FAMILY PLANNING UNMET NEED COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN. RADIO DRAMA PRE-TEST REPORT AT KASANA HEALTH CENTRE IV, LUWERO DISTRICT 28th JUNE 2011 Page | 1 Table of Contents Background: .................................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives of the pre-test exercise:.................................................................................................. 3 Pre-test Methodology: ..................................................................................................................... 3 Pre-test Findings: ............................................................................................................................. 4 Episode Two:................................................................................................................................... 4 Description of the Drama: ............................................................................................................... 4 Main Messages in the Episode: ....................................................................................................... 4 Target Audience: ............................................................................................................................. 5 Anything Unclear or Offensive in the Episode: .............................................................................. 5 Suggestions on How to Improve Episode Two: .............................................................................. 5 Call for Action: ................................................................................................................................ 6 Feelings of the Respondents during and after the Dramatic Readings: ........................................... 6 Episode Three: ................................................................................................................................. 7 Description of the Drama: ............................................................................................................... 7 Key Messages in the Episode: ......................................................................................................... 7 Target Audience: ............................................................................................................................. 7 Anything Unclear or Unclear in the Episode: ................................................................................. 7 Anything Offensive in the Episode: ................................................................................................ 7 Call to Action: ................................................................................................................................. 7 Feelings of the Respondents During and After the Dramatic Readings: ......................................... 8 Improvements Suggested for Episode Three:.................................................................................. 8 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................... 9 Page | 2 Background: Health Communication Partnership (HCP) is developing a 13-episode family planning radio drama series aimed at persuading men to discuss modern family planning with their partners as a means of having smaller, manageable families and to convince women who do not want to produce now to adopt modern family planning methods. The drama will be the centerpiece of a multi-channel national communication campaign and will be produced initially in English and 3 local languages for broadcast on a number of radio stations throughout Uganda. Materials Pre-tested: Of the 13 episodes that are being developed, episode 2 and 3 were pretested with respondents at Kasana Health Centre IV in Luwero District. Objectives of the pre-test exercise: The objectives of the pre-test were to; Find out if the respondents easily understood the radio drama series. Establish whether the respondents easily related with the drama. Establish whether there was anything unclear or offensive in the drama. Collect feedback about how convincing the drama was and suggestions on how best to improve it in regard to voicing, choice of words and tone. Pre-test Methodology: Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted in Luwero. The FGDs were made up of twelve respondents each with one having adult male respondents aged 30 – 40 years and adult female respondents aged 20 – 35 years in the other. The FGD respondents were identified by local mobilisers with the help of HCP partner staff working in the District. The FGDs were conducted by male and female graduate research assistants who were recruited from a pool normally used by HCP. They under went a half day training workshop where they were oriented to the Nurse Mildred campaign, the radio drama, tools to be used in the pre-test exercise as well as writing the pre-test report. Screening of potential respondents was done in order to select FGD respondents with the following characteristics: Living in rural areas or peri-urban areas. Themselves or their partners not using modern family planning methods. Fluent in English. Married women aged between 20 – 35 years. Married men aged between 30 – 40 years. Not peer-educators, health educators or local council officials. Before commencing with the group discussions, the research assistants also screened the mobilized FGD respondents for the above characteristics and those who did not qualify were not allowed to participate in the exercise. Page | 3 Pre-test Findings: This section highlights in detail the responses from 2 FGDs carried out in Luwero district following the order of questions on the FGD guide. Episode Two: Description of the Drama: All respondents observed that the drama was talking about the effects of a large population in Bukulu village. The effects mentioned include fighting, arguments, land scarcity, environmental degradation among other problems. “Natural resources