BIOLOGY / JACOBY ANSWERS TO MID-YEAR EXAM REVIEW THE KINGDOMS OF LIFE 1. Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia 2. Archaebacteria & Eubacteria 3. Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia 4. Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista (plant-like), Fungi 5. Fungi 6. Plantae, Protista (plant-like) 7. Eubacteria 8. Archaebacteria & Eubacteria 9. Plantae & Animalia 10. Protista 11. Fungi 12. Plantae 13. Fungi & Animalia 14. Archaebacteria, Eubacteria & Protista 15. Eubacteria 16. Archaebacteria 17. Plantae 18. Fungi 19. Protista 20. Animalia 21. Protista 22. Fungi 23. Eubacteria & Fungi 24. Protisa & Eubacteria (autotrophic/photosynthetic) 25. Archaebacteria 26. Protista 27. Eubacteria 28. Plantae 29. Protista 30. Protista 31. Animalia 32. Plantae 33. Protista 34. Fungi 35. Archaebacteria & Eubacteria 36. Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia 37. Archaebacteria & Eubacteria 38. Eubacteria (E. Coli dividing/reproducing) 39. Protista (amoeba) 40. Fungi 41. Animalia 42. Protista 43. Plantae 44. Animalia THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE 1. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur (CHONPS) 2. carbon 3. carbon has an atomic # of 6, which means 2 electrons in its first energy orbital and 4 electrons in its valence shell (outermost energy orbital). Having 4 electrons in its valence level means Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms/elements. This means carbon can form bonds with itself (C) to form the backbone/skeleton of organic (C) molecules. And, carbon can form bonds with H, O and N and S to form the large, complex organic molecules of life (carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins). 4. carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins 5. the elements/atoms of life (C, H, O, N, P, S) chemically/covalently bond to form the molecules of life (nucleic acids, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates). 6. carbon 7. hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen (H, O, N) 8. covalent bonds *water Carbohydrates 9. sugars and starches or simple sugars and complex carbs 10. Structure: carbohydrate molecules are made up of the atoms/elements C, H and O in a ratio of 1:2:1 (monosaccharide). The building blocks/monomers of carbohydrates are monosaccharides. Two monosaccharides make up a disaccharide (e.g. glucose + galactose = lactose) and many monosaccharides make up a polysaccharide (e.g. hundreds to thousands of the monosaccharide glucose molecules make up the polysaccharide molecule of starch, glycogen, chitin or cellulose). 11. Functions of Carbohydrates: Mono and disaccharides (simple sugars) = immediate/quick source of cellular energy (glucose use in cell resp.) Polysaccharides = short-term energy storage (plants = starch; animals = glycogen); & structural components = cell wall of plants (cellulose) & cell wall of fungi and exoskeleton of insects and crustaceans (chitin). 12. Monosaccharides = glucose, fructose, galactose Disaccharides = sucrose (glucose + fructose); lactose (glucose + galactose); maltose (glucose + glucose) Polysaccharides = starch (thousands of glucose molecules); glycogen (thousands of glucose molecules); cellulose (thousands of glucose molecules); chitin (thousands of glucose molecules) 13. mono and disaccharides; polysaccharides 14. monosaccharides (glucose); polysaccharides 15. many monosaccharides (glucose molecules) chemically bond to make up a single polysaccharide molecule (starch / glycogen / cellulose / chitin). OR, many simple sugars (glucose) join together to form a complex carbohydrate (starch / glycogen / cellulose / chitin) 16. ose Lipids 17. Fats and oils 18. Atoms/elements: C, H and O atoms. Many carbon and hydrogen atoms with relatively few oxygen atoms. Lipids are not polymer molecules, so they do not contain monomer molecules. But, the building blocks for large triglyceride and phospholipid molecules are glycerol and fatty acid molecules. 