GROWTH CURVES AND EXTENSIONS USING MPLUS Alan C. Acock Department of HDFS 322 Milam Hall Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 7/2009 This document and selected references, data, and programs can be downloaded from Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 1 Section 1: Brief Summary of Topics Section 2: A Simple Growth Curve 2.1 Precautionary guidelines 2.2 Graphic representation of a growth curve 2.3 Mplus program for simple growth curve 2.4 Annotated selected growth curve output 2.5 Here are some available plots Section 3: Quadratic growth curve 3.1 Graphic representation of quadratic growth curve 3.2 Mplus program & output quadratic growth curve 3.3 Plots for quadratic growth curve Section 4: How Many Waves Should We Have? 4.1 Linear Curve—3 minimum, 4 much better 4.2 For a quadratic—4 minimum, 5 much better Section 5: Alternative to Use of a Quadratic Slope Section 6: Working with Missing Values 6.1 Two approaches used by Mplus 6.2 Multiple cohort extension Section 7: Multiple group growth curves 7.1 Program and output without constraints 7.2 Comparing intercept and slope Section 8: An Alternative to Multiple Group Analysis 8.1 Model and figure 8.2 Mplus program and output 8.3 Graphic representation Section 9: Growth Curves with Time Invariant Covariates 9.1 A conditional latent trajectory model 9.2 Mplus program and output Section 10: Mediation & Moderation Section 11: Time Varying Covariates Section 12: Extensions and Suggested Reading .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... 3 3 3 4 7 9 14 16 17 18 21 23 23 25 25 27 27 28 29 30 34 37 37 39 42 43 44 44 51 52 53 Goal of the Workshop The goal of this workshop is to explore a variety of applications of latent growth curve models using the Mplus program. Because we will cover a wide variety of applications and extensions of growth curve modeling, we will not cover each of them in great detail. At the end of this workshop it is hoped that participants will be able to run Mplus programs to execute a variety of growth curve modeling applications and to interpret the results correctly. Assumed Background Participants should be familiar with the content in Introduction to Mplus that is located at . It will be assumed that participants in the workshop have some background in Structural Equation Modeling. Background in multilevel analysis will also be useful, but is not assumed. It is possible to learn how to estimate the specific models we will cover without a comprehensive knowledge of Mplus, but some background using an SEM program is useful. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 2 Section 1: Brief Summary of Topics Introduction to Growth Curve Modeling Growth Curves are ideal for longitudinal studies. Instead of predicting a person’s score on a variable (e.g., mean comparison among scores at different time points or relationships among variables at different time points), we predict their growth trajectory—what is their level on the variable AND how is this changing. We will present a conceptual model, show how to apply the Mplus program, and interpret the results. Once we can estimate growth trajectories, the more interesting issue becomes explaining individual differences in trajectories (why some people go up, down, or stay the same). We will introduce growth curves for multiple groups such as comparing women and men Time invariant and time variant covariates will be introduced Mediation will be introduced Section 2: A Simple Growth Curve 2.1 Precautionary guidelines Estimating a basic growth curve using Mplus is quite easy, but when developing a complex model it is best to start easy and gradually build complexity. Starting easy should include data screening to evaluate the distributions of the variables, patterns of missing values, and possible outliers. Even if you have a theoretically specified model that is complex, always start with the simplest model and gradually add the complexity. Here we will show how structural equation modeling conceptualizes a latent growth curves. Before showing a figure to represent a growth curve, we examine a small sample of our observations: Data is from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth that started in 1997. We use the cohort that was 12 years old in 1997 and examine their trajectory for the BMI. Some may not like using the BMI on this age group, but this is only to illustrate an application of growth curve modeling. The following graph of 10 randomly selected kids was produced by Mplus Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 3 A BMI value of 25 is considered overweight and a BMI of 30 is considered obese (I’m aware of problems with the BMI as a measure of obesity and with its limitations when used for adolescents) With just 10 observations it is hard to see much of a trend, but it looks like adolescents are getting a higher BMI score as they get older. The X-axis value of 0 is when the adolescent was 12 years old; the 1 is when the adolescent was 13 years old, etc. We are using seven waves of data (labeled 0 to 6) from the panel study. 2.2 Graphic representation of a growth curve A growth curve requires us to have a model and we should draw this before writing the Mplus program. Figure 1 shows a model for our simple growth curve: Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 4 This figure is much simpler than it first appears. The key variables are the two latent variables labeled the Intercept growth factor and the Slope growth factor. The Intercept growth factor a. The intercept represents the initial level and is sometimes called the initial level for this reason. It is the estimated initial level and its value may differ from the actual mean for BMI97 because in this case we are imposing a linear growth model. b. It may differ from the mean of BMI97 - When covariates are added, especially when a zero value on covariates is rare and covariates are not centered (household income) - A straight line may over or underestimate any one mean including the initial mean c. Unless the covariates are centered, it usually makes sense to just call it an intercept rather than the initial level. d. The intercept is identified by the constant loadings of 1.0 going to each BMI score. Some programs call the intercept the constant, representing the constant effect to which other effects are added. e. It is possible to shift the intercept by how the waves are coded, e.g., we might make it the last year or the middle year. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 5 The Slope growth factor a. Is identified by fixing the values of the paths to each BMI variable. In a publication you normally would not show the path to BMI97, since this is fixed at 0.0. b. We fix the other paths at 1.0, 2,0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. Where did we get these values? The first year is the base year or year zero. The BMI was measured each subsequent year so these are scored 1.0 through 6.0. c. Other values are possible. Suppose the survey was not done in 2000 or 2001 so that we had 5 time points rather than 7. We would use paths of 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, and 6.0 for years 1997, 1998, 1997, 2002, and 2003, respectively. d. It is also possible to fix the first couple years and then allow the subsequent waves to be free. - This might make sense for a developmental process where the yearly intervals may not reflect the developmental rate. Developmental time may be quite different than chronological time. - This has the effect of “stretching” or “shrinking” time to the pattern of the data (Curran & Hussong, 2003). - An advantage of this approach is that it uses fewer degrees of freedom than adding a quadratic slope and can fit better. - Compared to a quadratic for a curve, this approach doesn’t require a monotonic function. e. Mplus has a feature that allows each participant to have a different interval which is important when the time between waves varies. - Annual surveys—One person has a 12-month difference, one a 10-month difference, and one a 14-month difference. - TSCORE Residual Variance and Random Effects a. The individual variation around the Intercept and Slope are represented in Figure 1 by the RI and Rs. These are the variance in the intercept and slope around their respective means. b. We expect substantial variance in both of these as some individuals have a higher or lower starting BMI and some individuals will increase (or decrease) their BMI at a different rate than the average growth rate. c. In addition to the mean intercept and slope, each individual will have their own intercept and slope. We say the intercept and the slope are random effects since they may vary across individuals. - They are random in the sense that each individual may have a steeper or flatter slope than the mean slope and - Each individual may have a higher or lower initial level than the mean intercept. