>三十分钟作业高三英语Unit 8

<<陈老师课堂>>三十分钟作业 高三英语 Unit 8
一. Read the text again carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What was the boy looking for and what was the problem?
2. What was the boy determined to do?
3. How did the bookseller and the writer each offer to help the boy?
二. Put the following into English or Chinese:
1. 我到处寻找我的眼镜。
2. 要求旅客出示车票。
3. 我非常需要你的建议。
4. 杰克和凯特实际上已经是夫妻了。
5. In case of robbery, ring 110; and in case of fire ring 119.
6. 无论如何你必须在放学前完成作文。
7. 中学生绝对不允许吸烟。
8. 你要是再长胖就要把衣服撑破了。
9. 她的朋友都羡慕她的好运气。
10. 他的新汽车是他所有朋友羡慕的东西。
三. Correct the mistake in each line if there is any:
( 1 )
Two woman passengers on a train were quarrelling .1.
At last one of them sent to the conductor. She
said, “If this window open, I will catch cold.
And maybe I’ll die. ” The another woman said, “But
if this window is shut, I will feel difficulty in
breathing. I will die.” The conductor didn’t know how
to do. A man was listening to all the time. He said
he had a good idea. “First open the window. That
will kill her,” he said. “Next shut it. That will
kill the other. Then we can have peace, can’t we?”
( 2 )
Young George has no wife, and he has a dog, and a
car, too. He enjoys play tennis. Last Monday he played
tennis for a hour at his club, and then he ran out and
jumped into “his”car. His dog came after him. However, 4.
it didn’t jumped into the same car but into the next one.
He called for the dog to come but remained in that car.
George put his keys into the lock of the car, but
couldn’t turn it. Then he looked at the car, and remembered 8.
he was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right! He 9
laughed at himself and jumped with his dog in his own car. 10.
Key to Lesson 30
Read the text again carefully and answer the following questions:
1. The boy wanted to buy a geography book, but he only had 62 cents and the
book cost one dollar.
2. He was determined to visit every bookstore in town to see if he could get
what he wanted.
3. The bookseller offered the boy the chance to buy the new book and pay him
the rest of the money later. He also offered him a secondhand book for 50
cents. He gave the boy a new pencil and some writing paper. The writer gave
the boy two dollars to buy some books.
二. Put the following into English or Chinese:
1. I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.
2. Passengers are requested to show their tickets.
3. I am badly in need of your advice.
4. Jack and Kate are as good as husband and wife.
5. 发生抢窃,就拨打 110;发生火灾就拨打 119。
6. You should finish your composition before school is over in any case.
7. In no case shall we allow the middle school students to smoke.
8. If you get much fatter, you’ll burst your clothes.
9. All her friends envied her for her good luck.
10. His new car is the envy of all his friends.
三. Correct the mistake in each line if there is any:
( 1 )
1. woman  women
2. to  for 3. open 前面 + is
4. another
 other 5. difficulty  difficult
6. how  what 7. 去掉 listening
后面的 to 8. had 后面 + a 9. her  one
10. correct
( 2 )
1. and  but
2. play  playing
3. a  an
4. correct
5. jumped  jump
6. but 后面 + it
7. keys  key
8. remembered  realized
9. right 后面 + one
10. 去掉 with