19. triglycerides = long-term energy storage; insulation; cushion and protection Phospholipids = main structural component of plasma membrane; builds cell membranes Waxes = waterproof coverings; prevent dehydration Steroids = a. sex hormones = development and maintenance of reproductive systems; b. cholesterol = structural component of animal cell membranes 20. triglycerides (saturated and unsaturated fats) 21. phospholipids 22. waxes 23. triglycerides (saturated and unsaturated fats) 24. phospholipids 25. insoluble in water; nonpolar, water-fearing, hydrophobic Proteins 26. do everything molecules; the term protein means first place 27. each protein molecule consists of many amino acids; there are 20 different amino acids that can join together in many different ways to make up the many different proteins 28. Atoms/elements: C, H, O, N Structure = protein molecules are long chains of amino acids twisted and folded into a threedimensional shape. Each long chain of amino acids is a polypeptide molecule/chain in which the amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds. 29. amino acids; peptide bonds; a polypeptide chain/molecule; twisted; 3-D; one; more 30. shape 31. maintenance, growth and repair of cells; maintain the daily activities/functions of cells 32. 1) enzymes = catalyze/speed up chemical reactions; determine which chemical reactions occur; e.g. lactase, protease, lipase, sucrase, starch synthetase, amylase 2) structural = make up structural component of skin, hair, nails, fur, horns, bones, claws; e.g. keratin, collagen 3) pigment = absorb, reflect and transmit ultraviolet radiation (light); e.g. chlorophyll, melanin, hemoglobin 4) contractile = movement; e.g. actin and myosin protein filaments in muscle 5) transport = move substances; e.g. carrier, channel and pump transport membrane proteins and hemoglobin 6) hormonal = chemical messengers that coordinate activities in the body; cell to cell signaling; e.g. human growth hormone, insulin, epinephrine/adrenaline 7) signaling = cell to cell communication; e.g. receptor membrane proteins, neurotransmitters (neuron to neuron communication) 8) defensive = fight off pathogens (harmful, disease-causing microorganisms); e.g. antibodies 9) storage = store amino acids for growth and development; e.g. egg whites, nuts Nucleic acids 33. informational polymers 34. Atoms/elements = C, H, O, N, P Structure = a nucleic acid is a large polymer molecule made of monomer molecules called nucleotides; DNA = two strands of nucleotides; RNA = one strand of nucleotides 35. store and transmit genetic information; DNA = store genetic information; RNA = transmit genetic information 36. DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid; RNA = ribonucleic acid Name that Organic Molecule 37. lipids 38. carbohydrates 39. nucleic acids 40. proteins 41. carbohydrates 42. carbohydrates 43. lipids 44. proteins 45. nucleic acids 46. carbohydrates 47. proteins 48. nucleic acids 49. lipids 50. all organic molecules (carbs, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids), but carbs and lipids are made up of ONLY C, H and O 51. proteins and nucleic acids, but proteins are made up of ONLY C, H, O and N 52. nucleic acids 53. lipids, specifically triglycerides (saturated and unsaturated fats) 54. carbohydrates, specifically simple sugars (mono and disaccharides) 55. proteins 56. carbohydrates, specifically complex carbs (polysaccharides) 57. glucose; monosaccharide; simple sugar; carbohydrate molecule 58. a = glucose; b = fructose; c = a sucrose molecule; d = a maltose molecule; e = disaccharide; simple sugars; carbohydrates 58. a = glucose; b = glycogen; c = cellulose; d = starch; e = chitin; f = polysaccharides; complex carbs; carbohydrates 59. a = glycerol molecule; b = 3 fatty acid molecules/hydrocarbon molecules; c = saturated fatty acid; d = saturated fatty acid; e = unsaturated fatty acid molecule; f = triglyceride; fat; lipid 60. a = glycerol molecule; b = fatty acid or hydrocarbon molecule 70. triglyceride; saturated fat; lipid 71. a = phosphate molecule/head with glycerol; b = 2 fatty acid molecules/tails; c = phospholipid; lipid 72. a = 4 amino acid molecules; b = peptide bonds; c = polypeptide molecule; c = amino acid molecules; d = polypeptide molecule; e = folds and twists; f = 3-D protein; g = 1 polypeptide