BJDTCP3 High Risk Animal List

List of animals deemed Primary High-Risk & Secondary Risk of bovine Johne’s disease
Property Identification Code (PIC): 3 ...............................
Herd Owner: ........................................................................
Consulting Veterinary Practice: ........................................
Consulting Veterinarian: ....................................................
Date list updated: .....................................
Primarily High-Risk - animals deemed primary high-risk of bjd include:
the dam and any progeny of clinical animals,
the dam and immediate progeny (latest calf) of test positive animals, and
any other animals the veterinarian considers to be high-risk.
Secondary Risk - additional animals which may be deemed a secondary risk of bjd include:
any older progeny of test positive animals
animals raised as a cohort age group which included an animal/s which subsequently
developed clinical bjd.
Veterinarian Signature: ......................................................
Date: ............................
Herd owner / manager name: .............................................
Signature: .............................
(see reverse for Secondary Risk list)
Animals on the primary high-risk list must be disposed from the herd within 12 months by
slaughter only. Failure to dispose of these animals deemed primary high-risk of Johne’s disease in a
timely manner will jeopardise future participation in this industry funded program.
Animal Identification
Date added to list
Page 1 of 2
Date of Disposal
(within 12 months)
Version Date: 6 September 2010
List of animals deemed Primary High-Risk & Secondary Risk of bovine Johne’s disease
PIC: 3 .......................................
Animals deemed at secondary risk must be disposed from the herd by slaughter only. There is
no time limit on the disposal of animals on the secondary risk list.
Animal Identification
Date added to list
Page 2 of 2
Date of Disposal
Version Date: 6 September 2010