CHIH-JEN WU, MD., Ph.D. 吳志仁 Education: 1978-1985 2001-2006 MD: China Medical College, Taiwan. Ph.D.: Medical Sciences, Taipei Medical University. Taiwan Professional Experience: 1987-1990 Resident, Department of Medicine, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 1990-1992 Fellow, Division of Nephrology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 1992- 2004 Attending physician, Division of Nephrology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 1996-1997 Research fellow, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA 2004 ~ Chief, Division of Nephropathy, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 2006 ~ Assistant Professor, Taipei Medical University Membership of Academic Societies: Taiwan Society of Nephrology Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine Taiwan Society of Ultrasonography Taiwanese Society of Molecular Medicine International Society of Nephrology American Society of Nephrology Academic boards Taiwan Society of Nephrology Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine Taiwan Society of Ultrasonography Taiwanese Society of Molecular Medicine Position of Professional Society: Deputy Secretary-general, Taiwan Society of Nephrology (20042007) Director, Taiwan Society of Nephrology (2007 ~) Director, Taiwanese Society of Molecular Medicine (2009 ~) Publications 1. Wong LY, Wu CJ, Lin JC, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih48(6):489, 1991 2. Chen YC, Yeh JC, Chen HH, Yang MC, Wang MH, Wu CJ, Shih BF.Serum Erythroipoietin in Chronic Renal Patients.Acta Nephrologica 1994;8(2):96-101 3. Wu CJ, Yang MC, Chen HH, Yeh JC. Reversible Calcinosis Cutis in Uremia. Acta Nephrologica 1994; 8(3):194-200 4. Wu WJ, Wu CJ , Chen HH, Yeh JC. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis associated with Tubular Degeneration. Acta Nephrologica. 1994; 8(5): 20 5. Yeh JC, Lee KT, Chen HH, Wang MH, Wu CJ, Lin CC. The Relationship between Chronic Renal Failure and Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Acta Nephrologica 1994; 8(4) : 232-7 6. Lin GS, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC Aortic Stenosis Secondary to Metastatic Calcification in Uremia. Acta Nephrologica 1994; 8(4):25563 7. Lee KT, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC. Nephrotic Syndrome with Hypothyroxinemia. Acta Nephrologica. 1995; 9(1):42-5 8. Fong CJ, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC."Achyranthes Rubrofusca" induced Acute Renal Failure and Acute Cholestasis Hepatitis. Acta Nephrologica 1995; 9(3):181-6 9. Wu CJ Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor in a Model of Acute Renal Failure in the Rat. Acta Nephrologica 1997;11(2):93-7 10. Chen CM, Liu SI, Yang J, Wu CJ, Hsieh HC. Lithium-induced Nephrogenic Insipidus in a Patient with Bipolar Disorder. Tai Wan Chin I Hsu. 1997;11(4):68-75 11. Hsu YT, Wu CJ, Chen JM, Yang YC, Wang SY. The Presence of Three Isoflavonoid Compound in Psorale Corylifolia. J Chromatogr Sci. 39(10):441, 2001 (SCI) 12. Chang YM, Wu CJ, Chen TL, Hsueh IH, Chen YC, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Tzen CY. Glomerular fingerprint deposits in a young woman with stroke and antiphospholipid syndrome. J Intern Med Taiwan ,13:31-37, 2001 13. Chang YM, Wu CJ, Chen TC, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Chung CK, Lin SP. Comparison of the plasma carnitine between end stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Acta Nephrologica. 