TECHNICAL PROGRAMME - Directorate of Rice Research

Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
All-India Coordinated Soil Science Trials
Trial No-1: Long term soil fertility management in rice based
cropping systems (RBCS) (Kharif and Rabi)
Treatments: 15
T1 –
T2 –
T3a –
T3b T4 –
T5a –
T5b –
T6 –
T7 –
T8 –
T9 –
T10 –
T11 –
T12 –
T13 –
Control –1, No fertiliser or manure
100% PK
100% N
STCR recommended dose for target yield.
100% NPK + Zn +S
100% NPK+Zn+S+FYM/Poultry manure @ 5 t/ha (FYM/PM to be applied
in both kharif and rabi seasons)
100% NPK minus Zn
100% NPK minus S
100% N + 50% P + 50%K
50% NPK
50% NPK + 50% GM – N (GM – N to be applied in both seasons) _
50% NPK + 50% FYM – N (FYM – N to be applied in both seasons)
50% NPK + 25% GM-N + 25% FYM - N (GM and FYM – N to be applied
in both seasons)
FYM @ 10 t/ha (In both kharif and rabi season).
At Mandya: Azospirillum is included additionally in INM and FYM
treatments (T10, T11, T12, T13)
Design: RBD; Replications: 4; Gross plot size: 100 m2 surrounded by 1-2 m
wide buffer zone. Spacing: 20 x 10 cm (for rice) and for other crops as per
Water management: Continuous submergence up to 5-8 cm depth for rice and
for other crops irrigation to be provided as per recommendations.
Experimental details:
1. NPK levels: The recommended levels of NPK for the respective zone,
crop and season have to be applied. The levels of NPK applied should
be reported for each crop/season.
2. Apply ZnSO4 @ 40 kg/ha once either in Kharif or Rabi season
depending on the local recommendations, uniformly to all the plots
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
except in treatments 6 and 7. In treatment No.6 Zn should not be
applied while in treatment No.7 Zn is applied by dipping seedlings
in 2.0% ZnO2 suspension before transplanting rice.
3. Treatment No.5: One half of the plot should be continued as per the old
treatment. In the second half impose additionally FYM/poultry manure
@ 5 t/ha. The nutrient composition (NPK) of the FYM/poultry
manure applied should be furnished.
4. In treatment No.7 phosphorus is applied through triple super phosphate
(TSP) or Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) instead of Single Super
Phosphate (SSP) to avoid application of S. In all other treatments P is
supplied through SSP. This has to be followed for both the seasons
5. Treatment No. 3: One half of treatment 3 should be continued as per
the old treatment. In the second half impose soil test based fertilizer
recommendation for a yield target of kharif and rabi crops as per the
location. Analyse the soil in trt. No. 3 for available N, P 2O5, K2O and
apply STCR fertilizer recommendation. Target yield should be the one
that is realisable at the location recorded in the STCR experiments or in
progressive farmers’ fields. Report the STCR recommended dose and
target yield fixed.
6. N and K, wherever necessary are applied through urea and muriate of
potash (MOP). However, in treatment No.7, where DAP is the source of
P, the N applied through DAP should be accounted for the total N dose.
7. For treatments 10 and 12, 8 week old Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) or
leaves of Glyricidia sp. plants or any other green manure crop suitable to
the location should be used in both the seasons (kharif and rabi) to
supply the required amount of N. The quantity of green manure
(fresh) incorporated and N content on ODB per hectare basis
should be reported.
8. For the treatments 11 and 13, locally available, well-decomposed
farmyard manure (FYM) should be applied. Analyse for C, N, P2O5,
K2O contents in the manure used and report the data on moisture
and nutrient contents.
9. Before applying GM or FYM in both seasons (kharif and rabi), calculate
quantity to be applied based on the N content and moisture percentage
of the manures. Report the quantity of FYM applied. Raise the green
manure in situ wherever possible.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
10. All plant protection measures and other management practices must be
followed as per recommendations.
