Warming and cooling the earth

Warming/Cooling the Earth
- Incoming radiation absorbed by surface (most important)
Air molecules in direct contact w/ surface warm via conduction
o Air near surface is very dense (a lot of molecules, draw  vs. z), so warm
molecules collide w/ other onesother molecules warmed
As air near surface warms, it becomes less dense than the air above it, so the warm
air rises and the cold air sinks (convection)
Rising air will cool as it ascends upwards, and expand. (gas law)
air may condense (releasing latent heat) and may form cloud droplets
earth emits longwave radiation, but some LW radiation is absorbed by atmosphere
(GH effect) and emitting back towards the surface
o Most CO2 and H2O is relatively close to surface, so GH effect deals with
atmosphere near surface
- earth emits longwave radiation that escapes to space (most important)
only some LW radiation is absorbed by atmosphere (GH effect) and emitted back
towards the surface
Evaporation and evaporative cooling
o evaporative cooling: when rain evaporates it cools the surrounding air
o wind increases evaporationcools