15(1):14-20, 2001 14. Lee PH, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Chang JG. Erythropoietin in hemodialysis patients with the thalassemia diagnosed by genomic DNA analysis. Acta Nephrologica. 15(2):57-61, 2001 15. Hung CL, Wu CJ, Yang S, Chen HH, Lin JS.Acute Renal Failure Directly Caused by Hemodialysis associated Transurethral Resection of the Prostate. Urology. 59(1) 137, 2002 (SCI) 16. Liu CH, Wu CJ, Kuo CH, Chen YC, Chen HH. Non-atherosclerotic acute myocardial infarction in a young man with nephritic syndrome.. Acta Nephrologica. Acta Nephrologica. 16(2): 82-6, 2002 17. Chang JC, Hwang LC, Tjung JJ, Wu CJ, Wu TC. Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis: An Easily Neglected Cause of Acute Renal Failure and Glomerulonephritis Taiwan J Fam Med 12:129-36, 2009 18. Wu CJ, Sheu JR, Chen HH, Shyur SD, Chen PG, Chen YJ. Antileukemic immunity against U937 cells in uremic patients. Neoplasma. 50(1):54-9, 2004 (SCI) 19. Shih MF, Chen PJ, Kuo CH, Peng MJ, Chen HH, Wu CJ*. Lifethreatening arteriovenous graft infection in a patient on hemodialysis: septic pulmonary emboli and left sided endocarditis. Acta Nephrologica 18(2): 80-3, 2004. 20. Lin HC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Tsai CT. Decrease in Access Blood Flow Predicts Significant Vascular Access Stenosis in Taiwanese Hemodialysis Patients. Acta Nephrologica, 19(3) ,2005 21. Hsu MT, Chen YC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Chiou TY, Tzen CY. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-positive cresentic glomerulnephritis and pulmonary hemorrhage associated with Prophylthiouracil. Acta Nephrologica. 20(1): 48-56, 2005 22. Chang CS, Thajeb P, Chen HH, Wu CJ*. Mycotic aneurysm and death in a hemodialysis patient. Semi Dial. 18(4): 345-8, 2005 (SCI) 23. Lee PP, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH. Thiazide-induced acute hyponatremia. Acta Nephrologica. 19(1): 28-31, 2005. 24. Chuang CK, Lin SP, Chen HH, Chen YC, Wang TJ, Shieh WH, Wu CJ*. Plasma free amino acids and their metabolites in Taiwanese patients on Hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Clin Chim Acta. 364(1-2):209-16. 2006. (SCI) 25. Wu CJ, Sheu JR, Chen HH, Liao HF, Yang YC, Yang S, Chen YJ. Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury inhibits differentiation of dendritic cells derived from bone marrow monocytes in rats. Life Sci. 2;78(10):1121-8. 2006. (SCI) 26. Wu CJ, Sheu JR, Chen HH, Liao HF, Yang YC, Yang S, Chen YJ. Modulation of monocyte-derived dendritic cell differentiation is associated with acute ischemic renal failure. J Surg Res 132(1):104-11., 2006. (SCI) 27. Chen HH, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Lin FJ, Yeh HI. Metabolic syndrome is associated with severe coronary artery disease and poor cardiac outcome in end-stage renal disease patients with acute coronary syndrome. Coron Artery Dis. 2006;17(7):593-6. (SCI) 28. Tseng HY, Chen YC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Chiou TY. Osteomyelitis and Spinal Stenosis Secondary to Metastatic Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in A Patient on Hemodialysis. Acta Nephrologica. 20(2): 206-9, 2006 29. Hung CY, Chen YC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Chiou TY, Tzen CY. A Pregnant Female with Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis and Liver Cirrhosis. Acta Nephrologica. 