Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International inventory no. 427 IISH AI-INDEXED DOCUMENTS ON MICROFILM 1961-1969 FILM/FILE AI INDEX No. TITLE 519/2 EUR 39/ /61 La situation des Intellectuels dans la Republique Populaire Roumaine 519/3 NWS 06/ /61 Appeal for Amnesty 1961: Background Notes 1531/123 AFR 28/ /62 Ghana: Telegram to President Nkrumah of Ghana, 8 May 1962 1531/124 AFR 28/ /63 Ghana: Letter to President Nkrumah of Ghana re.: preventitive detention act, November 1963 519/5 AFR 53/ /63 “Asylum in Africa South” A Conference held at Holborn Library Hall, London on 18th May, 1963 519/6 AFR 53/ /63 South Africa - Autumn 1963 519/7 EUR 03/ /63 Background Notes - Greece and Spain: Political Prisoners 1531/1 EUR 25/ /63 Greece: Background information about the situation of Greek “political” prisoners 519/8 EUR 39/ /63 Background to Romania 519/9 EUR 46/ /63 The Case of the Russian Baptist Aida Skripnikova: Her reply to an Atheist 519/11 AMR 25/ /64 (Background paper) CUBA 1531/2 EUR 23/ /64 FRG: Note on political offences in the German Federal Republic (GFR), August 1964 519/12 EUR 38/ /64 Report on condition on Portugal by the Amnesty International investigator: December, 1964 1531/3 POL 30/ /64 Communist “prisoners of conscience”, statement by Peter Benenson, May 1964 519/14 AFR 46/ /65 Report on Southern Rhodesia by Hugh Vodden. Presented at International Assembly at Scheveningen, Sept 1965 519/15 AMR 25/ /65 An Anastomy Report - Cuba 519/16 AMR 36/ /65 An Anastomy Report - Haiti 519/17 ASA 16/ /65 Prisoners of conscience in Burma 519/18 EUR 25/ /65 Report on Law 375 under which the remaining 86 political prisoners in Greece are detained. Aug. 1965 519/19 EUR 38/ /65 Amnesty Prisoner Released 1531/4 EUR 38/ /65 Portugal: Conditions of political prisoners in Peniche prison 1423/212 EUR 38/ /65 Portugal: Press release: Urgent Action to help 15 year old Portuguese boy, 12/02/1965 519/20 EUR 48/ /65 Arrest of Mihajlo Mihajlow in Yugoslavia 519/21 POL 03/ /65 Outrages on civilians during civil strife. Should Amnesty act? Your views please. 519/22 ORG 04/ /65 Ways of helping Amnesty International 519/23 NWS 05/ /65 Publicity for Amnesty speakers 1531/5 AFR 41/ /66 in Mozambique Trial of intelectuals 1531/6 AFR 41/ /66 Lisbon goverment annuls military trial held in Mozambique, June 1966 1531/7 AFR 41/ /66 Dossier for a re-trial of nine Mozambicans, September 1966 1531/8 AFR 44/ /66 Report from the international secretariat.Emergency mission to Nigeria, February 1966 519/25 AFR 46/ /66 Report to Heads of Commonwealth Countries on Human Rights in Rhodesia 519/26 AFR 46/ /66 A Note to the International Executive on Rhodesia 519/27 AFR 46/ /66 An assault on academic freedom: The arrest of nine lectures at University College of Rhodesia, 27th July 1966, A report by Louis Blom-Cooper 519/27p9 AFR 46/ /66 Amnesty International Assembly 1966 (Rhodesia) 519/27p10 AFR 46/ /66 The Rhodesian Situation (by Bob Redrup) 1423/1 AMR 25/ /66 Background paper to Cuba 519/28 AMR 35/ /66 British Guiana (Background paper) 519/29 AMR 41/ /66 Mexico - Background 1423/2 ASA 16/ /66 Circular for immediate Action: Burma 519/30 ASA 21/ /66 Political Killings in Indonesia 519/31 ASA 21/ /66 The Chinese in Indonesia 1423/213 ASA 21/ /66 Indonesia: Press Release: The International Executive of AI dispatched a telegram to General Suharto, 15/03/1966 519/32 EUR 22/ /66 Background Paper to the German Democratic Republic 1531/9 EUR 23/ /66 FRG: Willi Paasch, West Germany, March 1966 1531/10 EUR 23/ /66 FRG: Memorandum on the situation of foreign workers (Gastarbeiter) in West Germany, September 1966 1531/125 EUR 25/ /66 Greece: Press release given out by the Greek Embassy in London onn January 18th, 1966 and AI comments, 21 January 1966 519/33 EUR 27/ /66 Background to Hungary 519/34 EUR 27/ /66 Hungary - Background paper. November 1966 1423/3 EUR 27/ /66 Notes to All groups with Hungarian Prisoners 519/35 EUR 38/ /66 Amnesty International Investigation Department. Information Sheet - Portugal 1531/126 EUR 38/ /66 Portugal: Amnesty observer