929, Davaar Avenue Montreal (Quebec) – H2V 3B7 Telephone : 514-271-0875 / 3207 Fax : 514-271-0875 E-mail : vtheron@sympatico.ca ACADEMIC TRAINING June-July 2010 Summer School on International and European Environmental Law – University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec – Canada July 2009 Summer School on Biodiversity – University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec – Canada Summer School on Consumer Law – University of Quebec in Montreal (UQÀM), Montreal, Quebec – Canada Cambridge Conference Interpretation Course (provided by interpreters working for the United Nations, OECD, International Court of Justice, European Court of Justice, NATO, and other international agencies) – Cambridge, United Kingdom Simultaneous Interpretation Seminars with James Nolan, Toronto, Canada (FR-EN & SP-EN) D.E.S.S. (post-grade degree) in Translation and Conference Interpreting University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec – Canada Training in Conference Interpreting School of Translation and Interpretation – University of Ottawa, Ottawa - Canada Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Stylistics and Translation McGill University, Montreal, Quebec – Canada June-July 2009 August 2008 July 2008 1999 - 2000 1998 1995 - 1998 1997 - 1998 University, Specialized courses (University of Ottawa, Montreal University, McGill UQÀM, Montreal Exchange, etc.) Voice coaching – Macroeconomics – Business Law I & II – International Economics – Introductory courses to the Securities Market ( I & II) – Monetary and Financial Institutions – Medico-pharmacological Language & Translation – English to Spanish Translation (MA) 1992 - 1995 Specialized courses (General and Vocational College) International Economics, English Writing, Computer Science (DOS, Wordperfect, Lotus) 1987 - 1989 Diploma of Translation (SP-FR/FR-SP) Instituto Francés de América Latina, Mexico City – Mexico 1982 - 1984 English, German and Italian courses Montgomery County Public Schools, Silver Spring, USA Advanced German Courses : Mittelstufe 1 and 2 Das Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache Volkshochschule, Erlangen – Federal Republic of Germany PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 1989 - 2010 Conference Interpreter & Certified Translator (OTTIAQ/CTIC) – Consecutive Interpretation for the 2010 African Elephant Meeting, (En-Fr & Fr-En) – Species Survival Network, Nairobi, Kenya Translation of statements, reports and press releases during the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES - 2010) (en-fr), Species Survival Network - Doha, Qatar (Middle-East) Simultaneous Interpretation for the Colas North American Convention, San Francisco, California, United States – Joseph Blain, Montreal, Québec Simultaneous Interpretation for Tupperware’s 2009 Jubilee, Orlando, Florida (EnFr & Sp-Fr) – Verbatim Solutions, Orlando, Florida Véronique Théron Page 2 Simultaneous Interpretation for the 2008 Symposium on Safety, Security and Efficiency Optimizing Aeronautical Technology in Africa, co-organized by ICEX, SCAA (Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) (Sp-Fr/En-Fr/Fr-Sp) – Victoria, Seychelles (Indian Ocean) Translator & Conference Interpreter invited to the G15 Summit (Sp-Fr/Fr-Sp) – Ministerio de relaciones exteriores (2003) – Isla de Margarita – Venezuela Simultaneous Interpretation for conferences and call conferences held in the fields of politics and trade (call conferences on immigrants trained abroad; Canadian extractive sector’s Corporate Social Responsibility in developing countries; Argentina’s Trade Mission in Canada); immigration policy (Fraser Institute); agriculture (Workshops on fire blight); dentistry (conferences, conference calls, and dubbing); mineralogy (Workers Union, Conference on chrysotile); education (American Council Association, Keynote Speakers: Mrs. Al Gore and Stephen Lewis); medicine (Pain conference, Advanced Aesthetics Techniques Workshops; Canadian Midwifery Regulators Consortium – Agreement on Internal Trade); and finances (numerous conferences on different companies’ economic and financial results and strategies) (En-Fr/Fr-En, Fr-Sp/Sp-Fr & En-Sp-/Sp-En) (since 2005)– LanguageMarketPlace – Montreal’s Conference Centre and other conference facilities – Quebec– Canada Simultaneous Interpretation during the meeting of the Canada-Mexico Partnership (Sustainable cities and Human Capital) (En-Sp/Sp-En) – InterpretCan – Ottawa – Canada Translation of Susan Eikov Green’s Help Book Don’t Pick on Me, La Boîte à Livres, Ville Mont-Royal, Québec Translation of different texts, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal – Quebec – Canada Translation of documents, reports and notes dealing with national and international trade issues (WTO accession, meetings of the WTO’s General Assemblies, its Committees and Working Groups), economic issues (Trade Policy Reviews of Member States) taxation matters (Taxes, Excise Tax, Royalties, VAT, etc.), agricultural issues (review of domestic support and export subsidies in agriculture), legislative matters (Civil Code, Criminal Code, copyright, industrial and intellectual property law, patent law, trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, import and export licensing policies, anti-dumping