Soil and Plant Sampling and Analysis:
At the end of each cropping season (at the harvest) about 1 kg of
composite soil sample (0 – 15 and 15 – 30 cm depth) should be drawn
from each replicate and treatment, processed and preserved for
Grain and straw samples at maturity should be collected, oven dried and
processed for analysis to estimate crop removal of nutrients.
Observations (after each crop) :
1. Grain and straw yields for Kharif and Rabi crops.
2. Incidence of pest/disease and other observations on crop performance
treatment wise.
3. Replicate-wise concentration of nutrients in grain and straw at harvest
viz., N, P2O5, K2O, S and Zn.
4. Moisture and nutrient (N, P2O5, K2O) content of organic manures applied
on ODB.
5. Replication wise soil analysis for available N, P2O5, K2O, S, Zn and org.
6. Bulk density of the soil is to be measured for evaluating changes in soil
physical conditions.
7. Microbial biomass carbon and dehydrogenase enzyme activity after
harvest of kharif rice (Procedure enclosed)*
Locations (4): Faizabad, (Rice –wheat), Mandya (Rice-cowpea) Maruteru
(Rice-Rice), Titabar (Rice- Rice)
Fumigation and extraction method for measuring soil microbial biomass:
Chloroform has been used as fumigant for measuring biomass because it is an
effective biocide, and does not solubilize non-microbial soil organic matter or
render it decomposable. The increase in extractable organic C following
fumigation of soil has been used to estimate the amounts of C held in the soil
microbial biomass.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Weigh 20 g (dry weight) of moist sieved soil in duplicate.
Put weighed soil samples in glass beakers.
Fumigate one set with ethanol free CHCl3*, and leave the other set nonfumigated.
For fumigating soil samples, place the beakers with soil in a large
vacuum desiccator that is lined with moist filter paper.
A beaker containing 50 ml of alcohol-free CHCl3, and anti-bumping
granules also is placed in the desiccator.
The desiccator is then evacuated with the help of vacuum pump till the
CHCl3 starts boiling. Allow the CHCl3 to boil for 1 – 2 min and then seal
the desiccator and incubate the samples under CHCl3 vapour for 18 to
24 h at 25oC.
Then break the vacuum in the desiccator slowly, open it, and remove the
moist paper and CHCl3 vapours by repeated evacuations.
Non-fumigated control soil samples are also kept in a desiccator lined
with moist paper for 18 to 24 h at 25oC.
After fumigation, extract the soils with 0.5M K2SO4 (1:4 soil : solution
ratio) for 1 h.
Filter the extracts through Whatman no. 1 filter paper and store the
extracts at 4 -5oC till further assay.
An aliquot of the K2SO4 soil extract is used for measuring organic C in
the extracts.
Microbial biomass C (mg C/kg dw of soil) = (C content in extracts of
fumigated soil - C content in extracts of non
fumigated soil) / 0.411 (Kc)
Spectrophotometric method
Pipette out 5 ml portions of the extract into digestion tubes, add 5 ml of 0.07 N
K2Cr2O7, add 10 ml of 98% K2SO4, add 5 ml of 88% H3PO4 and mix well. Use
0.5 M K2SO4 as blank. Boil samples in a digestion block for 30 minutes at
1500C. Cool samples before reading absorbance at 440 nm. Standard: 1000
mg/l carbon in sucrose (0.2377g sucrose in 100 ml of 0.5 M K 2SO4. Working
standards: 0, 20, 40 60, 80, 100 and 150 mg/l carbon (dilute 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 10
and 15 ml of stock to 100 ml with 0.5 M K2SO4) Purify by shaking (3x) 5 ml
chloroform with 5 ml of 5% H2SO4 and then wash 3x with distilled water and dry
over K2CO3.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Estimation of Dehydrogenase enzyme activity in soil (Casida et
al., 1964)
Reagents: 1). Calcium carbonate (CaCo3), reagents grade. 2). 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chlorides (TTC), 3%: Dissolve 3g of TTC in about 80 ml of water,
and adjust the volume to 100 ml with water. 3). Methanol, analytical reagent
grade. 4). Triphenyl foirmazan (TPF) standard solution: Dissolve 100 mg of
TPF in about 80 ml of methanol, and adjust the volume to 100 ml with
methanol. Mix thoroughly.
