TITLE: CONSTITUTION OF THE MULTI-ETHNIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ASSOCIATION PREAMBLE: This organization is designed to encourage interaction among under-represented (multiethnic or minority) engineering students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It is intended to be a service and social organization for multi-ethnic students, that actively pursues a program of high academic standards, group representation, career development, and as a support mechanism in these and other activities of interest to minority engineers at the university. ARTICLE I Purposes, aims, functions: 1.) To promote interaction amongst minority engineers at the university. 2.) Promote and encourage recruitment of undergraduate, and graduate students in engineering at the university. 3.) To assist and promote minority engineers toward academic excellence through the identification of tutoring services. 4.) Inform minority engineers of career and summer job opportunities available from the placement office. 5.) To provide a communication link between the College of Engineering administrators and minority students. 6.) Seek interaction among other organizations within the School of Engineering that promotes the engineering profession. 7.) Serve as a support group, provide encouragement, and understanding of concerns unique to minority engineering students. 8.) Provide information to students via bulletin board. ARTICLE II Membership: 1.) In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons because of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference, or any other classification which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee that equal opportunity and access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons. 2.) Membership is open to all under-represented (multi-ethnic) engineering students in the undergraduate and graduate program. Membership is also open to faculty, stuff and community members, and all other persons interested in issues of concern to minority engineering students at the University. 3.) Members are requested to participate in at least one activity per semester. 4.) Members are requested to attend at least one monthly meeting per semester. 5.) Complete the application for membership. 6.) All other decisions related to membership are decided by majority vote by the organizational board members. ARTICLE III Officers and Duties: 1.) The MESA board shall consist of: a.) President, b.) Vice-president, c.) Treasurer, and d.) Secretary. In the case this positions are absent, the President shall distribute the positions and responsibilities amongst the filled positions on the board. 2.) Qualifications for board members are: 1.) Currently enrolled student to served at least one semester to a year. 2.) Willingness to put forth the effort to accomplish the goals of the organization. 3.) Officers will be elected by majority vote of registered members of the organization. 4.) Removal from office will be determined by majority vote of registered members. 5.) The board retails the discretion to resolve any issues of concern to the organization not covered in this constitution in the most democratic means. ARTICLE IV Advisor: The advisor will selected by the board and registered members. He/She may be a member of the administration, staff, or community with a interest in the organization’s concerns. ARTICLE V Meetings: 1.) Meetings will be held once a month at a agreed location by the board. In the event a meeting is not held, all current activities shall b posted on the bulleting board within the School of Engineering. 2.) Members will be notified of meetings at least two days in advanced. They will be notified by electronic mail. 3.) Any member of the executive board has the authority to call meetings ARTICLE VI Elections: 1.) Elections will be held in April or 0May for the upcoming academic year. In the event a position is vacated in the school year; the board shall appoint a registered member to serve the remaining term. 2.) All board positions are for at least one semester. Board members may retain their position far the academic year if uncontested. 3.) Only registered members are allowed to vote in any elections. 4.) Members will be notified two weeks in advance of an upcoming election ARTICLE VII Finances: 1.) At the present time, no dues are required. Hence, donations are encouraged to help with organizational expenses. This amendment may change at any time upon the request of the board. The membership fee would also be decided by the board with the collective agreement of registered members. 2.) The treasurer will be responsible for all financial matters of the organization. The advisor will have the authoritative responsibilities in terms of authorization and expenditures. 3.) Upon dissolution state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting organization. Group fees should be divided as stated in the constitution and carried out by the dissolving group's members and officers. 4.) If group has dissolved and group fees have not been divided as stated in constitution by 5 years from last account activity monies in group's 00 account will revert to an account specified for this purpose within UISG. These funds will then be available for distribution through SABAC guidelines in compliance with University of Iowa policy Upon dissolution, group fees will be divided between the University of Iowa chapters of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and the National Society of Black Engineers. If these chapters are not active at the time, the group fees will be given to the college of engineering. ARTICLE VIII Amendments: 1.) All eligible voting members will be informed of the proposed amendments at the meetings or via MESA bulletin board. 2.) 2/3 vote of those present and voting is required to ratify an amendment.