molecule/chain; h = 1 polypeptide molecule 73. a = nucleotide molecule; b = DNA; nucleic acid 74. a = nucleotide; b = RNA; nucleic acid 75. nucleotide molecule; monomer; building block Enzymes 76. proteins 77. anything that speeds up a chemical reaction (stirring/mixing, heat, etc.) 78. catalyze/speed up chemical reaction; determine which chemical reactions occur 79. organic or biological catalysts 80. the energy needed to START a chemical reaction 81. enzymes lower the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction (less energy less time) 82. enzymes 83. substrates 84. chemical bonds; products 85. speed up; catalyze 86. active site 87. each enzyme acts on only one substrate – this means the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose, cannot and will not produce (synthesize) lactose from glucose and galactose (that requires a different enzyme) 88. nothing; an enzyme is unused and unchanged during a chemical reaction and is ready to catalyze the next reaction 89. ase 90. temperature and pH 91. optimal 92. 37oC ; 98.6oF 93. 7 ; 2 94. the protein/enzyme denatures 95. changes the shape of the enzyme; once the shape of the protein enzyme is altered, the substrate cannot fit the active site of the enzyme and enzyme activity is stopped 96. induced-fit theory 97. induced-fit enzyme theory=active site/enzyme can slightly change shape to fit the substrate; lock and key enzyme theory=substrate fits enzyme like puzzle piece and enzyme does not change shape. 98. 99. a=substrate; b=denatured enzyme; c=altered active site; d=substrate; active site; denatured 100. extreme temperature or pH 101. low; slow/inactive; increase; increase; optimal; increase; decrease; extreme; denatures; stopped X = as temp increases, enzyme activity and the rate of the reaction increases Y = as temp increases past the optimal temp, the rate of the reaction and enzyme activity decreases CELL STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1. prokaryote / prokaryotic cell & eukaryote / eukaryotic cell 2. All cells have DNA (& RNA to transmit genetic information), cytoplasm, plasma membrane and ribosomes 3. Prokaryotes: no nucleus, no membrane-bound organelles, less DNA (one DNA molecule), make up only unicellular bacteria, simple and small Eukrayotes: nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, more DNA (many DNA molecules), make up unicellular protists and fungi and multicellular protists, fungi, plants and animals 4. Plant cells have cell wall, chloroplast, large central vacuole, are square or rectangular, perform both photosynthesis and cellular respiration, store energy as starch, and do not have centrioles. Animal cells do not have cell wall, do not have chloroplast, have many small vacuoles, may be any shape, only perform cellular respiration, store energy as glycogen, and have centrioles. 5. Please keep in mind, multicellular organisms (as opposed to unicellular organisms) have specialized cells that perform specific functions. Unicellular organisms only have one cell to perform all the functions of life. 5. EUKARYOTIC CELL STRUCTURES & ORGANELLES Nucleus = contains DNA and RNA (genetic info) to make proteins; DNA in the form of chromatin and chromosomes; contains nucleolus; directs all activities of the cell Nuclear envelope: IS the nucleus; surrounds DNA; double layer of phospholipids; contains nuclear pores Nucleolus: makes ribosomes; dark, dense structure visible in nucleus Plasma membrane: flexible structure that regulates what enters and leaves the cell; shape Cytoplasm: site of chemical reactions; consists of cytosol (fluid) and organelles (tiny structures that have a characteristic structure/shape and function, and perform the functions of the cell) Mitochondria: site of cellular respiration; makes ATP; powerhouse of the cell; energy organelle; abundant in active cells such as muscle cells; all euk. cells have mighty mitochondria Rough endoplasmic reticulum: highway of the cell; transport materials throughout cell; involved in protein synthesis; abundant in cells that make proteins (pancreatic – insulin); network of membranous tubules that contain ribosomes Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: highway of the cell; transport materials throughout cell; lipid synthesis; detoxify poisons like drugs and alcohol; abundant in cells that make lipids - cells of gonads (ovaries and testes) – sex hormones; liver cells to detoxify; network of membranous tubules that do not have ribosomes Golgi apparatus/body/complex: sort, modify, package and distribute molecules (proteins and lipids) from the ER (rough and smooth); post office of the cell; secrete/release molecules in vesicles Cytoskeleton: network of microtubules and microfilaments that are involved in cell movement and cell structure; provide internal structure and support (just like your skeleton); provide tracks on which organelles can move within the cell – cytoplasmic streaming Lysosome: sacs of digestive enzymes; digest/breakdown organic molecules, worn-out organelles and whole cells (bacteria); abundant in white blood cells to break down bacteria and viruses Centriole: involved in animal cell division; made of a ring of microtubules; not present in plant cells Flagellum: one or two, long, tail-like cytoplasmic extension of the plasma membrane made of microtubule; aids in cell movement; present in euglena and some prokaryotes (E. coli) Cilium: many, short, hair-like cytoplasmic extensions made of microtubules; aids in cell movement; present in paramecia Pseudopod: “false-foot”; cytoplasmic extensions made of microfilaments that slide past each other; aids in cell movement in amoeba; allows white blood cells to engulf prey (bacteria, viruses and other harmful, pathogenic microorganisms) Vesicle: bubble-wrapped packages; form from smooth and rough ER and Golgi apparatus; transports cell products safely throughout the cell and through the plasma membrane Vacuole: storage of waste, water and molecules; made by plasma membrane; fluid-filled membrane-bound sacs; one, large central in plant cells; many small in animal cells Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis; only present in autotrophs/producers such as plants, algae/seaweed, and photosynthetic bacteria; makes glucose; contains protein molecule chlorophyll Cell wall: protect, support and give structure to plant cells; made of tough, structural polysaccharide (carb.) such as cellulose in plants and chitin in fungi; NOT flexible like plasma membrane because it is made of tough polysaccharides 6. DNA RNA ribosomes RER vesicle Golgi app vesicle other part of cell or out of cell 7. PROKARYOTIC CELL STRUCTURES Nucleoid: store genetic information for bacteria; region of free-floating DNA; not surrounded by a nucleus/nuclear membrane Ribosomes: site of protein synthesis Cytoplasm: site of many chemical reactions Plamsa membrane: regulates the passage of materials into and out of cell; inside the cell wall; surrounds cytoplasm Cell wall: provides structure, support and protection; made of peptidoglycan in Eubacteria (kingdom) & Bacteria (domain); lies outside of plasma membrane Capsule: extra protection; lies outside cell wall of some bacteria; not all bacteria have a capsule Pili: short extensions of plasma membrane that allow bacteria to adhere/stick/attach to a surface, such as other bacteria and/or their host (like your throat cells – streptococcus) Flagellum: long, whip-like tail extension of the plasma membrane that allows locomotion/movement of bacteria 8 (1). Prokaryote or bacterium or E. coli: A=cell wall; B=plasma membrane; C=ribosome; D=cytoplasm; E=pili; F=nucleoid (DNA); G=flagellum; H=capsule 8 (2). Eukaryotic Plant Cell: A= cell wall; B=plasma membrane; C=Golgi app.; D=chloroplast; E=mitochondria; F=cytoplasm; G=large, central vacuole; H=rough ER; I=nucleus; J=nucleolus; K=smooth ER; L=attached ribosome; M=free ribosome; N=vesicle 8 (3). Eukaryotic Animal Cell: A=mitochondria; B=Golgi app.; C=nucleolus; D=nucleus; E=attached ribosome; F=centrioles; G=cytoskeleton; H=cytoplasm; I=free ribosome; J=plasma membrane; K=microtubules; L=microfilaments; M=smooth ER; N=rough ER; O=vesicle; P=vacuole or lysosome; Q=flagellum; R=cilium THE PLASMA MEMBRANE & CELLULAR TRANSPORT 1. phospholipids; proteins 2. two layers of phospholipids with proteins embedded in the