Thoroughly mix 20 g of air-dried soil (<2mm) and 0.2 g of CaCO3, and
place 6 g of this mixture in each of this mixture in each of three test tubes. To
each tube add 1 ml of 3% aqueous solution of TTC and 2.5 ml of distilled water.
This amount of liquid should be sufficient that a small amount of free liquid
appears at the surface of the soil after mixing. Mix the contents of each tube
with a glass rod, and stopper the tube and incubate it a 37 0 c. After 24 h,
remove the stopper, add 10 ml of methanol, and stopper the tube and shake it
for 1 min. Unstooper the tube, and filter the
suspension through a glass
funnel plugged with absorbent cotton, into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Wash the
tube with methanol and quantitatively transfer the soil to the funnel, then add
additional, methanol (in 10-ml portions) to the funnel, until the reddish colour
has disappeared from the cotton plug. Dilute the filtrate to a 100 ml volume with
methanol. Measure the intensity of the reddish colour by using a
spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 485 nm and a 1-cm cuvette with
methanol as a blank. Calculate the amount of TPF produced by reference to a
calibration graph prepared from TPF standards. To prepare this graph, dilute
10 ml of TPF standard solution to 100 ml with methanol (100 mg of TPF ml-1),
make up the volumes with methanol, and mix thoroughly. Measure the intensity
of the red colour of TPF as described for the samples. Plot the absorbance
readings against the amount of TPF in the 100 ml standard solutions.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No. 2: (a) Rice productivity in relation to internal supply
capacity of nutrients in farmers’ fields
(Frontline demonstrations under shallow
lowland/irrigated ecosystem).
2: (b) Validation of fertilizer prescriptions of earlier
 To evaluate variability in soil supply capacity of nutrients in farmers’
fields and its relationship to rice productivity at current fertilizer
management levels.
To validate the estimated fertilizer recommendations for specific yield
targets of the test variety in some selected farm sites in comparison with
existing recommendations and farmers’ practice.
Locations: Farmers’ fields or Frontline demonstrations organised around
Ghagraghat, Mandya, Raipur and Titabar.
(a)Treatments: (To be established in selected on-farm frontline
demonstrations, FLD) or any selected farmers’ fields of specific rice
100% Recommended level of P and K (-N)
100% Recommended level of N and K (-P)
100% Recommended level of N and P (-K)
Recommended fertilizer package under FLD
FFP (Farmers’ fertilizer practice)
Plot area:
(a) About 15m2 for each treatment (unreplicated);
(b) For validation: 40 -50 m2
Variety: Popular high yielding variety in the demonstration or farmeres’ choice.
(b) Validation: The fertiliser prescriptions worked out in kharif 2007 and /or
2006 for specific target yields of the test variety should be validated in kharif
2008 in few selected sites in the farmers’ fields around Titabar, Ghagraghat
and Raipur
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Experimental details:
1. Select about 20 farm holdings in irrigated or shallow lowland rice ecosystem.
2. Collect bulk/composite soil sample (0-15 cm) from each of the selected
farm holdings before land preparation and analyse for all physico
chemical characters on air dried, processed soil. Send about 500 g of
the soil sample to DRR at the earliest for further detailed analysis.
3. Tillage and land preparation for crop establishment must be commonly
followed by the farmer.