refused visa for re-trial of Mozambican intellectuals. Mysterious death of Frelimo leader, CA. 1966 1531/11 EUR 38/ /66 Portugal: Background to the republic of Portugal, October 1966 519/36 EUR 41/ /66 Copenhagen Assembly September 1966 - Spain 1423/214 MDE 12/ /66 Egypt: Press release: Mr. Peter Archer, MP, returns from Cairo - Trial Observation of 43 members of the Moslem Brotherhood 1423/215 MDE 27/ /66 Aden: Press release: Problems of detainees in Aden since 1964, 17/10/1966 519/37 MDE 27/ /66 The Bowen Report on Aden 519/37p2 MDE 27/ /66 Letter to AI re: Bowen investigation 519/37p4 MDE 27/ /66 Note re: Swedish letter to British Govt. 519/37p5 MDE 27/ /66 Swedish Section letter to Primer Minister of Great Britain 519/37p7 MDE 27/ /66 Cases reports I and II 519/37p8 MDE 27/ /66 Memorandum from the civil service Association of South Arabia on the Torture of Civil Servants detained by the British Military authorities in Aden 519/37p13 MDE 27/ /66 Letter from Graduates Congress to S Rastgeldi 519/37p15 ACT 71/ /66 A Christmas Card for twelve forgotten prisoners 519/38 NWS 05/ /66 Publicity, Public Relations, Appeals - A programme for 1967 519/39 NWS 06/ /66 ( a general information sheet on AI) 1531/12 AFR 28/ /67 Ghana: Background paper on Ghana, March 1967 1531/127 AFR 32/ /67 Kenya: Press release given to East African Standard on the telephone (as from Robert Swann, Secretary General), 1 February 1967 1531/13 AFR 36/ /67 Malawi: Deposition from former Malawi detainee, March 1967 1531/14 EUR 25/ /67 Greece: Brutal treatment of Greek Political Detainees, November 1967 519/41 EUR 38/ /67 FPLN Portugal - Two Testimonials 519/42 EUR 46/ /67 Soviet Union - Te Dubrovlog forced labour camps 1423/216 EUR 46/ /67 USSR: Press release: Trial of young writers in Moscow 519/43 ACT 71/ /67 Postcards for prisoners campaign. Background papers and general instructions 519/44 ACT 71/ /67 Christmas cards for 12 forgotten prisoners 1423/217 ACT 71/ /67 Press release: Amnesty plans mass Christmas card mailing to prisoners of conscience, 07/11/1967 519/45 ORG 02/ /67 Draft report of the committee on the field operations of Amnesty International 519/46 ORG 06/ /67 An investigation into the operations of the International Secretariat 519/47 ORG 06/ /67 Investigacion Department 519/49 ORG 06/ /67 Amnesty International - The role of the investigation Department 519/50 ORG 06/ /67 Report I from the Administration Committee 519/51 ORG 06/ /67 Notes taken so far on the recommendation of the first report of the Administration Committee 519/52 FIN 01/ /67 Report by the ad hoc finance committee June 67 519/53 519/53p2 FIN 03/ /67 FIN 03/ /67 Comments on the finance report Budget for monthly Income and Expenditure International and British Section 519/53p3 FIN 03/ /67 Budget 1968/69 519/54 FIN 04/ /67 Financial Statement 31.12.67 519/55 FIN 61/ /67 Letter to groups (re contributions) (undated) 519/55p2 FIN 61/ /67 Letter to all National Sections (re group subscriptions) 16 May 1967 519/55p5 FIN 61/ /67 Letter to group secretaries (re contributions) 12.7.67 519/55p7 FIN 61/ /67 Details of response from the Special Appeal to groups in UK and members 519/56 NWS 01/ /67 Statement by Chairman of the International Executive which sets out the present position with regard to Peter Benenson 519/57 NWS 05/ /67 Publicity, Public Relations, Appeals - a programme for 1967 1531/15 AFR 36/ /68 The Republic of Malawi: Background sheet No. 1: General information, March 1968 1531/16 AFR 44/ /68 Nigeria: Background sheet on Nigeria, August 1968 519/59 AFR 51/ /68 Confidential Report 519/60 AFR 53/ /68 Submission to UN Special Committee on Policies of apartheid 519/61 AMR 43/ /68 International Conference on Torture, Inhuman and degrading treatment Stockholm - August 1968. The treament of prisoners in Nicaragua 1423/4 ASA 21/ /68 International Conference on Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment: Stockholm - August 1968: The Condition of Political Prisoners in Indonesia 519/62 ASA 33/ /68 Background paper - Pakistan 1531/17 EUR 23/ /68 Federal Republic of