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 6 d. In our sample of 10 individuals shown above, notice one adolescent starts with a BMI around 12 and three adolescents start with a BMI around 30. Some children have a BMI that increases and others do not. e. The variances, RI and R2 are critical if we are going to explore more complex models with covariates (e.g., gender, psychological problems, race, household income, physical activity) that might explain why some individuals have a steeper or less steep growth rate than the average. f. A random intercept model would have a free Ri and fixed Rs. The ei terms represent individual error terms for each year. Some years may move above or below the growth trajectory described by our Intercept and Slope. Sometimes it might be important to allow error terms to be correlated, especially subsequent pairs such as e97-e98, e98-e99, etc. 2.3 Mplus program for simple growth curve Here is the Mplus program for a simple growth model: Title: bmi_growth.inp Basic growth curve Data: Analysis: Variable: ! File is "C:\Mplus examples\bmi_stata.dat" ; Processors = 2; Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 white black hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; Notice usevariables is limited to bmi variables Usevariables are bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Model: i s | bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; Output: Sampstat Mod(3.84); Plot: Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 7 Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); What is new compared to an SEM program? Usevariables are: subcommand to only include the BMI variables since we are doing a growth curve for these variables. We drop the Analysis: section if we have a single processor because we are doing basic growth curve and can use the default options. With multiple processors, this is included to tell Mplus how many processors to utilize. We have a Model: section because we need to describe the model. Mplus was designed after growth curves were well understood. There is a single line to describe our model: i s | bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; a. In this line the “i” and “s” stand for the intercept and slope growth factors, respectively. We could have called these anything such as intercept and slope or initial and trend. The vertical line, | (sometimes called “or bar,” tells Mplus that it is about to define an intercept and slope. b. Defaults - The intercept is defined by a constant of 1.0 for each bmi variable. Interceptbmij path is 1.0. Therefore, we do not need to mention this. - The slope is defined by fixing the path from the slope to bmi97 at 0, the path to bmi98 at 1, etc. The @ sign is used for “at.” Don’t forget the semi-colon to end the command. - Mplus assumes that there is a residual variance for both the intercept and slope (RI and R2) and that these covary. Therefore, we do not need to mention this - Mplus assumes there is uncorrelated random error, ei for each observed variable - The intercepts for the Y variables (BMi97-BMi03) are fixed at zero by default. We could specify this default by adding a line [BMi97-BMi03@0];. The square brackets are used to fix the intercepts in this case. - Means of intercept and slope are free. We could specify this by adding a line i s; where simply naming the variables make their means free. c. To allow e97 and e98 to be correlated, we would need to add a line saying bmi97 with bmi98; . - This may seem strange because we are not really correlating bmi97 with bmi98, but e97 with e98. Mplus knows this and we do not need to generate a separate set of names for the error terms. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 8 The last additional section in our Mplus program is for selecting what output we want Mplus to provide. There are many optional outputs of the program and we will only illustrate a few of these. The Output: section has the following lines Output: Sampstat Mod(3.84); Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); The first line, Sampstat Mod(3.84) asks for sample statistics and modification indices for parameters we might free, as long as doing so would reduce chi-square by 3.84 (corresponding to the .05 level). We do not bother with parameter estimates that would have less effect than this. The default value is 10.0. Next comes the Plot: subcommand and we say that we want Type is Plot3; for our output. This gives us the descriptive statistics and graphs for the growth curve. The last line of the program specifies the series to plot. By entering the variables with an (*) at the end we are setting a path at 0.0 for bmi97, 1.0 for bmi98, etc. 2.4 Annotated Selected Growth Curve Output The following is selected output with comments: Mplus VERSION 5.1 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 07/01/2008 2:40 PM Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 9 *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on all variables. These cases were not included in the analysis. Number of cases with missing on all variables: 3 1 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS Mplus uses all available data assuming MAR. There were three cases that were dropped because they had no BMI report for any wave. bmi_growth.inp Basic growth curve SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups Number of observations With listwise deletion we would have an N = 1102 Number of dependent variables Number of independent variables Number of continuous latent variables Observed dependent variables Continuous BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI03 Continuous latent variables I S 1 1768 7 0 2 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 The following is a very nice analysis of patterns of missing values. Estimator ML Information matrix OBSERVED SUMMARY OF DATA Number of missing data patterns COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA Minimum covariance coverage value 0.100 81 PROPORTION OF DATA PRESENT BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 Covariance Coverage BMI97 BMI98 ________ ________ 0.925 0.847 0.902 0.850 0.856 0.842 0.846 0.839 0.837 0.796 0.794 0.777 0.775 Covariance Coverage Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock BMI99 ________ 0.910 0.864 0.854 0.805 0.788 BMI00 ________ 0.906 0.859 0.811 0.788 BMI01 ________ 0.904 0.817 0.801 10 BMI02 ________ 0.861 0.774 BMI02 BMI03 BMI03 ________ 0.840 Check means to see if there is a clear overall trajectory SAMPLE STATISTICS ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS 1 1 Means BMI97 ________ 20.572 Means BMI02 ________ 24.390 BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 Correlations BMI97 ________ 1.000 0.764 0.765 0.721 0.709 0.652 0.651 BMI02 BMI03 Correlations BMI02 ________ 1.000 0.766 BMI98 ________ 21.839 BMI99 ________ 22.651 BMI00 ________ 23.305 BMI01 ________ 23.846 BMI99 ________ BMI00 ________ BMI01 ________ BMI03 ________ 24.935 BMI98 ________ 1.000 0.850 0.812 0.799 0.720 0.707 1.000 0.853 0.853 0.745 0.737 1.000 0.856 0.752 0.751 1.000 0.813 0.815 BMI03 ________ 1.000 TESTS OF MODEL FIT Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 268.041 Degrees of Freedom 23 P-Value 0.0000 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 11502.912 Degrees of Freedom 21 P-Value 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI 0.979 TLI 0.981 Loglikelihood H0 Value -27739.720 H1 Value -27605.699 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 11 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 12 Akaike (AIC) 55503.439 Bayesian (BIC) 55569.171 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 55531.048 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.078 90 Percent C.I. 0.069 Probability RMSEA <= .05 0.000 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.051 0.086 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value The intercept and slope are fixed so there is no test for them. I | BMI97 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI98 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI99 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI00 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI01 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI02 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI03 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 S | BMI97 0.000 0.000 999.000 BMI98 1.000 0.000 999.000 BMI99 2.000 0.000 999.000 BMI00 3.000 0.000 999.000 BMI01 4.000 0.000 999.000 BMI02 5.000 0.000 999.000 BMI03 6.000 0.000 999.000 Intercept and slope have significant covariance S WITH I 0.408 0.073 5.559 Means I 21.035 0.100 S 0.701 0.017 Growth curve is BMI’ = 21.035 + .701×Year Intercepts BMI97 0.000 0.000 BMI98 0.000 0.000 BMI99 0.000 0.000 BMI00 0.000 0.000 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 0.000 210.352 40.663 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 