4. Establish all treatment plots each of 15 m 2 approximately in each
selected farm holding of FLD by bunding before the farmers apply basal
dose fertilizers. Do not apply organic manures/green manures in
treatment nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
5. Fertilizer nutrients in treatments 1,2 and 3 at 100% of recommended
level specific for the location/crop/season must be applied under
researchers’ supervision. In treatment no. 4, 100% recommended dose
for FLD must be applied. Nitrogen in all the treatments (except treatment
5) must be applied in split doses of 2 or 3 and P & K as basal dose as
per local recommendation. Report nutrient levels applied in all
6. In treatment no.5 (Farmers’ fertilizer practice, FFP) all the soil and
crop management operations must be done by the farmer without any
guidance by the researcher. However, all the information about FFP
must be recorded by the scientist during their field visits and
reported. A field book may be provided to the farmer for this purpose.
7. At physiological maturity of the crop record grain and straw yields and
yield components from each plot/farm holding/FLD and analyse for N,
P2O5, K2O content in grain and straw samples. Report all yield and
analytical data clearly mentioning net area harvested.
8. Collect post harvest soil samples (0-15 cm) from each plot and analyse
air-dried 2 mm sieved sample for available N, P2O5, K2O, PH and organic
carbon content.
9. At sites known for micronutrient deficiency blanket application of
micronutrients have to be given as per local recommendation to
treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
10. (a) For validation of fertilizer prescriptions worked out in 2007 or
2006 for specific yield targets and variety, select about 6-8 farm sites
from the earlier study and evaluate the estimated fertilizer prescriptions
in comparison with 1) farmers’ practice, and 2) current fertilizer
recommendation. Plot sizes should be at least 40-50 sq.m for each
treatment for better visibility.
10 (b) Record grain and straw yields, nutrient (N, P2O5, K2O) uptake in the
crop (grain and straw) in each treatment and initial soil test values for N,
P2O5, K2O which would be required for further refinement.
Methods of available nutrient analysis:
Available N :
Available P
Available K
Organic C
Alkaline permanganate distillation (Subbaiah and Asija),
Waring and Bremner (Incubation method)
Olsens P 0.5 N NaHCO3 extractable, Bray 1,
1 N neutral Ammonium acetate extractable K,
1:2 soil and water
Walkley and Black method.
Report all soil available and plant content of phosphorus and potassium
as kg P2O5 or K2O/ha and % P2O5 and % K2O.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Integrated management for
productivity in sodic soils
To optimise input use and monitor soil properties and rice
productivity through integrated use of amendments, critical
nutrient inputs and rice varieties in sodic soils.
Lay out ::
Fixed plot (undisturbed) layout.
Treatments: Main plots: Varieties (2): CSR 13 (Tolerant) and
2) NDR 359
Sub plots: (7)
No amendment (control)
50% Gypsum requirement (GR)
100% Gypsum requirement (GR)
50% GR + double the dose of Zn SO4 application initially followed by
normal recommendation.
50% GR + Green manuring @ 10 t/ha
50% GR + Green manuring @ 10 t/ha + double the dose of Zn SO 4
100% GR + Green manuring @ 10 t/ha.
Cropping system: Rice in kharif followed by any crop recommended/suitable
for the location in Rabi season to be grown with standard package of practices
and recommended fertilizer dose.
Plot size: At least 25 sq.m. (Undisturbed layout)
Spacing: Rice – 20 cm x 10 cm. For Rabi crop as per recommendation.
Water management: Frequent irrigation to shallow submergence for wetland
rice and for Rabi crop irrigation to be provided as per recommendation.
Drainage facility should be provided for gypsum treated plots
Replications: Minimum (4) preferably 5 or 6
Design: Split plot
Experimental details:
1. Bulk soil sample (0-15 cm depth) representing the experimental area
collected before imposition of treatments during 2003-04 should be
analysed for pH, OC, EC, ESP, Exch. Ca and Mg, SAR, available N, P,
K, Zn.