20(3): 201-6, 2006 30. Lee KF, Yeh JC, Chen HH, Wu CJ, Chen YC. Spontaneous Renal Hemorrhage Unusual Complication of Urinary Tract Infection. Int Med. 17: 177-181 2006. (SCI) 31. Chen YW, Yang YC, Chen CP, Chen HH, Chen YC, Yeh JC, Wu CJ*. Concomitant Serratia marcescens peritonitis and tubo-ovarian abscess associated with peritoneal dialysis and intrauterine device placement. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 46: 429-30, 2007 32. Tsai WJ, Chen YC, Wu CL,HH Chen1, Jeh JC, CJ Wu* Unexpected Cause of Hyponatremia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Pituitary Adenoma. J Intern Med Taiwan 18; 360-364, 2007. 33. Wu HC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC, Chen YC, Randomized trial of povidone iodine ointment versus mupirocin cream for prevention of peritoneal catheterrelated infection Acta Nephrologica 21; 201-208, 2007. 34. Tzen CY, Wu CJ, Huang ZD, Wu TY. Poorly differentiated transitional cell carcinoma versus leiomyosarcoma of the ureter: different defects in tumor suppressor genes. Histopathology 51(2):2713. 2007. (SCI) 35. Lin CJ, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Liu HC, Chen HH. Mediastinal ectopic parathyroid adenoma in a hemodialysis patient. Kidney Int 72:902-903, 2007 (SCI) 36. Lin CJ, Hsieh RK, Lim KH, Chen HH, Cheng YC, Wu CJ*. Fatal Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome in a patient with metastatic, androgen independent prostate cancer. South Med J 100:916-917, 2007 (SCI) 37. Lin CJ, Lim KH, Cheng YC, Chen HH, Wu CJ*. Tumor lysis syndrome after treatment with gemcitabine for metastatic transitional cell carcinoma. Medical Oncology 24:455-457, 2007 (SCI) 38. Lin CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH, Liu CC, Wu CJ*. Life threatening ventricular arrhythmia induced by hypokalemia during sodium bicarbonate infusion. South Med J 101:215-216, 2007 (SCI) 39. Pan CF, Shen MY, Wu CJ, Hsiao G, Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory mechanisms of gabapentin, an antiseizure drug, on platelet aggregation. J Pharm Pharmacol 59: 1255-61, 2007 (SCI) 40. 林承叡、吳志仁、陳逸洲、陳漢湘。親蛋白質尿毒素對甲酚 (pcresol) 的病理生理學角色. 生物醫學 1: 5-13, 2008. 41. Hsieh CW, Chen HH, Tzen CY, Lee JH, Wu CJ*. Malignant hypertension and acute kidney injury in a young man. Acta Nephrologica 22: 24-26, 2008. 42. Chiou WR, Yen CH, Wu CJ*, Li JY, Hou JY, Chou YH, Tsai CH. Transvenous Lead Removal of Pacemaker Lead Infection with A Large Vegetation - -- A Case Report. J Intern Med Taiwan 19:61-66, 2008 43. Chen YW, Lin KT, Chen, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH. Progress in the Diagnosis and Treatment Of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. J Intern Med Taiwan 19; 238-247, 2008. 44. Hsieh CW, Chen HH, Tzen CY, Lee JH, Wu CJ*. Pathologic diagnosis: Thrombotic microangiopathy Acta Nephrologica 22(3) 201-2, 2009 45. Chen YW, Chen, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH. Percutaneous ethanol injection for post-renal transplant hypercalcemia. Acta Nephrologica 22(3) 198-200, 2009 46. Chen YW, Lin KT, Yeh JC, Wu CJ, Chen HH. Urine retention in the Elderly: a potential lethal problem. Int J Geron 1: 26-7, 2008. (SCI) 47. Lin CJ, Wu CJ, Yeh JC, Chen YC, Chen HH. Unusual metastatic soft tissue calcification in a hemodialysis patient. South Med J 101: 851853, 2008 (SCI) 48. Lin CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH, Wu CJ, Hsu JM. Renal cell carcinoma presenting as a huge simple renal cyst. Medical Oncology 25:104-106, 2008 (SCI) 49. Lin CJ, Lin HC, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Chen YC.. Psoas muscle abscess as a complication of femoral-vein