phospholipids (some proteins have carbohydrate chains and animal cell plasma membranes have cholesterol embedded within the fatty acid tails of the phospholipids) 3. cellular transport; regulate what enters and leaves the cell 4. selectively permeable or semipermeable 5. enzyme = catalyze chemical rxns; receptor = cell signaling; recognition/identification/glycoprotein = cell to cell recognition; transport = move large, polar, charged substances across the cell 6. carrier, channel and pumps 7. A = signaling molecule (hormone); B = receptor protein 8. A = lipid bilayer/plasma membrane; B = receptor or enzyme; C = carbohydrate chain; D = transport protein; E = receptor or enzyme; F = recognition/identification/glycoprotein; G = polar, hydrophilic phosphate head; H = nonpolar zone; nonpolar, hydrophobic fatty acid tails; i = water inside (cytoplasm); j = water outside 9. the difference in concentration (amount of solutes) between the solutions inside and outside the cell or across the plasma membrane 10. active transport requires energy (ATP) to move substances across the p.m., whereas passive transport does not require energy 11. simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis 12. no cellular energy (ATP) needed to move substances down/with the concentration gradient from high to low in two directions (into AND out of the cell) 13. active transport (via protein pumps); endocytosis; exocytosis 14. require cellular energy in the form of ATP to move substances EITHER into or out of cell. 15. osmosis moves water across the membrane; simple diffusion moves small, nonpolar substances (oxygen and carbon dioxide) across the membrane. 16. simple diffusion moves substances directly through the phospholipids; facilitated diffusion moves substances through transport proteins (channel and carrier proteins) 17. endocytosis moves large substances INTO the cell and exocytosis moves large substances OUT OF the cell. 18. pinocytosis: cell drinking; moves thick liquids (whole solutions) into the cell phagocytosis: cell eating; moves large solid particles into the cell – whole cells (bacteria), large macromolecules 19. phagocytosis (endocytosis) 20. osmosis 21. turgor pressure 22. hypotonic = less solutes (watery); hypertonic = more solutes (thick); isotonic = equal concentrations of solutions across the membrane 23. pure or distilled or fresh water 24. salt water (ocean) 25. hypotonic; turgid 26. isotonic 27. Complete the charts below: PASSIVE TRANSPORT – NO ENERGY Method of Cellular Transport Substances Moved Across Membrane Membrane Structure Substances Pass Through Active (energy) or Passive (no energy) High to Low (down/with concentration gradient) or Low to High (up/against the c.g.) One Direction or Two Directions (in and/or out) Simple Diffusion Small, nonpolar Phospholipids No energy Down/with Two (in and out) O2 & CO2 Osmosis Water Phospholipids No energy Down/with Two (in and out) Facilitated Diffusion Large, polar, charged Glucose (carrier) No energy Down/with Two (in and out) Glucose (sugars), ions Ions (channel) ACTIVE TRANSPORT – ENERGY (ATP) Method of Cellular Transport Substances Moved Across Membrane Membrane Structure Substances Pass Through Active (energy) or Passive (no energy) High to Low (down/with concentration gradient) or Low to High (up/against the c.g.) One Direction or Two Directions (in and/or out) Active Transport via Protein Pumps Na+ Pump ATP (energy) Up/against 1 = out K+ Pump ATP (energy) Up/Against 1 = in pl. mem. moves to surround and engulf large substances ATP (energy) Neither; requires ATP to move the membrane 1 = in Pl. mem. moves to open and let large substances out ATP (energy) Neither; requires ATP to move the membrane 1 = out Endocytosis (pinocytosis & phagocytosis) Exocytosis Pino = thick liquids (entire solutions – not just the water part of a soln.) Phago = large solids (whole cells and proteins) Large particles = cell products and waste 28. The Effect of Osmosis on Cells Animal Cell (Red Blood Cell) Plant Cell Hypertonic Solution (salt water) Isotonic Solution Hypotonic Solution (distilled or fresh water) * Water moves out of cell. * Cell will shrink or shrivel. * Water moves in and out of cell equally. * Cell does not change size. * Cell is normal. * Water moves into cell. * Cell will swell or burst. * Process is called cytolysis. * Water moves out of cell. * Cell will shrink, shrivel and die. * Process is called plasmolysis. * Cell is called plasmolyzed. * Water moves into and out of cell equally. * Cell does not change size. * Cell is called flaccid. * Water moves into cell. * Cell swells/expands, but does NOT burst due to cell wall. * Cell is called turgid or normal. 