KINE 3350 TEST 2 2008

KINE 3350 Practice Test 2 KEY
1. The first bioenergetic pathway to become active at
the onset of exercise is
A. glycolysis.
B. the ATP-CP system.
C. the Krebs cycle.
D. the electron transport chain.
2. The term oxygen deficit refers to the
A. lag in oxygen consumption at the beginning of
B. excess oxygen consumption during recovery from
C. amount of oxygen required to maintain a steady
state during constant-load exercise.
D. amount of oxygen utilized by the ATP-PC system
in the first few minutes of exercise.
3. Energy to run a maximal 400-meter race (i.e., 50 to
60 seconds) comes from
A. aerobic metabolism exclusively.
B. mostly aerobic metabolism with some anaerobic
C. a combination of aerobic/anaerobic metabolism,
with most of the ATP coming from anaerobic sources.
D. the ATP-CP system exclusively.
4. Energy to run a 40-yard dash comes
A. almost exclusively from the ATP-CP system.
B. exclusively from glycolysis.
C. almost exclusively from aerobic metabolism.
D. from a combination of aerobic/anaerobic
metabolism, with most of the ATP being produced
5. The energy to perform long-term exercise (i.e., >20
min) comes primarily from
A. aerobic metabolism.
B. a combination of aerobic/anaerobic metabolism,
with anaerobic metabolism producing the bulk of the
C. anaerobic metabolism.
D. anaerobic metabolism, with the ATP-PC system
producing the bulk of the ATP.
6. The lactate threshold is defined as the work rate or
oxygen uptake where there is a systematic
A. rise in blood levels of lactic acid.
B. rise in aerobic metabolism.
C. decrease in blood lactic acid concentration.
D. rise in blood levels of lactate dehydrogenase.
7. The lactate threshold is possibly due to
A. a slow rate of glycolysis.
B. recruitment of slow-twitch fibers and a form of LDH
that promotes the conversion of lactic acid to pryuvic
C. a reduced rate of removal of lactic acid from the
D. an increased rate of removal of lactic acid from the
8. A respiratory quotient (RQ) of 0.95 during steadystate exercise is suggestive of a(n)
A. high rate of carbohydrate metabolism.
B. high rate of fat metabolism.
C. equal rate of fat/carbohydrate metabolism.
D. high rate of protein metabolism.
9. Most of the carbohydrate (e.g., for a rested, well-fed
athlete) used as a substrate during exercise comes
A. muscle glycogen stores.
B. blood glucose.
C. liver glycogen stores.
D. glycogen stored in fat cells.
10. The process of breaking down triglycerides into free
fatty acids and glycerol is called
A. beta oxidation.
B. glycogenolysis.
C. lipolysis.
D. lipogenesis.
11. Depletion of carbohydrate stores during exercise
influences fat metabolism by
A. increasing the amount of muscle lactic acid
B. reducing the amount of pyruvic acid in the
sarcoplasm, resulting in a conversion of oxaloacetic
acid to pyruvic acid.
C. increasing the rate of fat metabolism.
D. reducing the rate of protein metabolism.
12. It is generally believed that the bulk of the oxygen
debt or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
(EPOC) is due to
A. lactic acid conversion to glycogen in the liver.
B. gluconeogenesis.
C. restoration of muscle CP, blood and muscle
oxygen stores, and elevated tissue metabolism.
D. low blood levels of epinephrine and
13. The oxygen debt is generally higher following heavy
exercise when compared with light exercise because
heavy exercise
A. produces more lactic acid.
B. results in greater body heat gained, greater CP
depleted, higher blood levels of epinephrine and
norepinephrine, and greater depletion of blood and
muscle oxygen stores.
C. results in a greater level of liver glycogen
D. is of shorter duration than light exercise.
14. Depletion of muscle glycogen during exercise would
result in
A. an increase in fat metabolism.
B. a decrease in fat metabolism due to a reduction in
Krebs cycle intermediates.
C. an increased rate of lactate production.
D. an increased production of glucose from fat.
15. Removal of lactic acid following a bout of intense
exercise is
A. more rapid if the subject rests, compared to
performing light exercise.
B. more rapid if the subject performs heavy exercise
(i.e., > 70% VO2 max), compared to rest.
C. more rapid if the subject performs light exercise
(i.e., ~ 30% VO2 max), compared to rest.
D. the same whether the subject rests or performs
light exercise (i.e., ~ 30% VO2 max).
16. The slow rise in oxygen uptake over time during highintensity, prolonged exercise is due to
A. high blood levels of lactic acid.
B. rising body temperature.
C. rising blood levels of insulin.
D. the increased amount of work necessary to
maintain exercise.
17. Trained individuals have a lower oxygen deficit; this
may be due to
A. having a lower VO2 max.
B. having a greater reliance on anaerobic pathways.
C. the involvement of ATP-CP energy system.
D. having a better developed aerobic bioenergetic
18. Which of the following groups of activities use energy
derived predominantly from the ATP-CP system?