12 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 Variances I 15.051 0.597 25.209 0.000 S 0.255 0.018 14.228 0.000 There is a big random intercept and random slope effect. The standard deviation is sqrt(.255) = .50. Putting plus or minus two standard deviations around the slope of .70 shows how big the variance is. The standard deviation for the intercept is sqrt(15.051) = 3.880. BMI is probably skewed positively. Residual Variances BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 5.730 3.276 3.223 4.361 2.845 9.380 8.589 0.268 0.164 0.146 0.185 0.150 0.397 0.422 21.413 19.942 22.009 23.538 19.005 23.622 20.345 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 QUALITY OF NUMERICAL RESULTS Condition Number for the Information Matrix (ratio of smallest to largest eigenvalue) 0.656E-02 MODEL MODIFICATION INDICES Minimum M.I. value for printing the modification index 3.840 We don’t want to change the intercept loadings of 1.0. We might think about a nonlinear growth. We might think about correlating adjacent error terms. The suggested correlation between E1 and E7 indicates a straight line is missing both ends, hence a curve of some kind? Muthen suggests to try not to mess with the intercepts. M.I. BY Statements I BY BMI97 I BY BMI98 I BY BMI99 I BY BMI00 I BY BMI02 I BY BMI03 S BY BMI97 S BY BMI99 112.472 6.440 33.234 13.026 4.015 28.212 70.828 18.208 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock E.P.C. -0.038 0.007 0.014 0.010 -0.008 -0.023 -0.825 0.276 Std E.P.C. -0.147 0.027 0.054 0.037 -0.032 -0.091 -0.417 0.139 StdYX E.P.C. -0.032 0.006 0.012 0.008 -0.005 -0.015 -0.091 0.030 13 S BY BMI00 8.062 0.204 0.103 0.021 S BY BMI03 38.314 -0.755 -0.382 -0.062 WITH Statements BMI99 WITH BMI98 12.747 0.449 0.449 0.138 BMI00 WITH BMI97 9.699 -0.511 -0.511 -0.102 BMI00 WITH BMI99 26.084 0.641 0.641 0.171 BMI01 WITH BMI97 6.914 -0.388 -0.388 -0.096 BMI01 WITH BMI98 11.566 -0.403 -0.403 -0.132 BMI01 WITH BMI00 5.456 0.310 0.310 0.088 BMI02 WITH BMI97 8.645 0.715 0.715 0.098 BMI02 WITH BMI99 9.066 -0.544 -0.544 -0.099 BMI02 WITH BMI00 9.560 -0.633 -0.633 -0.099 BMI03 WITH BMI97 37.342 1.564 1.564 0.223 BMI03 WITH BMI99 22.526 -0.874 -0.874 -0.166 BMI03 WITH BMI00 11.717 -0.724 -0.724 -0.118 BMI03 WITH BMI02 11.053 1.083 1.083 0.121 Means/Intercepts/Thresholds [ BMI97 ] 97.476 -0.754 -0.754 -0.165 [ BMI98 ] 7.230 0.155 0.155 0.035 [ BMI99 ] 25.098 0.257 0.257 0.056 [ BMI00 ] 10.542 0.185 0.185 0.038 [ BMI02 ] 4.646 -0.189 -0.189 -0.032 [ BMI03 ] 22.536 -0.448 -0.448 -0.073 There are a number of plots available. These are not bad, but Stata or some other package, even Excel, could do nicer graphs. PLOT INFORMATION The following plots are available: Histograms (sample values, estimated factor scores, estimated values) Scatterplots (sample values, estimated factor scores, estimated values) Sample means Estimated means Sample and estimated means Observed individual values Estimated individual values 2.5 Here are Some Available Plots It is often useful to show the actual means for a small random sample of participants. These are Sample Means. Click on Graphs Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 14 Observed Individual Values This gives you a menu where you can make some selections. I used the clock to seed a random generation of observations. Here I selected Random Order and for 20 cases. This results in the following graph: This shows one person who started at an obese BMI = 30 and then dropped down. However, most people increased gradually. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 15 Next, let’s look at a plot of the actual means and the estimated means using our linear growth model. Click on Graphs and then select View graphs Sample and estimated means. Demonstrate how to edit the graph. Notice that there is a clear growth trend in BMI. A BMI of 15-20 is considered healthy and a BMI of 25 is considered overweight. Notice what happens to American youth between the age of 12 and the age of 18. Section 3: Quadratic Growth Curve This graph is useful to seeing if there is a nonlinear trend. Changing the scale of the Y-axis can clarify this. It is simple to add a quadratic term, if the curve is departing from linearity. Looking at the graph it may seem that the linear trend works very well, but our RMSEA was a bit big. The estimated initial BMI is higher than the observed mean. The estimated BMI at 2003 is also higher than the observed mean A quadratic might pick this up by having a curve that drops slightly to pick up the BMI97 mean and the BMI2003 mean. Estimation of three terms (Intercept, Linear trend, Quadratic trend) requires at least four waves of data, but more waves are highly desirable for a good test of the quadratic term. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 16 3.1 Graphic representation of quadratic growth curve The conceptual model in Figure 1 will be unchanged except a third latent variable is added. We will have the Intercept, Slope, now called linear trend, and the new latent variable called the Quadratic trend. Like the first two, the Quadratic trend will have a residual variance (R3) that will freely correlated with R1 and R2. The paths from the quadratic trend to the individual BMI variables will be the square of the path from the Linear trend to the BMI variables. Hence a. The values for the linear trend will remain 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. b. For the quadratic these values will be 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0, and 36.0. You really appreciate the defaults in Mplus when you see what we need to change in the Mplus program when we add a quadratic slope. Here is the only change we need to make: Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 17 3.2 Mplus program & output for quadratic growth curve Model: i s q| bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; Mplus will know that the quadratic, q (we could use any name) will have values that are the square of the values for the slope, s. Title: bmi_guadratic.inp Quadratic growth curve Data: File is "C:\Mplus examples\bmi_stata.dat" ; Variable: ! Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 white black hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; usevariables is limited to bmi variables Usevariables are bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Model: i s q| bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; Output: Sampstat Mod(3.84); Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); Here is selected output: TESTS OF MODEL FIT We had 23 degrees of freedom with the linear growth curve and a chi-square of 268.041. Now we have 19 degrees of freedom and a chi-square of 73.121. Where did we lose four degrees of freedom? Mean for the quadratic Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 18 Variance of the quadratic Covariance of quadratic residual with intercept residual Covariance of quadratic residual with slope residual Did we improve our fit? 268.041-73.121 = 194.92 with 4 degrees of freedom, p < .001 Does our model fit? Chi-square (19) = 73.121, p < .001, but CFI = .995 RMSEA = .040 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value Degrees of Freedom P-Value 73.121 19 0.0000 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value Degrees of Freedom P-Value 11502.912 21 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI TLI 0.995 0.995 Loglikelihood H0 Value H1 Value -27642.260 -27605.699 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters Akaike (AIC) Bayesian (BIC) Sample-Size Adjusted BIC (n* = (n + 2) / 24) 16 55316.520 55404.161 55353.330 RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 90 Percent C.I. Probability RMSEA <= .05 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 0.040 0.031 0.949 0.050 19 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.026 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed P-Value Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. 0.550 0.226 2.441 0.015 -0.030 -0.159 0.036 0.022 -0.854 -7.236 0.393 0.000 Means I S Q 20.713 1.060 -0.063 0.101 0.044 0.007 204.728 23.834 -8.