29. a = simple diffusion or osmosis; b = facilitated diffusion; c = passive transport; d = active transport via protein pump; e = cellular transport 1. endocytosis; 2 = exocytosis; 3 = food or cell/bacteria; 4 = vacuole; 5 = plasma membrane; f (by the way) = waste ENERGY & THE CELL – PHOTOSYNTHESIS & CELLULAR RESPIRATION 1. Purpose of photosynthesis: make glucose; store energy in glucose; convert light energy to chemical energy (glucose). Purpose of cellular respiration: make ATP; store energy in ATP; break down food molecules to release energy and use that energy to make and store energy in ATP. Equation for photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (light) C6H12O6 + 6O2 Equation for cell. resp: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (stored as ATP & released as heat) Equation in words – photosynthesis: six molecules of carbon dioxide combine with six molecules of water and light energy from the sun to produce one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen. Equation in words – cell. resp.: six molecules of oxygen combine with one molecule of glucose to produce six molecules of carbon dioxide and six molecules of water and energy is stored as ATP and released as heat. Reactants of photosynthesis: carbon dioxide and water Reactants of cell. resp.: glucose and oxygen Products of photosynthesis: glucose and oxygen Products of cell. resp.: carbon dioxide, water, ATP Stored products of photo: glucose Stored products of cell. resp.: ATP Released waste products of photo: oxygen Released waste products of cell. resp.: carbon dioxide, water, heat energy Site of photo (organelle): chloroplast Site of cell. resp. (organelle): mitochondria Organisms that perform photo: autotrophs/producers Organisms that perform cell. resp.: all eukaryotic organisms (plants, animals, fungi, protists) 2. the sun 3. eat food to obtain glucose; breathe air to obtain oxygen; eat and breathe to make ATP (energy for cellular work). 4. autotrophs/producers 5. left 6. right 7. chemical bonds 8. chemical 9. organic molecules and glucose 10. ATP 11. Energy is changed or transferred or converted or transformed; Atoms are rearranged 12. glucose (organic molecules or food); ATP; stored 13. light; chemical 14. the products of photosynthesis (glucose and oxygen) are the reactants of cell. resp. the products of cell. resp. (carbon dioxide and water) are the reactants of photo. 15. glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water 16. sun glucose photosynthesis ATP cell. resp. heat energy cellular work 17. chlorophyll; no 18a. light; chlorophyll; chloroplast b. water; H; O c. carbon dioxide; glucose (sugars); stored d. oxygen 19a. oxygen; glucose; chemical bonds b. 1) energy b. 2) C, H, O c. rearranged; water; carbon dioxide d. ATP; ADP; P; heat 20. A = adenine; B = ribose; C = 3 phosphate molecules; D = adenosine; E = high energy bond; F = one ATP molecule 21. phosphate molecule 22. ADP 23. a = light energy from the sun; b = chloroplast; c = chlorophyll; d = photosynthesis; e = oxygen; f = glucose; g = oxygen; h = mitochondria performs cell. resp.; i = heat energy & ATP; j = carbon dioxide; k = water 24. aerobic or cellular respiration 25. anaerobic respiration or fermentation 26. lactic acid fermentation; products = lactic acid and ATP alcoholic fermentation; products = ethanol alcohol, carbon dioxide and ATP 27a. many chemical steps / chemical rxns. are involved in producing the final products in a biochemical/metabolic pathway b. 1 = lactic acid fermentation; 2 = alcoholic fermentation; 3 = aerobic/cellular respiration c. C d. A & B e. B f. A g. glucose to ATP; oxygen h. C i. A & B j. C