World Bank Institute Governance&Anti


WBI Governance Newsletter

Click on the colored tabs below to navigate through this newsletter.

January 12, 2005

E-discussion on "Myths"



Papers and Reports


Data & Informatics


In the News



The current edition of WBI's Governance and Anti-Corruption newsletter highlights upcoming and recent activities, as well as ongoing work with client countries--such as diagnostics and action-programming--, and our initiatives on partnerships, websites and governance data.

The World Bank has also recently highlighted the costs of corruption

(see a separate online interview where Daniel Kaufmann, Director of the

World Bank Institute's Global Program answered six frequently-asked questions on the costs of corruption ) as well as the new techniques that have revolutionized the measurement of governance and corruption .

E-discussion on "Myths"

Governance Mythology: WBI launched this e-discussion series on

"myths" in order to question and generate debate about popular notions in the field. Myth#1: All poor countries are corrupt while the rich are not.

Myth 1: Poor countries are necessarily corrupt, while the rich world is a model of integrity

Myth 1a: For a transaction to be corrupt, it necessarily ought to be illegal.

Myth 1b: The measurement of corruption ought to focus on the extent of bribery, in the public sector.

Myth 1c: Multinationals headquartered in rich OECD countries do not bribe abroad.

For more details, visit:

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(If and when available, presentations corresponding to the following events will be made available below)

Course on Open and Participatory Government at the Federal Level

(March-May, 2005) in Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico. More information (in

Spanish) on the previous delivery of the program in 2003 .

The Goodman Fellowship Annual Lecture (February, 2005) at the

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law.

Course on Municipal Governance Digital Radio Program (February-

June, 2005) in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda.

Course on Judicial Reform for Improving Governance in Francophone

Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Senegal), in Anglophone

Africa (Ghana, Nigeria); and in Latin America (Bolivia, Ecuador,


Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar on Corruption, Human Rights and Party Politics (January 23-29) in London.

Presentation on New Frontiers on Governance at Seminar Series "An

Exchange on Development" (January 24) in Geneva.

The World Economic Forum Meetings (January 25-30, 2005)

Davos, Switzerland. "Global Governance, The Best Place to do

Business, and Moving from tough issues to Effective Action." More information .

Presentation Addressing China's Ministry of Supervision Regional

Officials (December 21, 2004). View the presentations (in English and

Chinese ).

Presentations on Public Sector Reform, Governance and Anti-

Corruption at Univeristy of Wisonsin, Madison (December 17, 2004).

Download Presentation (719 kb PDF) " Investment Climate Divers:

Does Governance and Corruption Matter? An Empirical framework with Practical Application " • Sponsored by the Center for International

Business Education and Research (CIBER) and the Center for World

Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) • December 17, 2004 •

Download Presentation to CIBER-WAGE (338 kb PDF) " Worldwide

Governance Analysis and Lessons for Policy: An Empirical Approach " •

International Anti-Corruption Day (December 9)

International Anti-Corruption day on 9 December, marks one year since the signing conference for the United Nations Convention against

Corruption was held in Merida, Mexico. More information .

Forum on International Anti-Corruption Day

Cartagena, Colombia (December 9-10)

Development Partnership Forum on Improving Donor Effectiveness in combatting corruption Paris, France (December 9-10). View agenda and list of speakers .

Empirical Tools for Governance Analysis-A New Learning Activity San

Jose, Costa Rica (November 17-18)

National Governance Baseline Survey Workshop (October 26-27,

2004), Lusaka, Zambia

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Data & Informatics Initiatives

Transparency International Releases Its Latest Corruption Index (CPI)

The 2004 Index is based on 18 publications from 12 independent organizations. It measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians in a given country.

Online Inventory of Governance Datasets and Indicators

A relatively comprehensive overview of the available datasets on governance.

Anti-Corruption and Governance Library

Interactive Governance Indicators presents the updated aggregate governance research indicators for almost 200 countries for 1996-2002, for six dimensions of governance-

Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence,

Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law and

Control of Corruption.

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Governance Knowledge Initiative with the Development Gateway


World Economic Forum and WBI collaborate on Empirical Work on


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Governance Diagnostic Capacity Building

Update on the governance diagnostics in Africa and Latin America

Additional information on governance diagnostics at the World Bank

Institute .



The Steering Committee led by the General Inspectorate of the

Ministry of Finance (IGF) selected CERTI as the local firm in charge of implementing the diagnostic surveys. The test of the instruments along with the training of surveyors will be completed by December 2004.

The field work should be launched by next January, and the preliminary version of the report is expected by April, 2005. More information .


The CNLC (Comite National de Lutte contre la Corruption), an interinstitutional agency with a government mandate for governance initiatives, launched the implementation of the three diagnostic surveys by StatView, a local survey firm. The data collection was completed this past July. The governance report has been drafted and is expected to be completed by December. Once the report is revised it will be launched as a National Workshop and disseminated across the country.


The Prime Minister of Mozambique launched the Governance and

Anti-Corruption Diagnostic Surveys on November 27, 2003, in Maputo.

The surveys were implemented by the local firm in Austral, under the supervision of UTRESP (the technical unit for Public Sector Reform of

Mozambique), the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de

Mozambique), WBI and researchers of the University "Eduardo

Mondlane". The field work was completed in May and the first draft version of the report will be submitted by January 2005. More information .


The report on the results of the Governance and Anti-Corruption

Diagnostic Surveys was released at two Regional Workshops in the cities of Bo and Makeni on April, 2004. During each Regional

Workshop the participants drafted a local governance action plan including key areas for reform. The action plans are currently being reviewed by the National Steering Commission, chaired by the Minister of Finance and will be integrated in the National Governance Action

Plan drafted last October. More information .


The final report of the National Governance Baseline Survey, completed by a team of consultants from the University of Zambia, was launched by the President of Zambia, H.E. Mr. Levy Patrick

Mwanawasa at a National Workshop held in Lusaka on October 26,

2004. During the Workshop, participants discussed the main governance challenges faced by the country and began drafting a governance strategy. Regional Workshops to discuss the governance report will take place during 2005. More information .

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Papers and Reports

" Corruption Matters: Evidence-Based Challenge to Orthodoxy " by

Daniel Kaufmann, published in the Journal Development Policy and

Practice (Vol.1, Number 1, December 2004)

Building State Capacity in Africa edited by Sahr Kpundeh and Brian

Levy (September 2004)

Parliamentary Libraries, Institutions and Offices: The Sources of

Parliamentary Information by Robert Miller, Riccardo Pelizzo and Rick


Legislative Ethics and Codes of Conduct by Rick Stapenhurst and

Riccardo Pelizzo

Corruption, Governance and Security: Challenges for the Rich

Countries and the World (new chapter in the Global Competitiveness

Report 2004/2005) by Daniel Kaufmann

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In The News

For recent articles on governance and corruption related to WBI work visit:

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Governance Databank

Governance Databank

Worldwide Governance Research Indicators Dataset

World Business Environment Survey

Interactive Web-Tool to Analyze BEEPS Survey Data (Transition)

Unofficial Economy Dataset

In-Country Governance Diagnostic Surveys

Data Group (General, DEC)

General Research Datasets (DEC)

On Institutional Indicators (PREM)

Other Data Links (worldwide)

Online Surveys

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