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 Variances I S Q 14.273 1.141 0.029 0.638 0.139 0.004 22.382 8.184 7.730 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.635 3.340 2.852 3.994 2.880 9.343 5.677 0.306 0.162 0.143 0.182 0.154 0.394 0.507 15.132 20.643 19.954 21.926 18.762 23.690 11.192 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 S WITH I Q WITH I S Residual Variances BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 MODEL MODIFICATION INDICES Minimum M.I. value for printing the modification index M.I. E.P.C. Std E.P.C. 3.840 StdYX E.P.C. BY Statements I BY BMI97 24.292 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock -0.024 -0.090 -0.021 20 I BY BMI98 9.860 I BY BMI99 5.419 I BY BMI01 12.777 I BY BMI03 14.857 S BY BMI97 18.253 S BY BMI98 7.381 S BY BMI01 9.168 S BY BMI03 10.308 Q BY BMI97 12.444 Q BY BMI99 4.868 Q BY BMI01 11.767 Q BY BMI03 13.934 ON/BY Statements Q ON I / I BY Q 999.000 WITH Statements BMI98 WITH BMI97 11.493 BMI99 WITH BMI98 8.019 BMI01 WITH BMI98 8.978 BMI02 WITH BMI01 12.482 BMI03 WITH BMI02 5.261 Means/Intercepts/Thresholds [ BMI97 ] 23.635 [ BMI98 ] 11.403 [ BMI01 ] 9.093 [ BMI03 ] 13.777 0.008 0.006 -0.009 0.024 -0.363 0.126 -0.137 0.349 3.442 -1.114 1.725 -5.610 0.032 0.022 -0.035 0.092 -0.388 0.135 -0.147 0.373 0.589 -0.191 0.295 -0.961 0.007 0.005 -0.007 0.016 -0.089 0.031 -0.029 0.063 0.136 -0.041 0.058 -0.163 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.044 0.361 -0.354 0.694 -1.040 -1.044 0.361 -0.354 0.694 -1.040 -0.265 0.117 -0.114 0.134 -0.143 -0.492 0.191 -0.166 0.495 -0.492 0.191 -0.166 0.495 -0.113 0.043 -0.032 0.084 PLOT INFORMATION The following plots are available: Histograms (sample values, estimated factor scores, estimated values) Scatterplots (sample values, estimated factor scores, estimated values) Sample means Estimated means Sample and estimated means Observed individual values Estimated individual values Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 21 3.3 Plots for quadratic growth curve The fit is so good because the estimated means and observed means are so close. However, there is still significance variance (random effects for both the intercept and the slope) among individual adolescents that still needs to be explained. Here are 20 estimated individual growth curves. a. Notice that each of these is a curve, but they start at different initial levels and have different trajectories. b. Next, we want to use covariates to explain these differences in the initial levels and growth trajectories. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 22 Section 4: How Many Waves Should We Have? 4.1 Linear model--3 minimum, 4 much better In this example we have 7 waves of data and this will give us lots of degrees of freedom. What is the minimum? Consider degrees of freedom for 3 waves of data. Degrees of freedom are the differences in number of parameters estimated for an H1: model which is essentially no relationships and the number of parameters estimated in your H0: model We are estimating a number of parameters—How many? H1: model (unrestricted) for 3 waves has 3 means: My1, My2, My3 3 variances: Var(Y1), Var(Y2), Var(Y3) 3 covariances: Cov(Y1,Y2), Cov(Y1,Y3), Cov(Y2,Y3) 9 known statistics H0: model (simple growth curve) has The figure shows the following parameters: .a 1 Variance for Intercept .b 1 Variance for Slope .c 1 Covariance of variance of Slope and Intercept .d 1 Mean of Intercept .e 1 Mean of Slope .f, g, h 3 Error Variances We need to estimate 8 parameters. Therefore, we have 9 – 8 = 1 degree of freedom. We could not fit a quadratic. It would use parameter estimates for its mean, variance, and covariance with both the intercept and slope We can only free one parameter such as a covariance of the error terms or a loading for a wave on the slope. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 23 What about 4 waves? H1: model (unrestricted) for 4 waves has 4 means: My1, My2, My3, My4 4 variances: Var(Y1), Var(Y2), Var(Y3), Var(Y4) 6 covariances: Cov(Y1,Y2), Cov(Y1,Y3), Cov(Y1,Y), Cov(Y2,Y3) Cov(Y2,Y4), Cov(Y3,Y4) total is 14 known statistics Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 24 We are still estimating the same 8 parameters so we have 14-8 = 6 degrees of freedom. Adding a 4th wave provides a much better test of a linear model. Rule—Publish it with three waves, but always try to get 4 or more waves of data. 4.2 For quadratic—4 minimum, 5 much better We can follow the same procedure and see that we need to have 4 waves for a quadratic We have a much better test (degrees of freedom) if we have 5 waves for a quadratic Section 5: Alternative to Use of a Quadratic Slope An alternative to adding a quadratic slope is to allow some of the time loadings for the slope to be free. We have used loadings of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for the linear slope and 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and 36 for the quadratic slope. Alternatively We could allow all but two of the loadings to be free. We might use loadings of 0, 1, *, *, *, * . It is necessary to have the 0 and 1 fixed but the 1 does not have to be second; we could use 0, *, *, *, *,1. You may ask how you could justify allowing some of the time loadings to be free if there was a one month or one year difference between waves of data. The answer is that developmental time may be different than chronological time. Allowing these loadings to be free has an advantage over the quadratic in that it uses fewer degrees of freedom but still allows for growth spurts. This model is not nested under a quadratic, but you could think of a linear growth model with fixed values for each year (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) being nested within the free model that uses 0, 1, *, *, *, *. If the free model fits much better than the fixed linear model, you might use this instead of the quadratic model. This approach does not impose a specific form on the relationship—it is a free from that can connect the means in whatever complexity they are Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 25 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 26 Section 6: Working with Missing Values 6.1 Two approaches used by Mplus Mplus has two ways of working with missing values. The simplest is to use maximum likelihood estimation with missing values (ML). o This uses all available data and is the default since version 5.0. o For example, some adolescents were interviewed all six years but others may have skipped one, two, or even more years. o We use all available information with this approach. The second approach is to utilize multiple imputations. o Multiple imputations should not be confused with single imputation available from earlier versions of SPSS which gives incorrect standard errors. o Multiple imputation involves imputing multiple datasets (usually 5-20) o Estimating the model for each of these datasets, and o Then pooling the estimates and standard errors. When the standard errors are pooled this way, they incorporate the variability across the 5-20 solutions and are thereby produced unbiased estimates of standard errors. Multiple imputations can be done with: Norm, a freeware program that works for normally distributed, continuous variables and is often used even on dichotomized variables. A Stata user has written a program called ice that is an implementation of the S-Plus/R program called MICE, that has advantages over Norm. It does the imputation by using different estimation models for outcome variables that are continuous, counts, or categorical. See Royston (2005). SAS has similar capabilities. Mplus can read these multiple datasets, estimate the model for each dataset, and pool the estimates and their standard errors. We will not illustrate the multiple imputation approach because that involves working with other programs to impute the datasets. However, the Mplus User’s Guide, discusses how you specify the datasets in the Data: section. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 27 6.2 Multiple cohort extension Major datasets often have multiple cohorts. NLSY97 has youth who were 12-18 in 1997. Seven years later, they are 19-25. It is quite likely that many growth processes that involve going from the age of 12 to the age of 19 are different than going from 19-25. For example, involvement in minor crimes (petty theft, etc.) may increase from 12 to 19, but then decrease from there to 25. Here is what we might have for our NLSY97 data (data inside tables are scores, person 1, born in 1985, in 1997 at age of 12 had a score of 3 on the outcome variable) Score by survey year for a single case from each cohort Individual 1 2 3 4 5 Survey Year Brth Cohort 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1985 3 4 5 6 7 1985 2 4 3 5 6 1984 4 5 6 7 6 1982 6 7 5 4 3 1982 5 5 6 4 2 2002 7 7 6 2 2 2003 8 7 5 2 1 We can rearrange this data Data for first 5 cases Case 1 2 3 4 5 Cohort 1985 1985 1984 1982 1982 12 3 2 * * * 13 4 4 4 * * 14 5 3 5 * * 15 6 5 6 6 5 16 7 6 7 7 5 17 7 7 6 5 6 18 8 7 6 4 4 19 * * 5 3 2 20 * * * 2 2 21 * * * 2 1 In this table the top row is the age at which the data was collected. To capture everybody we would need to extend the table to HD25 because the youth who were 18 in 1997 are 25 seven years latter. This table would have massive amounts of missing data, but the missingness would not be related to other variables. It would be missing completely at random (MCAR). We could develop a growth curve that covered the full range from age 12 to age 25. We would have 14 waves of data even though each participant was only measured 7 times. Each Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 28 participant would have data for a maximum of 7 of the years and have missing values for a minimum of 7 years. We would want to estimate a growth model with a quadratic term and expect the linear slope to be positive (growth from 12-18) and the quadratic term to be negative (decline from 18-25). Mplus has a special Analysis: type called MCOHORT. There is an example on the Mplus WebPage and we will not cover it here. This is an extraordinary way to deal with missing values. Here is an example from data Muthén analyzed. He had 7 waves of data on people who were 18-24 at the first wave. No data was collected 6 years He has a growth curve from 18 to 37 When I copied this image, a couple waves were grey’d out that do not show very well here. Section 7: Multiple group growth curves Multiple group analysis using SEM is extremely flexible—some would say it is too flexible because there are so many possibilities. We use gender for our grouping variable because we are interested in the trend in BMI for girls compared to boys. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 29 We think of adolescent girls are more concerned about their weight and therefore more likely to have a lower BMI than boys and to have a flatter trajectory. There are several ways of comparing a model across multiple groups. One approach is to see if the same model fits each group, allowing all of the estimated parameters to be different. Here we are saying that a linear growth model fits the data for both boys and girls, but We are not constraining girls and boys to have the same values on any of the parameters. They may differ on the intercept mean slope mean intercept variance slope variance covariance of intercept and slope residuals residual errors covariance of the residual errors that may be specified. We can then put increasing invariance constraints on the model. a. At a minimum, we want to test whether the two groups have a different intercept (level) and slope. b. If this constraint is acceptable we can add additional constraints on the variances, covariances, and error terms. 7.1 Program and output without constraints First, we will estimate the model simultaneously for girls and boys with no constraints on the parameters. Here is the program with new commands highlighted: Title: bmi_growth_gender.inp Data: File is bmi_stata.dat ; Variable: Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 30 bmi03 white black hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; ! usevariables keeps bmi variables and gender Usevariables are male bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Grouping is male (0=female 1=male); Model: i s | bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; Output: Sampstat Mod(3.84) ; Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); I’ve put the only changes we need to make in bold, underline. We have a binary variable, male, that is coded 0 for females and 1 for males. We add male to the list of variables we are using. We add a subcommand to the Variable: section that says we have a grouping variable, names it, and defines what the values are so the output will be labeled nicely. The command Grouping is male (0=female 1 = male); is going to give us a separate set of estimates for the parameters for girls (labeled female) and boys (labeled male). The estimation does both groups simultaneously. Here is selected, annotated output: SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 2 Number of observations Group FEMALE 859 Group MALE 909 The following shows that we have the same variables in the model Number of dependent variables 7 Number of independent variables 0 Number of continuous latent variables 2 Observed dependent variables Continuous BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 Continuous latent variables Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 31 I S Variables with special functions Grouping variable MALE SAMPLE STATISTICS ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR FEMALE Means BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 ________ ________ ________ 1 20.432 21.840 22.375 Means BMI02 BMI03 ________ ________ 1 24.295 24.727 ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR MALE Means BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 ________ ________ ________ 1 20.698 21.848 22.896 Means BMI02 BMI03 ________ ________ 1 24.467 25.111 TESTS OF MODEL FIT BMI00 ________ 22.916 BMI01 ________ 23.443 BMI00 ________ 23.665 BMI01 ________ 24.220 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 411.966 Degrees of Freedom 46 was 23 P-Value 0.0000 Chi-Square Contributions From Each Group FEMALE 150.775 MALE 261.191 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 11735.530 Degrees of Freedom 42 P-Value 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI 0.969 TLI 0.971 Loglikelihood H0 Value -27639.607 H1 Value -27433.624 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 24 Akaike (AIC) 55327.213 Bayesian (BIC) 55458.676 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 55382.430 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.095 90 Percent C.I. 0.087 0.103 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 32 Value 0.072 MODEL RESULTS Group FEMALE S WITH I Means I S Variances I S Residual Variances BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 Group MALE S WITH I Means I S Variances I S Residual Variances BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 Two-Tailed P-Value Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. 0.522 0.103 5.050 0.000 20.881 0.663 0.143 0.025 145.640 27.015 0.000 0.000 15.141 0.264 0.859 0.026 17.626 10.221 0.000 0.000 4.662 3.368 2.753 5.154 3.084 13.344 6.105 0.334 0.242 0.190 0.308 0.226 0.769 0.517 13.980 13.940 14.503 16.718 13.649 17.360 11.812 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.278 0.102 2.719 0.007 21.180 0.732 0.139 0.024 152.166 30.661 0.000 0.000 14.911 0.254 0.824 0.025 18.094 10.292 0.000 0.000 6.693 3.237 3.671 3.730 2.489 5.416 10.857 0.417 0.227 0.223 0.224 0.185 0.357 0.676 16.066 14.279 16.487 16.656 13.434 15.190 16.063 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Here is the graph of the two growth curves. It appears that the girls have a lower initial level and a flatter rate of growth of BMI. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 33 7.2 Comparing intercept and slope We should not rely on our visual inspection, but should explicitly test whether the girls and boys have a significant difference in their intercept and their slope. We can re-estimate the model with the intercept and slope invariant (or do it twice so we could have separate tests.) To do this we make the following modifications to the model: Notice that we added two lines to the Model: section, Title: bmi_growth_gender_equal.inp Data: File is bmi_stata.dat ; Variable: Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 white black hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; Usevariables are male bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Grouping is male (0=female 1=male); Model: i s | bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 34 Output: Model: ! models group with lowest score, 0, female [i] (1); [s] (2); Model male: [i] (1); ! this makes intercept be the same [s] (2); Sampstat Mod(3.84) ; Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); We kept the group subcommand and added the grouping variable, male. We added two Model: subcommands under the Model: command. The first one refers to the first group. Since girls were coded 0 and boys were coded 1, the first group is girls. We put the name of parameters in square brackets, [i] and [s]. If we had called these initial and trend we would have typed [initial] and [trend]. We put an arbitrary number in parentheses after the parameter name. Thus, we put (1) after [i]. In the second subcommand, Model male:, we put the name of the parameters followed by the same numbers as they had in the first gorup. Thus, the intercept gets the number 1 for girls and also gets the number 1 for boys. This tells Mplus these must be held equal. They are still optimized, but with the constraint that they are equal. If we had typed [i] (2) under Model male: what would happen? We would have constrained the boys intercept to be equal to the girls slope—not something we would want to do. If we had omitted the [s] (2) under Model male: What would happen. We would have constrained both solutions to have the same intercept [i] (1), but not constrained them to have the same slopes. The first Model: command is understood to be the group coded as zero on the male variable. These changes force the intercept to be equal in both groups because they are both assigned parameter (1) and the slopes to be equal because they are both assigned a parameter (2). Any parameters with a (1) after them are equal in both groups as are any parameters with a (2) after them in both groups. Notice that we have square brackets [ ] around the names of the intercept and slope. When we run the revised program we obtain a chi-square that has two extra degrees of freedom because of the two constraints. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 35 TESTS OF MODEL FIT Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 418.884 Degrees of Freedom 48 P-Value 0.0000 We had a chi-square(46) = 411.966 without these constraints. The difference has a chi-square of 6.918 with 2 degrees of freedom. Using Stata the significance is chi-square(2) = 6.918, p < .05 . display 1-chi2(2,6.918) .03146121 Chi-Square Contributions From Each Group The model fits females much better than it fits males: FEMALE 154.530 MALE 264.353 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 11735.530 Degrees of Freedom 42 P-Value 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI 0.968 TLI 0.972 Loglikelihood H0 Value -27643.065 H1 Value -27433.624 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 22 Akaike (AIC) 55330.131 Bayesian (BIC) 55450.638 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 55380.746 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.093 90 Percent C.I. 0.085 0.102 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.079 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 36 MODEL RESULTS Group FEMALE S WITH I Means I S Two-Tailed P-Value Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. 0.528 0.104 5.097 0.000 21.046 0.700 0.100 0.017 210.324 40.814 0.000 0.000 2.742 0.006 210.324 40.814 0.000 0.000 Group MALE S WITH I 0.281 0.102 Means I 21.046 0.100 S 0.700 0.017 We should also look at the variances and covariances. Although we can say there is a highly significant difference between the level and trend for girls and boys, we need to be cautious because this difference of chi-square has the same problem with a large sample size that the original chi-squares have. In fact, the measures of fit are hardly changed whether we constrain the intercept and slope to be equal or not. Moreover, the visual difference in the graph is not dramatic. We could also put other constraints on the two solutions such as equal variances and covariances, and even equal residual error variances, but we will not. Section 8: An Alternative to Multiple Group Analysis 8.1 Model and figure An alternative way of doing this, where there are two groups, is to enter the grouping variable as a predictor. This requires re-conceptualizing our model. We can think of the indicator variable Male having a direct path to both the intercept and the slope. Because the indicator variable is coded as 1 for male and 0 for female, If the path from Male to the Intercept is positive this means that boys have a higher initial level on BMI. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 37 Similarly, if there is a positive path from Male to the Slope, this indicates that boys have a steeper slope than girls on BMI. This direct effect actually represents an interaction between the trajectory and gender. Such results would be consistent with our expectation that boys both start higher and gain more fat than girls during adolescence. This approach does not let us test for other types of invariances such as the residual variances, covariances, and error terms. a. We are forcing these to be the same for both females and males; this may be unreasonable. b. The random effect for the slope for boys, Rs, may be greater or less than it is for girls. We will not be able to evaluate this possibility with this approach. The following figure shows these two paths. We are explaining why some people have a higher or lower initial level and why some have a steeper or flatter slope by whether they are a girl or a boy. We are predicting that boys have a higher initial level and a steeper slope. Here is the figure: Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 38 8.2 Mplus program and output Here is the program: Title: bmi_gender_alternatives.inp bmi growth curve using gender as a single covariate. This is an alternative to using gender as two groups. Data: File is "c:\Mplus examples\bmi_stata.dat" ; Variable: Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 white black Hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; Usevariables are male bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Model: i s | bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; i on male; s on male; Output: Sampstat Mod(3.84) standardized; Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); Here is selected, annotated output: SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 1771 TESTS OF MODEL FIT Chi-Square Test of Model Fit We cannot compare this chi-square to the two group chi-square because it is not a nested model. Value 301.244 Degrees of Freedom 28 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 39 P-Value 0.0000 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 11544.530 Degrees of Freedom 28 P-Value 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI 0.976 TLI 0.976 Loglikelihood H0 Value -29020.154 H1 Value -28869.532 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 14 Akaike (AIC) 58068.308 Bayesian (BIC) 58145.018 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 58100.541 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.074 90 Percent C.I. 0.067 0.082 Probability RMSEA <= .05 0.000 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.046 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value I ON MALE 0.242 0.199 1.216 0.224 S ON MALE 0.086 0.034 2.524 0.012 Boys and girls do not differ significantly at age 12 (intercept), although boys are .242 higher on BMI than girls in this linear model. However, gender and trajectory do interact with boys rate of growth being .086 higher than it is for girls. S WITH I 0.403 0.073 5.500 0.000 When there is a covariate, the mean intercept and slope appear under the intercepts heading. Intercepts BMI97 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 40 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 I S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.911 0.656 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.144 0.025 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 145.653 26.553 We cannot estimate different random effects the intercept or slope using this approach. Residual Variances BMI97 5.731 0.268 BMI98 3.266 0.164 BMI99 3.223 0.146 BMI00 4.354 0.185 BMI01 2.834 0.149 BMI02 9.409 0.398 BMI03 8.626 0.424 I 15.045 0.597 S 0.253 0.018 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 999.000 0.000 0.000 for boys and girls on 21.423 19.905 22.018 23.534 18.972 23.624 20.360 25.198 14.175 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 R-SQUARE Observed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. Two-Tailed P-Value BMI97 0.724 0.012 59.339 0.000 BMI98 0.832 0.009 93.431 0.000 BMI99 0.846 0.008 110.551 0.000 BMI00 0.820 0.008 99.975 0.000 BMI01 0.888 0.006 138.194 0.000 BMI02 0.731 0.011 65.511 0.000 BMI03 0.772 0.011 70.133 0.000 You can see why we rarely report the R-square for the intercept and slope. Latent Two-Tailed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 41 I S 0.001 0.007 0.002 0.006 0.608 1.266 0.543 0.206 8.3 Graphic representation We see that the intercept is 20.385 and the slope is .625. How is gender related to this? For girls the equation is: Est. BMI = 20.911 + .656(Time) + .242(Male) + .086(Male)(Time) 20.911 + .656(Time) + .242(0) + .086(0)(Time) = 20.911 + .656(Time) For boys the equation is: Est BMI = 20.911 + .656(Time) + .242(1) + .086(1)(Time) = (20.911 + .242) + (.625 + .086)(Time) = 21.153 + .711(Time) Where Time is coded as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Using these we estimate the BMI for girls is initially 20.911. By the seventh year when she is 18(Time = 6) her estimated BMI will be 20.385 + .656(6) or 24.847 Using these results, we estimate the BMI for boys is initially 21.153. By the seventh year it will be 21.153 + .711(6) or 25.419. Since a BMI of 25 is considered overweight, by the age of 18 we estimate the average boy will be classified as overweight and the average girl is not far behind! We could use the plots provided by Mplus, but if we wanted a nicer looking plot we could use another program. I used Stata getting this graph. The Stata command is (this is driven by a drop down menu) twoway (connected Girls Age, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash) /// lwidth(medthick)) (connected Boys Age, lcolor(black) /// lpattern(solid) lwidth(medthick)), /// ytitle(Body Mass Index) xtitle(Age of Adolescent) /// caption(NLSY97 Data) and the data is Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 42 +-----------------------+ | Age Girls Boys | |-----------------------| 1. | 12 20.911 21.153 | 2. | 18 24.847 25.419 | +-----------------------+ Body Mass Index for Adolescents Comparison of Girls and Boys Limitations of this approach