Team Meeting and Planner Checklist

Date: 01/16/07 Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:08 p.m.
Facilitator: Sandy Carey Recorder: Debbie Holt Location: Cooper Campus
Present: Sandra Carey, Bill Davis, Greg Feeney, Dave Hellmich, Debbie Holt, Charles James, Pat Lefler, Carolyn Lewis, Tammy Liles, Lynn Madison,
Diana Martin, Mike McMillen, Sandra Mullins, Bonnie Nicholson, Vicki Partin, Teresa Tope, Paul Turner, Greg Zoll Guests: Chad Hayes, Darnell
Cunningham, Pete Hylen, and Becky Harp
Additions to Agenda
Approval of 1/09/07
IT Update
Bookstore Issues
The minutes were approved as circulated.
Chad Hayes introduced Darnell Cunningham as the newest IT Support Specialist. Darnell is
a graduate of the CIT program and will be working primarily with the LRC.
Pete Hylen, Manager of the BCTC Bookstore, addressed some of the problems that
occurred this semester:
 Web submission for textbook adoptions did not work from some campuses, mainly
Cooper, and requests were lost. Pete reported this was due to a problem at Barnes &
Noble corporate office and was being corrected.
 Coursepacks—better than last fall, but there are still problems. Pete is continuing to
work with the reps from XanEdu.
 Wrong editions—when faculty request the continuation of an old edition, the new
edition is often sold to students. This problem will be addressed with Bookstore
personnel when ordering and they will communicate directly with faculty to verify
which edition should be ordered.
 Customer service—students are given wrong books after waiting in long lines. The
current Bookstore at Cooper campus is too small to allow customers to serve
themselves, so employees will have to continue filling orders. More training will be
done, especially for part-time seasonal employees, to check shelf tags more carefully
and respond to customers in a more professional manner.
 Pricing—examples were given of pricing discrepancies with other bookstores, with
BCTC’s bookstore selling books for significantly more than other stores. Pete reported
that all pricing is negotiated between Barnes & Noble and KCTCS. Specific examples
of price differences should be sent to Pete.
 Pete reminded the group that the Leestown bookstore carries books for the Leestown,
Danville, Lancaster, Lawrenceburg and Winchester campuses. Cooper bookstore
carries only Cooper campus books due to space constraints.
 Pete will arrange to meet with the division office managers very soon to review
processes and procedures for ordering textbooks.
Registration and
Advising Issues
Test Proctoring for
Online Classes
Web Update
Becky Harp address some of the latest PeopleSoft issues and answered questions regarding:
 Final exam schedule—needs to have Saturday and Sunday added to table grid and
specific dates should be added to header along with day labels. Also, a question has
come up regarding hybrid classes, which split one meeting time—there is currently no
allowance for the second class to have a two-hour time block for a final exam. Becky is
investigating this issue with Peggy Saunier, who developed the current schedule.
 Prereqs—can’t be “turned off” for just a few sections of a course. Becky reported this
is a PS issue.
 Dropping online courses—Julie Briggs currently handles all students who drop online
courses. Concern was expressed that students taking online courses, especially from
other schools, are not aware of the process and who to contact. Information regarding
this needs to be added to the Schedule of Classes and communicated to all faculty who
teach online classes so it can included in course syllabi.
 If PS Self-Service continues to end on the 4th day of classes, more advising help is
needed by Becky’s office. Some form of the “pit” advising model may be needed on
the Cooper campus which would be manned by faculty advisors. Discussion ensued
regarding the whole issue of students adding classes so late and their eventual success/
failure in the course.
Discussion was held regarding proctored exams for online classes. Instructors who require
proctored exams should schedule at least one time and students can come then or arrange
for another proctor. The suggestion was made to schedule times at various times of the day
and online faculty could sign up for two hour blocks. Any student in any online class could
come in anytime proctoring was available. The computer labs at Regency campus and the
Nursing lab in OB 310 could be scheduled for some of these proctoring sessions. This
service does need to be available at all campus locations.
Bill Davis has the new Academic Affairs web page ready, but still needs program plans for
about 60% of the programs.
WorkKeys Testing
Faculty Reassign Time
Request Form
Developmental courses will be used this semester.
More suggestions were made on the wording on the form.
Best Practices
Discussion was held on this topic, with the suggestion being made to check the CHE web
page for more ideas. Greg Zoll volunteered to start the list, which will be compiled and
distributed at our meeting on Jan. 23.
According to the KCTCS system office, focus areas for A.A. and A.S. degrees would have
to be approved through the curriculum review process if they are listed on student
Focus Areas
Late registration problems will be
added to the agenda for the next
AALT meeting. Rena Murphy will
be asked to provide data on dates
students added classes and their
final grades.
Bill will prepare a proposal for
scheduling proctored exams and
circulate it among current faculty
teaching online for input and
AD’s need to send program plans
to Bill as soon as possible for all
diploma, certificate, and degree
programs in their respective
Sandy Carey will revise and send to
AD’s by Friday so form can be
distributed in division meetings.
Send suggestions to Greg Z. by
Friday, Jan. 19.
EE Rating
Coordinator List
Program Headcount
vs. Discipline Credits
Student Honor Code
Next Meeting Dates
transcripts. However, we as a college could continue to promote these focus areas to
students during advising. Sandy Carey offered to write a letter for any student who requests
one to verifying that student’s completion of specified courses in a focus area. AD’s
expressed their support for the concept of focus areas.
With the change in the Merit Bonus process that was approved last August, supervisors can
now assign the EE rating, which qualifies a faculty member for consideration for the Merit
Bonus. However, the EE rating should only be given if the employee truly does exceed, on
a consistent basis, all aspects of the job. We will consider some examples at our next
meeting and formulate some “range finders” as guidelines for determining the various
AD’s will bring examples of M,
ME, and EE ratings from their
respective divisions to the next
Discussion was held regarding a time table and deadlines for submitting PPE’s. Dates will
be finalized at the next meeting.
Sandy distributed copies of the updated coordinators list and their assignment dates.
Tabled until next AALT meeting due to time constraints.
Tabled until next AALT meeting due to time constraints.
 January 18, 2:00 p.m. - Regency Campus
Data Analysis Discussion
January 23, 2:00 p.m. - Cooper Campus
Bonnie Nicholson, Facilitator
Greg Feeney, Recorder