actions, etc.), tariffs (HS Code, customs duties, clearing procedures, customs valuations, etc.), and other technical matters, etc. (En–Fr / Sp–Fr) (from 2002 to 2006) – World Trade Organization – Geneva– Switzerland Translation of different speeches and statements of Canadian Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics, and Minister of International Cooperation as well as several deputy ministers, assistant deputy ministers and other chargés d’affaires, to be delivered in the framework of national and international fora and meetings (United Nations, Security Council, International Conferences, G-20 Press Conference, APEC, NAFTA, Arctic Council, Paris Conference, CANZ Group session, Joint Co-operation Committees, Summit of the Americas, G-20 International Conference on Afghanistan, Convention against torture, Parliamentary committees, Treasury Board, DFAIT), and in different fields related to WTO, EBRD, CIDA, BDC, NATO, NAFTA, FTAA, La Francophonie, free-trade, Canadian free-trade agreements and other trade deals as the Softwood Lumber Agreement, Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, labour and environment agreements, Arctic sovereignty, memorandum to Cabinet, Trade Commissioner Services, international Véronique Théron Page 3 trade and development, Canada’s trade priorities, Global Commerce Strategy, Economic Plan of Action, Advantage Canada, promotion of Canada, UN humanitarian operations and peace initiatives, environmental policy and practices, climate change, Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan, nuclear industry, counter-narcotics, access to credit, democracy, rule of law, justice, human rights and family law, occupational health and safety, seal hunt, Canadian Corporation Society meetings minutes, Olympic Winter Games and other documents such as Canada’s wine sector, and a Paper on strengthening the review process of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as foreign countries economic profiles – mining, oil and gas, ICT, bio-industries, nuclear industry, power generation, agri-food, aerospace, but also spokesperson’s book lines, briefing books and other background and speaking notes on Canadian foreign policy and other international issues, minutes, press lines, media lines, web pages, and other declarations (since 2006) (en-fr & sp-fr) – Translation Bureau / Foreign Affairs and Multilingual sections – Ottawa – Canada Simultaneous Interpretation for conferences in the political (NASCO), international trade (international trade conferences), law (summer school in consumer law UQÀM), criminal (crime prevention), medical (midwives, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar trouble, quality of mental health), technical, immigration, education (science teaching, choose to learn, medical teaching), environment (North American Environmental policy, and Innovations and Trends in Stock Production); transport (Public Transport and Railways Vehicles, Intelligent Transport System, Infrastructure renewal), social (Gender Inclusive Cities) and trade unionist fields (Union of Correctional Services, FPSS-CSQ) (En-Fr/Fr-En, Es-Fr/Fr-Es & En-Sp/Sp-En) (since 2006) - Joseph Blain Inc. – Montréal, Canada Simultaneous Interpretation for conferences on national and international politics (Council of the Federation - International Economic Forum of the Americas, Conference of Montreal, Ministère des relations internationales, Northern Quebec Teaching Association, Union meetings), (En-Fr/Fr-En) (since 2005) – SDL – Montreal, Ottawa & Quebec City – Canada Consecutive Interpretation for the visits (06, 07 & 08) of journalists-communicators and lawyers of the Chilean Department of Criminal Defence as well as of the Bolivian Department of Criminal Defence to the Bar of Quebec (Sp-Fr/Fr-Sp/En-Sp/Sp-En) – Bar of Quebec – Montreal and Ottawa – Canada Simultaneous Interpretation for conferences (Indigenous Peoples and governance, Workshops on matrimonial real property, domestic violence, Native Women – Healthy Cities and Towns Conference – Dialogue For life Conference, Indigenous Human resources development, (En-Fr/Fr-En) (since 2006) – Services de traduction du Nord - Montreal and other locations in Quebec – Canada Simultaneous Interpretation for the First Nations & Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec and Labrador Colloquia (En-Fr/Fr-En) held in 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 in Montreal, Quebec – Canada Consecutive Interpretation during UPS CARTAGE collective bargaining process – UPS CARTAGE – Montreal, Canada Consecutive Interpretation for the Conference ‘Ending poverty – A Road to Peace’, Keynote Speakers: Donald Lee and Victoria Saiz-Omenaca, DESA, United Nations, as well as for the organization’s internal meetings (En-Fr/ Fr-En) – ATD Fourth World – Montreal – Canada Simultaneous Interpretation of Key Speakers David Suzuki and Hubert Reeves in 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007 (En-Fr) – Conferences on climate change – Équiterre and David Suzuki Foundation – Montreal and Quebec – Canada Véronique Théron Page 4 Simultaneous Interpretation for CANIMUM (Canadian International Model United Nations 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007) – Keynote Speakers : Stephen Lewis and