DRAFT—Please do not circulate Do Urban Energy Initiatives Reduce Cities’ Carbon Footprints? Judy Layzer Associate Professor of Environmental Policy Department of Urban Studies & Planning, MIT The world is urbanizing. Half of the world’s 6.6 billion people live in urban areas. More than 75 percent of the citizens of affluent countries live in cities and their suburbs, and the developing world—where almost all of the population growth this century will occur—is urbanizing rapidly as well. As a result, planners have begun to focus on cities as critical battlegrounds in the fight to become more sustainable. As New York Times journalist Andrew Revkin has observed, in many ways cities are “where the [sustainability] battle will be won or lost.” For some, urban sustainability presents a daunting prospect: cities consume 75 percent of the world’s resources and have dramatically altered the biogeochemical cycles of the regions where they are located. Yet despite the inherent challenges, hundreds of cities in the U.S. and around the world have embraced sustainability planning. Urban sustainability initiatives take a variety of forms, but most focus first and foremost on reducing the city’s carbon footprint. For example, more than 825 U.S. mayors have signed the Mayors’ Climate Agreement, which commits them to pursuing the Kyoto Protocol goal of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 7 percent below 1990 levels by 2012. To achieve this goal, cities have instituted a variety of policies and practices. Some cities, such as Boston and Los Angeles, require that every new building meet LEED certification.1 Others, such as New York City, have pledged to plant millions of new trees, noting that soil and vegetation not only mitigate the urbanheat-island effect but also absorb CO2. Dozens of cities are retrofitting their municipal buildings to conserve energy, and converting their bus and truck fleets to low-carbon fuels. Many observers believe that such efforts, although valuable symbolically and as a political stimulus to the federal government, are unlikely to succeed in actually reducing Americans’ carbon footprint. They point out that cities have little wiggle room to pursue non-economic policies of any kind, since they compete in a global political economy in which both capital and labor are mobile. So, in theory at least, municipal officials will relentlessly pursue economic development in order to retain capital and high-value taxpayers, and their willingness to undertake sustainability initiatives that constrain economic growth will be severely limited. Skeptics also point out that cities do not control many of the most fundamental factors that affect people’s energy consumption, such as the price of fossil fuels, federal highway funding mechanisms, subsidies for depleting natural capital, and the content of international trade policies. Urban sustainability advocates respond, however, that most construction, land-use, and transportation decisions in the U.S. are made locally, and those decisions are central to reducing citizens’ demand for energy. Ample research 1 The LEED certification program provides a national benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. 1 DRAFT—Please do not circulate suggests that well-designed city—one that is dense and compact and has good transit options—is an extremely energy-efficient way to organize people.2 In this regard, Manhattan is an ecotopia: 82 percent of Manhattanites get to work by public transit, by bicycle, or on foot. Many also live in apartments, which are smaller and share walls, thereby minimizing their individual heating and cooling requirements. When people live in dense, mixed-use communities, they can use distributed power generation, which is more than twice as efficient as central power production. Compact cities also have fewer infrastructure requirements because electric, communication, water, and sewage lines are shorter and require less energy. (Sprawling development, by contrast, not only promotes fuel consumption in a variety of ways; it also destroys forest- and farmland, both of which absorb carbon.) Municipal governments are, themselves, large consumers of energy, so their purchasing and construction policies can have a substantial impact on an area’s carbon footprint. Moreover, say urban sustainability advocates, if properly designed, energy-efficiency initiatives are economic development policies because they not only save money but have the potential to create jobs in retrofitting, technological innovation, and alternative energy installation. In light of this ongoing debate, this research seeks to answer several questions: The Proposed Research To answer the questions raised above, I will conduct a mixed-method evaluation. The first phase will focus on U.S. cities; subsequent phases will compare U.S. cities with others around the world, from Latin America to Europe to Asia. The quantitative portion of the analysis will involve (1) collecting detailed information on the energy-efficiency policies of the 100 largest U.S. cities, (2) devising measures to assess the behavior (outputs) and carbon emissions (outcomes) of those cities, (3) collecting baseline data on both behavior and carbon emissions, as well as data on changes over time, for each of those measures, and (4) 2 A variety of empirical studies support this claim. For example, researchers have found that households in buildings with five or more units consume only 38 percent of the energy of households in single-family homes because of smaller units and shared walls. See Marilyn A. Brown, Frank Southworth, and Therese Stovall, “Toward a Climate-Friendly Built Environment” (Washington: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2005). CO 2 emissions are about 25 percent higher at a suburban density of four homes per acre than at an urban density of 20 homes per acre. See Patrick Mazza, “Transportation and Global Warming Solutions,” Climate Solutions Issue Briefing (May 2004), 1-4. A study that compared two households that were identical in every respect except for neighborhood density found that the household in the less dense neighborhood (1,000 fewer housing units per square mile) drove almost 1,200 more miles and consumed 65 more gallons of fuel per year. See Thomas F. Golob and David Brownstone, “The Impact of Residential Density on Vehicle Usage and Energy Consumption” (March 31, 2008); available at http://repositories.cdlib.org/itsirvine/wps/WPS05_01. The most comprehensive study of the topic to date concluded that “Despite housing two-thirds of the nation’s population and three-quarters of its economic activity, the nation’s 100 largest metro areas emitted just 56 percent of U.S. carbon emissions from highway transportation and residential buildings in 2005.” See Marilyn A. Brown, Frank Southworth, and Andrea Sarzynski, “Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America” (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, May 2008), 15. 