five rare opportunities to by high quality textiles direct from the artisans at their
Four cocktail parties
$100 tax deductible donation to the Fine Arts Board of Plymouth Congregational
Church of Minneapolis
All gratuities with the exception of room service and house keeping
Porterage and transfer of one checked bag per person.
Pre-departure party at ArtAndes
Tour Hand Book
Tour exclusions:
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Airfare to Peru
All items of a personal nature such as laundry, room service, telephone or fax
charges and beverages at meals
Tips for housekeeping and room service
Excess baggage fees
Any other items not specifically mentioned as being included
Travel insurance
$30 international airport departure tax
January 22 to 26, 2007
January 22
Flight from Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado (BLD)
Transfer from Hotel in Cuzco to airport, to catch flight to Puerto
Maldonado. Upon arrival you will drive from the airport to the river
port to board your outboard motorboat for a 45 minute cruise down
the Madre de Dios River to the lodge for check-in. This afternoon
you will walk through the trails inside the Inkaterra Reserve Lodge
followed by dinner at the lodge. The Night cruise on the Madre de
Dios River will consist of nature presentations on Amazonian topics.
All tours will be accompanied by an English speaking Amazonica Ecological
Reserve specialist. All room and board will be at the lodge while you are a guest.
January 23
Amazon Jungle touring (BLD)
After a tropical breakfast buffet you will Visit the Rolin Island
(Monkey Island) and the surrounding community. After lunch, you
will visit the Canopy Interpretation Center and walk through
tree tops and wetlands. After dinner tonight you are invited
to attend a nature presentations on Amazonian topics.
January 24
Amazon Jungle touring (BLD)
After a Tropical breakfast buffet, you will walk through the
Tambopata National Reserve. You are invited to attend evening nature
presentations about Amazonian topics.
January 25
Amazon Jungle touring (BLD)
After a tropical breakfast buffet, you will check out of the lodge and board
your motor boat for a river cruise to Puerto Maldonado. Upon arrival at
Pureto Maldonado, you will visit a butterfly farm followed by lunch. This
afternoon you will drive to the airport for a return flight to Cuzco and to Lima.
You will take the morning flight back to Lima. From the airport you visit the
world renown tapestry weavers workshop of Maximo Laura. Maximo starts
his design process as a painting and transforms these contemporary
symbolic shapes to the loom. His pieces are collected by the Smithsonian
Native American Museum and he is considered one of South Americas most
accomplished artists. He will have just come back from a UNESCO world
natural dye conference held in India, where he was invited to speak on the
use of walnut dye in Peru. This is a great opportunity to learn about
Maximo’s sophisticated weaving technique, get a personal tour of the
workshop and perhaps purchase a unique tapestry.
Tonight you will have a farewell dinner in unique and vibrant Miraflores
restaurant that promises to spoil everyone (by this time you might be sick of
potatoes). Departure will be early Tuesday morning on a Continental flight
back to Houston with connections on to Minneapolis/St. Paul.
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Extension Costs
Four Day and three nights Extension cost: $850.
Extension inclusions:
 Round trip airfare Cuzco to Puerto Maldanado and Lima
 Airport taxes
 All meals and lodging at Amazonica Reserve Lodge
 English speaking ecological reserve specialist and naturalist
 Guided nature walks as detailed in the itinerary
 All gratuities
Extension exclusions:
 All personal items such as room service, laundry, etc.
 House keeping gratuities
 Beverages with lunch and dinner
To reserve your place on this tour, mail your completed application (one
per person) with a check for $500. Make all checks payable to ArtAndes
and mail deposit to:
ArtAndes P.O. Box 33, Stillwater, MN 55082
Address any questions about programming to:
Melanie Ebertz (651) 430-1848 email Melanie@artandes.com
Jim Conaway (612) 339-3153 email james.conaway@att.net
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