2. Plough the land dry without disturbing the layout and grow or collect
green manure (Daincha or Sunnhemp) lopping suitable to the location
separately for the treatments 5, 6, and 7 and incorporate @ 10 t/ha on
fresh weight basis two days before transplanting rice as per the
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
treatments. Preferably the GM lopping may be cut to pieces of 30 cm
length and incorporate. Puddle the soil block wise In treatment nos. 4
and 6 (with asterick mark), apply double the dose of ZnSO4
recommended for rice specific to location. Report the dose applied.
3. In treatment nos. 4 and 6 (with asterick mark) where double the dose
of ZnSO4 has been applied initially, only normal dose be applied for the
current season. Report the dose applied.
4. Apply N at 25% more than the recommended dose for the location and
crop through urea in 3 split doses (1/3: 1/3: 1/3). Report the fertilizer
5. All Basal application of N, P, K, Zn, S should be incorporated into the
soil up to 15 cm depth before transplanting rice.
6. Rabi crop (most popular /recommended for the location) has to be grown
following standard package of practices. Report the yield of grain or
pods, straw/shoot weight of Rabi crop.
7. Send 1 kg processed soil from 0 – 15 cm depth collected from the
experimental area (bulk) before applying any amendments or fertilizer to
Principal Scientist, Soil Science, DRR, Hyderabad.
1. Damage due to pest/disease incidence and nutritional disorders. The
crop has to be raised under protected conditions.
2. Grain and straw yield, yield parameters of rice kharif and rabi crops.
3. Initial soil analysis for soil pH, OC, texture, CEC, ESP, EC, Soluble
Na, Ca, Mg, K, exchangeable Ca, Mg, Available N, P2O5, K2O, Zn and
S before amendments are applied.
4. Post harvest analysis of soil samples drawn plot wise/replicate
wise for pH, OC, ESP, EC, soluble Na, K, Ca, Mg and available
nutrients at the end of each season (kharif and Rabi) must be done.
5. Analyse plant samples (grain and straw) for N, P2O5, K2O, Zn, Na, K,
Ca, Mg and Zn drawn from each plot. A duplicate set of processed
samples (both grain and straw) may be sent to Principal Scientist,
Soil Science, DRR, Hyderabad 500 030. Report all data replicate
Locations: Kanpur (Daleepnagar farm)
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Gypsum requirement (t/ha) based on soil pH (1: 2) and texture.
Soil pH
(1:2 soil & water)
Soil Texture (0-15 cm)
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No. 4: Screening of rice germplasm and varieties for high
Zn and Fe accumulation.
Objective: To identify promising donors accumulating high Zn and Fe
contents in the seed (endosperm) for further use in bio fortification program.
Experimental details:
Select important location specific rice cultures/germplasm in consultation
with plant breeders.
The selected cultures should be grown along with the common set
of cultures sent from DRR in three replications in the field
(representing the major soil group of the region) up to harvest under
standard management practices recommended for the location. Report
the fertilizer doses and other plant protection measures taken up.
Do not apply Zn or Fe externally.
At physiological maturity harvest the crop, record total drymatter yield
(grain and straw) and process the grain/straw samples for Fe/Zn
Care should be taken to avoid contamination of grain/straw samples
from dust/metals, etc. Before analysis the grain samples should be
washed with tap water followed by 2% HCl, tap water, distilled
water (in sequence) for few minutes, dried with filter paper
immediately and oven dried in containers at 60 oC to uniform
Wherever facilities exists analyse contamination free grain, milled rice
(not polished) and straw samples for Fe and Zn besides whole
grain/straw for N, P2O5, and K2O contents. The AAS analysis of
grain/straw samples should be compared with colorimetric methods.
Record grain moisture at harvest.
Record milling recovery (without polishing) of each variety for reporting
loss of nutrients.
A duplicate set of grain (50 gm) and straw samples should be sent to
DRR, Hyderabad immediately.