When we treat a categorical variable as a grouping variable and do multiple comparisons we can test the equality of all the parameters. When we treat it as a predictor as in this example, we only test whether the intercept and slope are different for the two groups (interaction). In this example we do not allow the other parameters to be different for boys and girls and this might be a problem in some applications. Section 9: Growth Curves with Time Invariant Covariates An extension of having a single categorical predictor includes having a series of covariates that explain variance in the intercept and slope. In this example we use what are known as time Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 43 invariant covariates. These are covariates that either remain constant (gender) or for which you have a measure only at the start of the study. These are some times considered fixed effects since their value cannot change from one wave to another. It is possible to add time varying covariates as well. 9.1 A conditional latent trajectory model This has been called the Conditional Latent Trajectory Modeling (Curran & Hussong, 2003) because your initial level and trajectory (slope) are conditional on other variables. The covariates are moderators that moderate the initial level and trajectory. In this figure we have two covariates. One is whether the adolescent is white (coded 1) versus African American or Hispanic (coded 0). The other is a latent variable reflecting the level of emotional problems a youth has. There are two indicators of emotional problems, one from a parent report, boyprb_p, and the other from a youth report, boyprb_y. The emotional problems are problems as reported at age 12. A researcher may predict that Whites have a lower initial BMI (intercept) which persists during adolescence, but the White advantage does not increase (same slope as nonwhites). Alternatively, a researcher may predict that being White predicts a lower initial BMI (intercept) and less increase of the BMI (smaller slope) during adolescence. a. This suggests that minorities start with a disadvantage (high BMI) and b. This disadvantaged gets even greater across adolescence. A researcher may argue that emotional problems are associated with both higher initial BMI (intercept) and a more rapid increase in BMI over time (slope). By including a covariate that is a latent variable itself, emotional problems, we will show how these are handled by Mplus. We estimated this model for boys only; girls were excluded. 9.2 Mplus program and output The following is our Mplus program: Title: bmi_timea.inp bmi growth curve using race/ethnicity and emotional problems as a second covariate. There are two indicators Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 44 Data: Variable: Model: Output: of emotional problems. File is "c:\Mplus examples\bmi_stata.dat" ; Names are id grlprb_y boyprb_y grlprb_p boyprb_p male race_eth bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 white black hispanic asian other; Missing are all (-9999) ; Usevariables are boyprb_y boyprb_p white bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03 ; Useobservations = male eq 1 and asian ne 1 and other ne 1; i s q| bmi97@0 bmi98@1 bmi99@2 bmi00@3 bmi01@4 bmi02@5 bmi03@6; emot_prb by boyprb_p boyprb_y ; i on white emot_prb; s on white emot_prb; q on white emot_prb; Sampstat Mod(3.84) standardized; Plot: Type is Plot3; Series = bmi97 bmi98 bmi99 bmi00 bmi01 bmi02 bmi03(*); I have highlighted the new lines in the Mplus program. The format of the Useobservations subcommand is similar to if or select used with other programs. The Useobservations = male eq 1 and asian ne 1 and other ne 1; restricts our sample to males (male eq 1). This is very handy when using the same dataset for a variety of models where you want some models to only include selected participants. We have dropped Asians and members of the “other” category. There are relatively few of them in this sample dataset and they may have very different BMI trajectories. Also, the meaning of the category “other” is ambiguous. I added a quadratic term in the Model: command. I first estimated this model using just a linear slope and the fit was not very good (results not shown here). Adding the quadratic improved the fit. This example has a measurement model for a latent covariate, emot_prb. In other programs this can involve complicated programming. Here it is done with the single line. (You usually would like to have 3 and preferably 4 indicators of a latent variable.) emot_prb by boyprb_p boyprb_y ; The by is a key word in Mplus for creating latent variables used in Confirmatory Factor Analysis and SEM. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 45 On the right of the by are two observed variables. The boyprb_p is the report of parents about the adolescent’s emotional problems. The boyprb_y is the youths own report. It is desirable to have three or more indicators of a latent variable, but we only have two here so that will have to do. To the left of the by is the name we give to the latent variable, emot_prb. This new latent variable did not appear in the list of variables we are using, but it is defined here. The “by” term o fixes the first variable to the right as a reference indicator, boyprb_p, and assigns a loading of 1 to it. o It lets the loading of the second variable, boyprb_y, be estimated. It also creates error/residual variances that are labeled e1 and e2 in the figure. o The default is that these errors are uncorrelated. o It is good practice to have the strongest indicator on the right of the “by” be the reference indicator with a loading fixed at 1.0. You can run the model and if this does not happen, you can re-run it, reversing the order of the items on the right of the “by.” The next three new lines, o o o o i on white emot_prb; s on white emot_prb; and q on white emot_prb; Define the relationship between the covariates and the intercept and slope. These represent interactions of each covariate with the intercept and slope. o These are the 1wi in the equation for HLM users. o Mplus uses the on command to signify that a variable depends on another variable in the structural part of the model. The by command is the key to understanding how Mplus sets up the measurement model and the on is the key to how Mplus sets up the structural model. There are many defaults. Mplus assumes there are residual variances and covariances for the intercept and slopes. It fixes the intercepts at zero. It assumes the intercept and slope variances are correlated. Here is selected results: Mplus VERSION 5.1 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 07/01/2008 8:01 PM Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 46 TESTS OF MODEL FIT Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 88.824 Degrees of Freedom 34 P-Value 0.0000 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 5975.020 Degrees of Freedom 45 P-Value 0.0000 CFI/TLI CFI 0.991 TLI 0.988 Loglikelihood H0 Value -17221.918 H1 Value -17177.507 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 29 Akaike (AIC) 34501.837 Bayesian (BIC) 34640.190 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 34548.093 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.043 90 Percent C.I. 0.032 0.054 Probability RMSEA <= .05 0.845 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.031 MODEL RESULTS Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. Two-Tailed P-Value Measurement of latent variable. EMOT_PRB BY BOYPRB_P 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BOYPRB_Y 0.575 0.171 3.374 0.001 Emotional problems does not have a significant effect on the initial level at age 12, but significantly increases the slope. Significant negative effect on quadratic is a bit confusing. I ON EMOT_PRB 0.300 0.168 1.793 0.073 S ON EMOT_PRB 0.212 0.089 2.370 0.018 Q ON Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 47 EMOT_PRB -0.037 0.015 -2.462 0.014 Whites have a significant advantage initially (intercept), but there is not a significant compounding of this over time since White does not significantly influence the slope or quadratic. I ON WHITE -1.030 0.292 -3.529 0.000 S ON WHITE 0.130 0.138 0.941 0.346 Q ON WHITE -0.030 0.023 -1.293 0.196 S WITH I 0.701 0.329 2.128 0.033 Q WITH I -0.101 0.053 -1.922 0.055 S -0.174 0.034 -5.081 0.000 WHITE WITH EMOT_PRB -0.111 0.028 -4.013 0.000 Intercepts BOYPRB_Y 2.108 0.052 40.712 0.000 BOYPRB_P 1.893 0.058 32.668 0.000 BMI97 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI98 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI99 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI00 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI01 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI02 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 BMI03 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 I 21.279 0.210 101.495 0.000 S 1.171 