A. golf swing, tennis serve, 100-meter run
B. 400-meter sprint, 50-meter swim, triple jump
C. gymnastics vault, softball pitch, 800-meter run
D. 1500m swim, 5000-meter run, 90-min soccer
19. The drift upward of VO2 during constant-load exercise
in a hot environment is due to
A. rising blood levels of lactate.
B. decreasing blood levels of hormones.
C. increasing body temperature.
D. decreasing body temperature.
20. Lactate is formed and accumulates when the rate of
glycolytic production of pyruvate and NADH exceeds
the rate at which these products are shuttled into the
True False
21. An accumulation of H+ in the blood will increase the
respiratory exchange ratio (RER) measurement.
True False
22. A respiratory exchange ratio value of 1.0 would
indicate that for each gram of carbohydrate used to
make ATP, one gram of protein was also being used.
True False
23. Blood glucose remains a source of fuel during
exercise even after muscle glycogen has been
True False
24. Fat contains more energy per gram than
carbohydrates; therefore, ATP can be produced more
rapidly from fats than from carbohydrates.
True False
25. Trained individuals usually produce less lactate than
untrained individuals when making the transition from
rest into a steady state of exercise.
True False
26. While lactic acid accumulation may contribute to
muscle fatigue during exercise, it does not cause the
muscle soreness that may occur 24-48 hours after
True False
27. Which of the following would increase E.P.O.C.?
A. a higher core body temperature
B. a lower core body temperature
C. Core body temperature does not influence
28. Which of the following would increase E.P.O.C.?
A. lower muscle O2 stores
B. higher muscle O2 stores
C. Muscle O2 stores have nothing to do with E.P.O.C.
29. Which of the following would increase E.P.O.C.?
A. a greater intensity of exercise
B. lower intensity of exercise
C. Intensity does not affect E.P.O.C.
30. Which of the following would increase E.P.O.C.?
A. higher concentrations of epinephrine in the blood
B. lower concentrations of epinephrine in the blood
C. Plasma epinephrine does not affect E.P.O.C.
31. Which of the following is true concerning VO2 max?
A. It occurs at a lower intensity of exercise than the
lactate threshold.
B. It is the maximal volume of oxygen that can be
breathed into the lungs in one minute.
C. It is a valid measure of cardiovascular fitness.
D. It is the highest VO2 achieved during prolonged
steady state exercise.
32. We would expect muscle and blood O2 stores to
_______________ slightly during exercise and then
______________ during recovery.
A. increase, increase
B. decrease, decrease
C. increase, decrease
D. decrease, increase
33. The optimal exercise intensity for burning fat is
A. 10-20% of VO2 max.
B. 50-60% of VO2 max.
C. 90-100% of VO2 max.
D. 120-130% of VO2 max.
34. The exercise intensity at which blood levels reach
four millimoles per liter is termed the onset of blood
lactate accumulation (OBLA).
True False
35. A hormone that is released from the pancreas at a
higher rate during exercise to mobilize liver glucose
and adipose tissue fatty acids is
A. glucagon.
B. somatostatin.
C. insulin.
36. Given the importance of maintaining the plasma
glucose concentration during exercise, what should
happen to insulin secretion during exercise? It should
A. increase.
B. decrease.
37. What happens to the concentration of plasma growth
hormone during increasingly intense exercise that
favors the mobilization of FFA and reduces tissue use
of blood glucose?
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
38. Glucagon secretion increases during exercise, which
decreases liver glycogen stores in order to maintain
blood glucose concentration.
True False
39. The concentration of a hormone can be increased by
A. decreasing the rate at which it is metabolized.
B. increasing the number of receptors.
C. increasing the rate at which it is excreted.
D. increasing the plasma volume.
40. Insulin secretion increases
A. during prolonged exercise.
B. as exercise intensity increases.
C. cellular uptake of carbohydrates.
41. Which of the following hormones is believed to exert a
"permissive" effect on the mobilization of glucose
from liver and FFA from adipose tissue?
A. epinephrine
B. T3 and T4
C. insulin
D. glucagon
42. The changes in the plasma concentration of most of
the hormones during maximal exercise would
stimulate fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue.
The plasma-free fatty acid concentration, however,
actually decreases. Why does this occur?
A. Fatty acid supply is depleted.
B. Hormones are ineffective in maximal work.
C. Lactic acid interferes with fatty acid mobilization.
D. High insulin levels secreted during maximal
exercise interferes with fatty acid mobilization.
43. Glucose uptake into exercising skeletal muscles is
dramatically increased during exercise due to
A. growth hormone secretion.
B. recruitment of glucose transporters (GLUT 4).
C. cortisol secretion.
D. insulin secretion.
44. If the thyroid gland does not produce a sufficient
amount of T3 or T4, the resting metabolic rate will
A. increase.
B. decrease.
C. remain the same.
D. not change, since T3 and T4 do not affect the
metabolic rate.