are scarce thereby forcing people to cut down trees and pollute the water sources” (Female Respondent). Male respondents added that the drama was demonstrating how non use of family planning methods was leading to competition for resources hence worsening the poverty and unemployment situation. “People were ignorant about the benefits of family planning which led to increased pressure on land’’ (Female respondent) One male respondent also observed that land inheritance was becoming a problem since brothers almost fought each other coupled with quarrels with squatters. Main Messages in the Episode: Male respondents stressed the main message in the drama as the need for people to use family planning methods in order to reduce high population growth rates. “If we do not plan now, we are likely to face a problem in the future of competing for scarce resources because population while grow rapidly whereas resources are fixed’’ (Male Respondent) Female respondents said that the main message was about the effects of overpopulation including land conflicts. Matia was worried about the many squatters on his father’s family land especially Blazio who had many children. “Matia was worried about the many squatters because they were going to take over his father‘s land.” (Female Respondent) The likelihood of communicable diseases due to high population and taking unclean water was highlighted as the main message in the episode. Respondents also noted that the episode emphasizes the fact that people still have a negative attitude towards family planning thus the need to design programs aimed at them. Page | 4 Target Audience: The drama is meant for rural people since most of the effects of overpopulation including environmental degradation and land conflicts are more prevalent in rural areas. “Matia and his people live in Bukulu village which comes across as a rural setting with majority of the residents living as squatters” (Female Respondent) The low levels of information about family planning also indicate that the drama is meant for rural audiences. Nurse Mildred tries to explain to residents of Bukuli village the need to adapt modern family planning methods. “One of the characters in the drama asks Nurse Mildred about the meaning of family planning clearly showing that he is ignorant about it” (Male Respondent) The drama is also meant for men in rural areas because they are mostly the decision makers in families. It helps them realize the dangers of producing many children and the need to work hard in order to sustain such big families. “Denis had to listen to Nurse Mildred since he was not employed and struggling with a large family” (Female respondent) However male respondents noted that the radio drama targets everyone regardless of where they stay or live, those in reproductive age or have large families. “It targets both women and men since some women believe that the only way to show how much you love their husbands is to produce as many children as they (husbands) want” (Male Respondent) Anything Unclear or Offensive in the Episode: All male and female respondents said that the radio drama was clear and not offensive. However, two male respondents were uncomfortable with the use of “We go ...we go” slogan saying that they may be used by rioters thereby inciting violence. Suggestions on How to Improve Episode Two: Male respondents observed that the drama should not only have scenes in the rural areas because urban areas are affected as well. “Effects of overpopulation do not only affect rural areas but currently in urban centres residents are encroaching on swamps. There`s need to also focus on them (Male respondent) Male respondents also suggested that before the policeman comes in to separate Matia and Blazio who are fighting, Local Council officials should intervene first because their role is to mediate conflicts before they end up at the police. Other suggestions were to produce the drama in different languages and to shoot videos since they tend to be appreciated more than audio messages. Page | 5 Call for Action: All male respondents agreed that the drama calls upon them to use modern family planning methods. Female respondents said that the drama calls upon listeners to plan for their families in order to avoid some of the consequences of overpopulation that are highlighted e.g. land conflicts and environmental degradation. The need for non violent conflict resolution is highlighted. “It is better to report grievances to authorities like Local Council officials and the Police instead of fighting” (Male Respondent) The respondents further said that the drama calls upon them to accept that life is not only in towns but also in villages just like Nurse Mildred and Dennis shifted to Bukulu village from town. The drama also emphasizes the need for men to respect and listen to women because the latter can be able to contribute positively to the welfare of the family and community. Is the message in the drama convincing enough for you to act upon it? All respondents mentioned that the message in the drama was convincing enough to take action because the scenes in the episode depict challenges that families and communities experience on a regular basis partly because of not using modern methods of family planning. Female respondents however observed that the types of modern family planning were not mentioned whereas their male counterparts said that nurse Mildred does not refer her village mates to where they can seek family planning services. Feelings of the Respondents during and after the Dramatic Readings: The dramatic readings generated different emotions ranging from worry, happiness and sadness. Female respondents mentioned that they enjoyed the drama though it was sad that Blazio had many children and was unable to cater for all of them. Male respondents were happy that Nurse Mildred came at the time when she was needed most to sensitize the local community in Bukulu village about the