0.100 11.719 0.000 Q -0.077 0.016 -4.649 0.000 The linear slope of 1.171 is huge when you project this over the six years. The quadratic slope being negative indicates that there is some leveling off in the increase in BMI. Variances EMOT_PRB 1.485 0.455 3.262 0.001 Residual Variances BOYPRB_Y BOYPRB_P BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 I 1.850 1.203 5.535 3.276 3.333 3.182 2.361 5.225 8.961 13.094 0.170 0.442 0.479 0.227 0.221 0.218 0.186 0.357 0.743 0.869 Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 10.875 2.722 11.564 14.402 15.067 14.586 12.670 14.654 12.057 15.070 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 48 S Q 1.291 0.030 0.215 0.006 6.007 5.092 S.E. Est./S.E. 0.000 0.000 STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Estimate EMOT_PRB BY BOYPRB_P BOYPRB_Y Notice the z-tests are unstandardized test is I ON EMOT_PRB S Q Two-Tailed P-Value 0.743 0.111 6.708 0.000 0.458 0.073 6.308 0.000 slightly different. Most standard packages assume the the same. 0.099 0.052 1.909 0.056 ON EMOT_PRB 0.222 0.080 2.775 0.006 ON EMOT_PRB -0.253 0.087 -2.918 0.004 -0.140 0.039 -3.558 0.000 0.056 0.059 0.942 0.346 -0.083 0.064 -1.293 0.196 0.170 0.090 1.891 0.059 -0.163 -0.891 0.094 0.021 -1.731 -42.268 0.083 0.000 -0.183 0.049 -3.748 0.000 I ON WHITE S ON WHITE Q ON WHITE S WITH I Q WITH I S WHITE WITH EMOT_PRB Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 49 Residual Variances BOYPRB_Y BOYPRB_P BMI97 BMI98 BMI99 BMI00 BMI01 BMI02 BMI03 I S Q 0.790 0.448 0.290 0.171 0.151 0.132 0.096 0.185 0.269 0.966 0.952 0.937 0.067 0.165 0.025 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.008 0.013 0.022 0.016 0.034 0.043 11.864 2.717 11.460 13.889 13.794 13.364 11.571 14.176 12.260 62.173 27.829 22.016 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Unfortunately, we cannot get graphs when we have covariates. You could create these yourself by substituting fix values for race and emotional problems. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 50 Section 10: Meditation & Moderation Sometimes all of the covariates are time invariant or at least measured at just the start of the study. Curran and Hussong (2003) discuss a study of a latent growth curve on drinking problems with a covariate of parental drinking. Parental drinking influences both the initial level and the rate of growth of drinking problem behavior among adolescents. The question is whether some other variables might mediate this relationship Parental monitoring Peer influence Mplus allows us to estimate the direct and indirect effect of Parent Drinking on the Intercept and Slope. It also provides a test of significance for these effects. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 51 Section 11: Time Varying Covariates We have illustrated time invariant covariates that are measured at time 1. It is possible to extend this to include time varying covariates. Time varying covariates either are measured after the process has started or have a value that changes (hours of nutrition education, level of program fidelity). Although we will not show our output, we will illustrate the use of time varying covariates in a figure. In this figure the time varying covariates, a21 to a24 might be Hours of nutrition education completed between waves. Independent of the overall growth trajectory, η1, students who have several hours of nutrition education programming may have a decrease in their BMI Physical education curriculum. A physical activity program might lead to reduced BMI. Students who spend more time in this physical activity program might have a lower BMI independent of the overall growth trend. Hours in physical education courses will vary from year to year. This would be a good way to incorporate fidelity into a program evaluation. This figure is borrowed from Muthén where he is examining growth in math performance over 4 years. The w vector contains x variables are covariates that directly influence the intercept, η0, or slope, η1. The aij are number of math courses taken each year. yit a1it = repeated measures on the outcome (math achievement) = Time score (0, 1, 2, 3) as discussed previously a2it = Time varying covariates (# of math courses taken that year) w = Vector of x covariates that are time invariant and measured at or before the first yit In this example we might think of the yi variables being measures of conflict behavior where y1 is at age 17 and y4 is at age 25. We know there is a general decline in conflict behavior during this time interval. Therefore, the slope η1 is expected to be negative. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 52 Now suppose we also have a measure of alcohol abuse for each of the 4 waves (aij). We might hypothesize that during a year in which an adolescent has a high score on alcohol abuse (say number of days the person drinks 5 or more drinks in the last 30 days) that there will be an elevated level of conflict behavior that cannot be explained by the general decline (negative slope). The negative slope reflects the general decline in conflict behavior by young adults as the move from age 17 to age 25. The effect of aij on yi provides the additional explanation that those years when there is a lot of drinking; there will be an elevated level of conflict that does not fit the general decline. Section 12: Extensions and Suggested Readings If you want more, here are a few references b. Basic growth curve modeling a. Bollen, K. A., & Curran, P. J. (2006). Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. b. Curran, F. J., & Hussong, A. M. (2003). The Use of latent Trajectory Models in Psychopathology Research. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 112:526-544. This is a general introduction to growth curves that is accessible. c. Duncan, T. E., Duncan, S. C., & Strycker, L. A. (2006). An Introduction to Latent Variable Growth Curve Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications (2nd ed.). Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. The second edition of a classic text on growth curve modeling. d. Kaplan, D. (2000). Chapter 8: Latent Growth Curve Modeling. In D. Kaplan, Structural Equation Modeling: Foundations and Extensions (pp 149-170). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. This is a short overview. e. Wang, M. (2007). Profiling retirees in the retirement transition and adjustment process: Examining the longitudinal change patterns of retirees' psychological wellbeing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(2), 455-474. This is a nice example of presenting results showing some graphs and tables. c. Limited Outcome Variables: Binary and count variables Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 53 a. Muthén, B. (1996). Growth modeling with binary responses. In A. V. Eye & C. Clogg (Eds.) Categorical Variables in Developmental Research: Methods of analysis (pp 37-54). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. b. Long, J. S., & Freese, J. (2006). Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, 2nd ed. Stata Press ( This provides the most accessible and still rigorous treatment of how to use an interpret limited dependent variables. c. Rabe-Hesketh, S., & Skrondal, A. (2005). Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata. Stata Press ( This discusses a free set of commands that can be added to Stata that will do most of what Mplus can do and some things Mplus cannot do. It is hard to use and very slow. d. Growth mixture modeling a. Muthén, B., & Muthén, L. K. (2000). Integrating person-centered and variablecentered analysis: Growth mixture modeling with latent trajectory classes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 24:882-891. This is an excellent and accessible conceptual introduction. b. Muthén, B. (2001). Latent variable mixture modeling. In G. Marcoulides, & R. Schumacker (Eds.) New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling (pp. 1-34). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. c. Muthén, B., Brown, C. H., Booil, J., Khoo, S. Yang, C. Wang, C., Kellam, S., Carlin, J., & Liao, J. (2002). General growth mixture modeling for randomized preventive interventions. Biostatistics, 3:459-475 d. Muthén, B. Latent Variable analysis: Growth Mixture Modeling and Related Techniques for Longitudinal Data. (2004) In D. Kaplan (ed.), Handbook of quantitative methodology for the social sciences (pp. 345-368). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications e. Muthén, B., Brown, C. H., Booil Jo, K, M., Khoo, S., Yang, C. Wang, C., Kellam, S., Carlin, J., Liao, J. (2002). General growth mixture modeling for randomized preventive interventions. Biostatistics. 3,4, pp. 459-475. e. The web page for Mplus, , maintains a current set of references, many as PDF files. These are organized by topic and some include data and the Mplus program. Growth Curve and Related Models, Alan C. Acock 54