45. What is the effect of training on the sympathetic
nervous system's response to a fixed submaximal
work rate?
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
46. The decrease in plasma volume and the increase in
the osmolality of the plasma during exercise results in
what change in antidiuretic hormone?
A. an increase
B. a decrease
C. no change
47. During exercise of about 40% VO2 max, the
concentration of plasma cortisol
A. increases.
B. decreases.
C. remains the same.
48. Steroid hormones exert their action by
A. activating adenyl cyclase.
B. stimulating DNA.
C. blocking the effect of cyclic AMP.
D. causing an inflammation response.
49. Blood epinephrine levels increase as exercise
intensity increases, but they decrease as exercise
duration increases.
True False
50. Endocrine glands release chemical messengers into
the blood via ducts.
True False
51. While hormones circulate to all tissues, some affect
only a few tissues. This is due to the
A. differences between hormones.
B. training state of the subject.
C. type of receptor at the tissue.
D. concentration of the hormone.
52. If growth hormone is secreted (or injected) in large
quantities into an adult, it will result in
A. an increase in height.
B. diabetic-like symptoms.
C. dwarfism.
D. hypolipidemia.
53. Chronic exposure to a hormone results in "up
regulation" of receptors.
True False
54. Blood glucose is elevated during exercise as a result
A. an increase in glucagon secretion.
B. an increase in liver glycolysis.
C. an increase in tissue uptake from the blood.
D. decreased levels of epinephrine.
55. Given the fact that glycogen is mobilized and utilized
in active muscles at a faster rate than resting
muscles, what is the primary intramuscular factor
driving this process?
A. H+
B. Ca++
C. K+
D. C156. Even though the concentration of insulin decreases
during exercise, the muscle can still take up large
quantities of plasma glucose. This is due, in part, to
the recruitment of more glucose transporters.
True False
57. The mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose
tissue and glucose from liver glycogen would be
stimulated by
A. an increase in insulin and an increase in glucagon.
B. a decrease in insulin and an increase in glucagon.
C. an increase in insulin and a decrease in glucagon.
D. a decrease in insulin and a decrease in glucagon.
58. Direct calorimetry is a means of determining energy
expenditure and involves the measurement of
A. metabolic oxygen consumption.
B. metabolic heat production.
C. ATP hydrolysis.
D. carbon dioxide production.
59. Mechanical efficiency is defined as
A. work output/energy expended at rest times 100.
B. work performed/energy expended at rest times
C. work output/energy expended times 100.
D. energy expended/work output times 100.
60. What is the total amount of work performed in 5
minutes of cycle ergometer exercise given a pedaling
rate of 60 rpm (6 meters per revolution) with 1.5 kg
resistance against the flywheel?
A. 2700 kpm
B. 540 kpm
C. 90 kpm
D. 45 kpm
61. Indirect calorimetry is a technique for metabolic rate
measurement and involves the measurement of
A. metabolic heat production.
B. total sweat rate.
C. metabolic oxygen consumption.
D. none of these
62. A MET is defined as a metabolic equivalent and is
equal to
A. resting VO2.
B. 50% of resting VO2.
C. 200% of resting VO2.
D. VO2 max.
63. Recent evidence suggests that the optimum speed of
A. increases as the power output increases.
B. decreases as the power output increases.
C. remains constant as the power output increases.
D. increases as the power output decreases.
64. The most common technique used to measure
oxygen consumption in exercise physiology
laboratories is
A. closed-circuit spirometry.
B. open-circuit spirometry.
C. direct calorimetry.
D. computer calorimetry.
65. One MET equals resting oxygen consumption, which
is approximately 5.3 ml  kg-1  min-1.
True False
66. Calculate Mechanical efficiency, given a work output
of 600 kpm and an energy expenditure of 7.5 kcal.
A. 1.87%
B. 20%
C. 18.7%
D. 15%
67. Work is defined as
A. the ability to transform energy from one state to
B. the ability to utilize oxygen.
C. force times distance.
D. distance times power output.
68. Work equals power divided by time.
True False
69. Power is defined as
A. the ability to perform work.
B. work divided by time.
C. work times force.
D. force times distance.
70. A subject performing a 10-MET activity would have an
oxygen consumption of approximately
A. 35 ml  kg -1  min -1.
B. 25 ml  kg -1  min -1.
C. 45 ml  kg -1  min -1.
D. 10 ml  kg -1  min -1.
71. Direct calorimetry measures
A. metabolic rate through oxygen consumption.
B. metabolic rate through heat production.
C. oxygen consumption with open circuit spirometry.
D. oxygen consumption with closed circuit spirometry.
72. Calculate the average power output during 10
minutes of cycle ergometer exercise in which a total
of 7500 kpm of work was performed.
A. 75 kpm/min
B. 7.5 kpm/min
C. 750 kpm/min
D. 75000 kpm/min