Germany: Kurt Baumgarte, January 1968 519/63 EUR 25/ /68 Report by Amnesty International on Greece 519/64 EUR 25/ /68 Torture of Political Prisoners in Greece - Second Report by Amnesty International 519/64p4 EUR 25/ /68 “Greek Embassy Case” for consideration by the Borderline Committee 1531/18 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: Letter from Leros: November 1967, January 1968 1531/19 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: Letter from Greece - January 1968, February 1968 1531/20 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: Document smuggled out of the Laki Camp, Leros, April 1968 1531/21 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: The detainees in Partheni Camp. Reply to the two British members of Paliament, July 1968 1531/22 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: Visit to Political Detainees, October 1968 1531/23 1423/218 EUR 25/ /68 EUR 25/ /68 Background paper on Greece, November 1968 Greece: Press release: Trial of Stelios Nestor and others: Salonika, 14 November 1968 1531/24 EUR 25/ /68 Greece: Letter from the 137 political detainees of the Women’s Camp at Alikarnassos, December 1968 1531/25 EUR 38/ /68 Portugal: Some long-term political prisoners, November 1968 1531/26 ACT 02/ /68 Newsletters for groups No. 19: News from the Investigation Department, January 1968 1531/27 ACT 03/ /68 Prisoners of the year, August 1968 1423/5 ACT 04/ /68 Exploratory paper on Banning of Torture, by Eric Baker 1531/28 AFR 25/ /69 Ethiopia: Visit to Ethiopia by Martin Ennals, Secretary General, January 1969 1531/29 AFR 32/ /69 Kenya: To all groups with Kenyan prisoners, December 1969 519/81 AFR 53/ /69 Prison Administration in South Africa 519/82 AMR 41/ /69 Note on Student Unrest in Mexico on 1968 519/83 AMR 51/ /69 Amnesty International prisoner investigation sheet with special reference to Draft and Military Prisoners of conscience in the USA 519/84 ASA 21/ /69 Situation of Indonesian prisoners (Nov 1969) 519/85 ASA 21/ /69 Background to Indonesia 519/86 ASA 21/ /69 Indonesia: The Buru “Resettlement” project 519/87 ASA 21/ /69 Situation of Indonesian prisoners (Dec 1969) 519/88 ASA 21/ /69 Indonesia: Report to IEC 519/89 ASA 36/ /69 Background paper - Singapore 519/90 ASA 36/ /69 Prison conditions for political detainees in Singapore 519/91 EUR 22/ /69 The Freikaufaktion, or buying-out scheme, operated by the governments of West Germany (Federal Republic) and East Germany (Democratic Republic) 1531/30 EUR 22/ /69 DRG: Rhe Freikaufaktion, or buying-out scheme, operated by the governments of West Germany (Federal Republic) and East Germany (Democratic Republic), December 1969 1531/31 EUR 25/ /69 Greece: Appeal from Greek women imprisoned in Crete, January 1969 519/92 EUR 25/ /69 Eleni Voulgari - prisoner of the year 519/93 EUR 25/ /69 Letter enclosing copy of Times article 16 Oct 1969 1531/32 EUR 38/ /69 Portugal: To all groups with adopted Angolan priests in Portugal, February 1969 1531/33 EUR 38/ /69 Portugal: To be sent to groups with adopted Portuguese prisoners, November 1969 519/94 EUR 41/ /69 To all groups who adopted prisoners kept in Soria 519/95 EUR 41/ /69 Letter to the International Lawyers conference, Rome 519/96 EUR 41/ /69 Report if nussion to Spain 519/97 EUR 45/ /69 Letter from the Home Office 519/98 EUR 46/ /69 Statement in Russian of the activities of Amnesty 519/99 EUR 46/ /69 Brief background notes on Estonia 1423/6 EUR 46/ /69 Soviet Prisoners of Conscience and Soviet Law, October 1971 519/100 MDE 01/69 Covering letter to Iran and Israel reports 1423/7 MDE 13/ /69 Report by Mrs. Betty Assheton on Visit to Iran. December 1968 - January 1969 1423/8 MDE 13/ /69 Trial of 14 Intellectuals, Tehran. December 1968 - January 1969 519/101 MDE 23/ /69 Saudi Arabia - background sheet 1423/9 ACT 31/ /69 Prisoners of Conscience: A dossier 519/102 ACT 71/ /69 Christmas cards for 1969 1423/10 ACT 73/ /69 Trade unionists in Prison 519/103 ORG 02/ /69 Regulations for the conduct of Field operations 519/104 ORG 05/ /69 Letter to sections relating to International Council