catheterization in a hemodialysis patient. South Med J 101: 566-567, 2008 (SCI) 50. Lin CJ, Pan CF, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Kao CR, Lee CC. A giant gastric ulcer mimicking carcinoma in a renal transplant recipient with CMV infection. South Med J 101: 327, 2008 (SCI) 51. Lin CJ, Chen HH, Chen YC, Wu CJ*. Catheter-related atrial thrombus resolved after catheter removal in a patient on hemodialysis. South Med J 101: 662-623, 2008 (SCI) 52. Lin CJ, Chen HH, Chen YC, Wu CJ* Emphysematous cystitis in a asymptomatic hemodialysis patient. Nephrology 13: 178-179, 2008 (SCI) 53. Chen YW, Chen YC, Wu CJ, Chen HH. Massive Bilateral Pleural effusion associated with Use of Pioglitazone. Clin Ther 30: 1485-1489, 2008 (SCI) 54. Chen HH, Hsu MT, Wu CJ, Chen YW, Yang TL. Effects of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy on subsequent parathyroidectomy. Am J Surg 196; 155-159, 2008 (SCI) 55. Chen HH, Tarng DC, Wu CJ, Chen YW, Ting JT. Increased erythropoietin-α dose when switching from subcutaneous to intravenous administration: effect of serum albumin. Clin Nephrol 5: 347-53, 2008 (SCI) 56. Lin CJ, Chen HH, Chen YC, Wu CJ*, Metabolic disarray after fire extinguisher powder ingestion. Kidney Int. 75(9):993-4.2009 (SCI) 57. Pan CF, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Dang CW, Chang FM, Liu HF, Chu CC, Lin M, Lee YJ. Molecular analysis of hla-drb1 allelic associations with systemic lupus erythematous and lupus nephritis in Taiwan. Lupus. 18(8):698-704 2009 (SCI) 58. Wu CJ, Lin HC, Lee KF, Chuang CK , Chen YC, Chen HH Comparison of parenteral iron sucrose and ferric chloride during erythropoietin therapy of hemodialysis patients. Nephrology ( in press) 2009 (SCI) 59. Cheng SP, Yang TL, Lee JJ, Chen HH, Wu CJ, Liu TP, Liu CL. Gender differences among patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism undergoing parathyroidectomy. J Surg Res (in press) 2009 (SCI) 60. Chen YC, Lin CJ, Wu CJ, Chen HH, Yeh JC. Comparison of Extracellular Volume and Blood Pressure in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Nephron Clin Pract 113:c112-6. 2009 (SCI) 61. Lin CJ, Chen HH, Hsieh RK, Chen YC, Wu CJ*. Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome in a hemodialysis patient with diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Med Oncol 26(1):93-5. 2009 (SCI) 62. Lai CT, Chen HH, Wu CJ, Chang CW. Giant hydronephrosis. Emergency Medicine Journal. (in press) 2009 (SCI) 63. Lin CJ, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH.,Half and half nail secondary to chronic renal failure. South Med J (in press) 2009 (SCI) 64. Ng XY, Liu CL, Liu TP, Ko WC, Cheng SP, Wu CJ, Lee JJ. Surgical outcome of peritoneal dialysis in elderly patients. Int J Geron 3(3): 143–148, 2009 (SCI) 65. Lee PH, Wu CJ, Chen YC, Chen HH. Aldosterone-producing adenoma: clinical presentation,diagnosis and outcomes of surgery in northern taiwan. Acta Nephrologica (in press) 2009 66. Cheng SP, Yang TL, Lee JJ, Wu CJ, Chen YC, JC Yeh, Chen HH Pathophysiology and Management of Renal Hyperparathyroidism. J Intern Med Taiwan 1:30-35, 2009 67. Wu CJ, Hsieh CY, Hsiao George, Chou DS, Sheu JR Triflavin, an disintegrin, inhibits cell adhesion and protein kinase Ctranslocation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Pharma Biol 47(10): 948–954, 2009 (SCI) 68. Tseng HY, Chen YC, Wu CJ, Chen HH. Adjusting ultrfiltration in hypertensive hemodialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica 2009 23(2) 7983