14 Module 10 - Operational Information

Module 10: Operational Information
Equipment and Operation Plan
For each phase of mining, identify the type or method of mining; engineering techniques; major equipment to
be used; starting point; and the anticipated sequence in which the phases are to be mined. Key this to
Module 9 Operations Map.
Pit Dimensions Backfilling and Grading
Identify the maximum highwall height.
If the type or method of mining is contouring or modified block cut mining, identify the maximum length
of open cut and if more than 1 500 linear feet of open cut is proposed, include an analysis
demonstrating that the additional distance is needed (e.g. size or amount of equipment) and provide a
schedule for removal of coal and completion of backfilling and grading.
If the type or method of mining is open pit mining, identify the maximum length and width of the open
cut and provide a schedule for removal of coal and backfilling and grading for each phase of mining.
Existing Structures
Identify and describe the intended use of all existing structures or facilities to be used in connection with or to
facilitate coal mining activities. (Common existing structures include impoundments, stream crossing
facilities, water obstructions and coal processing waste dams.) Provide plans which describe the current
condition of the structure and demonstrate compliance with applicable regulations covering the structure.
Final Grade and Drainage
Identify the final grade and drainage pattern, including postmining topographic contours on Module 18, and
describe compaction and stabilization techniques. Operations involving steep slopes (greater than 20') must
include a stability analysis.
Modifications to Approximate Original Contour
Where the proposed final grade is other than approximate original contour, provide justification for the
alternate reclamation proposal. Include a detailed description of the factors which prevent restoration to
approximate original contour as well as plans and cross sections which describes the alternate reclamation
and demonstration that the proposed final contour is consistent with the proposed postmining land use.
Alternate reclamation proposals for areas which have been previously mined and unreclaimed must include
a demonstration of the environmental benefit so of reaffecting the area.
Reclamation Cost
Provide an estimate of the cost of each stage of reclamation for each phase of mining. include operational
costs per hour of each major piece of equipment, number of operating hours required, the costs of materials,
revegetation, and the costs of removal of diversions, impoundments, structures and equipment.
Reclamation Timetable
Provide a timetable for the accomplishment of each major step in the reclamation plan.
Identification of Acid-Forming and Toxic-Forming Spoil
Identify acid and toxic forming materials (boney, rider veins or other strata) which will be encountered and
separately handled. (Reference these strata as to their location and thickness within the drill holes presented
in Module 7.1.
Special Handling of Acid-Forming and Toxic-Forming Spoil
Provide a detailed description of the methods to be used in the separation and handling of acid and toxic
forming materials including separation of the material from the coal or overburden, storage, treatment and
return of the material to the backfill. Identify the placement and compaction techniques and other methods to
preclude combustion of the material and prevent groundwater contamination. (Show location of acid and
toxic forming material placement on Exhibit 9.)
Oil and Gas Wells
Where surface mining activities are proposed to be conducted within 125 feet of any oil or gas well identify
the location on Exhibit 6.2 and 9 and provide a description of the activity. Provide a demonstration that the
well has been sealed; or describe the measures to be taken to insure the integrity of the well, access to the
well at all times and the well operator's consent to the proposed activity.
10.11. Utilities
Where proposed surface mining activities may adversely affect services provided by oil, gas, and water
wells; oil, gas, and coal slurry pipelines; railroads; electric and telephone lines; and water and sewage lines,
provide a demonstration of the measures which will be taken to minimize or prevent these impacts. If
excavating will occur within l00 feet of a pipeline, attach a copy of the notification sent to the pipeline owner
which describes precautionary measures to be taken. (Any proposal for conducting mining activities within a
underground utility line right-of-way or easement must include the written approval of the utility. In the
absence of a defined right-of-way, the Department will assume a restricted area of 25 feet on each side of
the underground utility line unless a waiver to affect closer is provided by the utility.)
Wells, Exploration Holes and Bore Holes
Identify the type and location of each well, exploration hole or bore hole and provide a description of the
manner in which each will be cased, sealed or otherwise managed.