Experimental design: RBD
Replications: 3
Spacing: 20 x 10 cm
Check varieties (common set of cultures):
IR 36
NDR 6279
NDR 359
MTU 1001
MTU 3626
Shalimar Rice-1
ADT 45
ADT 47
BR 2655
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Soil data – texture, pH, EC, available N, P2O5, K2O, Zn and Fe (DTPA
extractable) for proper interpretations.
Grain (14% moisture) and straw (OBD) yields of each variety/replication.
Grain moisture at harvest.
Milling (without polishing) recovery of each variety.
Concentration of Fe and Zn (ppm) and N, P2O5, K2O (%) in Grain and
Locations (12):
Aduthurai, Chinsurah, Faizabad, Kanpur, Karaikal,
Khudwani, Mandya,
Maruteru, Moncompu, Raipur,
Ranchi and Titabar.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No-5:
Nutrient and water requirement for aerobic rice
To assess relative efficiency of utilizing water and nutrients under
conventional and aerobic rice cultivation.
Experimental details:
Treatments :
Preferably undisturbed.
Main plot (3)
1. Transplanted rice (puddled soil), continuously flooded (5 cm).
2. Transplanted rice (puddled), Saturated soil culture.
3. Aerobic rice on dry ploughed soil (Non-puddled, irrigated, direct sown,
water input up to saturation).
N levels – 0, 60, 120, 180 kg N/ha
P levels – 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg P2O5 /ha
K levels – 0, 40, 80, 120 kg K2O /ha
(0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)
(0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)
(0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)
Cropping system: Rice in kharif followed by any other recommended/suitable
crop for the location in rabi season to be grown with standard package of
practices and fertilizer dose. If rabi rice is grown then the same set of
treatments as in kharif season should be followed without disturbing the layout
to generate information for rabi season.
Plot size:
25 sq.m (Preferably undisturbed layout)
Rice – 20 x 10 cm. For rabi crop as per recommendation for
each location.
Water management: As per treatments (water input to be quantified using Vnotch or partial flume).
Replications: 4
Split plot
Aduthurai, Kanpur, Karaikal
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Experimental details:
1. Identify a suitable plot with least interference of water seepage from
adjoining rice fields as irrigation water input needs to be quantified.
Wherever possible a buffer zone of 2 m extra area may be left alround.
Soil from the experimental area must be analyzed initially for texture,
bulk density, soil fractions, pH, OC, EC, CEC, available nutrients N, P,
K, Zn, S and soil moisture characteristics at saturation, field capacity and
wilting point.
2. After dry ploughing the field, 1/3rd of the area should be further
ploughed to fine tilth, properly leveled, and plots laid leaving buffer zone
all round the block to minimize water interference from the adjoining
blocks (for Aerobic rice cultivation). The rest 2/3rd area is made into
two blocks and puddled for transplanted rice. Sub plots are laid as per
the layout with provision for double irrigation channels. At the entry point
of the plot for irrigation provision should be made to install V-notch or
partial flume for quantifying water input.
3. Apply fertilizer as per the treatments. All P and Zn as basal dose, K in
two splits (½ : ½ ) and N in three equal split doses (1/3 : 1/3 : 1/3). Basal
dose of N should be applied at the time of transplanting and
incorporated into puddled soil, while for aerobic rice first dose of N may
be applied 10 – 12 days after crop establishment in most soil.
4. For aerobic rice cultivation dibble 2 – 3 seeds per hill in a wellprepared and leveled field maintaining same spacing as in
transplanted rice and irrigated. Ensure proper crop stand. Weed
control (recommended weedicide – pendimethalin @ 0.5 to 1.0 kg
a.i./ha and/or stale seed bed method using Glyphosate weedicie 10
– 12 days prior to sowing). On the same day of sowing aerobic rice,
nursery for transplanted rice has to be sown.
5. Quantify water applied at each irrigation schedule block-wise (by
measuring water head height (constant head) at V-notch point and time
required to irrigate to the required level for each block and record the
values as indicated below
Irrigation No.
