Agricultural Services Agricultural Sector Development program

Agricultural Services
Agricultural Sector Development program
Fourth Quarter progress report 2011/12
Summary of achievement
138 research projects were continued to be implemented under ZARDEF. Out of these, twenty
five (25) projects were completed. Some of demonstrated technologies recommended to farmers
include release of four (4) sweet potato varieties tolerant to late blight disease recommended to
farmers in the Northern zone and release of four (4) cassava varieties with high yielding, tolerant
to mosaic and blown streak virus were recommended for semi-arid and coastal belt condition.
Regarding stations capacity building three research stations were rehabilitated including Ilonga
(3 grade A house and sewage systems for 4 houses), Makutopora (office building, 3 staff offices)
and ARI Naliendele (rehabilitated 3 staff houses). In addition, in the reporting period, office
furniture including 64 chairs, 16 tables, 4 cabinets, one set of sofa set and curtains were
Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity project
During 2011/12, the project implemented 22 regional research sub-projects which are
implemented in collaboration with other program countries. These include rice 15, cassava 1,
wheat 1 and dairy 5. The project was effective in enhancement of availability of improved seed.
A total of 400 MT for rice, 105 MT for wheat for basic and certified seed and 5,120,000 cuttings
for cassava for primary and secondary multiplication were harvested.
For leveraging of TOSCI seed quality control and its qualification for accreditation to
ISTA/OECD, a tender for purchase of laboratory equipment was awarded to a supplier with
more than 90% tendering process completion. This was complemented by certifying a total of
169.511MT of rice as good quality seed for farmers use.
Several outputs were realized for dairy commodity. A total of 7,300 semen doses and 7,200
Liquid Nitrogen were distributed to LGAs. This was a result of purchase of a total 10 breeding
bulls for semen production, 6000 doses of semen for 3 Livestock Multiplication Units (LMUs)
and 1,500 litres of Liquid Nitrogen for 3 LMUs. Regarding pasture seed production, a total of
120 kg of seed were harvested.
The project was effective in using a combination of technology dissemination methods including
agricultural shows where a total of 1,035 farmers and 10 extension officers from Local
Government Authorities participated. Other methods include training of 15 farmers in pasture
technologies, preparation of video episode about RRCOE (Ijue Taasisi Mahiri ya zao la
Mpunga), production of Swahili RRCoE magazine, production of 1500 leaflets on Kilimo Bora
cha Mpunga and conducting a show at a Cassava week in order to promote cassava production,
processing and marketing. In addition, a draft RRCoE communication strategy and RRCoE
brochure were developed.
Regarding infrastructure development, a tender was awarded to contractor for rehabilitation of
infrastructure at KATRIN. The tendering process for irrigation systems at KATRIN and
Ukiriguru is at advertisement stage. Procurement of research facilities including vehicles and
laboratory equipment are at various stages of tendering. Six PhD and 4 MSc candidates are
attending training. Two researchers completed their MSc studies.
Fourth Quarter ASDP Progress Report 2011/2012
Agricultural Services
Objective: Production and productivity in agricultural sector improved
Three year target
Annual Target / output
Number of research projects conducted through ZARDEF increased from 123 to 230 by
Result indicator
Cumulative Achievements
Research projects conducted
through ZARDEF increased
from 123 to 230 by 2012
Number of projects
Seven projects were completed. The
on-going projects are in total of 113.
To-date, a total of 236 (157
crops and 79 livestock) have
been implemented under
Agricultural technologies
disseminated increased from 20
to 50 by 2012
Number of
Four sweet potato varieties were
recommended to farmers
Eleven (11) improved
varieties were registered for
farmers use. They have shown
to be high yielding, tolerant to
late blight disease (in the
Northern zone – sweet
potatoes) and cassava
varieties are high yielding,
tolerant to mosaic and blown
streak virus for semi-arid and
coastal belt condition.
Four cassava varieties with were
recommended for semi-arid and coastal
belt condition
Two sorghum varieties were registered
One phaseolus bean improved variety
was registered
Sorghum and phaseolus bean
varieties are high yielding and
early maturing
Agricultural technologies
developed in seven agro
ecological zones increased from
seven to 14 by 2012
Number of extension staff
Extension staff
recruited increased from 3,498 to recruited.
6,998 by 2012.
A total of 2,948 graduates from MATIs
were recruited and distributed to LGAs.
Extension staffs have increased from
3,498 to 7,974.
Farmers reached by extension
services increased from
2,685,600 to 4,784,400 in
Number of agricultural
technologies disseminated
increased from 20 to 50 by 2012
Technologies disseminated include 8
improved varieties of cassava, 5
improved seed varieties of wheat, Rice
variety-SARO 5, technologies on
conservation tillage, soil nutrient
management, use of power tiller,
sustainable use of irrigation water,
planting in irrigation schemes, IPM
technologies, use of bio-fertilizer, rice
harvesting, sorting, grading and dehulling. Cassava chipper, grater,
presser and solar dryers’ technologies
were also disseminated. Good
Agricultural Practices on rice and
wheat were disseminated to 69
extension staff in 18 LGAs.