2 DRAFT—Please do not circulate collecting data on the non-policy factors that are likely to affect urban areas’ carbon emissions. (Our data collection will build on the partial-carbon-footprint datasets constructed by Brookings Institution researchers, as well as on carbonemission estimates done by Vulcan project researchers at Purdue University and the carbon registry at ICLEI. Nevertheless, the outputs/outcomes data collection will be labor-intensive; it will, however, yield a valuable database that will allow for a variety of important analyses.3) To analyze the data, we will develop hypotheses about the effectiveness of various policies and practices based on the literature on urban sustainability and interviews with policy experts. We will then run a series of statistical tests aimed at evaluating those hypotheses and identifying correlations among particular policies and significant carbon-emission reductions. The qualitative analysis will consist of a systematic comparison of matched pairs of cities that are alike on most dimensions but differ in their approaches to energy efficiency. The rationale for complementing a quantitative assessment with a more detailed, qualitative analysis is to elucidate causal mechanisms—that is, to discern which attributes of a policy or practice caused the observed behavioral changes, and how they did so. Prior to conducting the case studies we will establish a set of hypothetical causal pathways and posit the observable implications of those hypotheses. We will also specify in advance the standards against which performance will be evaluated. For example, one widely held hypothesis is that painting bicycle lanes on major city streets will lead to an increase in bicycle commuting because such lanes make riders feel safer and hence more willing to commute by bike. We will collect information not only on the extent and quality of bike lanes and the change in bicycle commuting but also on policymakers’ and riders’ perceptions of whether and how such lanes have influenced (or fail to affect) behavior. To substantiate our conclusions about the effectiveness of bike lanes, we will also take into account other factors, such as the price of gasoline, that might influence ridership. The research for and writing up of this project will take several years. The main task for Year 1 is a massive literature review and data collection effort. Under my direction, three research assistants (two graduate students and one undergraduate) will assemble the available literature on the effectiveness of urban energy-efficiency initiatives. Using on-line searches and telephone interviews, they will gather information on what the largest 100 U.S. cities are doing vis-à-vis energy conservation and alternative fuels, and categorize cities according to the nature and extent of their energy planning and implementation. They will also collect data on energy-consumption outputs and outcomes, including information on how cities are evaluating their own energy-efficiency efforts. Finally, they will create a database to manage that information. During 3 According to the authors of a newly released Brookings Institution study on the carbon footprints of U.S. metropolitan areas “before researchers can appropriately study the impact of proposed federal policy changes—or even the experiences from state and local efforts—the nation needs a consistent set of emissions data for multiple periods and at a level of resolution and scale that can be tied to the activities, land uses, and the infrastructure networks of metropolitan areas.” See Marilyn A. Brown et al, “Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America,” 13. 3 DRAFT—Please do not circulate Year 2, the research team will begin the quantitative analysis. We will also select cities for in-depth study based on information gathered in the initial data collection, matching pairs of similar cities for comparison. The on-site data collection will involve extensive in-person interviews and observations. This project complements other work going on at MIT, particularly in the School of Architecture and Planning, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of cities. For example, architect John Fernandez is developing an urban metabolism tool to help policymakers comprehend the flows of materials through their cities. Led by William Mitchell, researchers in the media lab are developing a City Car—a stackable electric vehicle that promotes more efficient urban mobility. Lecturer and researcher Harvey Michaels is investigating how market barriers impede the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. Elsewhere at MIT, researchers are developing a variety of alternative fuels and energy-efficiency technologies. The proposed project is unique, however, in its focus on evaluating the impact of policies, practices, and technology on energyconsumption behavior at the city scale. Since, as many researchers have noted, there is an efficiency paradox—that is, increases in efficiency often lead to increases in consumption—it is critical to document the circumstances under which energy-efficiency measures actually reduce overall fossil-fuel consumption. 4