(Transplanted flooded)
head (cm)
(Transplanted –
head (cm)
(Aerobic rice)
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Top dressing of N should be done at active tillering and PI stages of the
crop as per the treatment.
In case of occurrence of Fe deficiency in aerobic rice, the problem may
be corrected by suitable spray schedule (0.50% (NH4)2 Fe (SO4)2 in
All weed management practices are to be followed to keep the plots
weed free particularly in aerobic rice and transplanted (saturation) rice
Send 1 kg processed soil from 0 – 15 cm depth collected from the
experimental area before applying fertilizers to DRR, Hyderabad.
Damage due to pests/diseases/nutritional disorders. The crop has to be
raised under protected conditions.
Soil moisture before each irrigation from each block.
Irrigation water in put at entry point (V-notch) for each irrigation (Water
head height and period of flow) block-wise and number of irrigations.
Daily rainfall, pan evaporation and other weather parameters from the
Grain and straw yield, yield parameters.
Post-harvest soil nutrient status plot-wise.
Nutrient (N, P2O5 and K2O) content in grain and straw samples at
harvest from each plot, replicate-wise. A duplicate set of grain and straw
samples may be sent to DRR in case of non-availability of facility.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No-6: Management of crop residues in rice based
cropping systems
Objective: To evaluate microbial inoculants along with the other methods of
recycling crop residues in a medium term study
Treatments: For both kharif and rabi
1. Straw removed
2. Straw (5 t/ha) burnt and ash incorporated (ashing done inside the plot)
3. Straw (5 t/ha) incorporated 20 days before planting rice/or sowing nonrice crops
4. Straw (5 t/ha) incorporated 20 days before planting/or sowing non-rice
crop along with 25% N of RDF (as urea-N) applied at the time of
incorporation of straw
5. Straw incorporated @ 5 t/ha 20 days before planting / sowing non rice
crop along with GM (Green manure) applied @ 5 t/ha at incorporation
6. Straw incorporated @ 5 t/ha 20 days before planting after microbial
inoculation [microbial inoculum (4 fungal cultures in peat based
inoculum) mixed thoroughly with cow slurry spinkled over the residue
which has been initially wetted by spraying water and spread in the plot],
pre-treat for 7 – 10 days and then incorporate.
1) During the first season, residues / straw and GM (8 week old
Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) or leaves of Glyricidia sp. plants or
any other green manure crop suitable to the location obtained
from other fields/ sources) can be used after determining the
moisture and N content. From the next crop season the residues
obtained in situ will be used for the experiment. After
incorporation, the plots must be irrigated to maintain field capacity
moisture status.
2) All the plots should be supplied with uniform dose of NPK fertilizer
at the recommended levels specific to the location, season and
crop. The recommended fertilizer dose for each season applied
must be reported for quantification of nutrients.
3) In treatment 4, 25% N is applied as booster dose. Hence only the
balance 75% N is supplied the crop after transplanting/sowing.
4) In treatment 5, 5t/ ha GM is estimated to approximately supply
25 kgN/ha. Hence the balance of recommended fertilizer dose
should be applied to the main crop after transplanting or sowing.
Replications: 4
Plot size
: 20 sq m
: 20 x 10 cm ( for rice ) and for other crops in rabi as per
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Water management: Continuous submergence upto 5-8 cm depth for rice and
for other crops irrigation to be provided as per recommendations.
Fertilizer application: NPK levels: The recommended levels of NPK for the
respective zone, crop and season have to be applied. While reporting the data
the levels of NPK applied should be reported for each crop/season
Crop protection and management: All plant protection measures and other
management practices must be followed as per recommendations and
Observations to be recorded by the cooperators
1. Initial soil analysis of all parameters (EC, pH, OC%, soil N, P 2O5, K2O,
texture, % clay, silt & sand, CEC
2. N, P and K content in straw and green manure and their moisture
content in %
3. At physiological maturity record grain and straw yield
4. Also record tiller number/m2, panicle number /m2 and test weight
5. NPK uptake in grain and straw at harvest
6. Post harvest soil samples (0 -15 cm) to be analysed for OC(%),
available N, P2O5, K2O and pH.