41,400 farmers in 18 LGAs
are practicing GAP on rice
and wheat production.
Number of plant protection
substances registered increased
from 300 to 450 by 2012.
Number of plant
protection substances
A total of 172 substances registered in
year 2011/2012 adding up to a total of
472 substances registered in the
Pre- and post-harvest loss
reduced from 40 in 2010 to 30
percent in 2012.
Maize production increased from Quantity of maize
3,000,000tonnes to
3,200,000tonnes by 2012
A total of 5,240,001tonnes of maize
produced in the country in year
2011/2012 against the total production
of 4,340,823 tonnes produced year
FSSR increased from 102% in
2011 to 113% in 2012
Cassava production increased
from 1,460,000 tones to
3,100,000tonnes by 2012
Cassava production.
A total of 1,857,156 tonnes grain
equivalent (5,571,468 tones fresh) of
cassava produced in the country in
year 2011/2012 against the total
production of 1,548,841 tonnes
produced year 2010/2011
FSSR increased from 102% in
2011 to 113% in 2012
Phyto-sanitary certificates issued
increased from 1,500 to 2000 by
Number of
A total of 2511 phytosanitary
certificates were issued with an
increase of 511 certificates above the
target of 2000 certificates.
Foreign consignments rejected
by inspectors at point of entry
reduced from ???????????
Number of extension staff
recruited increased from
3,498 to 6,998 by 2012
-Number of
extension staff
-2,948 graduates from MATIs
-Improved technology
dissemination and service
-Number of farmers
-1,768,800 farmers/2,948 villages
-Number of extension
workers increased to 7974.
Scaling up of KATC extension -Number of farmers
approach to raise paddy
production at 12 irrigation
schemes by June, 2012.
-Number of
schemes reached.
-Number of
-450 famers reached.
-5 technologies of rice
cultivation disseminated.
-20 schemes reached.
-Farmers created awaness
-3 members of TANRICE evaluation on marketing channels.
team facilitated.
-Organized for a better
bargaining power.
ASDP- Agriculture Input subsidy
Objective D Production and productivity in agricultural sector improved
Annual target/output
Result Indicator
Cumulative Achievement
Amount of subsidized seeds
distributed decreased from
20,000 tons to 18,000 tons by
Amount of subsidized
seeds distributed.
A total of 18,240 tons of improved seed Quality Declared Seed (QDS)
of maize and paddy were used by
production by farmers and
1,781,136 farmers in 20 regions under
ASA increased.
subsidy arrangement
Amount of subsidized fertilizers
distributed decreased from
200,000 tons in 2010/2011 to
180,000 tons by 2012
Amount of subsidized
fertilizers distributed.
A total of 178,136 tons of fertilizers
were used by 1,781,367 farmers under
subsidy arrangement
Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (EAAPP)
Number of farmers using
fertilizers through own
purchase increased
Objective D Production and productivity in agricultural sector improved
Annual Target / output
Agricultural technologies on
Rice, wheat and cassava
production promoted and
disseminated to LGAs with
spill over to Kenya, Uganda,
and Ethiopia
Result indicator
Cumulative Achievements
Number of projects under Twenty two (22) research sub-projects
were implemented. Out of these 15 for
rice, 1 for cassava, 1 for wheat and 5
for dairy.
Number of stakeholders
trained in improved rice,
technologies and uptake
Performance data collected shows
that some varieties are resistant to
Rice yellow mottle virus and are
high yielding. At preliminary stage
of trial evaluation, 2 rice
genotypes were drought tolerant
whereas, 15 were moderately
tolerant. Work is on-going and
40% completed.
Regarding performance data fro
wheat it showed that four lines are
high yielding compared to those
ondr farmers practices.
A total of 193 Extension staff (LGAs) Frontline extension officers and
were trained as TOTs on improved trained farmers are demonstrating
technologies (rice: 134; cassava: 23; to farmers the use of new
and wheat: 36)
improved rice technologies.
A total of 154 farmers were trained as Famers are purchasing improved
TOTs on improved technologies (rice: rice, cassava and wheat varieties
51; cassava: 30; and wheat: 73).
from linked seed stockists.
A total of 406 (rice: 224; cassava: 154;
wheat: 28) farmers were sensitized on
Good Agricultural Practices
A total of 66 extension staff (rice: 36;
cassava: 8; wheat: 22) were sensitized
on Good Agricultural Practices
Four rice stakeholders’ platforms
comprised of 134 farmers were
Objective: Production and productivity in agricultural sector improved
Annual target / output
Cumulative achievements
Amount of foundation seeds
produced increased from 500
to 546.1 in various
production farms
Tonnes of seeds produced
The project was effective in Reduced cassava and wheat seed
availability of deficit.
improved seed. A total of 400 MT for
rice, 105 MT for wheat for basic and
certified seed and 5,120,000 cuttings
for cassava for primary and secondary
multiplication were produced.
2.3MT of foundation seed
certified in various production
Tonnes of seeds certified
A total of 169.511MT of rice were Reduced cassava and wheat seed
certified as good quality seed for deficit
farmers use.