several DFAIT representatives (En-Fr/Sp-Fr/Fr-En/Fr-Sp) – Ottawa – Canada Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation during the 2001 Youth Forum of the Americas, (Keynote Speakers : The Hon. Maria Minna, Minister of International Cooperation, The Hon. David Kilgour, Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa), and General Dallaire) as well as for several conferences of the Canadian Students Commission (En-Fr; Sp-Fr; Fr-En & Fr-Sp) – Quebec and Ontario – Canada Translation of about half of the proceedings of the 14th International Input-Output Conference : Changement climatique, flux technologiques, financiers et commerciaux (En-Fr) – Presses de l’Université du Québec – Montreal – Canada Daily translation of press releases (financial results, takeover bids, securities, release of new products and tools (computer science and IT solutions, pharmaceuticals, drugs), and clinical trial results...) (En-Fr) (on an almost daily basis since 1998, on-call about 12 week-ends per year, since 2003) – CNW Telbec (partner of PRNewswire) – Montreal – Canada Translation and editing of documents (booklets, financial statements and analysis, and other quarterly documents, such as financial reports and charts) of portfolio management firms (En-Fr) (from 2000 to 2005) – Crimson Language Services – Boston – USA Simultaneous Interpretation (Sp-Fr/Fr-Sp) – Médecins du Monde’s International Committee – Montreal – Canada Translation (on a full-time basis from 2001 to 2002 and on a freelance basis afterwards) of economic and financial documents (Monetary Policy Report, Bank of Canada Revue, etc.) (En-Fr/Sp-En) – Bank of Canada – Ottawa – Canada Consecutive Interpretation for different meetings of the Green Street group (EnFr/Fr-En) – Green Street – Montreal – Canada Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation during the “Festival des films du monde” (Sp-Fr/ Fr-Sp) – Xochicalli Association and Chilean Consulate General – Montreal – Canada Translation of medical proceedings in support of a call for tender (sub-contracting) (En-Fr) – McGill University Health Centre – Montreal – Canada Translation of booklets and Web site content for the Toronto-Dominion Bank (En-Fr) – Canada Trust – BerlitzGlobalNET (now Lionbridge) – Montreal – Canada Translation of documents for the Pan American Health Organization (WHO) (subcontracting) (En-Fr) – Eurologos – Montreal – Canada Consecutive Interpretation during the World Conference of Civil Society, organized by the United Nations University (En-Fr/Fr-En) – RÉSO – Montreal – Canada Translation and editing of financial transcripts (sub-contracting) (En-Fr) – Canadian Bankers Association and Institute of Canadian Bankers – Montreal – Canada Translation of cartoons for children (Sp– Fr) – Cinelume – Montreal – Canada Translation and editing of corporate videos (En – Sp) – Optimum Productions – Toronto – Canada Participation to the translation and editing (Sp-Fr) of several publications dedicated to Mexico’s history, among them Codices Mexicanos, a book that was to be published for the 500th anniversary of the Discovery of America – Banamex – Mexico City Mexico Véronique Théron Page 5 RELATED EXPERIENCES 1994 1992 - 1993 1987- 1992 1986 - 1986 1985 - 1985 Secretary and Assistant Les Éditions du Feu Vert - Montreal - Quebec Reporting to the Publisher of the magazine Décormag Creates and organizes the job; ensures proper workflow of the magazine’s administrative service; seeks information on trade shows and the latest discoveries in interior design; translates specialized booklets from English to French. Legal secretary Léger Robic Richard - Montreal - Quebec Draws up, in English and in French, legal and trademarks registration procedures as well as regular mail; translates letters written in Spanish and German; is responsible of the follow-up of files. Private teacher of foreign languages Mexico City - Mexico Teaches French and English – Beginners and Advanced – to members of the families of North-American diplomats, politicians and businessmen, as well as German and Italian – Beginners –. Trilingual Secretary (English – German –Italian) Société AGRAM - Saint-Denis - France Reporting to the Director of the International Relations Department Translates technical reports and user handbooks of agricultural machines imported by the company. Checks and confirms, by telephone and telex, the dispatching of the agricultural equipment provided by foreign suppliers. Works as a conference interpreter and translates conversations in English, German and Italian to French and vice-versa between visitors and the technical staff, during the SIMA (Paris International agri-business show) Tour Guide (English – German –Italian) Agence Corse-Voyages - Calvi - France Describes Corsica’s littoral in four languages aboard one of the Agency’s cruisers; looks to the well-being of approximately one hundred tourists. Stands in for Tour Guides on MARIANI sightseeing buses for all trips across Corsica and must, in that case, do a consecutive interpretation of the Facilitator’s comments. MISCELLANEOUS Software Véronique Théron Windows XP and Vista Microsoft Office Suite 2003 & 2007, Trados 9, Norton Antivirus 2009 (daily update via Internet ), Adobe Acrobat Reader, Explorer, Outlook, Termium, LeDoc, BTQ… Page 6