importance of family planning. Other respondents felt sad that without using family planning methods, land wrangles environmental degradation and disharmony in society will not end. Page | 6 Episode Three: Description of the Drama: All respondents understood the story line. The drama depicted Matia as a man struggling with meeting the basic needs of his household due to poor family planning. He had many children that he was unable to provide for thereby asking his young brother Denis to pay their school fees. The respondents also observed that the episode was about a poor father who did not plan well for his family thereby producing many children. As a result one of his sons turned into a thief because he could not afford his school fees. The episode also highlights the benefits of family planning. “It is an episode showing the effects of poor family planning. Matia did not plan for emergencies and the education of his children’ (Male respondent). Key Messages in the Episode: The main messages were that there is need for married or cohabiting couple to use modern family planning methods so as to avoid the challenges that Matia was experiencing. Couples should not produce many children in anticipation of seeking support from close relatives and friends. “Matia was enjoying producing many children yet he could not look after them but only looking up to Denis to cater for them” (Male Respondent) Target Audience: Most respondents identified the target audience as everyone regardless of where they stay or live, those in reproductive age (15-49 years) or have large families whereas a few females mentioned men as the target audience since they influence decisions in a family. Anything Unclear or Confusing in the Episode: Female respondents wondered whether family planning was meant for people who have given birth such as Jovia. They also questioned how Matia’s wife arrived at the Health Center. It was also unclear to male respondents how the policeman knew about the theft of Benson`s goat by Matia`s son. One respondent also said that the episode was unclear about Jovia’s pregnancy arguing that it was not mentioned anywhere in the drama that she was pregnant but she ended up giving birth. Anything Offensive in the Episode: Respondents said that the Matia`s act of shouting at his son Tony was very offensive because he was very rude. Call to Action: The respondents said that the drama was telling them to work hard, plan for every pregnancy and listen to the advice of friends just like Jovia listened to Nurse Mildred to adopt modern family planning methods. Page | 7 “The drama calls upon us to plan for the future by using family planning methods” (Female Respondent) Another male respondent said that the drama calls upon men to be firm when talking about family planning unlike what Matia did. The respondents also said that the drama tells them to save and plan for family uncertainties. “It calls upon us to be honest and always fulfill our promises not like Matia who failed to deliver Hajji’s bricks yet he had received advance payment’’ (Male Respondent) The respondents also said that the drama cautions them not go for loans before they plan on how to use them in order to avoid the implications. Is the message in the drama convincing enough for you to act upon it? All female respondents said that the message in the drama was convincing enough for them to start using modern family planning methods. “As a mother it would help me discuss with my husband the consequences of not using modern family planning methods” (Female Respondent) Most male respondents said the drama addresses both the advantages of using family planning methods and the consequences of not planning your family. However two of them said that the drama seemed to be unfocussed because it covers very many issues at the same time. One male respondent said that the drama is not convincing to him because it only concentrates on modern family planning methods without highlighting other natural methods that can be helpful. Male respondents also noted that the messages about modern family planning did not come out clearly and would not be easily understood by people with low levels of education. Feelings of the Respondents During and After the Dramatic Readings: Male respondents laughed especially at the point where Hajji came for his money and where Matia finally accepted his wife to use modern family planning methods. The respondents also felt sorry for Matia because he was facing a lot of problems as a result of having many children. Another respondent said the drama made him happy because it was educative and highlighted real life challenges that families face as a result of not using modern family planning methods. “This is what is exactly happening in my village where you find couples struggling with life because of not using modern family planning methods” (Male Respondent) Improvements Suggested for Episode Three: Female respondents suggested that the episode should focus more on dispelling myths about modern family planning methods and providing accurate information. Page | 8 “There are many people in my village who think that contraceptives cause barrenness and deformed babies so the drama should give us more information on the truth” (Female Respondent). Respondents also suggested that a video should be developed out of the drama so that more people become interested in watching the story as it unfolds. Conclusion: The objectives of the pretest exercise were achieved in that the mobilized respondents in Luwero gave the research team valuable feedback on the Nurse Mildred drama episodes two and three. Generally, the messages in the two episodes were understood well and perceived as precise by most respondents. However a number of comments and proposed changes that were made on the two episodes need to be addressed before final production and broadcasting of the radio drama. All the proposed changes are highlighted in the report. Page | 9