Underground Mines
Where proposed surface mining activities will occur within 500 feet of any point of either an active or
abandoned underground mine provide the following:
A description of the nature, timing, and sequence of the operation in relation to the underground
Identification of the location of each underground mine opening and the manner in which the
opening will be sealed or other wise managed including appropriate cross-sections and design
specifications for all mine seals.
A description of the potential hydrologic impacts of the proposed activities including those
resulting from dewatering of any mine pools, the effects on the existing groundwater system and
an analysis of the potential creation of deep mine pools.
A demonstration of the effect the proposed activities will have upon improved resource recovery,
abatement of pollution or the elimination of hazards to the health and safety of the public.
Four copies of the form "Surface Mining near Underground Mines – MSHA Coordination" (form
number 5600-PM-MR0026). The Department will forward this form to MSHA as necessary. Note
that the Department and MSHA must jointly approve mining activities within 500 feet of an active
underground mine. The Department must approve mining activities within 500 feet of an
abandoned underground mine.
Public Roads
Where surface mining activities are proposed to be conducted within 100 feet of the outside right-of-way of a
public road, or a relocation of a public road is proposed, identify the name and section of the public road
involved, a description of the activities to be conducted and detailed plans and cross sections of the
proposed activities. Identify what measures will be taken to maintain public safety. include the written
approval of the governments enc having jurisdiction over the road.
(Note: If the initial public notice advertisement does not contain a notice of the variance request, attach the
proof of publication for advertisement of the variance.
Public Parks and Historic Places
Where the proposed surface mining activities may adversely affect any public park or historic place, provide
a demonstration of the measures which will be taken to minimize or prevent the seismic acts.
Fire HazardsICombustive Materials
Will any material constituting a potential fire hazard be deposited within the proposed permit area?
If “yes” provide a detailed description of the materials and a description of the contingency plans to prevent
the sustained combustion of these materials.
Storage Tanks
Will any aboveground storage tanks be located within the proposed permit area?
If "yes", how many?
A "Mining Tank Inventory Report" form (5600-FM-MR0449) must be completed and submitted for each tank
identified in this section as part of this application or within 45 days of installation of the tank. More
information is available in the Technical Guidance "Aboveground Storage Tanks on Coal Mine Permit Areas",
TGD No. 563-2112-101.
If aboveground fixed fuel or chemical storage tanks will be on site, identify the location on Exhibit 9
Operations Map and provide details on the following:
1) Procedure for leak detection
2) Appropriate security to prevent vandalism
3) A plan for routine maintenance and record keeping
4) Practices to avoid spills and overfilling
5) Labeling or marking the components of the tank system
6) A plan for tank closure
7) A cleanup plan in the event of a spill including the name and telephone number of the person to be
notified in the event of a leak or spill and contacts for the local emergency medical unit.
Are any underground storage tanks located on this site?
(Note: Underground storage tanks are subject to the requirements of the Storage Tanks and Spill
Prevention Act.)
If "yes" provide a description of each and identify the location(s) on the Exhibit 9 Operations Map.
Continuous Miner/Highwall Miner/Auger Miner Operations
Where proposed in conjunction with other surface mining activities provide:
the name of the coal vein(s) to be mined and its thickness;
identify the size, depth and spacing of the holes;
provide a description of the hydrologic conditions of the proposed operational area including
groundwater elevations and flow characteristics. Reference all drill logs, wells and springs used in this
identify the nature, timing and sequence of operations for coal extraction holes within 500 feet,
measured horizontally, of any active or abandoned underground mine; (Note: Before mining within 500
feet of the boundary of an active underground mine can be authorized, MSHA approval of the
operation plans must be submitted to the Department.)
identify the type and source of material to be used to seal the openings. Include the depth of the seal,
and a description of the methods by which the seal will be installed;
if mining in the vicinity of barrier/variance areas, identify how the barrier/variance limits will be
Coal Refuse Reprocessing (i.e. surface mining a coal refuse bank/pile)
Provide a plan for disposal of reject material. Specify the thickness, anticipated volume, compaction
techniques and type of equipment to be used. Show the location of the disposal areas on Exhibit 9
and 18.
Provide cross-sections with elevations or dimensions (and contour maps if necessary) showing
placement of reject material and existing and final surface configuration. Specify maximum grade to be
achieved on the disposal area.