7. Total microbial count in the soil at harvest in each treatment.
Locations (9): Allahabad, Aduthurai, Chinsurah, Faizabad, Ghaghraghat,
Kanpur, Karaikal, Maruteru and Raipur.
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No-7: Screening of rice genotypes for soil acidity and
related nutritional constraints
To evaluate location specific germplasm/genotypes for tolerance
to Fe toxicity and other soil acidity related nutrient constraints in
typical locations with soil pH less than 5.3.
The experiment should be laid out in 2 ecosystems
Rainfed uplands and b) Lowlands in a soil of pH less than 5.3
(Soil : water 1 : 2).
2. Two treatments should be imposed
i) Recommended NPK, and ii) Recommended NPK + Lime (As per LR)
Replications: 3
1. Soil available N, P2O5, K2O, Organic Carbon, Texture, CEC,
soil pH, Exch. Al, Fe, Reducible Fe
2. Recording of visual symptoms of Al, Fe toxicity during crop
3. Mortality % during crop growth
4. Days to 50% flowering
5. Chaffiness in grains
6. Grain and straw yield and N, P2O5, K2O, Al, Fe uptake in grain
and straw
Locations (2):
Ranchi and Titabar
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Trial No-8: Nutritional status of rice in farmers’ fields in
relation to productivity.
Objectives: To assess the nutritional status (N, P, K, Zn and S) and
productivity of applied nutrients under current farmers’
management practices in selected locations/ecosystems for
further refinement in fertilizer practices and improvement in crop
Study details:
1. Identify before the season starts about 40 – 50 farm holdings around
each location/district covering major rice ecosystems/soil types and
representing all strata of farmers and crop management levels.
2. Collect soil samples preferably before the season starts from each farm
field and process for analysis.
3. Record all package of practices followed by the farmer particularly with
regard to manures applied (quantity/ha), fertilizer practices, timing, and
plant protection measures followed by each farmer.
4. Collect information regarding the variety planted/sown, date of sowing
nursery, nursery management, date of planting, age of seedlings, 50%
flowering, harvest date and duration of the crop in each farmer field.
5. One of the popular varieties grown by the selected farmers should be
grown in the research farm imposing ( - N, - P, - K) (nutrient omission)
plots but applying other two nutrients at the recommended levels in three
6. At maximum tillering or panicle initiation stage collect few leaf samples
(3rd fully opened leaf from the top) randomly from each field to get about
25 g (on dry weight basis), oven dry at 60 – 70 0C and analyze for N,
P2O5, K2O, Zn and S content.
7. In each farm holding record grain and straw yields of the variety grown
from a representative sample area of at least 5 m 2.
8. Collect post harvest soil sample for recording important parameters (OC,
available N, P2O5, K2O).
Observations: (From each farm holding)
Farmers’ practice –manures applied, fertilizer dose/source applied
and their timing,
Variety grown, dates of sowing, transplanting, harvesting in each
farm holding,
Soilscience Technical Programme 2008-09
Grain (14% moisture) and straw yields (ODB) at maturity in 5m 2 area
from each holding,
Available nutrients (N, P2O5, K2O, Zn, S), OC, soil texture, pH of pre
and /or post harvest soil sample in each farm holding,
Record replicate-wise grain and straw yields, soil available nutrients
(N, P2O5, K2O), pH, OC and nutrient (N, P2O5 and K2O) content in
grain and straw in the nutrient omitted and recommended fertilizer
applied plots established at the research farm, and
Nutrient (N, P2O5 and K2O) content in grain and straw in each farm
Locations: (9) Allahabad, Faizabad, Ghaghraghat, Kanpur, Karaikal, Mandya,
Maruteru, Raipuur and Titabar.